Every movement she made against him made it more and more clear just how much she turned him on. Between his hard cock underneath her and the words of encouragement he mumbled against her, Eli could feel her body heating up, feeling more and more enamored with Mason by the second. His lips were soft against hers. She craved his kiss. His touch. Anything that would bring them closer together. As he pulled away, she moaned in disappointment, only to quickly have his hands on her yet again a few seconds later. Now with her back against the bed, Eli lifted her hips, allowing him to slide her underwear off of her body. “So,” she smirked playfully, “do you like what you see? Do I pass your initial inspection?”
He tossed her underwear to the side, then leaned down towards her. “Yes, I love your body,” he responded as he ran his hand down her middle, “and you’ve definitely qualified to be mine.” His hand moved lower, to finally feel the part of her that had been on his mind for ages. His fingers easily slid between her lips, her heat and wetness reinforcing to him that she wanted him. He rubbed the pad of one finger around her clit a few times, but soon dipped lower because he wanted to feel inside of her. He slid two fingers into her pussy, dragging them against her walls. “I’m going to stretch you so well,” Mason said, his eyes catching Eli’s. “...Fill you up.”
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The new movement felt amazing on his cock, and he couldn’t think of anything besides more touching and more Eli. “Good girl,” he murmured, and reached up to press his lips against hers hungrily. He kissed her deeply as his hand moved up her back to pull her body towards his. He broke the kiss and stood up every so slightly to swing them around, dropping her on her back on the bed with a grin. Climbing up over her, he hooked his fingers under the band of her last remaining clothing and pulled it down her legs.
Eli loved the feeling of his hands on her body. His skin was warm against hers, and each movement that he made on her body made her feel closer to him, made her feel wanted by him. Emotionally, physically, sexually… it was clear that Mason wanted her, and that was something that Eli hadn’t expected to experience since she came to the island… even the first time around. She started moving her hips, grinding against him, her body moving steadily against him as he supported her. “Yes sir,” she smirked.
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“No,” Mags asserted, offering a polite curve of her lips in his direction to soften the blow, “but thank you.” Her eyes dared a glance towards the waves before playfully crinkling at their corners, “I prefer to be in control.” She knew one hit wouldn’t do much, but she preferred drinking to drugs. “Now if you had offered me vodka, I would’ve been more inclined.”
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Mason nodded and kept it to himself. “How is drinking alcohol staying in control any more so than smoking?” He chuckled. “I’ve seen plenty of people drinking and not being in control of anything, and then people smoking and having more of their wits about them.” However, if the lady wanted vodka, he wouldn’t be opposed.
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“No thank you” he said and shook his head, cringing a little as he looked at him. He then sighed and walked towards the couch, sitting down and pinching the bridge of his nose. God, he was exhausted. The first night in a new place was always the hardest. Even though he had been here before, he was still a new arrival.
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Mason’s brows furrowed at the man’s reaction. He didn’t expect someone here on Eros to react so adversely to a bit of weed. He put out the flame and put the rest in his pocket. “Are you okay?” he asked. He didn’t have much eloquence in a normal setting, and it went even farther downhill after he smoked. He mimicked the other master’s previous action and sat down on the couch too. “You look like you have a headache.”
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Mason hummed back in appreciation, loving to hear how she spoke his name. He lowered his hand further to grab at her ass underneath the thin fabric. He parted his legs further so the two of them were slotted together perfectly. He removed his mouth from her body so that he could speak. “Grind that pussy on me,” he said, using the hand he had on her ass to encourage her movements and help support her body.
With little to nothing between them, Elinor could feel Mason’s erection growing. She made herself comfortable in his lap, enjoying as his hands moved across her back and he kissed at her chest. Her head leaned back as he took her breast in his mouth and she moaned from just how good it felt to have his mouth on her yet again. “Mason,” she moaned softly, her eyes closed. “Fuck.”
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“I’ll have to take your word for that one, novels have never necessarily been my thing, well unless it was turned into a movie.”  She LOATHED reading but could understand the sentiment, “and let me guess, when we get there the conditions are going to be just right.  It’s paradise, we can’t make this shit up.”  She burst out laughing but that’s what it was like, picture perfect backdrops for scenes to unfold, “it’s sad it only rains when there’s an emotionally heavy scene coming up, otherwise clear skies.”  Which was too bad, Caressa definitely enjoyed her time in the rain when given the chance.  Walking outside the immediately felt the crisp breeze as her body instinctively stepped closer to the males larger frame.  "I swear i’m cold blooded,“ always finding a chill in the air even on the warmest of days after leaving the Hub.  "Shall we?”  She linked her arm with his and walked towards the gardens, “if it makes you more comfortable we don’t have to think of ourselves as a master and mistress you know, we could just be two friends off on an adventure.”  It sounded lame but at least took away those words that complicated everything.
