marijkeannema · 8 years
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Business Models
The notions of work and business are drastically changing. That is why business clothing, as wearable communication, needs a thorough and fresh reformation. We are making a collection of Business Suits that empower personal ways of doing business.
Business Models is a collaboration of Marijke Annema, Tessel Brühl and Jason Page.
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marijkeannema · 9 years
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photo: Johannes Schwartz
It happened more than a year ago in the Happy Bazaar. I fell in love with a pink plastic tub. It was standing there in a tower of tubs on the floor. In between the blue and green. I dismantled the tower, separated the pink from the rest and took it out. I had not foreseen it's lightness. The stretched plastic surface was shining at me. The stiff curved rim kept the thin walls in tension. It had a distinctly refined figure. As far as I could judge, its identity was Chinese.
I placed it on the bathroom floor, where it would stay for months. One morning at dawn, half asleep, I went to the bathroom. While washing my hands in the ordinary sink I looked down at the still shining tub. I picked it up and woke up in an instance. I had elevated the plastic tub to the level of sink.
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marijkeannema · 9 years
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I stand in front of the expansive flat surface of the door. I push it open. It turns toward the inside of the house.
It hits something. The trash bin. I push harder. The bin slides over the floor. Pivoting. It turns around the edge of the door and stops.
The door sweeps open freely. The flat surface makes room.
What is the space of a door?
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marijkeannema · 9 years
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Drawing table
The drawing paper became the table top
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marijkeannema · 9 years
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Borderless wallpaper
This wallpaper does not come on a roll, instead it is made up of loose papers that can be freely arranged on the wall.
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marijkeannema · 9 years
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Pot with holes
A hole is a place where function and poetry can meet. While building in clay I am trying to catch the material tension in a solid form.
This pot is filled with pencils that are colored with their own core.
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marijkeannema · 9 years
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Mattress & Bed
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marijkeannema · 9 years
It is typically human to shape things. In turn, things also shape us, they direct our actions, thoughts and feelings. Design is in service of the relationship between people and things. Usually things dissolve in their instrumental function, but it is the poetry that touches me. Poetry invites me to feel and associate, it makes sense of things. The senses connect outer feelings with inner feelings. When you kiss someone you get warm on the outside and on the inside. I think that in service of a loving and exciting relationship between people and things, design has to titillate.
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marijkeannema · 9 years
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An account of the house
click here for project site
An account of the house is a growing collection of photographs of actual situations that I found in my house. I come face to face with my own mess.The actual house is not a static ideal, like you often see in interior magazines, but it is imperfect and changing all the time.
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marijkeannema · 9 years
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Master thesis
Material Utopias, Sandberg Instituut.
read here
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marijkeannema · 9 years
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Sensible colour
An experimental project about the use of colour in the house. Mixing different types of pigments in wall paints and textile dyes results in a delicate sensation of colour.
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marijkeannema · 9 years
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Let's hide between the ferns.
This fern curtain is printed on both sides, which softly blend through the transparency of the fabric.
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marijkeannema · 9 years
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Suit Flag
Hand painted textile to be cut out and sewn together into a suit.
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Earth from space
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marijkeannema · 9 years
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A sweep quartet
Performance at 'Just Another Day festival' of ArtEZ Studium Generale in Arnhem.
I cleaned the endless stairs of the Rozet building with specially crafted cleaning tools. I also made a hiding suit to become a little bit invisible.
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marijkeannema · 9 years
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Dear House,
May I pet, tickle, rub, sweep, pick, wash, scrub, scratch and stroke you … ?
a film made in collaboration with Thalia de Jong.
This project has been presented under the title ‘Lekker vies’ as part of slowLab’s Slow Lloyd program at Lloyd Hotel, Amsterdam.
2016 For Play - shaping sexuality, MU artspace, Eindhoven 2013 ASVOFF 6, Centre Pompidou, Paris. 2013 ASVOFF X M°BA 'Fetish', Arnhem. JURY PRIZE WINNER. 2013 Grand Hotel: Redesigning Modern Life, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver. 2012 slowLloyd, Lloyd Hotel, Amsterdam.
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marijkeannema · 9 years
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Dear House,
May I pet, tickle, rub, sweep, pick, wash, scrub, scratch and stroke you ... ?
Our house is an everyday place with everyday things to which we hardly pay attention. While attentiveness is just what it is all about. When we clean our house we take an active position and sharpen our senses. We pet the ceiling, wash the floor and tickle nooks and corners. We seek with eyes, nose and hands for dirt to erase with big or small gestures. By cleaning you get to know your house intimately. Cleaning tools are often hidden away in dark cupboards. In my project Dear House,… I want to give them the place they deserve.
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marijkeannema · 9 years
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Ice lanterns
During my internship at Part. in Helsinki I used the Finnish winter for fabricating a group of ice lanterns.
When the weather allows it, this project will be done in the Netherlands as well.
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