31 posts
How's it goin', everyone? Marriland here! That's right, I am indeed Marriland, the Pokémon video guy from YouTube, and this is my tumblr. It will contain Marriland-related stuff and reblogs, plus feel free to ask me stuff and I will try to answer it!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
marriland · 9 years ago
So adorable!
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Sage and Thistle from Marrilands Pokemon X Wedlocke ❤
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marriland · 9 years ago
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Yes…. I know. I thought I was never going to make junks like this again. Good reason though. Anyways, Marriland started a new wedlocke series. If you don’t know what a wedlocke is, you can go ahead and look it up. My iPad Is too slow to put a link. I know it was just a prank, but I have high prediction that he’s gonna continue it. So here’s the first pair of the series: Sage the Froakie and Caraway the Pidgey.
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marriland · 9 years ago
X Wedlocke Twitter Log • Part 7
This is the seventh and final part of the X Wedlocke log from Twitter back in 2014, which is the inspiration for the current X Wedlocke video series on my channel. Please see the first post for more info and to begin reading the adventure!
Part 7 • "Elite Four"
Here are my Elite Four. I guess Water is generally useful against the Kalos Elite Four. But ugh. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
I'm just going to #YOLO it. I'm not recording this. It started on Twitter, it ends on Twitter. It ends tonight. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
It's actually kinda pretty at night. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Starting with Malva, as she's probably the easiest fight for me. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
This is it! Can't believe after over one month, I'm actually fighting the Elite Four! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Holy donut holes that Pyroar just Wild Charged me omg. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Thank goodness Starburst took it because wow my heart sunk. She has a Dragon Dance up. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Flame Body triggered on her Talonflame. You have to be kidding me. PayDay must now fight Chandelure #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Her Chandelure did Confuse Ray and Confide. Weird. Shadow Ball really hurt though. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Time to fight Sir Frowny-Face. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
HOLY SHOOT SHE LIVED OMG. Discharge hit harder than I thought it would. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Scizor, oh no. I'm sure both that and Aegislash have priority moves. I have to use PayDay. Dunno what else I can do... #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Why does Bug have to resist both Ground and Fighting, augh... #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Missed with the first Hypnosis, it woke up after one sleep turn and killed PayDay. Starburst lives. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Gonna slap Sleep Talk and Rest on Rolo just in case I need to wall Siebold. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Alright, time to fight Chef Gordon Ramsay. It's rawwww! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Rolo just one-shot that Clawitzer. To the face. Next is Barbaracle. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
+2 Gyarados behind a Light Screen. This is very not good. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Tanked a +2 Ice Fang, but just barely. Light Screen wore off. Literally need an Ice Fang miss here. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
RIP Rolo. Pop Rocks needs to finish the job now with Rock Slide. Come on... Please... #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Quick Claw triggered just for kicks I guess. Took out Gyarados. But now I'm toast. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
I think my whole "blow up Mega Gardevoir" idea just went out the window now. Let's pull a miracle. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Lum Berry or Expert Belt on Starburst. Oh man. I'm afraid her Dragalge will mess with me while I set up. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Trusting my gut on this one. Going Lum Berry. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Three down, one to go! Let's fight the final member of the Elite Four! Yikes! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
After having a sinking feeling Dragalge has Thunderbolt, I checked if it could learn it, and it can. Just used Earthquake. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Went for a second Dragon Dance against Altaria, it uses Sing and hits. HA, LUM BERRY! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
That second Dragon Dance was enough to do it. Swept the rest of her team. Lum Berry ftw. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
And don't you ever forget it! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Literally the final team for the (mostly) final battle. 35 deaths. 126 hours. No in-battle items. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Part of me really wants to record the final battle, but really, like I said earlier: it started on Twitter, it ends on Twitter. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Every part of this journey has been chronicled on Twitter. I never thought I'd get here. I never gave up. I kept going. Here I am #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
One final look at the unshown hero, Willy Wonka, who has led his chocolate factory to this point. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Champion Diantha!! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Hawlucha went for Poison Jab. Was weak, but I didn't want to set up out of fear of getting poisoned. Now for Aurorus. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Crit against Aurorus. Probably didn't need it. Time for Tyrantrum. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Tyrantrum was no problem. Now it's her Gourgeist. Will Ice Fang be enough? #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
No, it was not. It used Trick-or-Treat, though, hmm. She's gonna heal, so time for another Dragon Dance. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
It doesn't Shadow Sneak. That was nice of it, haha. Took it out no problem. Next is Goodra. Will +2 Ice Fang OHKO?! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
This is it. It Traced my Intimidate which really stinks, but I'm still +1. Going for Waterfall for Flinch. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Starburst is holding Twizzler's King's Rock. Maybe, just maybe, it will pull her through. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
I'm literally crying. I can't believe I've done what I thought was truly impossible. It's over. I've won! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Starburst took out her Mega Gardevoir in one hit with Waterfall by the way. Nothing fancy. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
You and me both. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
There are no words. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
A challenger appears! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Showoff. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
I wish MY Pokemon would come back to me. Man. Well it's officially complete now. It's been a success! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Ok, I'm whipped. Gonna get some sleep. Still can't get over what transpired tonight. Good night all!
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
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marriland · 9 years ago
X Wedlocke Twitter Log • Part 6
This is the sixth part of the X Wedlocke log from Twitter back in 2014, which is the inspiration for the current X Wedlocke video series on my channel. Please see the first post for more info and to begin reading the adventure!
