matchakennedy · 2 days
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no way first lookbook hai :3
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matchakennedy · 8 months
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[this is one of my first timed writing a smut.. So please bare with me. FEEDBACK WOULD BE GREAT!]
[cw; P in V. Soft Leon. Hickeys. Aftercare king! Smut. Praising. Could be an age gap, but not intended for. Petnames such as, baby and doll. Releases inside. Stomach bulge mentioned. Nails digging into skin. AND IDK WHAT ELSE I'M SORRY IF I MISS SOMETHING.]
Leon pulls away, taking off your underwear and tossing them across the room. You laugh softly at his eagerness which made Leon smile. "Your laugh.. I missed hearing that." He admits. "You know.." Leon brings his hand down between the two of you, running his fingers tenderly through your slit. The smile stained across his face and he grabbed hold of his length, rubbing it against your folds to lubricate himself. You let out a soft moan while keeping your eyes on the way his hair fell in front of his face and his face lights up. "I was thinking.. about retiring.." He murmurs as the warmness and the juices you had against yourself made his length even more hard. The tingling feeling between your thighs made you arches slightly.
He looked down at your sweaty face and the smile you held. Your hand reaches up and cups his face, bringing him down into a soft kiss which he returned. You hum into the kiss as your hands fall down to his sides, digging your nails into them slightly as he positioned himself in front of your entrance. Leon pulls away from the kiss when you moan softly from the connection. "We're getting older now, so I think we should spend our time together.. Peacefully."
"Maybe spend our time.. Like this." He grins playfully as he pulls you slightly closer. He was now on his knees in front of the bed, having one of your legs held up to his chest as he softly stroked it. He slowly pushes himself inside, stretching you out painfully slow. You moan quietly as he pushes himself deeper into you, holding back the urge to speed up already. Leon pushed himself fully in with an agonizing pace. He grunts once he was balls deep inside, feeling your walls clench and twitch around his length. A sigh leaves his mouth as he feels your insides and the moan that leaves your mouth causes him to make slow movements. He starts to thrust his hips as his hand caresses your leg that rested on his chest. He often planted kisses upon it as he moved inside you— grunting as he did so.
"Baby.." You murmur out, reaching your hand out to bring him closer which he obeyed. He let your leg fall over his thigh, bringing himself closer. His one hand rested on the bed while the other strokes though your hair gently. He liked the closeness while the two of you had sex. It was sweet to him how you liked him close. I
"I can't believe you're mine." Leon whispers to you and leaning down to capture your lips onto his. He pulls away from the kiss while biting his lip. He places his hand onto the headboard— which he knew drove you crazy— starting to move a little faster now. "You're doing amazing, baby.." He says as your moans fill the room. The moans that brought Leon closer to his release. He leans himself down and wraps his lips around your harden nipple. Your hands find his hair, tugging at it and a groan leaves his mouth. The vibrations of his mouth around your nipple and the faster movements made you let out a groan of pleasure. He didn't even have any words to say since he was to drunk of the way your walls sucked him in. The way your hands tug into his hand and your nails scratching against his scalp. He missed this too much.
"God. You're so fucking amazing, doll." Leon says once he lifts his mouth off your nipple, placing his hands on your waist to pull you against him even more, reaching the deeper parts of your insides. He watched as your stomach grew from his length pushing in and out. His eyes light up as he bites down onto his bottom lip while listening to all the moans you let out. "Yeah.." He pauses, digging his nails into your waist, letting out a groan. "Keep making those noises for me.' He growls, suddenly speeding up his thrusts which made the noises louder. The wet noises coming from your arousal made would be stuck in Leon's head the next time his gone too. He started to feel your walls clench around him, which indicated that you were getting close to your climax. He grunts while he does his best to make your release the top priority; as he usually did. "C'mon baby.. Just like that. C'mon.." He whispers to you while letting his nails release you. He leans down and starts to leave hickeys against your neck, not really caring how noticable they'll be if you went out. "You are everything I've ever wanted.." He mumbles against your neck. His words set you off. You released yourself against his length which almost made him release after, but he held back. He couldn't give this up yet.
"You want me to fill you up?" Leon asked with a smile. You could see the sweat falling from his forehead, his dirty blonde strands sticking to his skin as he pants. His thrusts don't give up, pushing you through your release. You agree with his comment, giving him a breathy "Uhhuh!"
"Wanna make you a mama.." He whispers against your skin once he has the permission, running his hand between you guys, placing it on your stomach. "You'd look so fucking beautiful.. Carrying my baby.. The way you'll be so sensitive to everything.. God." His hand softly rubs against your stomach as his grunts in your ear make you crazy. He raises himself up as his thrusts start to become sloppy, his face admiring yours. "You won't have to touch a god damn thing once that test becomes positive." He says to you, pulling himself out of your entrance and shoving himself back in. This set him over the edge, spilling his release himself inside. He kept himself in there for a few seconds to make sure it all stays in.
