matchaelette-main · 14 days
Writing Advice Posts: A Handy Reference Guide
(Updated 05/2024) Hey all, I’ve got quite a few writing advice posts & answered Asks on my blog at this point, so I’m making this reference guide to make it easier to find what you’re looking for. Hope it helps!
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The Complete Guide to Self-Editing for Fiction Writers is my comprehensive, step-by-step editing guide which you can purchase on my website.
8 Ways to Improve Your Writing
10 Best Books About Writing Fiction
How to Spot Bad Writing Advice: 6 Red Flags to Look For
“Show Don’t Tell”? Not Always. Here’s When to Use Summary
Where and How to Start a Story
More about starting stories
The first sentence
Weak words
Why Just About Every Published Book in the World Does 57 Things That Just About Every Book About Writing Tells You Not to Do
How to Read Like a Writer
How to Write During a Pandemic
4 Ways to Start a Story
The Writing Process, Writer’s Block, & Inspiration
To all the Writers Suffering from Depression
How to Train Yourself to Write Faster
Just a friendly reminder that creativity is difficult to quantify.
Quick Writing Tip: Make a Note to Your Future Self in Your WIP
Quick Writing Tip: Take Notes!
Just a friendly reminder that writing is not always a linear process.
Quick Cure for Writer’s Block: Lower Your Expectations
Set Realistic Goals
Your Skills May Need Time to Catch Up to Your Vision
It’s Okay to Experiment and Be Weird As Fuck
Surround Yourself With Supporters
It’s okay to take a break.
Your First Draft is Raw Material
Getting into “The Zone”
Vomit Brain
Writing from Your Imagination vs. Reality
Dealing with Criticism
Getting Bored with Your Own Writing
Getting past a block
Doing research on topics you don’t have first-hand experience with
Hitting a wall with your WIP? Try writing about it.
How to Keep Yourself From Editing As You Write
Advice for Getting Over a Writing Slump
Dealing with Procrastination
How to Write Like You Used to, Before You Learned Stuff that Fucked Up Your Natural Creative Flow and Turned Your Writing into Boring, Stilted Garbage
Concept: Maybe Your First Draft DOESN’T Suck
How to Deal with Post-Writing Depression
Being Flexible With Your Writing Routine
Reading vs. Writing
Obsessing about word count can be your enemy
Character Development
Creating Character Arcs with the DCAST Method
What Does Your Main Character Want?
How to Activate Your Passive Characters, One Verb at a Time
How to Use Description to Show Character Development
How to Create a Non-Cliched First-Meeting Scene
The “It Depends” Post
Shifting internal goals
When to identify your character’s goal
Writing about normal people with normal problems
If you’re worried about your character being too similar to someone else’s character 
Describing your characters without messing up your pacing
Naming Your Fictional Characters
When Your Character Doesn’t Change
Story, Plot, & Pacing
Quick Plotting Tip: Write Your Story Backwards
Pause at the Threshold
How to Spot an “Info-dump”
Slowing Down the Pace of Your Story Without Boring Your Reader
Time Transitions
How to Create a Non-Cliched First-Meeting Scene
Creating Conflict
When & how to cut a scene
If you’re good at creating characters but awful at creating plot
When you’ve plotted your story but can’t get started
En Media Res
Writing to Your Ideal Reader
Deus Ex Machina
Finding an Ending
What to write between moments of conflict
Starting a story with waking-up scene
How to Know When You’re Done Outlining
Doing a Structural Overhaul on Your Story
How to Find an Ending from a Beginning
Editing Tip: How to Speed Up or Slow Down Your Pacing
Adding Stakes to Your Story
You can burn your story slower than you think
Description, Setting, & Worldbuilding
How to Make Your Descriptions Less Boring
How to Spot an “Info-dump”
Adding Descriptions to Intense Scenes Without Messing Up Your Story’s Flow
How to Use Description to Show Character Development
Worldbuilding: How much is too much?