Part 6 • Lonely Road
Huge props to @MisterSirLlama for inadvertently reminding me that, oh yeah, there's still an encounter for me in Laverre City! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 31, 2014
Like I seriously forgot about that. I have just that and Victory Road left for encounters, though. Let's see what I can get... #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 31, 2014
Apparently I can get either a Poliwag/Whirl or a Basculin in Laverre City. Not super helpful, but not terrible either. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 31, 2014
I think if I do ever restart the #XWedlocke, I will allow Exp. Share next time. Grinding is insane in this challenge. Insane.
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 2, 2014
Three out of six Pokemon on my #XWedlocke are now at level 62. The rest are at 57. Time to train some more... Oi, it's gonna take ages!
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 2, 2014
Alright, finally got everyone trained up to a decent level for taking on Victory Road tomorrow. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 2, 2014
Gonna use Repels while going through Victory Road so if something dies I can go back there and activate Gender Clause. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 2, 2014
I still have my Victory Road, Laverre City, and Parfum Palace encounters. That's it, though, so I need to make it count. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 2, 2014
Ace Trainer Robbie has a Kingdra?! Oh dear goodness no... #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 2, 2014
Ok Tootsie Pop tanked it and I made it through the fight. Still, it was unsettling. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 2, 2014
Ice Punch Weavile?! Seriously?! Random Ace Trainers are packing EGG MOVES?! RIP Twizzler... Wow, you didn't deserve that... #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 2, 2014
Great. I completely blew my shot at a good encounter thanks to Rock Smash triggering an encounter. I'm having a terrible morning. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 2, 2014
Stupid Graveler. I wonder what I would have gotten. Let's find out. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 2, 2014
Lol guess it would have been a Graveler regardless. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 2, 2014
Ok, now I have to fight Serena. This is gonna be brutal. I was planning on using Twizzler, but noooo... #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 2, 2014
Oh man, here she comes. 5 Pokemon though?! Yikes... #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 2, 2014
Brutal. It was simply brutal. But I won. RIP Take 5 and Peeps. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 2, 2014
But I'm really proud of Tootsie Pop. She tanked a critical hit Seed Bomb from an Overgrow Chesnaught. Nice job! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 2, 2014
I didn't even know it was possible to move onto a second PC box for deaths. I've just had to do that. 31 deaths. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 2, 2014
Caught Starburst the Naughty Gyarados. Not too shabby. Now for my Laverre City encounter. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 2, 2014
I get either a Basculin or Poliwag/whirl in Laverre. Gonna use an Old Rod so I 100% get Poliwag. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 2, 2014
Time to train on Route 10 for another month. Not sure where else to train. Maybe against Tentacool, hmm. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 4, 2014
Training has taken an eternity, but I'm nearly finished. Idk whether to go Poliwrath or Politoed. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 7, 2014
I think I'm about ready to go back through Victory Road in the #XWedlocke. Went w/ Poliwrath for coverage.
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Had to ride all the way back to Cyllage City just to farm some Heart Scales to reteach Pop Rocks Explosion. Yeah, you heard me. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Explosion is there as a last resort option against Diantha's Mega Gardevoir. It's harsh, but it may be the only way. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Also, not to sound heartless, but I did just get this Graveler (Golem now). He hasn't been through #thestruggle. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
I now need to go back to the Terminus Cave in order to get the Normal Gem, pick up some milk, then I think I'm all set. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Alright, made it back to where I got slaughtered by Serena in Victory Road. Let's finish this thing up. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
RIP Tootsie Pop and Milky Way. Alakazam overpowers Tootsie Pop, then Umbreon does Toxic, I MISS WITH SKY UPPERCUT, IT CRITS. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
Milky Way would have survived if it wasn't for that garbage. Wow. Just so upset with that, seriously. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
April 8, 2014
— Continue to Part 7 →
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marriland · 9 years ago
X Wedlocke Twitter Log • Part 5
This is the fifth part of the X Wedlocke log from Twitter back in 2014, which is the inspiration for the current X Wedlocke video series on my channel. Please see the first post for more info and to begin reading the adventure!
Part 5 • Cold Reality
Well great, my encounter on Route 18 is a Sandslash. I don't want to have to pair that with my Flygon. :( #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 25, 2014
Or maybe I should pair it with who was a widow first, which'd be Klondike the Beartic. But then Twizzler doesn't get a partner. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 25, 2014
Just arrived in Couriway Town. Here's my team. I just remembered Couriway has water I can surf on! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 25, 2014
So that means Twizzler will get either a Lombre or Floatzel for her partner. But I gotta fight Sycamore first. :( #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 25, 2014
Eviolite Lairon vs Heavy Slam Aggron, hmm, decisions. I'm leaning towards Aggron due to better move pool and coverage. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 25, 2014
Alright, finished up some training so now it's time to fight Sycamore in Couriway Town. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 26, 2014
Here we go, hopefully I can handle his trio! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 26, 2014
@ProfWaffles @Marriland that had to be the best bro moment I've ever witnessed omg
— Cammadolph (@cammadolph)
March 26, 2014
His Charizard used Slash against my Aggron. Like, really? That was really your best option? Even a crit did 5 damage haha. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 26, 2014
Ok beat Sycamore, he was no problem, now time to get a Couriway Town encounter. Twizzler gets either a Floatzel or Lombre! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 26, 2014
Caught Rolo the Lombre and he is now Twizzler's partner. Finally a team of 6 again! Time to go to Route 19. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 26, 2014
Caught Milky Way the Gligar on Route 19 in a Horde Battle. That's actually a pretty cool encounter! He's Bashful, too; not bad. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 26, 2014
Ok so apparently the only worthwhile non-TM move for Lombre is Hydro Pump, which I'd rather Scald/Surf tbh. It's Ludicolo time! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 26, 2014
Flew to Lumiose thinking I needed to pick up another Leaf Stone only to remember, oh yeah, Ludicolo requires a Water Stone lol #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 26, 2014
I wish Ludicolo could get Giga Drain naturally in Gen VI. Seriously that'd be amazing right about now. Settling for Mega Drain. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 26, 2014
Alrighty, here's my team for now. Gotta train Rolo up. Got tough fights on the bridge up ahead! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 26, 2014
The # of deaths a person has in a #Nuzlocke or #Wedlocke is just as much about luck as it is skill.
