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the capsule wardrobe - pt. 3
Would you look at that. It didn’t even take me 24 hours to come up with more to say about capsule wardrobes. I tend to get a bit obsessive at times, and right now I’m definitely feeling it for this topic. But nevertheless, I felt like writing about it, so today I’m going to tell you about something new I realised today and some more things I’m on the lookout for.
First to the realisation. I’m starting to think that a big reason I don’t really get on with the traditional 4 capsules a-la 3 months system is that most of my items are relevant year round. Yes, obviously there are a couple that will get either more and more or less and less use as we move towards summer or winter, but mostly all my items can be worn year-round. How did I realise this? Well, as the accounting student I am, I made a spreadsheet. I know, how extremely nerdy of me. Anyway, the reason that my items work year-round is that I am an absolute layering-wiz. A layer of wool under a summer dress with longer sleeves? Sure! Woollen cardigan and fleece tights? You bet!
Most of my items (this goes mostly for tops, my bottoms are just year-round anyway) are actually quite summery when it comes to fabric, but with said layering they can easily transition into any season. Also, because my colour palette barely changes through the year (it’s pretty much all neutrals), there are very few pieces that I wouldn’t wear in the cooler months because of that element.
I’m definitely going to reflect a bit more on the topic of what I would be interested in actually switching around in my wardrobe in a 2 capsule system, based on this new realisation. But now, on to the topic of shiny new things!
In the post from yesterday I shared my current wishlist, and since then I’ve added a couple of things. However, they’re not new things per say. They are replacements for things that I already own, but that really need a replacement.
Firstly, I need a new belt. I own precisely one belt, a pretty nondescript black number, and it is slowly falling apart. I don’t use it a tonne, but I feel like you need at least one belt in your life, because it’s just not a thing you want to not have if you need it.
Secondly, I have a white somewhat oversized cardigan that quite frankly was looking tatty when I bought it in a charity shop four years ago. At this point it is a bit of a disgrace and it has chocolate stains at the cuffs of the sleeves that even after a good five washes aren’t coming out.
Thirdly, my heeled ankle boots that I’ve been unfailingly faithful to for the past year are so run into the ground that the heel isn’t even close to flat anymore. The bottom of the heel is literally rounded. I think I walk weirdly, ok? Anyway, it’s a situation for sure, and they need to go.
Fourthly, I could do with some new thin tights. I get a tonne of use out of all my tights, but the ones I have currently are as all the other things on this list looking a tad too tatty for it to be appropriate anymore.
And that’s it! My new, extended shopping list, ready for me to browse the internet and be unable to decide on any one item for the next three months!
Until next time,
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the capsule wardrobe - pt. 2
Hey hi hello again! Long time, no see. Let’s do an update on the capsule wardrobe, shall we? I am loving that that rhymed, I’m a sucker for rhymes.
So in my previous post about my capsule wardrobe, I wrote about the revelation I had; that i can put things away! The shock. Well, I’m going with that. Running with the ideas that a) I don’t necessarily have to get rid of the things that aren’t in my capsule and b) I am allowed to wear things that aren’t in my capsule if necessary. This has me feeling a whole load happier about the clothes sitch (why do I always feel like Kim Possible when I use that word?)
I split my time between two places that are equally random when it comes to weather. Thus I’ve always been hesitant about fully delving into the full on capsule wardrobe thing where you do it for three months at the time. Who am I to say what kind of weather we’ll have in the next three months? I’m still hesitant about this, but allowing myself a bit more freedom has definitely made me less so. So what if we end up suddenly getting some super hot days in April and my spring capsule is not at all equipped to handle it? I’ll just dig out my stored away summery items and incorporate them for that period. So what if the summer end up chilly af? I (being me) have an infinite backup supply of thick jumpers. Nothing wrong about getting them back out when necessary.
