martacasblog · 4 years
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👥SERVICE 🌍 21.03.2021 
First of all, I find it hard to believe that this part of my journey in IB is coming to an end. It may sound a bit cheesy but I am immensly grateful for what I have experienced thanks to my activity in CAT. I love meeting new people and sharing my positive energy with them. However, during quaratnine I was basically deprived of human contact. Communicating online wasn’t enough for my extroverted sould, therefore when the most severe wave of pandemic was over and I finally could experience human contact in real life once again, I was literally on cloud nine. Moreover, CAT gave me an opportunity to nourish my soft skills, as by meeting youth from different environments and with different background stories I practiced the importance of always being tolerant and open-minded. I interacted with volunteers from all over the world and practice my language skills (mostly English but I tried speaking Italian as well). And lastly, thanks to the foundation I was a mentor (twice), took part many local projects (including youth day, eco-workshops, vegan workshops, feminism club and cinema club) and above all had the possibility to introduce and with the help of other volunteers execute my own idea that included starting a podcast.
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martacasblog · 4 years
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🏋️ACTIVITY🏋️ 20.03.2021
Honestly, the active part of my CAS was the hardest to endure. Not because I don’t like physical activity, but because most of the time I was exhausted and didn't feel like "wasting" the rest of my energy on exercising. Instead, I preferred to sit down and polish my EE and IAs, do all the homework and past papers, or study for the final exams. However, as I then learned, keeping a balance between dedicating to studying and taking care of our bodies is the key to maintaining a well physical and mental health. 
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martacasblog · 4 years
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🇮🇹CREATIVITY 🇮🇹 20.03.2021
For as long as I can remeber, I was extremely curious about the world. When I was about five years old, my family and I moved across the world, to Egipt, for my fathers job. In retrospect I think that being immersed in a completely different culture made me very open-minded and triggered my desire to learn new languages. And this year, during quarantine I was finally ready to make a decision. After a few years of ineffective learning of the German language, I gave it up and started my (hopefully) long-lasting journey with learning Italian, which for a few years has been my biggest dream. At the beginning of my second year in IB, I signed for Italian classes in a language school called Dual. I believe that the best way to learn a new language is to use the acquired skills in real life and Dual most certainly gave me this opportunity. Even though CAS is coming to an end I am still planning to attend classes every other Tuesday. 
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martacasblog · 4 years
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👥SERVICE 🌍 13.03.2021 
On Friday (12th of March) my foundation held its very first Queer Cinema Club as part of the Human Rights Poland project campaign. During the gathering we watched "Love, Simon", enjoyed some snacks, had a great discussion about the issues mentioned in the movie and created a safe place to share one's opinions and beliefs. Furthermore, the day before I took part in the "Feminism Club" meeting, the main idea of which was to discuss women's right in Poland and educate the local youth (both boys and girls) how to respond and act when these rights are broken. [LO-6]
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martacasblog · 4 years
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👥SERVICE 🌍 08.03.2021 
We recorded a new episode!!
Due to the fact that today is the International Women’s Day, we wanted to talk about its significance as well as mention other important topics connected to women, feminism and human rights. [LO-6] Every year on the 8th of March the world becomes purple and women take the streets. This movement is essential not only for them but for every human being desiring an equal and fair society. 
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martacasblog · 4 years
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🏋️ACTIVITY🏋️ 21.02.2021
Breathe in, breathe out.
Lately, I have been constantly dealing with a lot of stress. Since the final IA and EE deadlines as well as the exams are getting closer, I did not have much time for myself, even and especially throghout the weekends. However, this Sunday after hours of studying, I decided to relax. One of the best ways to zone out and ease at least a small portion of the stress is practising yoga.
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martacasblog · 4 years
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👥SERVICE 🌍 19.02.2021
Today, me and my friend Wojtek, prepared a vegan workshop. Our main goal was to raise awareness of how meat production (and in turn consumption) contributes to global warming. [LO-6] Therefore, before cooking we gave a short presentation on benefits of veganism as well as had a scintillating discussion about the future being vegan. [LO-7] Additionally, we wanted to spread knowledge about how easy it is to prepare a delicious and nutritious vegan meal so with some help from the participants, we fried the so called 'curry tofu' from Wojtek's original recipe and mixed up my personal favourite side salad.
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martacasblog · 4 years
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👥SERVICE 🌍 12.02.2021
We started a podcast!!
A few weeks ago during an organizational meeting where we set are our goals for the upcoming year, I had an idea to start a podcast. My main focus was to create a platform on which local as well as foreign volunteers could express their opinions on different topics. Furthermore, Seb (the Spanish long-term volunteer) had a great idea to record two types of episodes. One including an important and mainstream topic that would be thoroughly discussed and thus would give our listeners a reliable source of information, and the second episode being more entertaining as we would talk about our daily lives. Therefore as Valentine's Day is in two days, through a combination of our ideas, we decided that the first episode would be more chill and involve some hilarious dating stories that our volunteers experienced throughout their lives and are willing to share on the Internet. [LO-5]
Our podcast is available on a platform called Anchor. I strongly encourage you to listen.
