masonbertrand · 8 years
“Of course. Who else would I ask?” It wasn’t like he had a list of women he could pick from. Sure many women threw themselves at him, but he had no interest in them. He wanted to focus on the game and truth be told he just wasn’t ready to move on. He had Anaïs to worry about and he didn’t want to introduce anyone new into her life like that. Besides, what he and Selina had was good right now he didn’t want to bring a woman into the mix and mess it all up. “Well I suppose I could ask my mom and my sister but I’d rather limit my time with them to family vacations and holidays.” He chuckled. “Its two weeks from now, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Think you can take off? The hotel is nice, you can have a spa day or something...spend time at the pool. It’ll be nice.” Mason didn’t understand why Selina still worked. She could easily live life without having to get a job with the money he was giving her, but he guessed that she didn’t want to sit around all day and wanted to have her own money. He respected that. If she wanted to work, then he wasn’t going to judge her for it. If anything he was proud of her.
Watching Selina interact with their daughter always brought a smile on his face. It was easy, them interacting as a family. Well, it was easy for Mason and Selina to interact in general. Since being apart they rarely fought and were eye to eye at most things. “Glad to see the princess has turned around.” He tickled her stomach. “I guess you will be.” He couldn’t help the blush that crept up his skin. “Alright lets go check these books out.” He placed her on the floor and the two of them began walking toward the librarian. They checked out the books and Mason signed some things for fans before heading out with his family. “But yeah, that conference. I’ll have Anaïs all day. I think you deserve a little time off. The season is about to start and you know how hectic my schedule is. I want you to have some calm before the storm. Besides, you do so much, its time to indulge a little.”
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masonbertrand · 9 years
    I swore that     I’d be just         fine when you’re                         gone      
                                   but my body                                                            misses you like                                                                                               the { s u n }
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masonbertrand · 9 years
Mason gave Anaïs a big kiss on the cheek before setting her down and letting her look through the books that he picked out. “Well, Mommy is invited to dinner. Even if you two aren’t on speaking terms.” He eyed Anaïs warily. The little girl clicked her tongue in protest and Mason gave her another look. “Pick out what books you want, short stuff. We’re going to be leaving soon.” Mason turned his attention to his ex-wife. “I was just wondering if you and Anaïs-” Suddenly Anaïs called her mom a name, and he turned to the little girl. “Do you want to be in trouble? Pick out your books.” Mason was a complete softie when it came to putting his foot down. The last thing he wanted to do was make his little girl mad at him, but he didn’t want her to take advantage of him. He turned back to Selina. “Anyway, I wanted to go to a press conference with me? I was going to bring Anaïs up with me and I want you to go with us. Its in the city, so no traveling or anything.” He’d love for them to have a family vacation some time. They hadn’t taken one yet this year, but whenever Selina was free he was sure they could take a vacation as a family. “I don’t need an answer right away. I can wait for answer, its fine.”
Mason went over to Anaïs who was putting tons and tons of books in the pile. “Well lets see what we have here.” He took a look at the books. “Oh, these are nice. Great picks baby girl. I think that’s enough though, we have to give these back you know.” He collected the six books and held her hand. “C’mon, lets go check these out and then we’ll go get in the car. We need to get started on homework.” The little girl groaned and he turned to Selina. “Sel, you coming?”
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masonbertrand · 9 years
We’re not friends, we’re not enemies. We’re strangers with some memories.
Frank Ocean (via mistakeoftheconstellation)
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masonbertrand · 9 years
You used to kiss me like a lover but now you wanna talk like a friend.
k.r.b.// so don’t ask me why I’m upset (via katelovely86)
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masonbertrand · 9 years
You broke me down and the hardest part was you were the only one who knew how to fix me.
happyjoshblog (via wnq-writers)
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masonbertrand · 9 years
What was the worst part of it ending? Just hoping that it might not. Always trying to start again.
(via blossomfully)
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masonbertrand · 9 years
I don’t think you miss me. So I won’t tell you I miss you.
But I do. (via jessielou24)
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masonbertrand · 9 years
I remember crying over you and I don’t mean a couple of tears and I’m blue. I’m talking about collapsing and screaming at the moon.
(via missyourlaugh)
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masonbertrand · 9 years
Maybe we’ll meet again, when we’re slightly older and our minds less hectic, and I’ll be right for you and you’ll be right for me. But right now I am chaos to your thoughts and you are poison to my heart.
(via bl-ossomed)
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masonbertrand · 9 years
Cause losing you feels like losing me too.
Secret Someones’ “Let You Go” (via malwrtes)
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masonbertrand · 9 years
You can’t just make me different and then leave.
John Green (via wordsnquotes)
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masonbertrand · 9 years
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confessions #9
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masonbertrand · 9 years
And suddenly, we were strangers again.
(via queenxkimberly)
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masonbertrand · 9 years
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masonbertrand · 9 years
Mason went through a mental checklist in his head and tried not to sigh too loud at what he had to do tonight. It was a blessing and a curse that he got Anaïs on a school night. He hardly had time to have fun with her, but it was nice being in the process of getting her ready for school. The only parts he didn’t like was that he had too much free time when she was at school. Mason never knew what to do with himself. Some days he asked Selina out to lunch, some days he played basketball with his friends at the local spot with a few kids. Endorsements, charity work, and press conferences could only fill up some of his time. The last thing he wanted to do was overbook himself and lose valuable time with Anaïs. He didn’t want to be that father who wasn’t present in their kid’s lives. Mason didn’t want Anaïs associating him with the father that was a big time basketball and just left her. He knew some of those men, the ones who would get a girl pregnant on an away game and hardly see the kid. Mason wasn’t that kind of guy, and he wasn’t going to be any time soon.
His phone vibrated and he saw that he got a text from Selina. Mason had to stop himself from running outside to go greet them. Instead, he slowly inched himself towards the entrance like a sensible person, pretending to look at books along the way. Suddenly the door opened and his breath was nearly taken away. There they were, his two favorite girls walking side by side. Recognition crossed their little one’s features and she broke out into a smile and began running towards him. Mason put the books down and scooped her up. He gave her a big hug and a kiss and tried his best to understand all the words that were rapidly flying out of her mouth. He could only catch ‘school was great’ and ‘puppy’. Mason didn’t exactly know what those two things had to do with each other, but he was sure his ex would give him some insight.
“Hey Sel.” He gave her an appreciative once over. Damn she was beautiful. “My week has been good. Yours? Oh, I have to ask you something before we leave too, but it can wait til’ later.” Mason had a press conference next week and had been wondering if taking Anaïs would be okay or not. He didn’t want to miss a minute with his daughter, and since it was his week around the time of the conference, what better way to spend time with her than to take her to his press conference? “What do you want for dinner munchkin?” He asked Anaïs, adjusting her on his hip. “Ummm I want lasagna!” The little girl exclaimed. “Well lasagna it is.” Mason turned towards Selina and was about to invite her when Anaïs covered his mouth with her hands. “Don’t invite her. We’re not on speaking terms.” Still unable to speak due to the tiny hands blocking his mouth, he simply raised a brow at Selina in a silent question.
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masonbertrand · 9 years
I understand why we can’t, but I wish we could.
(via musingisms)
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