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 26, 2014
Such a tough decision. I actually think I'm gonna ditch Dragon Claw. Crunch & Rock Slide too OP. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 27, 2014
Got everyone trained up for the battle on the bridge, but it's gonna be brutal. Dunno who to use. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 27, 2014
Alright, time to fight on the bridge! Leading with Mounds the Sandslash, hope this goes well! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 27, 2014
Well I beat Shauna, but both Mounds and Klondike have just about 20 HP left. This isn't good. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 27, 2014
RIP Mounds and Klondike. :( #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 27, 2014
Omg Tierno's Roserade almost OHKO'd 100 Grand the Aggron in one hit D: Darn Trevor healing my Pokemon though. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 27, 2014
Actually I guess it's fair forcing me to switch and take a hit, since I was nearly dead with my second pair. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 27, 2014
Caught a female Gothorita (Quail!?) in the forest Route 20. She's now paired with my Gligar, hmmm interesting. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 27, 2014
Caught a Zoroark in the Pokemon Village, hmmm, that's certainly an interesting encounter...! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 27, 2014
So apparently Gligar can't even evolve until post-game as the Razor Fang is Maison-only. Well... That's just great. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 27, 2014
So I can either Eviolite Gligar and hope for the best, or dump him and use my Zoroark instead (paired with Gothitelle). #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 27, 2014
Anyway, on an unrelated note, I contracted Pokerus for the SECOND TIME on my #XWedlocke, as my new team is now freshly infected. Go figure!
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 28, 2014
Here's my team in the #XWedlocke. Making progress, but beyond 100 Grand, not much hope for Snowbelle Gym.
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 29, 2014
I think I want to train everyone up to level 57-58 before entering because it's gonna be tough. Wulfric is brutal if unprepared. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 29, 2014
In my #XWedlocke, I get the Pokérus TWICE but haven't found a single Shiny. In the #WalkingWonderlocke, I found two Shinies before Korrina.
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 29, 2014
Reflect + Calm Mind + Rest + Psychic on my Gothitelle might actually be just what I need against Wulfric. Or maybe Sleep Talk. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 29, 2014
Either way, it's going to take some clever strategy to break through his physical and special walls. You need a solution to them. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 29, 2014
Hey Dots it would be great if you could actually pick up a Rare Candy for a change thanks #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 29, 2014
"Received the Prism Scale from Dots" I mean that's an E for effort but not what I need right now. :[ #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 29, 2014
Finally got a Rare Candy from Dots. Like that's seriously the first one I've gotten in hours of game play time. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 29, 2014
If I run into a Shiny Murkrow I am absolutely invoking Shiny Clause omg #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 29, 2014
Ok, got my #XWedlocke team trained up to 57 and remembered, oh yeah, my Aggron resists Ice lol. I always confuse Rock and Ground.
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 29, 2014
I still have to watch out for Piloswine or Mamoswine, but I think my Gourgeist could do ok against any I come across. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 29, 2014
I bought Focus Blast for my Ludicolo, too, just in case. I know this Gym is EASY if it's easy, but BRUTAL otherwise. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 29, 2014
I'm all out of money and can't buy Fire Blast, but I think Focus Blast gives me better coverage due to who can learn it. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 29, 2014
Gonna take on the Snowbelle Gym! 100 Grand & Dots both have Flamethrower lol. Let's do this! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 29, 2014
Mamoswine?! How the heck do I beat that with an Aggron?! I can't Heavy Slam it. I guess... I need to use Dots? :s #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 29, 2014
It kills 100 Grand in one hit with Earthquake oh my god. I had 2 HP shy of full so Sturdy didn't trigger... RIP 100 Grand. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 29, 2014
DEATH COUNT: 28 (Dots obviously died)
I've withdrawn Take 5 the Zoroark who can learn both Flamethrower & Low Sweep. He's so fragile. He needs a partner. To Route 21! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 29, 2014
I've had 28 deaths in the #XWedlocke. 28. I refuse to give up, though.
