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mason eun. 23. world literature major.
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masoneun · 3 years ago
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b a s i c s
full name: mason eun minhyun
birth date: september 12
birth place: new york city, new york
sexual orientation: heterosexual
a p p e a r a n c e
eye color: black
hair color: black
height: 1.82 m
face claim: lee dohyun
f a m i l y
mother - baek seonhwa
father - eun minhyuk
twin sister - mina eun
a d d i t i o n a l   i n f o 
Even in the womb, Mason did not experience being alone. One half of a pair, he shared the space with his twin sister, and even though he was welcomed to the world exactly two minutes and fifty three seconds earlier, he wouldn’t spend even a second of his childhood alone. He was given the name Minhyun, which, when written in chinese characters, would mean ‘gentle’, and ‘affable’. Those were exactly the words that could be used to describe the young man he would come to be. He was a generally positive unproblematic kid, always content with whatever he had, and never giving his parents a hard time. His mother would joke that he was too often overlooked because of his personality, but he was too young to understand then what it meant-- simply continued being a quiet steady force.
There were only three things that Mason cared about: his twin sister, his family, and impressing his father. Even when he was younger, his father was hard to impress, and he never failed to make Mason feel inadequate. It wasn’t as his father knew he was doing it. He had come from a family of gifted individuals himself, and it seemed he carried on the ways in which his own family had functioned. Mason took his lack of praise the hardest, especially, for their father seemed harder on him, too. More than once, he’d complained that he wished Mason was more charismatic-- more abrasive, more ambitious. But unfortunately for him, Mason was not. In fact, the boy enjoyed spending his time with his nose in between books, devouring one world of fiction after another. 
He was not surprised at all when their parents announced their divorce. In fact, he secretly thought it was the best thing they could do for themselves, for their family. However, he was not prepared for his mother’s announcement that she would be leaving New York to go back to Seoul, and taking with her his sister. Mason didn’t know what was worse: that he was going to get left behind, or that his mother simply chose not to bring him with her. And yet, he didn’t say a word in protest, simply watched as they packed their stuff and left. But the loneliness he felt when his sister left was incomparable. She was the half of his soul, the other pea in the pod, and now, she would be miles and miles away. Sure, there were phone calls and skype, but how could he deal with the aftermath of their parents’ divorce on his own? What would he focus on now that Mina was away? Not his own pain, no. His heartbreak was a dam, and if he let it, it could drown him. 
He buried his nose deeper in his books, poured himself over his schoolwork. It seemed to work, his father recognizing his achievements, finally. But then he remarried and had a son, and Mason felt like an outsider in his own home-- like an invader to a family that used to be his. No one saw his pain for he was always quiet, and he thought it was better that way. Now, he’s glad to be living on his own, away from the constant reminder of his father’s newfound happiness. He’s lonely, sure, but he’s always been used to that anyway.
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masoneun · 3 years ago
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이도현 [ Lee Do-hyun ] ↳ 그라치아 화보 촬영 비하인드
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masoneun · 3 years ago
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𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐚  [ 멜랑꼴리아, 2021 ]  /  ( dir. kim sang hyeob )
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