masonjarofhope · 9 years
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masonjarofhope · 9 years
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Lost and Found is now calling for submissions for its GHOST themed compilation book of short fiction and poetry, hitting shelves summer 2015. 
Submit by April 30th to [email protected]. Visit our page, contact.lostandfoundfiction.com for more information.
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masonjarofhope · 9 years
Love is always the appropriate response.
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masonjarofhope · 10 years
A poem for The Transgender Day of Remembrance
THE LIST They live in my chest This list of souls Book of taken life Rib cage barred Volume of volumes Hidden from view But protected This time. The weight of them Keeps me grounded Aware of my mortality Grateful for breath In the form of acceptance As long as I am So too they will be Remembered.
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masonjarofhope · 10 years
Words Like Tree Trunks- C B Crisp
Words Like Tree Trunks For the past week I’ve kept words Resting on my lap Under my desk Facing up Always facing up Words that only I can see My head is down My head is down for so many reasons-people-reasons people. but this. this. this is a head low for answers and for peace in the form of words because sticks and stones and so much lead have been breaking bones and words words that should never hurt me or him or them have been given poison tips of hate and force I am chin south’d reverence bowed searching for the salvation of the words that i have trusted to fix this cleanse this make all of this okay give safety where there has been none understanding where divisive misconceptions have taken root twisting deeper than the hands of mothers brothers on their knees in anguish clutching at the dirt for answers i am low breath begging for them for all of us that words of peace can wrap around hands of hate like ropes to bind open fists and fingers curled around triggers words like a red wood tree trunk because we need more than an olive branch we need pen strength and we need notebook cadence marching in a unified vocal army words. words. words.
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