How Do Driving Classes Help Teens Focus
Driving classes help you practically learn to drive, and the more you drive and the more experience you gain, the easier it will be to overcome your fear of driving.
Fear of driving can occur in two situations: either you were able to get your driver's license but you are afraid to drive now that there is nobody to guide you, or you want to learn how to drive, but you are afraid that you will not be good enough, so you postpone getting your driving license.
For many teenagers, recognizing that they are afraid to drive is a taboo. Teens can often experience the feeling of shame associated with difficulty in driving, which stops them from talking to friends and family about their problem. In addition to skills such as concentration, distributive attention, orientation in space, visual-motor coordination, the young driver also needs an essential aspect: self-confidence! And we all know that teenagers tend to struggle about their self-confidence, and its lack is often masked by rebellious acts - so dangerous when they drive! Getting your teen in driving lessons Orange County has can increase confidence.
Driving classes help teens not to underestimate driving and insist on the attention we must all have when driving. The instructor will correct the negative reactions and help the teen focus on the seriousness behind driving a vehicle.
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Why Distracted Driving Is So Dangerous
Regardless of whether you drive a truck or a car, distracting driving can lead to disasters. Any kind of distraction can be a danger to everyone in the vehicle, as well as to other traffic participants.
Nowadays, using the phone while driving, without having a hands-free system, is the most dangerous form of distraction.
Analyzing the use of the telephone by drivers more complex, Virginia Tech Transportation Institute in the US did a complex and extremely interesting study concerning the use of the telephone while driving and published the results in 2009. Among other things, specialists calculated how much higher the risk of accidents is, when drivers do different actions with their mobile phone (talking, texting) while driving. It was concluded that it is almost 3 times higher when a driver initiates a call, 1,4 times higher when they try to grab their mobile phone and… almost 25 times higher when they engage in writing a message.
Remember that when you are behind the wheel and you are distracted for certain reasons, it is not only your life that you put in danger, but you are also responsible for the other people in the car and the other traffic participants. There is no excuse for taking any chances, sign up for driving classes today at https://www.masterdrive.com/orange-county/.
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Why Your Teen Should Avoid Their Cell Phone While Driving
Teens still have lots of things to learn, as drivers and as persons, and responsibility is probably one of the most important thing. All of the Denver driving schools profusely teach no cell phone use while driving, period.
You never thought it would be such a big deal if you answered your phone, even for a few seconds, while driving, right? But how many times did those seconds actually turn into longer periods? Or maybe you get bored when you drive a longer way alone in the car and you want to talk to someone. The desire to talk is not to be condemned. And yet ... talking on the phone, with one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding the phone, diminishes your attention much more than you thought and exposes you and the other traffic participant at high risks.
These risks are not to be neglected. There is no excuse ever for risking the lives of other people, much less for using the phone. This is just plain irresponsible, and the consequences will be severe.
What solutions do we have?
Numerous. Each phone comes with a pair of wired headphones. You do not know where they are? No problem: there are also Bluetooth headsets you can use. Another very good alternative is a portable car kit with Bluetooth, this system allowing you to talk while driving with both hands.
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Hints For Becoming A Calm Driver
Crowded roads, aggressive drivers – these are unfortunately common things, which are also a major source of stress. Reducing your stress levels while driving is essential for reaching your destination more safely. For teens as well as someone who just needs a refresher, attending a driving school in Orange County can greatly help increase your driving skills as well as doing it calmly.
Make sure you leave early, and avoid dealing with the panic of being late
Being in a hurry is not good, considering that traffic jams, detours or other situations can rise you stress level significantly.
Be careful
Pay attention to traffic congestion, accidents and road works, stay informed. Avoiding these interruptions during your trip helps you save time and stress. Anticipate traffic situations and maintain the distance between you and the car before you, to ensure adequate reaction time. As you exit the freeway, try to avoid changing lanes suddenly and try to anticipate other drivers` similar reactions.
Install a navigation system in your car, so you do not get lost in traffic.
Stay calm
Stay calm when you encounter aggressive drivers or an unexpected obstacle on the road. Do not allow the attitude or behaviors of other drivers affect you.
Listen to music
You can avoid stress while driving if you listen to relaxing music. Do breathing exercises if you are stuck in traffic. Keep your mind relaxed.
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Common Driving Guidelines That People Forget
The problem for beginner drivers is that no matter how many driving questionnaires they have completed, how well they have mastered the theory and how well they have coped with the practical exam, the number of driving hours provided by driving schools in Denver is not enough to develop habits and instinctive reactions that help experienced drivers respond fast to traffic situations and avoid accidents.