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 29, 2014
Ran into two Floatzel and a Spinda on Route 21, but they're all male. Please don't give me a Spinda... :( #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 29, 2014
Caught Peeps the female Altaria on Route 21. D'awww, cute! I didn't really need another dragon, but hey, she'll do. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 29, 2014
Halfway through the Gym, I had to turn back. Now I'm training Take 5 and Peeps. Take 5 could help. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 29, 2014
Wulfric is going to bury me. :( Still training up. It's gonna be crazy. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 30, 2014
Take 5 the Zoroark is level 58 now and has Sp. Atk through the roof. Training Peeps the Altaria now. Level 53 / 58. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 30, 2014
Somehow, I get the feeling this isn't a good idea... #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 30, 2014
If Peeps had a bulkier partner, I could see Perish Song being worth considering. But Zoroark can't handle a switch in. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 30, 2014
Ok everyone is trained up, but now I need to settle on good movesets for Peeps (Altaria) and Take 5 (Zoroark). #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 30, 2014
Altaria can learn Dazzling Gleam? That's so cool haha. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 30, 2014
It's so sad to get rid of Dragon Dance for Roost, but DD won't do me any good now. Flamethrower/Dragon Pulse/Roost/Cotton Guard. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 30, 2014
Ok I am ready to return to the Gym. Hopefully Take 5 can plow through everything. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 30, 2014
One Trainer down, one more to go before the Gym Leader. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 30, 2014
Ok, all Trainers are out of the way, gonna go back and heal and then attempt to blitz Wulfric with Take 5 wearing a dress. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 30, 2014
Final team before Wulfric. Let's do this! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 30, 2014
#realtalk #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 30, 2014
I couldn't remember what Wulfric's first Pokémon was so I thought it was Beartic. It's Abomasnow lol, EASY SWEEP there. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 30, 2014
This Cryogonal may well my Flamethrower, but I've got Low Sweep ready. (This is Zoroark btw) #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 30, 2014
*wall my Flamethrower. Either way, Low Sweep was enough to OHKO. Wow, Take 5 is a monster! But here comes Avalugg! Nooo! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 30, 2014
Hopefully I can roast this smug turtle ugh. Otherwise it will crush me. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 30, 2014
Total pushover. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 30, 2014
Seriously Zoroark was amazing for that last fight. He has 173 Sp. Atk though! And a respectable 144 Attack! What an ace! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 30, 2014
Ok, I'm done with my #XWedlocke for now. Feel really accomplished tonight. I think it was actually for the best 100 Grand (Aggron) died.
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 30, 2014
I had essentially banked on him carrying the fight to victory, but have a feeling it wouldn't have ended well. For everyone. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 30, 2014
So while he and Dots are no longer here, that Zoroark I caught, Take 5, more than proved himself. So awesome. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 30, 2014
As a certain Nuzleaf would say, "I believe this is all happening for a reason." #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 30, 2014
— Continue to Part 6 →
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marriland · 9 years ago
X Wedlocke Twitter Log • Part 4
This is the fourth part of the X Wedlocke log from Twitter back in 2014, which is the inspiration for the current X Wedlocke video series on my channel. Please see the first post for more info and to begin reading the adventure!
Part 4 • Save the World
"I'm really angry and mad right now so I'm going to destroy the world. Thought you should know." #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 13, 2014
I actually got kind of emotional reflecting on the #XWedlocke while writing this reply. Remember, never give up!
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 13, 2014
Gonna have to fight Lysandre in the lab, that's not gonna be fun. At least I can also watch #HellsKitchen. New season, woo! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 14, 2014
Oh no, Shock Tarts the Lanturn died to Lysandre's Gyarados. Dang Earthquake. Come on, Gushers! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 14, 2014
RIP Shock Tarts the Lanturn and Gushers the Lapras. Both died to Lysandre. I will avenge you... #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 14, 2014
I'm not sure if I should allow trading to evolve my Pumpkaboo. I think I may really need to. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 14, 2014
Ok after what feels like an ETERNITY, I've finished training on the #XWedlocke. Gonna go into Lysandre Labs.
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 24, 2014
I've already beaten Lysandre for the first time at the entrance, but he killed Shock Tarts and Gushers, so I had to train more. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 24, 2014
Oh great, this looks like trouble. :( #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 24, 2014
I actually think that double battle might be optional so I'm just avoiding it. I still have to fight Mable or w/e her name is. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 24, 2014
Beat Mable with no problem, got the elevator key, now it's time to see my favorite cutscene in #PokemonXY omg omg AZ omg #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 24, 2014
Geez I seriously cry every time I see that Eternal Prison AZ scene omg, it's way too sad/epic. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 24, 2014
I wonder, though, perhaps AZ only became king AFTER he had built the ultimate weapon? He never mentions he was a king. #PokemonXY #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 24, 2014
Great now I have to fight Xerosic and I just know he's got a Malamar looking to mess me up. Foul Play will hurt, as most of my... #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 24, 2014
@ProfWaffles team is Physical-based and has high Attack, augh! Gonna go in w/ Eviolite Lampent and hope for the best. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 24, 2014
Oh geez he led with Crobat, so I had to switch to my ice bear, then it has Steel Wing! I lived, but barely. Now for Malamar. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 24, 2014
Payback hurt, but Flame Body triggered and nerfed it. Now time to destroy the world by pressing the red button. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 24, 2014
Good riddance Geosenge Town, you sucked anyway. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 24, 2014
Oh geez no, that's right, I have to fight Lysandre again...! The last fight didn't go so well. Oh man. I must overcome Gyarados. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 24, 2014
Oh dang it's about to get real. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 24, 2014
Time for revenge. Come at me Lysandre! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 24, 2014
OH MY GOD THAT'S RIGHT IT HAS OUTRAGE. His Gyarados is insane! Come on Skor! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 24, 2014
Gyarados needed to confuse itself after two turns rather than three. It didn't. RIP Skor. Hopefully Twizzler can out speed it. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 24, 2014
Twizzler the Flygon went on a rampage and slaughtered the rest of his team, but it won't bring back Skor. Poor Skor. :( #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 24, 2014
Paired Twizzler up with Pez the Weepinbell. He was literally all I had left. Level 32. This is gonna take awhile... #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 24, 2014
I think Growth is the only move I need as a Weepinbell, so I'll be evolving Pez to Victreebel after I relearn that. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 24, 2014
Growth + Sunny Day + Leaf Blade + Sludge Bomb/Sleep Powder would be nice due to Chlorophyll. Hmmmm... #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 24, 2014
Ok I'm done with the #XWedlocke for tonight. Glad I made progress, but sad I lost Skor. He was so strong. :( But at least it wasn't Twizzler
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 24, 2014
I mean I love Flygon, they're such a cool and unappreciated Pokemon, and it's so fun using one. I was so afraid she'd die. :( #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 24, 2014
When I say "Flygon is unappreciated" I mean in comparison to Garchomp and in-game usability. C'mon guys, I don't battle competitive anymore.