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“I’m sure there have been many perfect garden scenes in movies, too,” Mason agreed. “Well we’re not living in a movie so maybe there will be more random rain. Hopefully not right now though, knock on wood.” He chuckled. As she moved closer to him, he wrapped her in a quick hug to offer up some of his body heat. “I’m usually pretty warm,” he confirmed. He walked along with her easily. “Sure, if you’d like that. I’m glad to be on this adventure with you.” He could tell when they arrived to the garden. Because the sun had set, it wasn’t because the colors of the plants were visible, but because he could feel the difference in the air. “It gets really hot during the day, which is also great, but it’s nice to have this cool temperature right now.” He turned to the woman and smiled. “Though if you’re too cold I’m always happy to warm you up.” It was a classic line, but sometimes the classic lines were the best.
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She gave a bit lingering glance at the joint in his fingers before she shook her head and let out a short chuckle. “No thanks, I don’t really smoke.” Sure, she had tried before, cigarette not joint though, but she knew it wouldn’t be the best idea for her body. Especially when her beautiful BODY was a big part of her job.
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“Alright,” Mason said, returning his arm to its stance against the windowsill. “You’re welcome to listen to the waves with me.” His altered mind would focus on small details, and the sounds of outside were keeping him thoroughly entertained.
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artemis hummed and nodded. she was still getting used to most of the rules. “ahh. i see,” she replied with a nod. “would you believe i’ve never actually smoked any of that before?” she asked. she’d never trusted where it came from. plus she’d never had any money to spare to get some.
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“Yeah, some people are against it and never have.” Mason himself wasn’t really against anything, and he had experimented accordingly over the past 15 years. Many had looked down on him for it, and it was another reason he came here to get away. At least people judged less on Eros.
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artemis was wandering around the hub. she really needed to ask one of the masters or mistresses to take her outside. she was going a little crazy. she heard the ocean, finding someone near an open window. “is that against the rules for people like me?” she asked with a tilt of her head.
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Questions like that always made Mason figure that he was speaking with a fairly new asset. “No, since I’m giving it to you. I think it’s just like the alcohol situation.” As a master, Mason had mostly unlimited power, and he loved it.
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Mason sat against the windowsill of a large open window in the Hub. He brought his joint up to his lips and directed his exhale outside. As someone approached, he turned his eyes away from the crashing waves outside and offered his joint with a smile. “Want some?”
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She knew that after a little pouting she’d be back to her prime, enjoying what she wanted without any restrictions, but damn this little bout of her being upset was taking a lot out of her.  She hadn’t realized just how far under her skin that damn asset had clawed his way into.  She’d be mindful of it now so that she didn’t let it happen again - her guard and defenses taking residence where there’d once been weak walls.  "Oh, i’m the one holding back now?“  She laughed as she hadn’t necessarily thought of it like that but the man had a point.  She hardly ever waited for someone else to initiate, but maybe it was different when it came to a master?  She knew what she would have done right then and there had it been an asset, but her approach had to be different given he had just as much power as her around here.  "I’m growing sick of this view,” she looked around though her eyes soon landed back on him, “what do you say we take a walk through the gardens?  It’s kind of dark, but there’s still an ambiance about the place that just sets it apart from everywhere else.”  Then, in a much more secluded space she could attempt what she’d wanted to here - though was far too afraid given how unsure she was of exactly how to go about it.  Too many eyes could land on them and the last thing she wanted to do was look clueless, “join me for a walk?”
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He was sad to see that the mistress had sadness of her own, but something in him believed it wouldn’t last long. Perhaps her tendency to switch between assets frequently would help her here, or at least meant that her mind changed moods quickly. “It could be,” Mason said simply. “Or maybe it’s both of us.” It was definitely both of them. Caressa had made it clear that she was interested in him, and Mason was always interested in a beautiful woman. He did not really know what to say next, so he was grateful when she began to speak. When she spoke about the garden, his eyes slowly drifted to her lips, imagining how pliant they could be... But his gaze returned to her eyes as he heard her question. “Of course,” he replied, moving closer to her in preparation to head there right away. “Fresh air always feels nice.” It sounded like the garden might bring him more than one sensory pleasure. “A 'nighttime walk through the garden' sounds like a scene from a novel.”
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Stepping into the room, she shimmied out of her shorts, leaving her only in her underwear. The room was lovely. Comfortable. Everything about it seemed to fit Mason in ways she hadn’t even thought a room could. “Well, I would hate to disappoint,” she laughed, taking his hand before sitting on top of his lap. “But the bed is going to have to share me with you. And I have a feeling that the three of us are going to be very, very well acquainted soon enough.”
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Mason couldn’t take his eyes off his beautiful asset as she came closer to him. Her new place atop his lap meant she could probably feel his growing erection, and he could feel more of the heat of her body. “You’ll be here with us plenty,” Mason affirmed as his hands roamed her back. He dipped his head towards her body and kissed at her chest, trailing his mouth over the curve of one breast and taking her nipple in his mouth. He grazed his teeth along the bud and then encircled it with his tongue. One of his hands slid back down her back and the bottom fingers of his hand dipped into the back of her underwear.