To get to the point where the answer to various unforeseen situations comes naturally, it takes many hours of driving under different conditions, but also promoting good driving habits.
Many experienced drivers believe that some of the rules they learned while in school can be overlooked while they get their license. Unfortunately, there is an overwhelming number of people who drive without a belt, often forgetting that they have to signal when changing direction, they ignore rules and traffic signs, or they park in places where they are not allowed to park. And these are only a few common driving guidelines that people tend to forget. They become integrated into the driving style and are the reason why big cities have a stressful traffic.
In order to avoid frustrating traffic situations, it is extremely important for each driver to develop proper driving habits and respect the traffic rules. A driver who learns correctly and keeps repeating all the good driving habits is a driver who will actively improve traffic conditions.
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Advantages of All-Season Tires
All-season tires have been - and still are! - a fairly hot topic. Many people think that this type of tires is neither ideal nor safe for winter or summer, while others consider it just right for their needs.
What are all-season tires?
As the name suggests, these tires are designed to combine the utilities of both winter and summer tires.
Winter and summer tires are similar but different, mainly when it comes to the depth of the grooves. In contrast to summer tires, winter tires have deeper grooves and sharper edges, for optimized traction on difficult driving conditions. Of course, there are other factors involved, such as the composition of the rubber that allows the tire to remain soft even when the temperature drops down significantly.
All-season tires combine both properties of the two types of tires.
What are the benefits of all-season tires?
One of the main advantages for which many people opt for all-season tires is the low cost. These tires are more cost-effective because they must not be constantly changed twice a year and, as there is no second set of tires, there is no longer any cost of storage and maintenance. Besides, one set of tires is cheaper than two sets.
So, we can say that all-season tires are practical, convenient and suitable to be used year round, in both the cold and hot season, as it performs even decently in various environments. Attend driving classes at https://www.masterdrive.com/.
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Looking For A New Car For Your Teen - Tips And Ideas
After your teen has passed the exam and become the proud possessor of a car license, you will face an important dilemma: choosing a suitable car for the first years of driving.
Don't buy a new car!
A beginner driver does not have enough experience and still has much to learn. That is why we think you should avoid offering them a new and expensive car as a gift. Their lack of experience could lead to a premature deterioration of the new car, with implications for both your budget and the subsequent resale value of the car. Improper use of a newly purchased car, which could also include scratches or body crashes with various obstacles on the road, or with other cars, would require additional significant investments for repairs, repainting etc. With the wrong driving style, a teen may damage the clutch, cause gearbox malfunctions that will require large amounts of money for repairs and, of course, may record increased fuel consumption by incorrectly using the accelerator and brakes. We also recommend driving classes in Orange County be taken before driving a brand new vehicle or owning one.
All these mean headaches, time lost with the police or insurers, extra money spent on repairs etc.
As a conclusion, for your teen, you should choose a used car, in good condition, with all safety features intact, not older than 5-6 years, so that it can be resold more easily after a few years of use.
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Safe Driving Is Even More Important During Graduation Season
The graduation season should - by no means! - be an excuse for all sorts of recklessness in traffic. Graduation Day is a special, emotional moment that you should associate, over the years, with a state of joy and pride, and not with an unfortunate car accident that you have caused by driving irresponsible, not to mention the consequences that such an accident could have.
Defensive driving should be applied every time you are driving, not just on certain days, road segments or under certain conditions. The word “defensive” refers to taking care of you and the other traffic participants.
It is important to know that driving defensively does not mean to drive slowly or timidly, but rather to drive properly, responsibly, as an adult (as we are talking about Graduation Day!), following the 3 types of rules: traffic rules, defensive driving rules and, not least, common sense rules. Taking driving lessons Denver companies provide is a great way to start learning how to drive safely.
Perhaps it would not be unreasonable for the parents, besides offering driving advice during graduation season, to think about booking a defensive driving course for their graduates, which offers theoretical and practical support for improving their driving style, with the purpose to reduce the risks of accidents, improve the attitude in traffic and increase the level of safety.
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Why Are Emissions Tests Required?
Scientific studies show that a significant amount of air pollution is due to car emission – in certain areas, such as large, busy metropolitan areas that amount can reach 50%. Emissions testing has been developed to ensure that the air pollution caused by motor vehicles is kept at bay, therefore they are instrumental in environment protection.