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 24, 2014
Alright, back on my feet, now time for the final showdown against Team Flare in Geosenge! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 25, 2014
RIP Hot Tamale the Lampent. Scrafty and Houndoom gave you and Klondike no chance of winning. At least Klondike survived... #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 25, 2014
And now Krackel died to a Houndoom. Just so strong... Two more Admins to go before Xerneas. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 25, 2014
I'm just gonna Master Ball Xerneas and be done with it. I have four Pokemon and only one pair. I still have to beat Lysandre. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 25, 2014
I'm going to catch two random derps on Route 2 to fill my party and prevent Xerneas from forcing its way into my party. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 25, 2014
The final team. Godspeed against Lysandre. Gonna Master Ball Xerneas. Random Derps can't fight.
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 25, 2014
Oh boy, here he comes! I don't have Xerneas in my party btw thanks to the random derps. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 25, 2014
Mienshao is faster than Twizzler, sets up a Swords Dance while I Fly, then uses High Jump Kick lol, ok. Next comes Pyroar. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 25, 2014
I fail to OHKO Pyroar with Earth Power and it Hyper Voices for half. Should have gone Expert Belt over King's Rock. Oh well. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 25, 2014
I Flinch his Honchkrow with Rock Slide and 2HKO it. Now for the true terror of his team. Time for Pez the Victreebel to get lucky #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 25, 2014
Thanks for missing when I needed you the most, Sleep Powder. Mega Gyarados is in Outrage mode. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 25, 2014
Mega Gyarados is confused now, though! Maybe Twizzler can pull this off! (Really unlikely.) #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 25, 2014
Omg it hits itself in confusion then I get a Kings Rock Flinch + Sp. Def lower!! Twizzler, come on! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 25, 2014
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 25, 2014
The aftermath. Totally the opposite of one point in the Black #Wedlocke. Omg Twizzler though! <3 #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 25, 2014
Oh man I am so drained from that fight. I can get more encounters next time I play. Gotta keep going. But for now, good night! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 25, 2014
— Continue to Part 5 →
6 notes · View notes
marriland · 9 years ago
X Wedlocke Twitter Log • Part 3
This is the third part of the X Wedlocke log from Twitter back in 2014, which is the inspiration for the current X Wedlocke video series on my channel. Please see the first post for more info and to begin reading the adventure!
Part 3 • Not So Serena
Beat the Power Plant without much trouble. Woohoo! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 7, 2014
Now for another #Wedlocke, I'm about to fight Clemont in my #XWedlocke. Cadbury is really my only hope here.
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 8, 2014
Actually I just remembered I think Clemont leads with Emolga (doing this from memory), so I'm leading with Crunch instead. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 8, 2014
EMOLGA LIVED WITH 1 HP AFTER ROCK TOMB OMG, thankfully Crunch survived the Volt Switch. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 8, 2014
It was nearly a hairy fight but I managed to pull through and defeat Clemont without any casualties. Yay! Thunderbolt is nice! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 8, 2014
Time to fight Serena again. Hopefully she doesn't sting. I don't have Double Kick for her Absol anymore. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 8, 2014
Serena was super easy. Let's see what I get on Route 14 though. I got Trapinch on Route 13. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 8, 2014
Caught Pez the male Weepinbell. Um ok joy, I actually don't even know what's on this route so whatev. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 8, 2014
Aww man I coulda gotten a Goomy or Haunter on this route. :( #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 8, 2014
Just arrived at Laverre City. I guess I have to train to around level 40-41. Not much hope for Valerie. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 8, 2014
I mean seriously I think Valerie is going to be a bloodbath. Slap Poison Jab on things and hope for the best I guess. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 8, 2014
Maybe lay down some Toxic Spikes at the start of the fight with Cadbury the Nidoqueen. Toxic damage would help a lot. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 8, 2014
Oh no! I decide to mix things up and train on Route 11. Run into a Sawk. Use Strength. Does 95%. It uses Counter. RIP Baby Ruth. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 8, 2014
Omg Twizzler the Trapinch lives with 2 / 64 HP after getting hit by a Sigilyph, scoring a crit Psybeam, confuses & I hit myself. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 8, 2014
Alright going to sleep, this is just too brutal right now and I've got a TON of training ahead. Exp. Share, how I miss you so... #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 8, 2014
Still training for Valerie. I think I'm gonna leave Twizzler as a Trapinch so there's no Fairy weakness #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 9, 2014
Ok everyone is all trained up, I should be trained enough to fight Valerie, but I'm still nervous. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 11, 2014
Alright time to get through the Laverre Gym and hopefully defeat Valerie. I've got stuff I gotta do tonight, but I want to fight. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 11, 2014
Getting prepared for that Gym Leader fight. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 11, 2014
omg Valerie leads with Mawile :O I thought it was Klefki or Floette or something... at least it didn't have Intimidate. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 11, 2014
Oh noooo I knew I should have set up Toxic Spikes, augh, she's got Reflect up and her Sylveon out. Forgot about Mr. Mime. :( #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 11, 2014
LOL Cadbury the Nidoqueen doesn't give two spits and just OHKO crit Poison Jabs that pink Sylveon butt to kingdom come. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 11, 2014
