maroonedoffvesta · 8 years
hey so.... I think I’m going to try to take an extended break from the internet. i’m very very literally addicted to social media so i might very well be back tomorrow but....let’s see if maybe not
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maroonedoffvesta · 8 years
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Making the best of a bad situation
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maroonedoffvesta · 8 years
jesus christ, I’d already seen that clinton bragged about the US’s supposed “energy independence” – simultaneously untrue and horrifying – but i only just saw she explicitly promoted fracking. voting for her is utterly monstrous, a vote for her is a vote for so many different ends of the world
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maroonedoffvesta · 8 years
a week ago:
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versus now:
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when i saw the post about the electric eel twitter i looked at it and aside from the pinned tweet it really was all ZAP and POW etc so i was like sweet and followed it but ever since i followed it it’s been RTing people talking about it and making yuk yuk jokes constantly so i unfollowed, never in all my life have i been more disappointed and disillusioned
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maroonedoffvesta · 8 years
when i saw the post about the electric eel twitter i looked at it and aside from the pinned tweet it really was all ZAP and POW etc so i was like sweet and followed it but ever since i followed it it’s been RTing people talking about it and making yuk yuk jokes constantly so i unfollowed, never in all my life have i been more disappointed and disillusioned
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maroonedoffvesta · 8 years
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A.E. van Vogt, The Weapon Shops of Isher
cover by Bart Forbes
he’s not what you’d call For Everyone but i love his fiction and hate his self and my commitment to one of these damn days writing a novel about him is renewed, especially because I uncovered some unsettling CIA/Navy/COMINT links re-reading this book
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maroonedoffvesta · 8 years
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maroonedoffvesta · 8 years
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maroonedoffvesta · 8 years
Wear Your Love Like Heaven // Donovan
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maroonedoffvesta · 8 years
The laborer who for 12 hours long, weaves, spins, bores, turns, builds, shovels, breaks stone, carries hods, and so on – is this 12 hours’ weaving, spinning, boring, turning, building, shovelling, stone-breaking, regarded by him as a manifestation of life, as life? Quite the contrary. Life for him begins where this activity ceases, at the table, at the tavern, in bed. The 12 hours’ work, on the other hand, has no meaning for him as weaving, spinning, boring, and so on, but only as earnings, which enable him to sit down at a table, to take his seat in the tavern, and to lie down in a bed.
Karl Marx, Wage Labor and Capital (via becoming-vverevvolf)
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maroonedoffvesta · 8 years
You are wrong to run down your own work. We are not literati. If we take such dire pains, it is not for the result but because that is the only way to keep going on this wretched planet. […] Maybe you have lost it a bit, but it will come back and leave you once again not giving a tinker’s curse for any of these questions of value. I think that all this business about prizes and other perks has done you no good whatever. […] We shall never any of us know what we are worth, and it is the last question we should be asking.
Beckett writing to Robert Pinget, May 1966.
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maroonedoffvesta · 8 years
RAF given green light to shoot down hostile Russian jets in Syria b/w US painting fighter jets to look Russian
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maroonedoffvesta · 8 years
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this is the money spock. reblog within the next 30 seconds and he will bring you good fortune ✨💸✨
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maroonedoffvesta · 8 years
re: the clowns there’s a new it movie coming out next year, which i feel like is mystery solved
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maroonedoffvesta · 8 years
i’m going to bed and will finish it later but 45 minutes in supergirl is still the best movie of all time
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maroonedoffvesta · 8 years
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maroonedoffvesta · 8 years
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