This leniency has afforded me some much needed peace of mind. However, I’m still not completely sold on the 3 month thing. I think I for now prefer to just periodically (as in every now and then, whenever I feel like it) take a critical eye to my wardrobe and store anything that I’m not currently using, and maybe having a look through my stored items if I feel like something is missing. I also keep a list of things I would like to add to my wardrobe, but luckily for my finances I am incredibly lazy, so those things are usually on that list for a very extended period of time. However, this also allows me to reflect on them, which is good.
At the moment my wish list looks like this:
court shoes (black)
leather jacket (also black)
longchamp le pliage tote (in a size bigger than my current one)
cluse silver mesh watch
hoop earrings
The latter four items I’ll be putting on my wish list for my birthday in September, but all of the items are equally non-pressing. I am perfectly content with my wardrobe at the moment, and other than the things on the list (which are definitely more ‘it would be nice to have’, rather than ‘i need’) I can’t really think of anything I’d want to go out and buy.
My more fluid adaption of the capsule wardrobe also works better with the fact that I move back and forth to the UK in the middle of seasons, and that I dress quite differently in the UK and in Norway. I wouldn’t be sure how to make that work with a more rigidly traditional 4 season capsule wardrobe. An alternative I maybe would be interested in looking into (especially if I permanently move to the UK after finishing university next year whelp) is a 2 season capsule wardrobe. I mostly operate on a cold vs warm system, where mid winter and mid summer are the middles and the changes happen somewhere in-between. However, it’s mostly a feelings thing, not necessarily a temperature thing. At some point I just decide that “nope, I don’t fancy wearing fleece tights and my wool cardigan anymore”, even if the temperature hasn’t changed much. I might go back on it for a period or just a couple of days, but after that I have certain items that I just about don’t touch. So maybe I’ll give that a go, giving my wardrobe a throughout assessment when I hit those changes this coming year.
Now this is turning into a very lengthy post, and I am starting to see what my mum meant when she told me “For someone who has as few clothes as you do, you sure think a lot about clothes!”
Until next time,
- Mary
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The Capsule Wardrobe
Any of those of you who are even vaguely familiar with me knows that I love to organise. I’m a virgo, unsurprisingly, and ever since I can remember I’ve been fond of having my ducks in a row. However, an area I’ve never really gotten this done in is my wardrobe.
Up until as late as year 11 I’d say that my style was nonexistent. Since then it’s slowly been refining itself and I think at this point it might finally be called a style. Sure, it’s a bit separated into two separate ones, but let’s ignore that. Mostly I’ll either dress quite smartly or a little bit ‘hipstery’, if you can call it that. However, my wardrobe has still been a mess. And since I got back to the UK again after Christmas, I’ve been working hard on sorting it out and finally making it the way I want it.
Every couple of days I’ve looked at my wardrobe and felt dissatisfied. Not with what I don’t have, but with what I have. I’ve seen things I haven’t worn for ages and things I have no desire to wear. Not to mention the fact that my wardrobe has been 90% jumpers that I don’t even wear out but that I need to keep warm in the flat. I’ve been getting rid of things left and right, being more and more harsh about what I actually keep. However, I’ve been having a bit of a problem.
You see, I’m a student. Mostly I just go to class, hang out in the library and sleep. For that, I know exactly what pieces I wear and not. Getting rid of everything else would be no trouble. Until I have a meeting, or work, or an interview, or go on a rare night out. I have special pieces that I’ll only wear for those occasions, that when paired with for example that black pair of jeans I wear to class, make a great outfit for the occasion. However, I don’t want those pieces in my wardrobe for every day. I don’t want them to distract me when trying to pick out an outfit for class, or make me feel bad that I don’t wear them enough. Today I found the solution.
Today I put all of those pieces, the ‘special occasion pieces’, in a drawer. That way they’re out of sight, out of mind, but still there. What I like about this is that they’re also separate. I know exactly where I find them and where to look for something for that occasion. It is astonishing that this didn’t occur to me before, but I think it’s mostly the fact that they’re not necessarily special pieces. Someone else could easily have worn them to class or paired them with an everyday outfit, but I can’t. It doesn’t fit with what I wear. I don’t want to wear them every day. So while for someone else they might not be occasion wear, they are for me. I think that’s why I never thought to put them away. Because I could have worn them to class, I just don’t want to.
