matriarchial · 10 years
She’s not used to being defeated. It clouds her judgement.
Oleg Petrovsky about Aria T’Loak
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matriarchial · 10 years
aria jerks to the side to avoid the webbing she assumes is meant to trap her, only for the webs to stretch over the entrance to the hallway. a quick glance backwards assesses the situation, going through her arsenal of abilities to pinpoint something that she can try to get the barrier down. carnage-enhanced bullets would tear this barrier to shreds, but when she reaches for her gun, what lies there is an empty holster, her fingertips running through air. this is the power of memories; taking away anything that doesn`t belong there while hardly changing the biology of the participants. more biotic flares can get her out of here, she`d just have to survive the cool down between each release.
it`s certainly doable.
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"you`re willing to die for pleasure?" aria replies, head tilting to the side. even if the topic is sex, she sees similarities in her own thirst for power, power in all things, even in a minute scenario such as this. something occurs to her; this woman obviously has useful abilities. maybe she can stretch the benefits to outside of the memories and into reality. "i admit, the thought of ripping that thorax of yours apart with my own hands is arousing, but only momentarily satisfying. how about you work for me outside of this memory and i`ll let you enjoy me as much as you`d like."
the implication of pleasure at whatever convenience, should that not tantalize this spider?
Three String Act / ✵Jorōgumo / lowvoicedradiohost and matriarchial
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matriarchial · 10 years
excuses, excuses, all dismissed with a wave of a hand.
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"save it. i don`t actually care about that little racist remark of yours, but i would count myself lucky you`re not anywhere else in the galaxy, if i were you."
humans learns how to harvest energy and suddenly they all think they run the universe.
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"Hm?" And the sight in front of him really took him by surprise.
"No offense! Really!" Hisao stated nervousness being hinted on his tone.
"I meant as a foreigner. So that makes me an alien too… hehehe…" 
And Hisao thinks he has pissed it off.
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matriarchial · 10 years
somehow both of them are on the same page, which makes the conversation much easier. he certainly doesn`t look as fragile as the other citizens within the vicinity, although other larger races can definitely consider the asari diminutive in size, but the sharpness in her eyes suggest another depth of character—something she could almost say about him if his eyes held more life.
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aria shakes her head with a small chuckle. "you`re a mystery yourself, with those ears and that skin. you`re not entirely human, are you?" she pauses, then waves her hand. "either way, i haven`t encountered anything that fits your description exactly. not in citadel space, at least."
imagine the curious little look a certain salarian scientist would have if he came upon this man. she can almost hear him talking on for days.
"as for myself... a quick search on the extranet will tell you i`m asari. i`d charge for that information, but... it`s a bit of common knowledge."
So far he didn’t have to answer any complicated questions; he was never talkative, at least, not in the afterlife. But unfortunately for the citizens of this strange city, they met with him in a bad time of his afterlife, but nobody bothered to question his sick skin colour or his glowing eyes and massive armour. His runeblade was gone, which merely added to his annoyed mood. Either way, this female seemed to be skipping the casual, over the top greetings and formalities that Koltira hated as well; they could get along.
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He couldn’t help but smirk, as much as his mouth allowed him to do. “Koltira Deathweaver”, he nodded in acknowledgment. “I do not think that I have encountered someone like you before. You do not look human, not with that skin colour or head shape.”
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matriarchial · 10 years
arms crossed over her chest. "yeah, some people really are aliens."
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"Murder? People here are truly aliens…" 
He really doesn’t understand and he’s scared. 
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matriarchial · 10 years
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matriarchial · 10 years
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So SickeNYANgly Uptight by tilhe
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matriarchial · 10 years
a mastery of the mind is evolution`s gift to the asari race, leaving the asari completely aware it`s all a memory. even if it weren`t and she were to be thrust into the situation of viewing her daughter`s coffin, a similar reaction of quiet detachment would have occurred either way. what really leaves a bad taste in her mouth is the power for these scientists to bring up such a private memory after she`d guarded her conscience for centuries from intrusion; only associates on a certain level could trespass upon the grounds of her mind, not just any stranger of hive city.
so when she hears a voice carrying a familiar tone, aria`s not very surprised.
the footsteps behind her come to a halt, suggesting that the human specter is opting to keep her distance. how fitting of her to be so considerate on asari grounds, where the culture is built on communal living and peaceful harmony. aria`s infamy resonates even within asari space, not for her actions, but for her emphasis on individualism over the egalitarian nature the asari tend to have. shepard`s pooling empathy can make her fit right in here.
oh, but she has to reveal a truth, right? that`s how this game works; allow the truth to come to light and free they`ll both be to go on with their business. without turning, she verbally acknowledges jane shepard in her memory.
"i never wanted a daughter."
