marlainawrites · 2 years
I wish I could love you
Hard enough
To take away the pain
That sits
Behind your eyes
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marlainawrites · 2 years
There's been a rock in my chest
For three days straight
And as I spoke the words to lift the weight
Hopefully, off my heart
I felt like it did more damage
Than if I'd kept it to myself
I bit all my nails off
Trying to gnaw away at my thoughts
I'm sitting at the wrong beach
Looking for your car nonetheless
I'm wearing the shorts
You know, those ones
And as I'm trying
And failing
Not to cry in public
I'm so scared of what I've done to us
I've loved you for so long
And now that I can scream it to high heaven
My worries try to sabotage me
I'm tired of hurting the people I love
I can only hope you'll forgive me
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marlainawrites · 3 years
And I hope that one day
One day
You will see me
As a safe place
To be true to your emotions
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marlainawrites · 3 years
I came home
Smelling like you
Barely paying attention
To the cars in front of me
Feeling like
A bundle of nerves
Like I was 14
And touched a boy
For the first time
The gentle strokes
Of your fingers
Reverberating on my skin
I came home
Smelling like you
With fire on my cheeks
Barely able
To hold your gaze
And a stupid smile on my face
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marlainawrites · 3 years
This is a puzzle
With a missing piece
And I'm stuck wondering
Why I can't finish it
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marlainawrites · 3 years
I've been waiting all week to tell you I love you
"there is such a thing as bad timing"
The only problem is
There's no guarantee the timing
Will ever be right
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marlainawrites · 3 years
The Vanishing
There is a sadness that permeates my bones
Leaking out of me through a hole in my heart
I wish the lake would swallow me whole
Tears and all
My heart breaks for thwarted hopes
And the inability to untangle the mess
Like a bundle of strings
Tug at one end and the whole thing unravels
Collapsed in the midst of repeated betrayal
With only myself to blame
I feel
I feel
I feel too much
Too much at one time
A heart so swollen it can’t bear another thought
The glue that held me together is fraying
And I can see myself coming apart
Incomplete no matter the decision
Selfishness a brand new word for me
I can feel myself disappearing like a sunset
Slowly sinking
Both hollow and heavy from the weight of my tired heartbeat
Trembling fingers and frantic thoughts
I need 
I need
I don’t know what I need
But this sorrow is threatening to take me alive
The only person able to save me
Is the one person I should stay away from
Every time is like a brand new grief
And the pain
Has yet to dull
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marlainawrites · 4 years
I only hope you know How important you are to me A brave face for others' sake Please allow yourself The same kindness You always drown me in 2 am with worry in my throat I only hope you know To allow yourself time Time to heal from hidden wounds To ride out the wave as loudly as you dare Without ever guilting yourself Love is not a weakness And what is grief but love That has nowhere else to go
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marlainawrites · 4 years
We talk about our favourite candies The next day He brings me starburst to work My heart My heart My heart is gonna explode He goes to bed But not before He makes a point to tell me Why he enjoys our time together He gives me a nickname And I clutch it to my chest Not wanting anyone else to refer to me that way We stand so close together I think he can't resist touching me If only to joke Be it habit or familiarity Remnants of high school tenderness I still can't look at him And yet my heart is set to bursting
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marlainawrites · 4 years
Plus j'ai envie que tu sortes de ma tête Plus tu t'y enfonces Accrochant tes griffes pour t'assurer une prise solide Et moi qui me jette dans le gouffre tête première
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marlainawrites · 4 years
I wish I could be fucked up In the broken, beautiful way But unfortunately I'm just fucked up In the "shattered into a million ugly pieces" way
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marlainawrites · 4 years
Jealousy like liquid fire in my veins A poison quickening my beating heart A sour taste on my tongue Yet with only myself to blame Grin and bear it is all I can manage
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marlainawrites · 4 years
De tous les souvenirs cuisants que tu m'as laissés Celui-là plus que tout autre continue de brûler Hantée par cette flamme éternelle J'y repense encore, les mains moites et la nausée tiraillant mon estomac Le coeur au bord des lèvres J'ose croire que peut-être tu as réalisé La portée de tes gestes Tes mains comme une empreinte sanglante sur mon corps Souillée de par ton simple toucher Un sacrifice au nom de l'amour aveugle 10 ans plus tard 10 ans 10 années à traîner ton lourd souvenir Les dommages encore trop présents J'ai besoin de te vomir comme un se débarrasse d'un poison Éradiquer toute trace de ton passage Pour enfin arrêter de me regarder avec les yeux d'une victime
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marlainawrites · 4 years
2 am Can't get you out of my head With heavy eyelids and hungry breath 22 hours straight And still your face won't leave my thoughts
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marlainawrites · 4 years
I've already written about you too much So why, why, why Does the worry grab me by the throat I want to lay these thoughts to rest They are relentless when all I have left Is the blue light in my hand Scrolling endlessly A pounding in my head I can't seem to shake I want to stop Thinking This way When I can barely put the words together in front of you Still unable to fully look you in the eye I stumble, yet again Every time I think you have gone Something brings you back Every single time Enough Enough Enough.
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marlainawrites · 4 years
Que la terre m'absorbe Que je ne fasse qu'un avec le sol Et disparaître avec les ombres au soleil Que la terre m'absorbe, et qu'on en finisse
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marlainawrites · 4 years
Anyone but me
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