Peace be with you all! I am a PhD student interested in studyblr communities! Let's do this :) my YouTube channel:
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.

I hope everyone is having a beautiful day ✨🌼
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One of my favourite stories ✨🤍 my favourite part is when Heidi was collecting bread for Peter's granny 🥺🥰 Have you read it? And what's your favourite story from childhood? #study #studying #studygram #studywithme #studymotivation #bookstagram #smoothie #aesthetic #phdjourney #studybreak
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Take care of your hearts 💚✨ @bana_vu hope I did well the anatomy 😅 Have a productive day studygrammers! 🌼✨ #studyspo #studying #studyblr #studywithme #studygram #art #heartanatomy #floralheart #quran #duaa #ohuhumarkers
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“لا يخيّب اللهُ من سعى، ثقْ بالشّفاء مادمت تستشفي، وبالرّزق مادمت تكدح، وبالوصُول مادمت تجاهد، وبالفرج مادمت ترضى، و بالإجابة مادمت تسأل وتلحّ، لا تملّ! ولاتبرح الباب، لا تخذلك عجلتك في المنتصف، ولا تقف وقد بدا النّور قريبًا، واصل المسير، صبحُ أمانيك دنا، بُشرى لك 🌟!” #optimism #studyspo #study #studygram #studyblr #studywithme #studymotivation #tawakul #alhamdulillah ✨
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One of the best things about this lockdown is getting the chance to get knowledge. We used to always make excuses that we don't have enough time, but now we have no excuse! Everything is online! For my Muslim followers, check out this account @norwichmuslims , they do live lectures everyday on their Facebook page. This covers tafseer, ahadiths, aqeedaha and more! Have a blessed weekend ✨🤲🏻 #study #studying #studyblr #studywithme #studygram #seekingknowledge #quran #quarantine
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New video on my channel ✨ What do you guys think of study with me videos?? I started this Studygram and studytube to understand more this phenomenon.. I would really love your thoughts about 'study with me' videos on YouTube🌻 Let me know in comments 😁 #studyspo #study #studying #studyblr #studygram #studytube #studymotivation #studywithme
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For my eyes that see the beauty.. For my nose that smells that calming lavendar scent.. for my ears that enjoys the birds trills.. for my heart that kept me pushing since day 1.. for the the roof over my head.. for the water I drink.. for the food I eat.. for the internet that connects me with family miles away.. for the language I communicate with.. for everything I'm blessed with... For the little things I never notice.. Even for the calamities and struggles that I face, I'm so grateful to Allah that I'm alive now and that I'm being grateful.. Alhamdulilah ✨ Being grateful brings so much peace and blessings.. whenever you feel down, remember that you are a unique human being that has a mission in this earth.. may Allah grant us ease and bless us always 💖 Stay blessed 🌻✨ #grateful #blessed #alhamdulillah #study #studygram #studyspo #studymotivation #studyblr #phdlife #phdjourney
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GET EXCITED. Find some books that you really want to read and make a list of them to motivate yourself. Remind yourself why you like to read. Dredge up that childhood excitement and love.
MAKE IT A PRIORITY. Reading is not a difficult task. It’s just that most of us fail to make it a priority when we factor in the rest of our responsibilities.
ALWAYS CARRY A BOOK WITH YOU. You’re more likely to read if you have a book within reach, for practical reasons and because it’ll remind you of your reading. Bring a novel with you to school or a cafe just in case you find a few minutes to read.
TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE LITTLE SLOTS OF TIME. If you take public transportation, read on the bus. Read in the five minutes before class starts. If there is a time slot when you’d usually be browsing your social media to pass the time, read instead. I promise it’ll make you feel a lot better about yourself.
MAKE IT A HABIT. If you’ve decided that you’re going to read on the bus every day, read on the bus every day. Block out a time that is dedicated to reading and make it a habit.
GET OUT OF READING SLUMPS by reading short books, pageturners, or graphic novels to build momentum.
TRACK YOUR PROGRESS. Get a goodreads, make a spread in your bullet journal, keep a spreadsheet, or keep a piece of paper to track what books you’ve read and whether you liked them. It’s satisfying to look back on your year and see how many books you’ve read. You can even keep track of how long you’ve read in a day, or how many pages you’ve read in a day.
INVOLVE OTHER PEOPLE. Buddy read with someone (be it your mom or an internet friend). Watch booktube videos. Join a reading group on Goodreads. Friend me on Goodreads! Involve other people so reading becomes integrated into other aspects of your life.
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If you know me, you’d know that I am a highly visual person. I love learning from images and layouts, and my spatial intelligence is probably my strongest type of intelligence. Because of this, I often use mind maps to study, and so do a lot of other people. However, there are people who don’t really know how to make and utilize a mind map effectively. That’s what this post is for! Here’s how you can make your mind maps more effective and thus enable you to retain more information. (P.S. you might wanna zoom in)
By no means am I an expert in mind-mapping; these are just some habits I have when making a mind map that successfully does its job of helping me remember the topics I’m studying.
If you have any questions, feel free to drop an ask!
xx jo
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i’m really struggling trying to balance everything in life atm :( my time management isn’t the best - but i’m working on it!
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1/100 : today I cleaned my bedroom, filmed - edited and posted a YouTube video and prepared + gave an English class. Printable by @emmastudies
(ig : curlingbooks // studygram : mochalearns)
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7/100 days of productivity,
sorry for the missing days, i posted day 5 and 6 but something was wrong with tumblr and i had to delete them - but i contacted them and hopefully everything’s fine now :)
anyways, the last days were very productive for me, i’m surprised that the challenge is actually working for me!!
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I wanna start this challenge in order to motivate me and let me feel more productive! Who’s willing to join? :D
the reason those "hundred days of productivity" type challenges work isn't that everyone you see doing them magically has eight times more motivation than you. it's that it forces you to stop thinking of things you do as tasks to complete but rather goals to accomplish. its why you see people listing going to the store or cleaning something as productivity bullet points rather than just studying. it's why you see so many people phrasing it as "today I managed to...". it's extremely effective and a much more positive outlook, and it only comes with practice
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October 🍁 | My fun college experience so far has been boba and bingeing terrace house with my roomies (the best ppl!!)
instagram / youtube
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#Studyblrs needed!!
Hello studyblrs! I am making my PhD research about the study community and I want to observe some studyblr accounts! If you’re happy to let me observe your account, please leave a note ^^
Happy studying ya all 🌱🌻
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Start with YAY and enjoy the process of your work.
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