Today my everyday wardrobe finally dipped down to 37 pieces. Including jumpers, dresses, shirts, bottoms, coats and scarves, I have 37 pieces to pick between. And I’m very satisfied. I still have all my occasion-wear options for when I need them, but for everyday, my wardrobe is more refined, more manageable and more cohesive. I am loving it.
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feeling antsy about planning
Over the past few days I've, as the title says, been feeling proper antsy about planning and my system. For about a month I've been in full digital mode, only using my digital bullet journal that I've been drawing out in GoodNotes. There are so many things I love about it, including the portability and how easy it is to change things around and try things out. However, I am missing paper planning like crazy. I miss flipping pages and using pens and holding a nice notebook. So on the other hand, completely opposite of the portability of my digital bullet journal, I am now considering once again going back to an A5 Filofax. Say what? For those of you that have been following me for quite a while, you may remember me having a go at using an A5 Filofax during early fall last year. I'm not quite sure why I stopped using it, but I think it might have been because it was too big for me to carry around. However, as my view on planning and the bag and the stuff I carry have changed, I think I may be ready to give it another go. First, let's talk about my view on planning. Does it sound dumb that being able to take my planner absolutely everywhere (both through using an A6 and later a digital bullet journal), made me realise that I don't have to? Like unless I'm going somewhere to work or to a meeting or something, there realise is no reason that I have to carry a planner. I don't need access to my to do list 24/7. If there is anything I need to remember to get done at a particular time, for example while I'm in town, I put in in my to do list app so I get a reminder. I'm no more likely to remember if I carry my planner, because I won't pull it out randomly in the middle of the street. I also keep my shopping lists etc on my phone. Another point is "What if I need to write something down?" Again, I'm not likely to pull my planner out in the middle of the street, so I already just us my phone for that. I rely heavily my phone calendar, so any events go in there, and I have a key in my Notes app that I use to separate notes and tasks. These can easily just be transferred into my planner when I get home. Secondly, there's the point that even if I get an A5, I won't only be able to carry it in my kanken backpack. It will also fit in my handbag. That was one thing it didn't do last year. Last year, if I was just going to a lecture, I'd just carry a relatively small bag, with an A4 notebook sticking out of it, a pencil case etc. Now I do all my uni work on my iPad mini, so that is just about the only thing I carry to lectures, making it no problem to carry an A5 in addition. This is especially because I've got a bigger handbag now, a Longchamp Le Pliage small tote. Another brilliant thing is that the A5 I'm looking at has a pocket in the back that the iPad mini fits into, so that will make it all more convenient as well. The reason that I'm writing this is to sort my head out. I've been feeling so antsy over the past few days. I've been back and forth, thinking, uhming, ahing and trying to figure out what I want and what I need. I've firmly told myself not to do anything until the 1st of January, but the planner I really want is in the sale, so I might just go ahead and get it. I have enough money saved up to get it, so I'm not even dipping into my budget, and that includes some fabulous already printed and punched inserts that I love. I needed to write this out to think it through properly, so we will see what happens. I'm being cautious with "big updates" though, because I hate being like "oh yeah i've got it all figured out this is what i'm doing for the rest of forever it is perfectπ and then less than a month later changing it. We'll see. I'll definitely give you an update eventually though, and whatever happens there will be youtube videos on it. For now, there is a physical bullet journal setup video coming your way next Wednesday, so you can look forward to that!
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I love knowing things. Be it trivia, scientific concepts or whatever the heck, I want to know all the things. I have toyed with the concept of becoming an eternity student, just studying literally forever, but while I like knowing things, I don't really like being tested on my knowledge. My favourite thing is when I lean something new, be it a single fact or how to do something or how something works. A close second is when it comes in handy. The basis for this post is that we had a quiz at a family gathering yesterday and one of the sections was diseases. I got every single question correct, and 98% of them I only knew because I've watched too much Grey's Anatomy. Knowing things is wonderful, and while I doubt that I'll be an eternity student, I definitely never want to stop learning and picking up new knowledge.