Conventional internal combustion engines burn fuel and while doing so, they produce various types of gases that get eliminated. Exhaust gases include mono-nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, volatile compounds, particulate matter and many other substances the acceptable quantities of which are regulated by emissions standards.
Emissions tests serve the purpose of checking whether the exhaust gas emitted by the tested car is within the accepted parameters – if the tests find that the exhaust gas contains too much of one or several pollutants, the car is not allowed for being driven until the repairs intended to reduce the emissions achieve the expected results. It is a focus that is taught at driving lessons Orange County offers.
Not all states or regions require emissions testing, but the regions that do, make it mandatory for motor vehicles to be tested every year or every other year, depending on local regulations as well as on the type and age of the engine.
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Tips for Talking with Your Teen About Night Driving
Driving during the night is a special skill that requires not only good eyesight, but also knowledge about how to avoid dangerous situations. Teen drivers obviously lack such road experience, therefore talking to them about how to drive safely in low visibility environments is very important. Taking night driving classes at MasterDrive is always a good idea for teens. Here are some tips to make that talk effective:
- Ask questions – warning your teen driver that they might get a speeding ticket if they don’t slow down in a specific area might be a way to pass on information, but asking questions to allow the driver to understand the risks of their behaviour is a much better way to teach responsible driving;
- Be patient – don’t loose your temper and don’t yell at the beginner driver behind the wheel – conflict in the cabin can disturb the driver;
- Show how to do it right – take your teen driver on a long ride after darkness falls and show them how to avoid and handle potentially dangerous situations by explaining why you did things the way you did them;
- Don’t rush the process – don’t let your teen take the car alone after dark until you are convinced that your kid can drive safely at the night, too.
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Tips for Gearing Up for a Spring Roadtrip
If you are planning to celebrate the first days of spring with a roadtrip, here are some tips about preparing your vehicle for the challenge and about the gear that you need to pack in your car to make your journey as safe and enjoyable as you want it to be:
- Clean your car thoroughly – give your car a good wash on the outside, then clean the cabin as well; - Check the essential systems – check the windscreen, the wiper blades, the headlights, the taillights and the turn signals; verify the brakes and the level of the fluids, including the oil, the brake fluid, the coolant, the servo oil and also check the battery and the tires. If you find any faults or you consider that a check-up by a professional would be beneficial, take your car to the mechanic; - Check the emergency supplies – a complete first aid kit, a spare tire in good condition, a battery jump starter, a flashlight and some blankets are essential for a safe and comfortable roadtrip; - Ensure personal comfort – make sure to pack sunscreen, toilet paper, garbage bags, medication for car sickness, sunburn and bug bites. If you are travelling with your pet, make sure to have plenty of food and fresh water to ensure your animal friend’s comfort as well. Make sure if your teen attends a good driving school at https://www.masterdrive.com/orange-county/ before planning any kind of long distance trips with friends.
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Tips for Staying Prepared for Driving Through Bad Weather
Bad weather, whatever form it takes, whether it takes the shape of heavy rain and hail or of roads covered in snow, ice or mud, can create dangerous situations. The best way to avoid all such situations is by staying at home, but we know that it is not always an option, so here are some tips for staying prepared for any weather and any road conditions:
- Never hit the road in an unprepared car – perform a detailed check-up of your car each time before you leave on a longer trip. Check the level of all the fluids and top them up if necessary; check the brakes, the condition of the tires, including tread depth and pressure and do the same with the spare tire as well; check the windshield wipers and replace them if worn as they will teach your teens in driving classes Denver area; - Be prepared for driving challenges – if the road is slippery, slow down and always maintain a suitable distance between your car and the car in front of you. Avoid braking while taking curves or if the car is turning; - Check and top up your emergency kit – a complete first aid kit, spare bulbs, battery starter cables or a jump-start kit, flashlights, an ice scraper, a tow rope, blankets, duct tape, some food and fresh water are also essential if you anticipate severe weather on the road ahead of you.
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Why It’s Important to Watch Out for Aggressive Drivers
Preventive driving as is taught in a good driving school in Orange County, including watching out for and maintaining safe distance from aggressive drivers is essential for everyone’s safety on the road. While it is true that drivers should be accountable for their own driving decisions, life and safety are more important, so we should all do our best to avoid accidents.