He pulls himself out, a soft moan leaves your mouth from the empty feeling and the liquids falling from your hole. The bed beneath your folds were soaked. Leom admired as he watched his cum drip from you. He couldn't have that happening. You suddenly feel Leon's finger shove into your entrance. "Gotta make sure it stays in there.." He grins up at you before standing up fully. "Thank you, baby." He whispers tenderly, leaning over and kissing your forehead. "Stay here." He says, taking off from the bedroom.
After a few minutes, Leon comes back to you and picks you up gently from the bed. Your nose caught the scent of the candles you bought a few days ago and you smile at him. "What kind of man would I be if I didn't take care of you after this?" He asks, bringing you into the bathroom. The bathroom was dark and the only thing illuminating the place was the candles. He set you down on your feet, holding your hands as he stepped into the tub. "Here." He says, sitting himself down first so you could sit between his legs.
You happily take your seat and the warm water made you let out a content sigh. You were comfortable and felt relaxed after everything. Leon's arms wrap around you, his hands softly rub your tummy while he nuzzles into your neck. "Not gonna stop until that test comes back positive, by the way." He says in a soft tone. He was always a needy baby after sex. "It'll give me a good reason to retrie and be home with you every single day. This damn job is gonna kill me one day and I can't have that happening without starting a family first." Leon says softly. You knew he was telling the truth and you knew he'd leave his job in a heart beat.
You turn around slightly to look at his face. A smile appears on your face. "Then I guess it's a promise." You say, bringing up your pinky figure. "You promise not to give up on making that test positive and I promise to try keep you alive during my pregnancy." You tease.
"Baby, you won't be able to kill me. But I promise to keep up with all your emotions during it." Leon says, bringing his own pinky finger to your and wrapping it around. He leans in to kiss you while the two of you hold pinkies. "To make it even stronger." He smirks before relaxing himself in the tub. You had a feeling that a family between you will be starting soon and you didn't mind that. Leon was the love of your life and you were his. The family life is something you've thought about since you married him. You also know that you're getting older and eventually need to have your kids before it's too late.
Leon's hands reach towards your thighs and his fingers slowly enter into you without a warning, causing you to gasp. "So.. How about a round two, hm?"
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matchakennedy · 10 months
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[this is one of my first timed writing a smut.. So please bare with me. FEEDBACK WOULD BE GREAT!]
[cw VERY soft dom? SMUT?! idk what to put but i see everyone put it.]
It was late evening and Leon was just getting home from work. His hands were dirty and his clothes were full of whatever juices the Bioweapons release. Quite frankly he was a mess. Your eyes turn to him and immediately you start to worry. "Baby! Are you okay?" You ask, going over to him and placing your hands on his upper arms. You start to check him out a little more to see if any of the liquids on him were leaking from his body, but nothing.
"I'm fine." He murmurs, leaning down and planting a soft kiss upon your forehead. "I'm gonna go shower and then we can eat together. Would you mind putting my clothes in the washer?" He asks, starting to strip himself of his clothes. This was a normal occurrence, seeing him butt naked around your apartment. You give him a nod, taking his clothes and throwing them into the washer. You start the machine and continue cooking one of Leon's favourite meals. Whenever he was gone for a few days, you always spoiled him rotten. New clothes, favourite foods, massage and letting him worship your body. He loved the noises you make while the two of you were intimate. It always made him wanting more. It was getting a bit late and the potatoes were just getting soft in the water now.
Leon shows up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you against him. He burries his head into your neck and inhales your scent, something he always remembers while away for a while. "Baby.." He whispers against your neck, planting a soft kiss exactly where he knows you'll make a soft gasping noise. You did exactly that.
"I missed that pretty noise you make." Leon brings his hands down to your hips and pulls your bum against his erection. Of course a soft laugh leaves your mouth at how needy he is. "Can I..?" He asks, playing with the strings of your pyjama pants. You give him an agreeing nod which triggers Leon to turn off the stove. "C'mon." He says, picking you up without any trouble and placing you over his shoulder. You let out a gasp at how fast his movement was but there was no stopping Leon. "Leon! Shouldn't we eat first?" You ask, assuming he was hungry for food but you we're very wrong. He was fast while walking up the stairs, you were basically bouncing up and down while he walked. He brings you into your bedroom and opens the door with his foot since both his hands were supporting you. He really just wanted to keep his hands on you.
"I can't wait, I'm sorry, Baby. But please use our safe word if it gets too much, alright. I've missed you so god damn much." He drops you down onto the bed in a gentle manner and smiles down at you with the most loving eyes a man can have. He brings his hands down to your hips and holds them so gently despite how desperate he is to make you feel good. He always had to prepare and make sure you're feeling the same way— you definitely were. The heat was already rising in your skin and the tingling feeling in your below area. The picture of him down between your thighs had you going crazy. The way he absolutely devours you all while keeping eye contact every singe time, made you even more aroused. "You're so beautiful." He whispers while keeping his eyes on your face, rather than your body. He loved everything about you and his favourite thing was your face. You could be absolutely naked and he'd still appreciate your face more. The reason is all the reactions you give while he's pleasuring you.