Shock Tarts the Lanturn can learn Dazzling Gleam? That's actually really cool! Surf/Thunderbolt/Signal Beam/Dazzling Gleam mmmm. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 11, 2014
Just saved the day at the Poke Ball Factory. Wasn't too bad, really. Now I get to go on Route 15 and Route 16. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 11, 2014
Caught Krackel the Watchog on Route 15. Um ok. Also Twizzler evolved into Vibrava. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 11, 2014
I got SO excited that my first encounter in the Lost Hotel was Rotom and then I remembered, oh yeah, it's a Wedlocke, no gender. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 11, 2014
Omg Punk Guy Sid in the Lost Hotel nearly took me out. Skor hung on with 1 HP (!!) and took out his Sharpedo. That was so close! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 11, 2014
I mean seriously when a Pokemon survives with 1 HP left in a Nuzlocke or variant, that's just the sign of someone amazing. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 11, 2014
Omg ANOTHER Bro Badge moment! Failed to OHKO w/ Surf w/ 43 HP left, takes a Thrash, lives w/ 1 HP! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 11, 2014
Olympia's highest level is 48? Awesome, all I needed to know. Gotta do some training in the #XWedlocke, augh, this is gonna be intense.
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 11, 2014
My team before fighting Serena outside of the Anistar Gym. Hopefully this goes smoothly! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 13, 2014
She has a Vaporeon now?! Oh this is not good news for Cadbury and Crunch! :( Take that thing out! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 13, 2014
Cadbury survived a Muddy Water, but Vaporeon has Quick Attack! To switch out for Crunch or not? :( #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 13, 2014
This is so tough. If Vaporeon uses Quick Attack & I switch for Aerodactyl, I survive. If it uses Muddy Water & I switch, I lose. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 13, 2014
Going for the switch, hopefully this works out. Vaporeon taunted me w/ Quick Attack earlier and confused me so much. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 13, 2014
It used Aurora Beam. RIP Crunch. Cadbury has to do this on her own. With 6 HP. Godspeed, girl. (she killed Vaporeon though) #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 13, 2014
RIP Cadbury, you fought hard. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 13, 2014
That Vaporeon was devious. I thought it was stupid using Quick Attack on the first turn, but that did psychological damage to me. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 13, 2014
Litwick just hurry up and evolve already, I am sick of training. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 13, 2014
#HasMyLitwickEvolvedYet No
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 13, 2014
#HasMyLitwickEvolvedYet Nope
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 13, 2014
#HasMyLitwickEvolvedYet Yes it has
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 13, 2014
I'm at Olympia now. Kinda nervous, so hopefully this goes well. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 13, 2014
Her Sigilyph sets up a Light Screen. Skor sets up a critical hit Dark Pulse and OHKOs Sigilyph. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 13, 2014
Skor tanks a +2 Psychic from Meowstic and Dark Pulses for victory! Good thing, because Twizzler was asleep! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 13, 2014
— Continue to Part 4 →
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marriland · 9 years ago
X Wedlocke Twitter Log • Part 2
This is the second part of the X Wedlocke log from Twitter back in 2014, which is the inspiration for the current X Wedlocke video series on my channel. Please see the first post for more info and to begin reading the adventure!
Part 2 • Accidents
Almost lost Mr. Goodbar (Machop) to Korrina's Lucario, but then Baby Ruth (Granbull) cleaned things up. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 3, 2014
248 EXP per Luvdisc actually makes them very useful to train against. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 3, 2014
Got done a ton of training, but now I'm about to go into the Reflection Cave. It's gonna be tough. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 4, 2014
I don't think you can truly comprehend the meaning of the word "pain" until you die to a L26 male Combee. RIP Mr. Goodbar. :( #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 4, 2014
Made it to Shalour. I got that Serena fight coming up. Mars is probably my best bet. Tail Glow sweep. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 4, 2014
Oh shoot, I was on the way back to Shalour and accidentally ran into these two. :( #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 4, 2014
RIP Laffy Taffy the Psyduck. :( Such a brutal fight. I'm so hurt that she's gone... She's come so far. Wow... #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 4, 2014
Oh no... now Mars the Volbeat is dead. RIP Mars. Ran into Hedvig in the cave, her Hawlucha just ran through him. This is brutal...#XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 4, 2014
I'm just gonna #YOLO it against Serena in the Tower of Mastery. Hopefully Crunch the Aerodactyl will be strong enough. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 5, 2014
Serena has been defeated. Crunch and Cadbury were able to work together and win. Serena got two crits though. :/ Next, Korrina... #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 5, 2014
This is what I have to fight Korrina with. Hoping Hone Claws + Aerial Ace will be enough. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 5, 2014
Yeah beat Korrina without any problems! Totally called it with Hone Claws + Aerial Ace. Probably the only time that move is good. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 5, 2014
Time for some Lucario on Lucario action. And then I get to keep one of them yay. Come at me Successor Korrina! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 5, 2014
So my Lucario died in because it didn't Mega Evolve (I can't per my rules) but apparently I have to Mega Evolve in this fight. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 5, 2014
DEATH COUNT: No, that doesn't count
I guess I won't count that first fight since it's literally a FORCED thing that you have to. And I guess I still get Lucario. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 5, 2014
Well my new Lucario, Toblerone, now died to that Revenge Zangoose on Route 12. Wow. That's where Oman died in the #WalkingWonderlocke.