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martacasblog · 4 years
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👥SERVICE 🌍 11.02.2021
I became a mentor once again!!!
Today I had a great pleasure to meet my new volunteer- Sylvia Garcia Lopez. She is from Spain and decided to visit Poland to take part in a project (which details are unknown to me) as well as practice her language skills.
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martacasblog · 4 years
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🏋️ACTIVITY🏋️ 31.01.2021
Even though the temperature dropped below zero, I am not giving up on my walks! I love admiring the snowy forest and taking some time to sort my thoughts up. I can't believe how lucky I am to live in the neighborhood of these beautiful areas.☃️
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martacasblog · 4 years
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👥SERVICE 🌍 22.12.2021
Happy holidays from CAT volunteers!!☃️
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martacasblog · 4 years
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🇮🇹CREATIVITY 🇮🇹 14.11.2020
Giving up on learning German was not an easy decision, however, it most certainly was the best. A few months ago I have been constantly pushing myself into learning a language that, honestly, I did not even enjoy. Therefore, the idea that involved changing my creativity in order to fulfill my long lasting dreams gave me a lot of new motivation and good energy to study Italian.
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martacasblog · 4 years
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🏋️ACTIVITY🏋️ 12.11.2020
It has been a few weeks since I started working out at home. At the beginning it was easy to take out the gym mat, play a workout video and start exercising. However, as time went on, instead of increasing my willingness to exercise, this form of activity has become a burden for me. I found it a lot harder to work out, as after spending the entire day on online classes (over 8 hours in front of a computer) I was exhausted and my motivation to do anything else but relax was extremely low. I decided to take a small break and instead of pushing myself into doing something I no longer enjoyed, I started going on long distance walks. [LO-4] First of all, they became a great opportunity to break away from the online reality. And secondly, they gave me a moment to take a few deep breaths and chill out. Even though it’s getting colder I still plan on going for at least a 30 minut walk, as I have noticed it has a very posititve impact on both my physical and mental health. However, I am not planning on giving up with home workouts. I believe time is what I need, in order to find my motivation again and get back to exercsising with a lot of new and positive energy.
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martacasblog · 4 years
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👥SERVICE 🌍 18.10.2020
Today, my friend and I participated in an event organised by our foundation (CAT). Even though we had to keep social distance and wear our protective masks the entire time, we enjoyed it a lot. During March, April, May and June I was extremely sad that due to the pandemic, I had to give up on my regular visits to the local hospital. Since I want to apply to medical school, I believed that these visits would to some extent prepare me for the reality that I would encounter after finishing my studies. However, every cloud has a silver lining, as becoming a volunteer in CAT made me happier than ever before. Spending a few months in lockdown made a social butterfly like me, extremely miserable due to the deprivation of human contact. As I have always had a desire to bring help
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martacasblog · 4 years
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💃 ACTIVITY 💃 30.09.2020
CHANGE-> home workouts
Unfortunately due to the pandemic, my dance team has had many problems with finding a place to train. Furthermore the connection between students and our dance teachers was poor. We didn't know what was happening as the classes were supposed to start in September, yet we didn't receive any information about the classes date or hour. A few posts ago, I wrote down my reflections after finishing my journey with Iskerki after eight amazing and hard years.
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martacasblog · 4 years
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👥SERVICE 🌍 22.09.2020
I became a mentor!!!
This is me and Maria Del Mar Torreblanca- a Spanish girl who came to Poland for a two- month volunteering programme. I am very happy to be her 'guard angel' as I have wanted to become a mentor for quite a long time. My main motivation was getting to know new people, languages and cultures. By meeting Maria, I learned many interesting facts about Spain, which I had not been aware of before. My main tasks as a mentor are: supporting my foreign volunteer, helping him/her in taking first steps in a new reality, showing around the city, helping with doctor appointments (if necessary) and many others.
I hope I will be able to manage mentoring with school and additional activities. I would like to spend as much time as possible on getting to know my volunteer and developing a long lasting friendship.
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martacasblog · 4 years
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🇮🇹CREATIVITY 🇮🇹 14.09.2020
CHANGE-> learning Italian
Ciao! Come stai?
This year, during quarantine I made a life- changing decision. I started learning Italian. It all began with an app called Duolingo. I used it a lot during the lockdown, however it didn't give me a chance to speak and put the knowledge I gained to test. So this school year I decided to take a step forward. I signed for Italian classes in a language school called Dual. 
Italy has always been my favourite holiday destination. I was very interested in its culture, language and, above all, its cuisine! Many times, while on vacation in Italy, I could not believe how beautiful this country is, both in terms of geography and people. My parents have always been huge fans of sightseeing, therefore even during summer rest we found time for this activity. Despite the heat, on every trip to a historically important place, I've gained a lot of new knowledge from different fields. 
Due to the fact that I associate my future with Italy, I decided to learn this language and start following my dreams by taking small steps forward. My parents think it is a real challenge, as they believe this year I should entirely focus on studying for my final exams. But that's me. I am not afraid of getting out of my comfort zone and taking up new challenges. [LO-2] So far I really enjoy learning this language. This is the perfect way to relax after a hard day at online school without spending additional time in front of my computer but using it for self- development. [LO-1]
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