Aggression is very common on roads today and aggressive behavior often comes from drivers who are unable to make reasonable decisions in the given situation. The causes that might lead to becoming reckless and aggressive include road rage, stress and private life issues, even substance abuse, but paying proper attention to the behavior of the other drivers on the road and other preventive driving practices are very efficient ways to prevent the issues caused by aggressive drivers. Here are some things to be aware of:
- You should try to avoid any conflict on the road, even if you have right of way; - If a driver approaches you with the high beams on, do not respond by turning on your high beams – try not to look into the lights and let the aggressive driver overtake; - Avoid eye contact with the aggressive driver – an aggressive person gets easily provoked by eye contact.
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When to Replace Your Headlights
Headlights, like any other part of your car, need to be cleaned and checked regularly and replaced instantly when you notice that they no longer properly illuminate the road ahead of you, before the bulbs burn out. Here are a few things that you should know about headlight replacement:
- The life expectancy of your headlights – standard car headlights last any amount of time between 500 and 1,000 hours, xenon lights can last for 10,000 hours, while the most modern LED lights can stay perfectly functional for up to 30,000 hours. However, the durability of the lights in your car will live depends on many other factors, too, such as the condition of the electrical system in the vehicle; - Standard headlights show signs of aging a long time before complete failure, the most obvious sign of aged headlights being dimming. If your headlamps start delivering less light each day, it is time to take your car to an auto electrician to rule out the failure of other electrical components in the car and for headlamp replacement if no other fault is found; - Replacement should be done in pairs – your headlamps should always be replaced in pairs, even if only one of them is malfunctioning. Many of the Denver driving schools offer car maintenance courses to help maintain your car.
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Tips for Driving with Pets
Ideally, having your pets in your car’s cabin with you during your rides is a pleasant experience for everyone involved, animals and humans alike. Here is how to do it right, ensuring the safety if the driver and the passengers as well as of the pets:
- Use a crate or a carrier – make sure that the unit is well-ventilated and comfortable for the pet; - If you drive a station wagon or some other type of monovolume car, install a divider between the cargo space and the passenger space – the divider will allow your pet plenty of space in the trunk area and will prevent the animal from climbing to the front or from getting injured if you need to slam the brakes; - Help your pet get accustomed to travelling by car – if you are planning a longer road trip in the company of your pet, take your animal friend on several, shorter trips to allow your pet to get used to the noises and the smells in the car as well as to the fast moving landscape around; - Prevent car sickness – do not feed your pet right before you set off, the shaking and the excitement experienced by your in the car might upset their stomach. Licensed driving schools in Denver recommend that a crate is used at all times for everyone's safety.
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How to Safely Jump-Start A Car
Car batteries are sturdy, reliable car components, but even they can age and fail. If you find yourself in the situation that the battery in your car does not respond to ignition, here is how you can safely jump-start it:
- Jump-starting with cables – you will need another car owner to help you with this method. Start the process by engaging your car’s parking brakes to ensure safety, then attach the cable’s red clip marked POS or + to the positive terminal of the car battery and the cable’s negative clip to the other battery terminal. Do the same on the battery of the other car, then attach one of the black clips to the negative terminal of the other car and the other black clip to an unpainted metal surface away from the battery, such as the car’s hood. When the cables are attached, start the car with the working battery and run it for a few minutes, then try to start your car; - Using a jump-start kit – these units can jump-start batteries without needing another car for the process. They are also very easy to use: just match the unit’s clamps to the corresponding terminals of the battery, then turn the unit on. If you have an automatic jump starter, the unit will turn itself on when the cables are attached properly. For new driver car maintenance classes look to https://www.masterdrive.com/.
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What are Points on your License?
The points on your license are part of a penalty point system used to keep track of different traffic violations. The points allow the identification of drivers who have committed too many violations and have to be disqualified from driving, for a while. Also, they are a good way to motivate drivers of all ages to obey the law.
This system was first introduced in Germany in 1974 and it is now used in more than 20 American states, as well as in the UE, Australia and some Asian countries.
The penalty points are added to the sanctions for committing driving violations, until accumulating a maximum number established, or they are taken from an initially assigned value, depending on the system used. When a driver`s score reaches the legally established reference number of points, additional penalties are applied, such as the obligation to attend defensive driving courses at your local Denver driving schools, or suspending the right to drive vehicles for certain periods of time.
Penalty points are deleted from the record after a period when the driver has not break any traffic rule.
Accumulating too many points and violations make you a high-risk driver and your insurance company will likely make you pay higher premium rates.
Originally Posted over here: What are Points on your License?
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