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It’s been a long time since I last did this over multiple platforms, and I’d forgotten how long it takes. I haven’t even thought about updating the information in the description of my youtube videos yet, and still it has taken me all day.
Graphics have to be made (oops still haven’t made an icon for this blog lol), themes have to be decided on (and by god did that take me HOURS this time), urls have to be changed, usernames have to be changed, links have to be changed, descriptions have to be updated, tags have to be updated, codes have to be updated.
It’s all done now though. And it feels right. I like the idea of having all my social media be the same, and since this one contains my name (or at least almost) it isn’t something I’ll get tired of in the same way. And it sounds semi-professional (once I actually learn how to pronounce plethora).
With this final thought, I bid you good night, because just like in the ye good old fandom days, theme hunting has kept me up way past my bedtime.
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Maybe I’m not cut out for this whole blogging thing. The last post on this blog was from this summer. About mid August. Now it’s late December, and I’m not even sure if you can call this a blog post. However, it is a promise. A promise that I will keep trying my hand at blogging when I feel like it. A promise that I’ll keep up my presence on the internet. A promise not to disappear.
I hope you guys don’t disappear either.
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Less Than Two Weeks
It feels very weird to be writing this, but I’m going back to the UK soon. It’s officially less than two weeks until I’ll be heading back, and that feels like it just can’t be true.
You know when you’re looking forward to something so much that it just seems like it will never actually happen and you’ll be stuck in the limbo of waiting forever? Yeah, that’s been me this summer. When I came back for the summer I had no idea when I was going back to the UK, but it turns out I was going to be home for three months. That’s a long time when you’ve moved out.
There are so many things I’m excited about. Four months of no school is too long, and I’m excited to get stuck into a new year, new modules and new routines. I’m excited to once again be living “alone” (as in without my parents, not actually alone) and completely be my own boss. And maybe most of all; since I found the flat I’ll be living in this (and hopefully at least also next) year, I’ve been thinking about decoration. I moved all my stuff in before going home for the summer, but by moving in I mean piled on the bed. Now it’s less than two weeks until I actually get to have a good look at the room, play around with furniture and decorate. I am beyond excited.
Let me know, what are you guys currently excited about? I’m curious!
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*gamegrumps voice* This Summer
it’s been all about aesthetic food
Nah, not really, but I’ve definitely gotten more into taking pictures of it. Believe me, not all my food is aesthetic or even close (i’ve had frozen pizza three times the past five days oops). However, I’ve found that food is easily the easiest thing to get a good picture of. It doesn’t move, it doesn’t run away, and editing pictures of it is easy. And the best bit is that it’s usually enjoyed with people, so the pictures of the food bring back memories of the people.
Lately I’ve been enjoying the brown or beige tint to my pictures, esp as most of my food pictures include some form of coffee. This tint also works rly well with the general bright and saturated vibe I usually go for.
One of the not so good things about me not having been taking too many pictures of stuff other than food is that any blogging has been kind of neglected. I am hoping to pick it back up though, but whether that is going to be here o over on my wordpress, I’m not entirely sure. Instead I have been filming tonnes of youtube videos though, and I even have a complete schedule made out until November. Hopefully that is something I’ll be able to keep up with.
Also, on an end note, I’m so sorry about the title, but I couldn’t resist referencing this. You should watch it. You will not regret it.
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It’s always a good idea to lay some groundwork before a new semester starts, even if we’re just talking reading over the syllabus. It is one more thing you don’t have to do once the semester starts. To get you and your thoughts started, here are a four suggestions of how you can spend the summer getting a head start on the fall semester.
Go through the syllabus
If you get it before the semester starts, go through it, highlight the important dates (exams, due dates etc) and maybe write it down in your planner or calendar. This way you have an overview of what is coming up when.