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She hadn’t known about his permanent claim, “that must have sucked,” she didn’t mean to say it outloud but it slipped - she couldn’t imagine going from a locked in pairing to nothing within the blink of an eye, “you seemed to have bounced back pretty well from that at least.”  He seemed to never let anything bother him, perhaps that was one of the better things she liked about him, “it’s funny, you tell me you’re good at fun and distracting and yet…”  She paused for a moment unable to keep herself from giving him a quick once over, “how come the two of us have stayed so civil when most of the time i’m around you i’m thinking of tearing those damn clothes off your body with my teeth?”  A snicker as she couldn’t help but smirk, though it was true - the two had plenty of conversations but that’s where it ended.  "You holding back from me Mason?“  A teasing tone in her voice as she didn’t think that’s what he was doing at all.
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“It did, yeah.” He had been confused and down for a few weeks, but around the island there were many ways to lift his spirits. “But sex cures. And I got a new suggested pair, and then a different one. And I’m fine.” He legitimately was. Though, even if he wasn’t fine, he wouldn’t show it to a woman. He was far too concerned with his own masculinity and charm. He saw her looking at him and matched her smirk with his own. This playful, suggestive mood was one he was much more comfortable with. “Maybe I’m just seeing how long it takes before you do rip my clothes off. Maybe you’re the one holding back. I’m right here, after all.” He wasn’t holding back so much as holding himself back, because as much as he was attracted to Caressa, he was still unsure of how to flirt with a mistress.
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“EXACTLY,” so much red tape surrounding someone else’s asset, especially once that suggested claim becomes official.  "I just want to have FUN, and I certainly don’t want anything to hold me back from it, you’ve got to understand where i’m coming from right?“  Granted she knew from their last conversation he was one of the most popular masters on the island, certainly fun surrounded him.  His next question was a hard hitting one that had her actually looking away for a moment, trying to hide the fact she’d let herself get far too attached to a toy, but she was doing a TERRIBLE job at keeping that fact unknown.  "I still do,” she assured him, “but there’s always that one that gets under your skin…”  She let out a groan as she looked towards him, “he left without even saying goodbye.”  The first time she’d actually let her emotions show, “asshole right?”  Trying to come back from that, “I just need a good distraction.”
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“Yeah, of course, I love fun,” Mason agreed with a laugh. Many people would argue that Mason loved to have fun just a bit too much. His smile turned down a little at the young mistress’s sadness. Her words reminded him of his previous permanent pairing, who had also left without a goodbye. “Yeah, I had an asset, for months, who was a permanent claim, and she left. And I didn’t even know she did, until she stopped coming over and she wasn’t in the Hub.” He shook his head, as if he was trying to shake the sad mood away. He was over it now, right? “That sucks. He’s definitely a jerk.” That was about the extent of what he knew to say. “I can be a distractor, though. I’m good at fun.” He certainly was better at having fun and being distracting than he was at giving emotional advice or knowing how to comfort.
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She let out a small, content noise as his hands met her hips. She laughed, happy to just be in the moment, to be in Mason’s cabin, close to him without anyone else to ruin their moment. As he backed up, taking his shirt off over his head, Elinor followed suit, removing her own shirt before starting to work on her bra, her fingers moving clumsily as she focused on his body. “So… this is the bedroom I’ve been told so much about. It’s nice to finally see it.”
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His eyes roamed over her body as her skin was exposed to him. It felt like this moment was long overdue, when he would finally be able to put his hands and his mouth on her bare skin. “The bedroom is super happy to see you too,” Mason said with amusement. He unbuttoned his shorts and took them off before sitting down on the bed. “This bed, though, really can’t wait to meet you more personally.” He extended his hand to her, itching to touch her again.
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“Maybe I just don’t get it because I don’t have an asset of my own yet,” she couldn’t blame the island for having a hard time placing her with the perfect fit.  She was so all over the place that any poor soul that was suggested to her would probably be miserable - or at least that’s what she told herself as she walked around without that asset who specifically would be able to light her fire.  "I just think people put too much stock in who they’re with around here,“ maybe she was just bitter though - that could be the case too.
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“Maybe, but being paired with someone isn’t everything,” Mason said. He had experienced a pairing that didn’t seem right, but he had also experienced pairings that made perfect sense. “Well, yeah, I guess it’s better to keep your options open.” He could tell that her tone wasn’t a happy one. “Why are you looking at it so negatively now? Last time we talked, you seemed pretty happy about having different assets every week.”
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“I don’t know if you can really stop yourself from having a favorite.” That would be some intense control over your own emotions, which Mason definitely didn’t have. “But I didn’t come here to, like, find a wife, so I can agree with you there.”
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“"I just don’t get why everyone runs around picking favorites, it’s not like when all is said and done we mean anything to them.  We’re basically meal tickets and that’s it,“ of course Caressa was in a mood ever since she found out that one of her favorite assets had left the island without so much of a damn goodbye.  "It’s not like we’re going to find our happily ever after here, so why is everyone so hard up looking for them?”
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