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After 24+ hour grind
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Rahul- Masti
Designathon 2022
Duration: 24 Hours
Team: Rahul Dobhal, Naman Khurana(He was sick馃榾)
Problem Overview
Primary Research
Gathering Insights from the data
Identifying causes
Ideating possible solution
Final Solution
Explanation of the solution
App UI
Problem Overview
Everyone sets goals to achieve. While setting goals is easy, actually accomplishing them is something that is more challenging. There are many hurdles along the way, setbacks, motivation loss, and inability to see the results, to name a few. Our behavior is primarily driven by motivation. Whatever effort we make is because we are motivated to do it. But what if we lose that motivation along the way? What will happen? What are the factors that may lead to losing motivation?
Problem Statement
Design a solution or system for people to be successful in spite of challenges like dealing with setbacks, disability, motivation loss, or any factor that could help them to overcome and become victorious/ successful in their goals.
Understanding the Problem
Only 15% of employees worldwide feel engaged, and these engaged employees are 87% less likely to resign from their companies.
People sense negative feelings when they face setbacks and tend to feel like they can't move further, while missing a single step is not the end of the journey. Motivation loss comes into play when the person cannot find meaning in their actions. We tend to feel motivated to do the task if the challenge is meaningful.
The feeling of being stagnant and repeating the same task every day makes them feel unlively. They fear that they are not growing on personal grounds and then face setbacks and motivation loss. Always trying something new, learning, and growing drives the person to stay motivated. These are the things that a person seeks, even unconsciously. People tend to do more in the future when they see the impact of their solutions or strengths.
Feeling a lack of personal growth leads to disinterest in the things the person is doing.
It also has to do with the organization the person is associated with. Organizations are more concerned about the protocol rather than the individual's personal growth. In these cases, it is very natural for the body to reject the work and lack motivation because our feeling tells us that our human potential is being wasted. While changing how organizations work can be a solution but not a very practical one. Organizations not valuing their strengths and overlooking them can potentially make the person feel bad.
It's practically impossible to change how different organization works; It is possible to change user behavior.
Getting praised for the results and people helping them in personal growth can give extrinsic motivation to continue going. Since extrinsic motivation comes from other people, it is temporary. Seeking extrinsic motivation in the first place can also be challenging.
Helping the person to develop and rely more on intrinsic motivation through various techniques can help him to overcome challenges.
Building connection is essential; The person should be encouraged to connect to their work and the outcomes. If there is a good connection, they are likely to put more effort into it in the future.
One more thing that plays a vital role in the personal growth of the person is the alignment of the values of the person and the organization.
Primary Research
Goals for the Interviews
What keeps people motivated?
What do they do in their workplace?
To find out if what they do is repetitive?
Is there a pattern in the behavior of perceiving things if we take people from different age groups?
What things they'd like to see in their workplace?
If they want to change their role?
If their values align with their co-workers and company?
Opinion in finding meaning in their work?
Do they see the impact of their work? How does it make them feel?
Key problem areas
How might we help people find their interests?
How might we make people develop intrinsic motivation?
How might we make people acknowledge failure?
How might we track people's improvement?
How might we make them feel good about their improvement?
How might we help people build a connection to their work?
Goal Statement
Creating something that can build intrinsic motivation leading to a habit of not giving up.
After learning about intrinsic motivation, we came across the factors that influence intrinsic motivation, which need to be kept in mind while designing the solution.
Challenge: People are more motivated when they pursue goals with personal meaning. These goals may also relate to their self-esteem when performance feedback is available.
Control:聽People want control over themselves and their environments and want to determine what they pursue.
Cooperation and competition: Intrinsic motivation can be increased in situations where people gain satisfaction from helping others.
Curiosity: Internal motivation is increased when something in the physical environment grabs the individual's attention (sensory interest).
Recognition: People enjoy having their accomplishments recognized by others, which can increase internal motivation.
Intrinsic motivation refers to actions that are driven by internal rewards. The motivation arises from the inherent satisfaction of the activity rather than the reward desire or specific outcome.
Intrinsically motivated people act independently, feel that their efforts matter, and gain satisfaction from becoming more skilled.
Now, at this point, we needed to create something that somehow helps the user to be intrinsically motivated; after brainstorming for some time, we came across a few ideas and finalized the one I will explain.
A well-being app for people dealing with motivation loss and unable to see desired outcomes.
I designed this app by keeping the factors that influence intrinsic motivation in mind. People are often excited and motivated by the impact of their work and tend to put more effort into future tasks. There are times when the impact goes unnoticed by people. During this time, showing the person that he's growing and improving is something that makes him feel good and keep going.
Encouraging healthy self-compassion through the solution, balancing self-acceptance with self-improvement. Acknowledging flaws, mistakes, and failures with honesty.
Many people overlook their life's calling and move on with life going as it is. The solution will help these people find their talents and interests and help them to find meaning in what they do.
The solution will help them grow on personal ground.
The app provides a minimal, positive, and home-like experience. Giving positive messages to remind the user about their accomplishments.
This page plays a vital role while setting up the account and even if the user wishes to explore more. People who are lost and can't find meaning in what they do can explore their interests by answering a few basic questions related to their behavior. The AI system will tell the user what things can potentially interest them and can fit with their personality. The app will later guide the person to grow in these areas.
This is the app's main screen, which shows the user their growth at professional and personal levels based on the inputs and exercises the user has completed. The community will also give feedback on the work if the user wants to make them feel that they are being valued for something they have done. In return, the user can also review others' progress.
This is the community page; the user can answer and get answers to his questions regarding anything. This section will use when someone feels stagnant and wants to do something that makes them feel more alive. People can share their experiences and help others.
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Mini Challenge 1
Personality resembles Joe Goldberg
Tata Fan
True Indian
Personality resembles every overachiever in the world
Elon Musk Hater
Tesla Lover
True Human
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