Do some research on your classes
If you’re starting new ones, check out what the class will cover and try to gain some background information. If you’re continuing one, brush up on what you’ve learnt earlier and check out what you’ll be learning in the new semester.
Learn about your teacher
If it is a new teacher, asking some of their earlier students about them could be a good idea. This way you’ll have some idea about their teaching style, their test questions and everything. This will be especially relevant if it is the teacher or professor that makes the exam and the entire course. Having some detail about what the semester will be like will make things easier for you, also when it comes to your preparations.
Read ahead
We all know those reading assignments will come sooner or later. If you already have your textbooks (before you get them, check out my textbook tags to see if you can get them for cheap), try to do some reading ahead, and maybe even take some notes. That way you’ll have a head start. Just be warned that it’ll be swallowed pretty quickly.
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I definitely like to get crafty in the summer, because that’s when I have the most time. I thought some of you might be the same way, and therefore I put together this little collection of DIYs for you, from all over the internet. Obviously, the pictures belong to the owners, who are linked below. All credit to them. You should also check out all their blogs, not just the DIYs, because they are pretty fabulous! Now, get crafty!
Air Plant Hangers - Triangle Shelves
Watercolour Mugs - Marbled Phone Case
Hanging Wardrobe Rail - Leather Sketchbook
Desk Organiser - Pegboard Wall Organiser
No Sew Rope Coil Basket
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As the summer is properly taking over Norway (two consecutive days of more than 20 degrees - HECK YES), I’m going harder on the cold drinks than ever. This delicious thing is a great way of getting both a refreshment and caffeine in one go.
1 frozen banana (preferably in bits)
1 cup of cold coffee
1/4 cup of milk
How to make it
Cut up your banana (to make it easier to blend) and pop it in the freezer in a bowl or plastic bag or whatever suits your fancy.
Brew some coffee, however you like it. I just use whatever is one hand, which this time was a chocolate and orange blend. Delicious. When it’s finished brewing, just pop it in the fridge.
I like to do both these steps as soon as I get bananas in the house. This way I don’t have to worry about suddenly wanting to make one of these, and then having to wait hours for the banana to freeze and the coffee to cool. You can also prepare multiple of these at the time, and just portion them out when you want one.
When you want to make it, grab your frozen banana bits, your cold coffee and your milk, and put them in a blender. Mix until there are no more huge banana lumps (or until there are none at all, but you might be mixing for a long time).
When finished, pour into something to drink out of and grab a straw (at least that is how I prefer mine). If you choose something cute to drink it out of, there might even be cute instagram pictures in your future. Also, there will be a foam on the top (na na na na banana foam) which you will love if you love bananas.
The amounts stated in this recipe can also ba varied according to your taste. I usually put more coffee in mine because I prefer a more prominent coffee taste.
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The vlog from today and yesterday, featuring the brilliant weather we’re having at the moment!
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Look who’s got a new youtube video up! It’s not even a vlog *gasp*
This is my study routine video, in which I talk about what I do to prepare for studying and while I’m actually doing the work.
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Have a mini-spa night with your friends
Have a movie marathon
Pretend to be a tourist in your hometown
Get a puzzle and commit to doing the entire thing
Participate in Camp NaNoWriMo
Check out the local hikes and commit to trying them all
Start a tumblr, blog or youtube channel
Start doing yoga
Start a scrapbook
Try some DIYs
Get a colouring book and fill the entire thing
Start an online course
Prepare for the next semester
Get a job or volunteer somewhere
Put together outfit inspiration on polyvore
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We all know the feeling. You walk out of the school building, throwing your papers in the air, singing What time’s it?! from High School Musical 2 and dreaming of all the amazing things you’re going to do this summer. However, the truth is that you most likely have some things you should do this summer that aren’t all fun. This often leads to the realisation that school is suddenly only a week away and you’ve gotten none of them done.
So how do you prevent that? How can you make sure that you keep just a little bit of your productivity through summer break?