Modeling your fantasy world from stuff in the real world
Internal Consistency
Utilizing Sound
How to Do World-Building Research
5 Tips for Writing Great Descriptions
Point of View
How to Choose the Right Point of View for Your Story
A Beginner’s Guide to Multiple Point of View
6 Questions to Ask About Your Point of View
How to decide if you should use first person or third person
More point of view basics
Head hopping
How to Head Hop without Head Hopping
What to Do When You’re Halfway Through Your Story and Realize Your POV Isn’t Working
3 Tips to Avoid Overusing “I” in a First Person Story
How to Improve Your Dialogue
3 Ways to Make Your Dialogue More Interesting
Starting a story with dialogue
Are You Using Too Much Stage Direction?
Which is Better: Exposition or Expository Dialogue?
Publishing & Sharing Your Work
7 Tips to Build an Audience for Your Writing
Pros and Cons of Self Publishing
Quick Publishing Tip: Don’t Bury Your Gold
How to Properly Format Your Manuscript for Publication
A warning about posting writing online that you intend to publish later
Advice for writers who are worried about people stealing their work or ideas
Getting feedback on your writing
How to Create a Cover Letter for a Literary Magazine or Journal
How to Make a 3D Mockup of Your Book for Free
A Word of Advice About Critique Groups, Beta Readers, and Other Peer-Based Feedback on Your Writing
When Your Story Gets a Lackluster Response from Readers
10 Questions to Ask an Editor Before Hiring Them
Quick Revision Tip: Read Your Writing Out Loud
How to Keep Yourself From Editing As You Write
Cut the fidgeting
Are you suffering from -ing disease?
Are you Using Too Much Stage Direction?
What “Editing” Really Means
Quick Editing Tip: “That”
Quick Revision Tip: Read Faster
Editing Tip: Dialogue
Tips for Editing a Story
Should You Use a Contract When Hiring an Editor?
Quick Tip: Up & Down
Pre-Editing Checklist
Quick Editing Tip: Passing Time
Deleting the words feel/felt/feeling from your writing
The Difference Between a Semi-Colon and an Em-Dash
Should you become an editor?
…if you find any broken links please let me know and I will fix them!
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matchaelette-main · 15 days
for twenty-year-olds who have never been loved
All of a sudden two decades have passed and you still have not kissed anyone with tongue, or kissed anyone at all for that matter, or had a 3 AM conversation with someone who would rather look into your eyes for ten minutes straight than talk. You have never worn a lover’s sweater or “forgotten” it at home in your bedroom just so you would have an excuse to see them again. You have never even stood face-to-face with someone who makes your hands shake so hard it feels like they’re both having a separate anxiety attack.
This causes you much guilt and self-blame and sadness but above all, an overwhelming curiosity. Are you really that ugly, that unwanted, that uninteresting, that boring, that no one, absolutely no one, has ever looked at you like the only thing on earth?
The answer is no. The better answer is that someone out there, somewhere in the world, is “wondering what it’s like to meet someone like you,” and they have two decades worth of love stored in their veins like a shoot-‘em-up drug, and they’re just about ready to inject it into someone else’s bloodstream. All you have to do is roll up your sleeves and wait for it to happen.
At times you felt so lonely you could stand at the edge of a cliff with nothing beneath you but air and grass and a long, long way down, and you’d still feel emptier than that canyon itself. Maybe you even danced with yourself alone in your room a few times, arms outstretched around a ghost, pretending someone else’s hands were on your waist, someone else’s eyes boring into yours.
Or maybe you fell temporarily in love with strangers on public transportation, fell in love with anybody who so much as accidentally brushed your hand on the way past. For you, falling in love with dozens of people a day was a coping mechanism for not having anyone to love you in return. But people are not eggs and falling in love with a dozen of them does not mean your shell will remain uncracked. One day you’re going to hit the point where you’re so desperate for human contact that you’re going to snap in half and all your love will bleed out like egg yolk.
