mars0upial · 2 days
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mars0upial · 6 days
Sorry to break it to you but you literally have to face your fears and slaughter them. Otherwise you will live a small life that you do not want. You literally have to view your biggest fears and attack them head on. You have to fall into the abyss to find your way out. The easy path does not exist. There is no get out of jail free card. You have to allow yourself to die a spiritual death over and over again in order to reinvent yourself into the person you are actually supposed to be. And you have to be painfully honest with yourself and the people around you. It’s horrible but it’s truly the only way.
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mars0upial · 6 days
Radfem posts from days gone by:
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mars0upial · 6 days
you are not a wasteland you just need ibuprofen and a hot bath and a shower and a nutritious meal and some water and some fresh air and to do something productive and to do something creative and to do something that takes physical exertion and to do something social
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mars0upial · 6 days
Being surrounded by basically nude hypersexualized images of women is bad for women and girls self esteem like this isn’t even an opinion it’s just a fact. It is humiliating for women to watch other women be humiliated
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mars0upial · 6 days
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mars0upial · 6 days
friendly reminder for some radfems that conservative women are not by your side, even if they’re gender critical or anti sex-work/pornography. they don’t take seriously feminists because they don’t even believe that patriarchy or misogyny exist. i’m not saying that you should live in an echo chamber where everyone agrees with you and only has your opinions, but it buffles me how some radfems take as models conservative women for their beliefs.
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mars0upial · 6 days
Dealing with my fear of rejection by never asking for anything, and my fear of being a burden by never doing anything that involves other people. Foolproof.
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mars0upial · 6 days
Being surrounded by basically nude hypersexualized images of women is bad for women and girls self esteem like this isn’t even an opinion it’s just a fact. It is humiliating for women to watch other women be humiliated
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mars0upial · 8 days
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the notes are broken 😂
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mars0upial · 8 days
“I see the trap,” […]“I see the lifestyle that is so all-encompassing that you can’t get out of it. I see the systematized denial of agency and options so that you might wake up one day and want to be out of it, but you’ve closed door after door after door so that there’s no one there to help you. There’s not a bank account to turn to. There’s no agency to just start asking questions or to change your life, if you decide you want something different.
“And that really underscores why this is not just an alternative lifestyle choice,” she says. “It is part of a movement.”
“Patriarchy needs women to perpetuate it, so it grooms our participation, and then it holds us there with the guilt of our complicity, and then we become perpetrators. So it’s like the cycle that just keeps going.
“I always call this the cult without walls, and the members are really used to being isolated in plain sight – so they will be your neighbors or someone you see at the grocery store or the park, and they feel alone and separate,” she says, “Try to connect, try to engage in conversation … because if they can trust you, you might be the one they ask for help when it’s time to get out.”
I don’t normally post this kind of stuff and I know it’s kind of off topic for my animal blog but I still think this is a very important article and one that I think really nails the reasons why the tradwife movement is so dangerous. I know farmblr talked about it when ‘cottagecore’ and ‘farmcore’ first became popular, and I know a lot of people also talked about the racist and colonialist roots of a lot of those ‘aesthetics’. It scares me to see how big tradwife stuff has gotten even in the last year, it is huge on Instagram. I hope Tia’s book reaches the people that it will help the most, even the minimal details in this article were absolutely chilling to read.
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mars0upial · 12 days
hey i just saw your post critiquing a societal norm. well, i like doing everything that society expects of me and i was actually raised in an empty 8x8 cube for the first 18 years of my life. i am the only person to have ever been raised in a vacuum and i came out with all the behaviors expected of my age, sex, and origin without ever having seen another human being before. so. maybe keep that in mind next time you post, mkay?
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mars0upial · 17 days
"Women are still choosing to opt out of work and stay at home to raise children, and women are still taking pole-dancing classes, saying it is good exercise. Women are still painfully removing all of the hair from their bodies and pretending to be morons so as not to threaten their male suitors. They are still giving their money and attention to musicians who tell them they are worthless pieces of ass. Women are still watching blockbuster films and aspiring to be the supportive wife or the sexy girlfriend who needs rescuing, rather than the one (man) saving the world. Women in Hollywood are still producing films where men save the world. They still love and support and marry wife-beaters, rapists, and misogynistic trolls. Women are still voting Republican.
You can, they insist, still be a feminist and shave your legs, fuck men, consume misogynistic culture. Look, we’re doing it, we call ourselves feminists, you can too. The political and sociological understanding of the pressures under which women attempt to live their lives is replaced with personal choice. For example, everything about our culture may be pushing women toward marriage—from romantic narratives in movies and television to health insurance policies and tax benefits granted by the government. And marriage has historically been a way to control women and reduce them to being property—the visuals in marriage ceremonies and the words of wife and husband are still heavy with this symbolic meaning. Yet, if you want to get married and you choose to get married, and you identify as feminist, then your getting married is automatically a feminist act.
So we have books called Sexy Feminism, scientific studies about whether feminists have a more satisfying sex or romantic life, personal essays about how feminism helped me get that promotion/have better orgasms. And while there is a vague notion that there is something called the Patriarchy keeping you down, there are few ideas of how to counteract it, except through individual achievement.
Now that we have removed all meaning from the word feminism, our ranks have swelled. A woman can now take up the feminist label without any true political, personal, or relational adaptations whatsoever. It’s just another button on her jacket, another sticker on her bumper."
- Why I Am Not A Feminist by Jessa Crispin
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mars0upial · 17 days
Just saw a post about a conflict talking people's losses during war using the sentence "pregnant people are giving birth in the street and women are cooking for their families with whatever scraps they can find" and it's like. you have to include men in pregnancy but you're fine with generalizing when you say women do the cooking? I didn't want to derail the post, it was actually very well written otherwise, but this rubbed me the wrong way, it was so bizarre. How do you read that and not see the contrast??
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mars0upial · 17 days
Not to be terminally butch lesbian but black cotton tank top belt old jeans boots is THE outfit of all time.
Gay bar? black cotton tank top belt old jeans boots.
Working on my car? black cotton tank top belt old jeans boots.
Work? black cotton tank top belt old jeans boots.
Hike? black cotton tank top belt old jeans boots.
Looking casually slutty? black cotton tank top belt old jeans boots.
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mars0upial · 17 days
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the will to change; men, masculinity, and love by bell hooks
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mars0upial · 18 days
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