marigy · 7 years
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Submission Friday:
Artist: Ray Koh Title: The Unbearable Lightness of Being (SF) Date: 2018 Medium: OLED Dimensions: 44”x72”
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marigy · 7 years
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marigy · 7 years
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Susanne Ussing, I Drivhuset, installed at Ordrupgaardsamlingen, 1980, wood, newspaper, metal chimney vents
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marigy · 7 years
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A cartoon by Roz Chast, from 2011. 
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marigy · 7 years
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Lev Aleksandrovich Bruni
«Young lady death» (1917), Paper, charcoal 47,9 x 30.5
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marigy · 7 years
And you wait, keep waiting for that one thing which would infinitely enrich your life: the powerful, uniquely uncommon, the awakening of dormant stones, depths that would reveal you to yourself. In the dusk you notice the book shelves with their volumes in gold and in brown; and you think of far lands you journeyed, of pictures and of shimmering gowns worn by women you conquered and lost. And it comes to you all of a sudden: That was it! And you arise, for you are aware of a year in your distant past with its fears and events and prayers.
Remembrance by Rainer Maria Rilke (via artpropelled)
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marigy · 7 years
Elegant, practical, a lock
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Cool Clasps 9: When Nature Calls
Found in our Special Collections stacks, these clasps from a 15th century Latin bible jumped out at us in all their intact glory.
Prima pars Postilla fratris Nicolai de lyra de ordine mino[rum] : super Genesim Exodum Leuiticu[m] Numeri Deutronomiu[m] Iosue Iudicu[m] Regum [et] Paralyppomenon : cum addit[i]onibus pauli episcopi Burgen[sis] replicisq[ue] Mathie dorinck cumq[ue] textu plano incluso. [Nuremberg : Anton Koberger, 12 April 1493]
194 notes · View notes
marigy · 7 years
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Submission Friday:
Laura Spalding Best, “Trickle-Down Ecologics”, 2017
oil on found objects
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marigy · 7 years
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Workshop of Master of the Magdalen Legend
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marigy · 7 years
I love her mustache and ivory décolletage
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Pablo Petrovits - Carolina Gutiérrez de la Fuente
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marigy · 7 years
Love just love
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367 notes · View notes
marigy · 7 years
Don’t know why: adjectives_ ‘meat, pretty, petals of softness
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Lucius Rossi (1846-1913)
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marigy · 7 years
Touch of Durer’
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Anonymer Kunstler, 1.Drittel 19.Jahrhundert
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marigy · 7 years
I could be here
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33K notes · View notes
marigy · 7 years
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My husband says this etching is distracting, you cannot not see it as penile in nature. It is the back of a bald mans head who is driving.
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marigy · 7 years
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I stopped posting on Tumblr because I hate having to put my code Daily/ Daily. I forgot it. #chicken #drumstick #contour
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marigy · 7 years
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Oh what a tangled web we weave.
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