mariettaedge · 4 years
Marietta loved working at the tea shop, and she had chosen to step away from her mother’s Ministry wishes because that is what she wanted, but sometimes she doubted herself. When she looked at other witches and wizards her age, she wondered if she had been dumb, if she should be doing more. This insecurity in the back of her head made her push herself as much as a barista could push herself. She brought new recipes, followed rules, ran the place when Madam Puddifoot wasn’t. She could be a professional woman no matter the career.
Although Marietta liked to play the tough front, she much prefered using the kindess route when interacting with others, especially at the tea shop. The best places have staff that make you feel safe and welcomed, and she wanted to be that, so when she looked at the witch at the front door, she gave in to herself and picked her wand back up from the counter. “It’s okay, I guess it’s not Ministry curfew time yet so who cares if you come in a few minutes past closing, right?” she smiled. “I can’t do coffee, but is there anything else I can whip up for you real quick?” 
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Marietta humming to herself as she cast cleaning charms was interupted when she stubbed her toe against one of the tables. She’d told Madam Puddifoot that they could likely benefit from a little expanding, Merlin knew the woman could afford it, but she had gotten a laugh in return. “Marietta, darling, the clutter makes it feel like home! That’s what the kids like about this place.” She couldn’t argue with that, at least not until she had more arguments in her back pocket. 
Closing time often coincided with Marietta’s personal overthinking time. The topics running around her mind changed depending on the going on’s of her life at the given moment, but there was a general pattern that seemed to be followed. Usually, like today, she would walk into something or stub her toe, and silently curse the shop owner for letting it be so cramped in there. She’d then think about how close the two were, which then turned into thinking about her mother, and soon enough she was fully distracted as she absent mindedly put away mugs and saucers. 
It was this distraction that caused Marietta to jump when she heard the sound of jingle bells coming from the door. She cursed under her breath almost instantly, clutching her chest before turning around to greet the intruder. She’d been working there for what felt like forever, now, when was she going to stop forgetting to lock the door before she did her closing routine? “Sorry, dear. A few minutes earlier and I could’ve gotten you something to go, but I’m afraid we’ve closed up for the day.”
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Astoria had had an extra long day at the Ministry today, she spent all day hunched over paperwork trying to research a particular muggle object that she couldn’t find much information about. The books of the wizarding world on muggle objects was severely lacking in her mind, especially with recent developments in their world not being reflected. They ought to be updated soon and she hoped that someone would do that. Astoria didn’t think herself well-versed enough on the subject to attempt such a task. 
Her head was still with everything she was trying to solve at work when she walked into Madame Puddifoots wanting to get a hot chocolate. Theirs was just better than the one at the Three Broomsticks in her mind. Astoria had no idea what time it was, looking up when she heard the other girl’s voice, noticing that the café was completely empty. “Oh merlin, I’m so sorry. I- I didn’t realise.”
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mariettaedge · 4 years
No one had ever been so loyal and kind to Marietta as one miss Cho Chang, and whenever she heard her best friend’s voice she felt a source of comfort. When she realized who it was walking into the shop, she felt like rolling her eyes at herself. Of course it was Cho coming to see her as she was closing up.
Marietta hung up her apron before stepping out from behind the counter. She made a point to walk towards the door and locking it, sticking her tongue out at Cho sitting in the corner. “Sorry you’re right, it won’t happen again, ma’am.” 
Her days weren’t as busy as of late, no one wanting to rush out to get tea after an attack and resulting reduced hours everywhere, but she knew that she was lucky to still have her job and some semblance of a routine. Quidditch was up in the air for the time being, and she knew that was tough on the players as much as the fans. On top of that the violence brewing was stressing everyone out. Her down time with Cho was good for the both of them, especially now. 
Marietta walked over to the usual corner, grabbing her favourite chair from one of the tables on her way. “Today one wizard asked for three cups of different teas and sat down and drank them all, one after the other. I’ve never related to a man more,” she started, laughing. “How are you doing?” 
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Marietta humming to herself as she cast cleaning charms was interupted when she stubbed her toe against one of the tables. She’d told Madam Puddifoot that they could likely benefit from a little expanding, Merlin knew the woman could afford it, but she had gotten a laugh in return. “Marietta, darling, the clutter makes it feel like home! That’s what the kids like about this place.” She couldn’t argue with that, at least not until she had more arguments in her back pocket. 
Closing time often coincided with Marietta’s personal overthinking time. The topics running around her mind changed depending on the going on’s of her life at the given moment, but there was a general pattern that seemed to be followed. Usually, like today, she would walk into something or stub her toe, and silently curse the shop owner for letting it be so cramped in there. She’d then think about how close the two were, which then turned into thinking about her mother, and soon enough she was fully distracted as she absent mindedly put away mugs and saucers. 
It was this distraction that caused Marietta to jump when she heard the sound of jingle bells coming from the door. She cursed under her breath almost instantly, clutching her chest before turning around to greet the intruder. She’d been working there for what felt like forever, now, when was she going to stop forgetting to lock the door before she did her closing routine? “Sorry, dear. A few minutes earlier and I could’ve gotten you something to go, but I’m afraid we’ve closed up for the day.”