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 5, 2014
RIP Toblerone the Lucario. At least Gushers the Lapras (female yay) is still alive. I can get something in Azure Bay. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 5, 2014
Got to Azure Bay and my encounter was... A Chatot. :| Now I have Oh Henry the Chatot paired with Gushers the Lapras. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 5, 2014
Poor Gobstopper the Roggenrola just died to a Mothim who got a crit with Hidden Power Fighting. Seriously?! RIP Gobstopper. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 5, 2014
Well that's just lovely. Poor Oh Henry the Chatot is dead now, too. Stupid Absol got two crits and a flinch, then Pinsir... Ugh. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 5, 2014
Caught Skor the Clauncher at Cyllage City and paired w/ my Granbull. Only Lapras is unpaired. Do I go for Tentacool or Chinchou? #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 5, 2014
The reason is I still have my Shalour City encounter and idk if I should fish or surf to try get something. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 5, 2014
Down side of going for Chinchou: Remoraid is far more common. I'll probably end up with a Remoraid. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 5, 2014
Caught Shock Tarts the Chinchou, yay! Sadly, no Volt Absorb, but he was holding a Deep Sea Scale. Um, thanks?! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 5, 2014
Kind of disappointed that both my Clauncher and my Chinchou are Adamant Nature. Like, really? I guess I'm used to it though. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 5, 2014
Also, fun fact: Tart cannot be included in a name while Tarts is just fine. I couldn't name my Chinchou "Shock Tart" #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 5, 2014
Apparently I got the Pokerus while training. Route 10 must be a Pokerus hotspot; I got it there twice! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 6, 2014
I can't really box anything with the Pokerus, though, due to the Wedlocke rules, but at least my team should get a boost. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 6, 2014
About to fight Serena outside of the gym in Coumarine City. Hopefully I'll be cunning enough to win. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 6, 2014
Took down Serena without any casualties. It was tough and she got a crit + flinch with Absol, nearly killed my Nidorina. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 6, 2014
"Crunch learned Crunch!" Yeeeah buddy lol. Wish I could have taken a picture but it went too fast. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 6, 2014
About to take on Ramos. I should be fine assuming I don't miss with Fly like I did in the last fight. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 6, 2014
Destroyed Ramos like it was nothing. Three uses of Fly and he was finished. Good job Crunch! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 6, 2014
— Continue to Part 3 →
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marriland · 9 years ago
X Wedlocke Twitter Log • Part 1
Yes, it’s official: I am indeed starting a Pokémon X Wedlocke video series on my channel! While it was posted as an April Fool’s Day joke, I figured, hey, I really love Pokémon X & Y and there’s still a part of me that does miss doing Wedlockes and Nuzlockes and stuff.
However, while that story is just beginning, it draws its inspiration from the most intense, grueling Wedlocke challenge I have ever done, with almost identical rules. The “original” X Wedlocke took place exclusively on my personal Twitter account back in March 2014. It wasn’t ever recorded, but I did take pictures and post tweets throughout my run.
These tweets have been buried for the most part, but I’ve gone through my tweets chronicling the X Wedlocke and have compiled them together in chronological order so you can hopefully understand even a sliver of the story and tragedy that transpired over that adventure. It will be broken up into several parts and hidden behind the “Read More” feature, to hopefully make browsing it convenient for you.
Anyway, without further ado, here’s the first part of the X Wedlocke Twitter Log!
Part 1 • One Lucky Duck
** It's also important to note that I am playing with a level limit, without the Exp. Share (no exceptions), without using items in battle (other than Held Items or any variety of Poké Ball), without O-Powers, Super Training, Pokémon-Amie, and as a Wedlocke, which is a lot tougher than a normal Nuzlocke. **
I'm thinking of restarting my second Pokemon X and starting an unrecorded Wedlocke on it just for fun and to play on my own time.
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 1, 2014
Restarted my other X to do a Wedlocke on. This team sucks haha. My Burmy can only use Protect. Joy. :(
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 2, 2014
Almond Joy (Scatterbug) finally leveled up! It is gotta be the worst thing trying to level a level 2 bug Pokemon in a #Wedlocke.
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 2, 2014
That level 5 Fletchling on Route 3 just killed Hershey with a critical hit while running. Almond Joy barely lived.
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 2, 2014
At least now my Scatterbug and Psyduck can be paired. That's the one good thing that comes from this. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 2, 2014
@MathiasKaa They're named after candy bars and stuff.