Use a planner
This is the basis for all the following tips. For them to work, you need somewhere tangible to write down your plans. Any type of planner or calendar will do, no matter if you’re doing it in a notebook turned bullet journal, a weekly planner, a monthly planner, your mobile/computer calendar etc. This allows your to visualise your plans and keep them in mind, remembering when you’d planned to complete each task.
Write down what you need to do
I often start out with just making a list and in the initial stages I just put everything on it. This year it looks a little something like this (but with more housework *sigh*):
Scrub kitchen floor
Write blog post (each Saturday + Sunday)
Pack for holiday
Find dress for wedding
Throw out IB papers
Finish online course
When you write everything down, it’s easier to get a complete picture of how much you have to do. You can also expand each point to accurately reflect how much work goes into it, so for example I could write out each blog post that I’m planning on doing this summer.
Block of when you are travelling / have things planned
You don’t want to give yourself tonnes of work in a week where you’re only home for a day between two trips. Therefore, figure out when you’ll be out of town or busy and make sure you give yourself a proper holidays during these periods.
Organise when you need to do it
When doing this, there are two main things you should pay attention to: 1) Do I have tasks that need to be completed before a certain date? and 2) When will I have more / less time to get things done?
For 1) I need to pay attention to the fact that I need to pack for my holiday before I leave on it, and I also need to find a dress before I’m going to the wedding. For 2) the main thing I’ve done is that I haven’t given myself housework the weeks where I’m just partially home, and I’ve made sure I’ve scheduled non-fuss blog posts for the weeks where I’m short on time.
It’s all very basic, but it will help you set up a ‘schedule’ that you can live with.
Study / do whatever you need to do, when you’re free
Because it’s the holidays, things tend to suddenly pop up out of the blue. Today, for example, I’d planned to shower and have a lazy morning while writing this blog post, but late last night my best friend proposed we go to the mall at 11:30 am. Change of plans.
To ensure that changes like these don’t mess too badly with your schedule, I’d recommend making it a loose one. Give yourself a few days of leeway.
This year I’ve scheduled my cleaning by weeks and decided that I’m going to do it on Tuesdays. However, if’ve made a mental note of the fact that if Tuesdays doesn’t work out, I’ll do it on Thursdays. I think this is a good way to do it, because you still schedule, but not so that you’ll have to miss the fun little things that tend to happen in the summer.
Give yourself time to relax
This is one of the most important things, I think. The summer holiday is supposed to be your time to recharge and relax. Event hough you might have stuff to get done, give yourself plenty of time to enjoy yourself, the nice weather and your time off.
At the maximum, I tend to give myself one ‘chore’ to complete every day, so that I have the rest of the day to relax. This also means that you’ll feel a little productive each day, which is a good feeling.
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My first real memory of the IB, apart from stalking the tumblr tag, was 11:40 am the 12th of June 2013. Me and one of my now best friends arrived at the school library to pick up our IB textbooks, two months before my first year of IB started. I was so incredibly excited.
Eight days ago I handed back the last piece of my IB equipment, my GDC, after my final IB exam. I still cannot believe it. The first memory is almost two years old and I have both finished and survived this infamous program. I have also enjoyed it immensely and learnt more than I ever thought possible, both in all my subject and about myself.
That is what this post is about; sharing that knowledge.
10 Things the IB Taught Me
1. You need enough sleep to be able to preform your best
2. There is no such thing as starting an assignment too early
3. You won’t excel at everything. You might even excel at nothing. You might be terrible at things. That’s alright, as long as you give it your all.
4. Crying is alright and will probably make you feel better.
5. Your grades don’t define you, but if you get a good grade it is definitely worth celebrating.
6. Sometimes teachers suck at teaching you. Then you find other sources of knowledge that are more suited to your needs.
7. Just because your exams are two years away, that doesn’t mean you don’t need to work right now.
8. A supportive environment is important, be it classmates, family or strangers on tumblr.
9. Don’t assume someone doesn’t work hard, just because you never seem them do so.
10. Others are likely struggling as much as you, so be kind, have each other’s backs and help each other out
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