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a pause, then she adds, "but when she was born, i could feel that nauseating motherly joy. her name was liselle."
codex: liselle [CLOSED TO JANE SHEPARD]
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matriarchial · 10 years
                                  If living means bowing down to the                             likes of you bastards, I’d rather die on my                                       [ feet ] with my ʜᴇᴀᴅ ʜᴇʟᴅ ʜɪɢʜ.
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matriarchial · 10 years
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matriarchial · 10 years
what other people would consider a topic full of boredom is music to her ears. so he did have something to present; what an absolute delight. word of her recruitment also seems to spread around without much effort on her part, meaning the walls have ears, and these ears are armed and looking for money. the smile spreading on aria`s lips are friendly enough, but her eyes are piercing, alight with awareness.
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"you don`t say," aria replies, crossing her arms over her chest. "you certainly don`t look like the suit and tie type… can you do anything else besides shoot a gun?"
really, a gun is all she needs, but the more skilled a mercenary is, the more likely she`ll keep them close by her side.
matriarchial started following you
"Ah, yeah. Heard you were in my line of work. The kind that usually details money and a lot of people with shortened life expectancies."
He snapped out of it for a minute, realizing that if he was going to get anywhere with bodacious blue here, he’d have to start with work, first.
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matriarchial · 10 years
instead, aria`s eyes are the ones that widen in mesmerizing surprise as skin gives way to the limbs of a spider. the jorogumo spoke the truth when she stated she wasn`t human, something aria could only assume was some sort of reaper technology from her past encounters given she still retained human form, but the asarai had never heard of reapers reproducing or engaging in any sort of sexual act. this woman, this creature, is entirely something unheard of lingering in citadel space. her discovery could even aid the human race... if she were interested in giving that information out for free.
as aria`s wrists and ankles are bound in the web, she lets out a hiss through her teeth. her eyes furrow in frustration as she tugs at the web, only to be entangled further—the physical properties of a spider`s web are tenfold to match the increase in size. the woman was about the same height, perhaps shorter in her human form; now, the asari dwarfs in comparison to the creature in its entirety. as the jorogumo picks at the material of her suit, aria`s body radiates with the same blue energy as before—instead, this time is not for show or intimidation. a white-blue white envelopes her eyes as she shoots out a biotic flare in the general radius, releasing her biotic power, both as a means to maybe disintegrate the web from the sheer force of three hundred newtons (and to push the jorogumo away) and to see exactly how powerful this memory can be. maybe the weakness in the memory lies in the fact that it is, indeed, her memory and not one of an asari.
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Three String Act / ✵Jorōgumo / lowvoicedradiohost and matriarchial
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matriarchial · 10 years
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matriarchial · 10 years
a little small psa;
i just want to apologize if (more like i AM lmao) i`m slow at responding to threads on here and on petra. i seem to like taking on more than i can handle apparently!? since i`ve actually lost count on how many threads i`ve got going on at all. if i don`t get to your reply in a week, it`s totally fine to shoot me a message to remind me. i`m a premed student with a part time job and volunteer a lot, so roleplaying sometimes slips through the cracks orz
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matriarchial · 10 years
more stares, and it`s not like this being belonged to any race she`s aware of in citadel space. it`s not to say he couldn`t exist—his own kind could simply not have evolved enough to work a space ship to reach the citadel in the first place. whatever the reason, his features earns a few seconds of her time for consideration. his inquiry is direct, something aria actually prefers; not many things hold her interest for long.
"i could say the same, with you staring first."
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his eyes hold questions—everyone does. hive city is outside of terminus space, and aria doesn`t judge ignorance if there`s an attempt to remedy it.
"aria t`loak."
Koltira stared at the stranger in front of him for a few moments; he guessed that she was a female, but she didn’t belong to a race that he encounter before. Her light skin and weird head shape reminded him of the Dranei, but he doubted that this was the case, judging from her strange clothes as well.
"Who are you?", he simply asked. He wasn’t exactly known for his patience, being undead made him colder, quite literally.
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matriarchial · 10 years
perhaps the fact that any asari finds a human as indistinguishable as the next is more rude than her staring, but the most insulting thing a stranger can do is indifference. even when armed with nothing but a toy as a weapon, she still manages to get glances, murmurs in the crowd, and these humans elicit the kind of reaction she would receive from anyone in the terminus system, but these constant looks and shifting eyes were earned from cold, hard sweat and dripping blood—
they`re only looking because she looks different.
aria had rules. she didn`t particularly mind the staring, but they could only last five seconds before she had to intervene, maybe more if they started from behind her back. she`s just enjoying a nice sandwich, savoring the human cuisine she`s lucky she can ingest given her biology. crunch. one. two. three.
swallows her bite. four. five.
that woman is still staring.
finally, aria`s head turns, her eyes piercing without even meaning to.
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"do you need something?" aria calls out. "keep staring and i`ll have to charge you."
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matriarchial · 10 years
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