But someone out there is eating a bowl of Ramen noodles right now, or putting on slippers, or settling into bed. They are doing all the normal things that you’ve done in your own life. They are just like you. They have cellulite and extra fat in all the wrong places and goals and fears and doubts and bad handwriting.
The truth is that they are just like you, and being just like you, they’re looking for a lover too. They’re what you might call a soulmate.
They think they’re all alone in feeling the way they do, but you’re really both two halves of a whole.
And one day you’ll meet them, bump into them on the street, and your two halves will be put together, and you’ll make one.
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matchaelette-main · 2 months
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{Marya Hornbacher from Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia//stay away but come closer via Altusboy on Tumblr}
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matchaelette-main · 2 months
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Jane O. Wayne // Kate Jacobs
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matchaelette-main · 2 months
I am going to take a deep breath and just remind you:
Writing is messy, even for the best authors. It's supposed to feel a little uncomfortable, exhilarating, freeing, natural, and terrifying.
It's supposed to inspire you and feel like a too-heavy backpack.
Sometimes, you're going to love being a writer and sometimes, you'll feel so disconnected, you'll wonder if you were ever a writer to begin with.
Give yourself room to make mistakes and hate your work and return to it with renewed confidence that yes, you will get 1% better next time.
It's what we're all going through. Let's speed up the growing process a little by accepting the entirety of it.
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matchaelette-main · 2 months
Full offense but your writing style is for you and nobody else. Use the words you want to use; play with language, experiment, use said, use adverbs, use “unrealistic” writing patterns, slap words you don’t even know are words on the page. Language is a sandbox and you, as the author, are at liberty to shape it however you wish. Build castles. Build a hovel. Build a mountain on a mountain or make a tiny cottage on a hill. Whatever it is you want to do. Write.
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matchaelette-main · 3 months
'there are no real men anymore. men nowadays are all too feminine, they even look and act like women' where are all these feminine men. where. can you pinpoint them on a map for me. please. can you direct me to them. im begging you. please. please please please pl
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matchaelette-main · 3 months
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matchaelette-main · 3 months
Kaz Brekker:
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matchaelette-main · 3 months
You know those fanfictions hit different when you have school the next day and it's already 3:45 am
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matchaelette-main · 4 months
We don't talk about friendship breakups enough. The ones who just vanished from your life, without a say and any reason. The ones who got envious of you achieving your goals instead of cheering you on. The ones who got into a relationship and now you're no longer part of their life. The ones who stopped reading your messages and asking how you're doing. The ones you realized who never said I love you back, that they’ve missed you too.
k.b. // friendship breakups are just as painful
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matchaelette-main · 4 months
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matchaelette-main · 4 months
“there is no narrative. no redemption arc. these mistakes are mine, forever. there is no journey, no sudden cleanse, the days will build upon each other and. each blur into the other, and the gross mess of sin i see in the the mirror will get sicker and will get sticker and will get worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse.”
this is how life feels at times.
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matchaelette-main · 4 months
girl help i’m having creation ideas above my skill level
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matchaelette-main · 4 months
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matchaelette-main · 4 months
The beautiful thing as you get older is that you realize so many “rules” are made up and you can just do whatever. Posters can go anywhere in the house not just my room. I can sit down while cooking a meal or taking a shower. I can make the same thing for breakfast lunch dinner for a week straight. I can roam around the house shirtless. I can wear a dress with jeans. The world is my oyster key word my and I can live as I please embracing little things such as this
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matchaelette-main · 4 months
please make sure that wherever you’re at in life, you don’t treat it like a transitory period. don’t waste your college years wishing to already be graduated & have a job. don’t waste your single years wishing for someone to be in love with. if/when those things come, they will come in due time and they will be good. but there is nothing like looking back and feeling empty because you wasted literal years ignoring what you had because you were hoping for something better. while it’s important to better yourself and reach for your goals, don’t neglect the present because that’s where you are now and it’s your now that determines your future. 
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