material girl!
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Savannah Sparks. 25. Baker. Model. Socialite. 
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materialgirlsavvy · 3 years ago
Savannah’s plans had been cancelled last minute and she was craving something to do now. She didn’t have to be up early the next morning for any meetings or interviews so she wanted to make the most out of her free time. Dressed to the nine in a brand new outfit, high heels stomp the ground of the main lobby. “Please tell me someone is here who is actually not boring and wants to have a little fun! My driver can take us anywhere, just saying.”
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materialgirlsavvy · 3 years ago
sorry for having great tits and correct opinions on everything. as if its my fault
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materialgirlsavvy · 3 years ago
was that [ SYDNEY SWEENEY  ] spotted in the lobby of the infamous arconia hotel? must just be, [ SAVANNAH SPARKS ] the [ TWENTY FOUR ] year old [ MODEL ]. whenever i hear [ MATERIAL GIRL BY MADONNA ] it reminds me of them. they are known for being [ DITZY ] and [ SELF-ABSORBED ] but they make up for that by being [ BUBBLY ] and [ CONFIDENT ]. they have been living at the arconia for [ ONE YEAR  ]. we do hope they keep their music at a reasonable level.
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Full Name: Savannah Delilah Sparks
Nickname: S, Savvy, Sav
Age: 24
Birthdate: February 24th
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia
Current residence:  New York, New York
Occupation: Part time college student, social media influencer & model
LIKES: anything sweet, stuffed animals, a good book, sweet tea, lemonade, Starbucks, baking, knitting, crafting, shopping, fashion, skirts, dresses, bows and ribbons, Sunday brunches, private limo rides, Christmas in the city, daddy’s credit card
DISLIKES:  spicy/tart food, sleeping in past your alarm, bad hair/makeup days, canceled plans, getting spoiled for the end of a book or show, not understanding a joke, being yelled at, people saying she is dumb, bad papperazi pictures 
An actual southern peach with the CUTEST accent
Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia - she is the only child to two loving parents. To put it simply, she has never struggled….ever. Her mom is a professional baker (think Pioneer woman) and her father is a neurosurgeon. The entire Sparks family comes from old money so everybody in relation to them? Always had their pockets stuffed.
Being an only child meant constantly being spoiled and given anything you could possibly imagine. Little Savvy had the nicest clothes, toys, birthday parties, and Christmas presents any kid would dream about.
The adorable blonde caught everybody’s attention the second she walked in a room, even from a young age. Her out of this world personality and charisma made her perfect to compete for beauty pageants. So, she began to participate in them at the age of five. It didn’t take long for her to win the hearts of the judges and for her to win ribbons and trophies. By the time she was a teenager, their family had a whole separate room in their house just dedicated to her shrine of winnings. Miss Savannah was becoming quite the southern bell and America’s sweetheart. Her biggest accomplishment was winning Miss America at the age of eighteen!
LBR....this def went to her head (even if she doesn’t want to admit to it).
When she was fifteen, her small family moved from Atlanta to New York. Her dad got a promising job offer at a hospital in the big apple, plus her mother had some more business opportunities that she could accomplish. Even though Sav was sad about leaving her life in Georgia behind, she didn’t have much trouble adjusting to living in New York. With her background in pageants and her mom being one of the most well known reality TV cooks, everybody wanted to be her friend it seemed. Well more like people just wanted to say they were her friend.
After graduating from high school, Savannah decided to take a few years off as a sort of “gap year turned few years of trying to discover herself” aka I’m going to go off the grid and use part of my savings and daddy’s credit card to go and just vibe and go wherever I want! Savannah did lots of traveling from the ages of eighteen and twenty three. Her most favorite places she traveled to were Italy and Tokyo. She had so much fun and truly enjoyed herself.
While she was over traveling, she picked up quite the partying habit. She never really went out much during her high school days but this was so much different now. 
Moved back to the city and into her own penthouse room at the Arconia hotel.  She’s currently working full time being a social media influencer and model.
 She has grown a decently strong following on her Instagram/Youtube/TikTok accounts where she posts mostly her day to day life but also lifestyle, fashion, and baking
To keep her parents happy, she even promised them she’d enroll in some college classes to keep herself well rounded. The girl is an undeclared major as of right now and taking introductory classes to see what she might enjoy the most. She’s excited about English courses but is scared for science or math, that isn’t her strong suit!
Her favorite color is baby pink
Sunflowers are her favorite flowers
Macaroons and cupcakes can cure even the worst days for her
Goes to Starbucks literally everyday and is always hype when she seasonal items come out. Sweet cream cold foam? SHE ADORES IT
When she was in school, Savannah was a cheerleader and a flyer. If you tell her that cheerleading isn’t a sport, she will get very mad!!!
Is 1000000% a ditz. She means well but was 100% the kind of girl who asked to copy your homework before class started. Some stuff can simply fly over her head without her even realizing it.
Hasn’t ever really dated, mostly had temporary flings with guys who only really liked her for her body.  Pretty much a hopeless romantic, that steaming from being apart of a pretty strict household.
Coming soon.
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materialgirlsavvy · 3 years ago
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materialgirlsavvy · 3 years ago
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materialgirlsavvy · 3 years ago
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𝐬𝐲𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬 *⋆ ฺ࿐♡
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