His hands slowly snake their way up your shirt which causes you to shiver, sending a pulse down Leon's length. A soft hum leaves his mouth as he reaches your breasts, revealing that you weren't wearing a bra as he expected. You were only lounging around the house so why would you? His fingers softly press against your soft nipple, which slowly progressed on getting harder as he rubbed his thumbs against them. The soft gasps leaving your mouth and the way your body reacted to his touch, encouraged him to continue. His head dips down and catches a nipple through your shirt, sucking on it and craving for the taste of your skin but didn't want to rush into things in order to give you the best experience.
"Leon.. You can take it off." You tell him as his head perks up like a dog. He wastes no time lifting the shirt over your head and throwing it to the floor of your bedroom. His head drops once again, capturing your now bare nipple into his mouth. A groan leaves his throat as he feels the softness of your skin and the harden nipple in his mouth. The sensation made him feel like on cloud 9 and he was only at your breasts. His tongue slightly flicked against your nipple, teasing and pleasuring you all at the same time. He pulled away with a smile, moving onto your other nipple with the same idea in mind. His lips press against you, sucking against your nipple with tender care while his other hand rolled your opposite nipple between his fingers. The sounds of his grunts and the hand placement cause you to moan which pulled Leon away. He didn't wanna wait longer.
He slowly starts peppers kisses down from your chest and to your stomach. Soft noises escape your mouth and your hand finds his dirty blonde strands. A gentle groan leaves his mouth at the contact. He then gets down onto his knees for a more comfortable angle to pleasure you, growing even more impatient. He slowly removes your pyjama pants and looks up at you. His eyes are asking for consent even if he's gotten it many times. He's been waiting all week to see you, to hear you and feel you. A soft sigh leaves your mouth and you nod your head which caused a loud gasp to leave your mouth. Leon grabs hold of your thighs, pulling you close to him. "Thank you, baby. I love you so much." He murmurs, starting to plant soft kisses upon both of your thighs, leaving lovebites while being as gentle as he could be. A soft gasp escapes your lips as you feel the tip of his nose presses against your clothed clit, inhaling the scent of your arousal while wanting nothing more than to taste you.
His finger pushes aside your panties that stayed on for now. He runs his finger down your folds, making you squirm slightly. "Sorry.." He whispers while softly stroking his finger against your folds tenderly. Your body reacts to his one finger and a soft moan breaks out from your mouth. Leon leans his head down, pressing his lips against your clit. You moan at his contact, running your hand through his hair gently causing him to look up. He removes his lips while his two fingers press against your entrance. "My pretty woman.." He whispers as he slowly pushes his fingers inside, making you moan quietly. "Are you okay?" He asks as his two fingers stay knuckle deep inside you, waiting for your answer.
"Yeah. Keep going." You respond which got a nod from Leon. He slowly starts to pump his fingers in your entrance. His slow movements and the soft noises your entrance makes as his fingers move within makes you close your eyes. The soft moans escaping your mouth as he continues in a gentle manner drives Leon wild. "Leon.." You murmur out within a moan, causing Leon to freeze his movements all together.
That soft whimpering moan of his name made his length twitch. He needed to hear more. He brings his mouth down to your clit, leaving sloppy kisses all over while his fingers start to drive back into your entrance with a faster pace. This of course brought more noises from your mouth, more breathless moans of his voice. He slowly starts to grind his hips again the bed to soothe his stingingly hard length. His head lifts up to lick his lips.
"God.. You are incredible." His fingers continue their movement, "Keep saying my name.. Just like that." He says, leaning back down and continuing his sloppy kisses, devouring you as if it was his last meal. "Missed this so much." He mumbles against your folds, curling his fingers up inside you which caused you to gasp out loud. Leon looks up immediately, his eyes concerned and movements pausing.
"Don't stop.. I'm about to cum." You says, pushing back his hair and giving him a smile. His face was glistening with your arousal and his hand softly stroking your thigh while he gives you a break.
"Anything for you." He responds to you, continuing what he started. His two fingers dig deep into you as he lifts himself up to capture your lips onto his. You could taste yourself on his lips and that almost made you lose control. Your walls tighten around his two thick fingers, indicating that you're close. A grunt is heard between you're sloppy kiss and Leon pulls away roughly. "Baby.. Cum whenever you'd like.." He says, pulling his fingers out before plunging them back in. This sent you over the edge causing you to moan, releasing yourself upon his fingers. Your thighs twitch close against Leon's head, which he loved.
Leon bent down and licked up everything he possibly could, slowly bringing his hand down to his length, stroking to and preparing it for what's to come. "You did amazing, honey.. You tasted amazing as always." He whispers, leaning down to kiss your lips. "Maybe we can continue?" He asks, tilting his head like a dog with the cutest smile. You couldn't say no— not that you were going too anyways.
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