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 2, 2014
Such an exciting fight. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 2, 2014
I'm so done with this #XWedlocke. Gonna fight Viola and #YOLO it. It'd be less stressful losing than training.
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 2, 2014
Almond Joy is one brave Scatterbug. Let's see if he can make a miracle happen. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 2, 2014
Laffy Taffy lived with literally 2 HP and was going to die next turn from Infestation. She gained 2 levels.
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 2, 2014
Best team ever omg. Sad thing is Gust might really help against that Sycamore fight. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 2, 2014
Time to #YOLOSWAG it against Sycamore. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 2, 2014
Beat Sycamore without any loss. I have to pick Squirtle due to my ID, ah well, let's get Squirtle a partner on Route 5. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 2, 2014
This isn't good. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 2, 2014
Caught a Doduo to pair w/ my Squirtle. Now I must release Sixlets the male Combee so Laffy Taffy the Psyduck gets a Route 6 partner.
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 2, 2014
Of all of the cool Pokemon on Route 6 like Espurr, Honedge, Nincada, and Oddish, I get a Sentret. Named him Reeses. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 2, 2014
Great now Reeses the Sentret died on my way back to Camphrier. Couldn't even SEE that Trainer and she had a Pikachu; I wasn't healed.
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 3, 2014
Just finished rival double battle on Route 7. Twix died. Her Squirtle partner died to Snorlax. Wow. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 3, 2014
Once again, Laffy Taffy is on her own. I didn't count Snorlax as my Route 7 encounter though, so I still get that, at least. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 3, 2014
This Kecleon just got done killing my newest pair. I can't use Thief or his Feint Attack gets STAB. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 3, 2014
Mars won solely due to Confuse Ray + Moonlight. But it came at great cost... RIP Fun Dip & Lemonhead #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 3, 2014
So much death... How do I Grant... I must trust in Laffy Taffy the Psyduck. I have the cave + Route 10. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 3, 2014
So many ducks.
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 3, 2014
Gonna head inside of the Glittering Cave. Let's see what my encounter is. Laffy Taffy (Psyduck) L20 + Mars (Volbeat) L19. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 3, 2014
Omg what a beautiful encounter, he is just the hope I need to fight Grant with! Let's catch him. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 3, 2014
Mr. Goodbar the Machop is now mine. Hopefully he will lead us to victory. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 3, 2014
Ok now the big question: Tyrunt, Amaura, or Aerodactyl? I think Aerodactyl could help vs. Korrina. Only 1-in-8 to pair w/ Machop. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 3, 2014
If I go with Tyrunt or Aerodactyl I will obviously name it Crunch lol #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 3, 2014
Got my Old Amber. Going with Aerodactyl as it will be more useful for the 3rd and 4th Gym. I need help there. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 3, 2014
Made it to Cyllage City solely so I could buy clothes omg. Not as fun when playing as the guy though. :( #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 3, 2014
Let's see what my encounter is for Route 10 then I'm going to sleep. Almost had a close call against a Trainer there, whoops. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 3, 2014
Just caught Baby Ruth the Snubbull and she's now paired with Mr. Goodbar. This is looking like a team! #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 3, 2014
Mr. Goodbar and Baby Ruth should be able to take out Grant without too much trouble, but other things will pack Rock Smash too. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 3, 2014
Time to take on Grant. Making my recovery now. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 3, 2014
Beat Grant w/o any trouble. As expected, Amaura used T-Wave, triggering Mr. Goodbar's Guts and letting him Low Sweep like crazy. #XWedlocke
— Devin (@ProfWaffles)
March 3, 2014
— Continue to Part 2 →
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marriland · 9 years ago
Sparklie from your PMD sky LP. I really liked the thought of a renegade Electrike, so here she is! (Sorry for the humanized version, but Pokemon are hard to draw)
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marriland · 9 years ago
Ready for an INTENSE episode of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky‬?! Well, you're in luck, because here's Part 19: Captured! Enjoy!
Also, please note that this will be the last Explorers of Sky episode for a little bit, since ‪‎Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon‬ videos will start on the 20th and that will be my primary focus. This is a good temporary stopping point for the series, but it will return after a week or two of Super Mystery Dungeon. Just thought I'd keep you in the loop!
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marriland · 9 years ago
Ready for some more Undertale? Woohoo, well so am I, and oh man this episode has a few really interesting fights to say the least! I hope you enjoy!
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marriland · 9 years ago
Things get INTENSE in today's episode of Explorers of Sky! That's right: it's time for a showdown with the elusive thief that's been stealing the Time Gears in Part 18: Trouble Crossing! Enjoy!
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marriland · 9 years ago
Whoops, forgot to post this to tumblr last night. My apologies! Anyway, here's more Undertale! This time it's time to venture into the Hotlands and to meet some interesting new characters. Enjoy Part 07!
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marriland · 9 years ago
Almost forgot to post this to tumblr, but don't worry, I didn't entirely forget! That's right, here's Part 06 of my Undertale “blind” playthrough! It's a bit long, my apologies, but it's also pretty intense! Hope you enjoy!
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marriland · 9 years ago
Ready for some more Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky? Well, good news: here's another new episode, and oh boy, the plot starts to get even more intense now! Enjoy Part 17: Don't Mess With Mesprit!
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marriland · 9 years ago
Ready for some more of Marriland playing Undertale for the first time? Well, great, because here's more! It fills you with determination! Now it's time for me to check out a place called Waterfall and I'll leave it at that for the description! Enjoy Part 05!
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