marissa7342-blog · 3 years
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@hot-chocolate-in-summer @cx-alyda-cx @suckmycassafrass @nhemmi @thatstheshit1dolike 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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marissa7342-blog · 3 years
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@hot-chocolate-in-summer @cx-alyda-cx @panshrekxual @suckmycassafrass @nhemmi @thatstheshit1dolike 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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marissa7342-blog · 9 years
How Normal People do it:
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How I will do it:
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marissa7342-blog · 9 years
best zodiac confessions
Aries: "When I get scolded or told to 'calm down' I get really hurt inside although I try not show it."
Taurus: "I don't get angry easily. I can manage to postpone an outburst for months. But accuse me of something I didn't do and I'm instantly livid."
Gemini: "I feel like I'm surrounded by idiots 99% of the time."
Cancer: "Im so afraid of expressing all these emotions! It's overwhelming."
Leo: "I'm very self conscious and in constant need of reassurance."
Virgo:"I can express myself better in writing then I can verbally."
Libra:"I never stop thinking about my physical appearance, whether it's positive or negative."
Scorpio: "I sometimes scare myself about how calm and casual I am about death."
Sagittarius: "My automatic reaction to feeling is 'no, stop' even though I am an emotional person."
Capricorn: "I freeze with the winter and shut down all emotions. I am cold and unrelenting. So realistic I feel as though I can see the future, good or bad."
Aquarius:"I feel like no one really knows how I am fully. They just see glimpses of me."
Pisces:"I'm so in love with the idea of love that I'm afraid I won't find anyone to actually fall in love with."
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marissa7342-blog · 11 years
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mhm. it says it for me
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