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mariettaedge · 4 years
“I’m a very professional woman, sir, I can’t possibly employ favouritism in my place of work,” she said in mock horror. Teasing, joking around, making fun. She hadn’t realized how much she needed this.
Marietta liked to think of herself as a pretty strong witch. Sometimes she thought that in another life she could’ve been an auror or even Minister. She also prided herself deeply on her independence. As a kid, she was very dependent on her family, her friends, what people thought of her. After being outcasted during her last years of Hogwarts and fighting through a war, she tried desperately to grow up and become her own person. Now that the world seemed to be dipping back into chaos, however...
Marietta was scared again. Now that she was at odds with her family, she knew that she had less people to depend on. And even if she wasn’t comfortable being around her mother anymore, she desperately hoped no harm came to her. On top of that she was scared that if push came to shove again, everyone would remember her cursed 5th year and wouldn’t care that she fought in the Battle of Hogwarts. She was scared she’d be left alone, again.
Terry caring enough to come and get her home seemed to calm this fear, though. She laughed as he claimed to supervise her, telling him that her closing abilities were impeccable. “Business is calmer, but good. Everyone seems to need a cup of tea or coffee to get through the day, you know?” She said as she pulled away from the hug and smiled at him. “They best not work you too hard, or I’ll have to show up there and make a fuss, and that won’t be fun for anyone. It must be pretty busy, though, especially after... well, you know. Are you sure you’re doing okay, dealing with all of that?”
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When she realized who it was stepping inside the shop, Marietta’s hand dropped from her chest and her customer service smile turned into a wide grin. “That’s how I would greet anyone walking in at this time of day, am I supposed to be giving you special treatment, Mr. Boot?”
Although she liked to tease him, she was always glad to see Terry. She was appreciative to see any friendly face amidst the chaos, but Terry had a way of bringing her a great deal of comfort. She assumed he was here because he worried about her, but as she’d told him before, Madam Puddifoot’s wasn’t really a target, at least not for the time being. It’s why she was still working, after all.
Marietta was very glad to still have a routine after the wild recent events. When the Ministry released information about the closings and curfew, she’d desperately hoped that she would be able to still get to work. The curfew already would be affecting her social life, especially mixing everyone’s different schedules. She knew she’d go mad at home all day while Cho was playing Quidditch and Terry was saving lives.
“Well, aren’t you a gentleman? I’m pretty much done, but I could mess up a few tables for you to clean if that’ll make you feel useful.” She laughed as she poked fun at him again, but she stepped out from behind the counter and opened her arms out for a hug. “It’s good to see you. I’m surprised you’re not still working at this hour, busy man. How are you?”
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“I would hope that we’re good enough friends where I would, Miss Edgecomb,” Terry teased along with her. He leaned against one of the tables looking around at the establishment. It was good that Marrietta still had a place to work, with all the closures going down around them many of their friends were looking at reduced hours or no work at all. He immediately thought of Lisa, frowning a bit. 
He was lucky that he’d managed to grab a job at St. Mungo’s a place he would imagine would always need some workers. Right now they were packed and the long hours were starting to exhaust him more than normal. Seeing Marietta however was putting him back in good spirits and he was feeling a little burst of after-work energy.
“Oh no, no wouldn’t want to inconvenience you like that. I’ll just stand here in place and supervise your closing abilities.” He laughed along with her, embracing her in a friendly hug. “I had an earlier shift today, they can work me to the bone but they can’t always keep me there day and night. I’m good though, how are you? Are you still getting good business?”
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mariettaedge · 4 years
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ISTJs are steady, productive, responsible organizers who are driven to create and enforce order within systems and institutions. They tend to believe in laws and traditions and expect the same from others. They are not comfortable with going against the rules. ISTJs are extremely dependable, however, because of their strong sense of duty, they might have a difficult time saying “no” and may be taken advantage of. ISTJs are faithful and loyal individuals who care deeply about those they are close to, but may have difficulties expressing their affection.
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mariettaedge · 4 years
“Well...” Marietta glanced at the clock on the wall, then at the door, then back at the clock. It was getting a little late, but she supposed it was her own fault for leaving the shop open. She sighed and then nodded, offering a smile to the man. He seemed nice. “I suppose I haven’t anything better to do tonight, anyhow,” she laughed softly. 
Marietta grabbed a chair from one of the tables nearest to the counter and set it down before going to the back and looking at the different tea and coffee products. “Have a seat, I’ll brew you something up, anything in particular that would make your friend more forgiving of your lateness?”  
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Marietta humming to herself as she cast cleaning charms was interupted when she stubbed her toe against one of the tables. She’d told Madam Puddifoot that they could likely benefit from a little expanding, Merlin knew the woman could afford it, but she had gotten a laugh in return. “Marietta, darling, the clutter makes it feel like home! That’s what the kids like about this place.” She couldn’t argue with that, at least not until she had more arguments in her back pocket. 
Closing time often coincided with Marietta’s personal overthinking time. The topics running around her mind changed depending on the going on’s of her life at the given moment, but there was a general pattern that seemed to be followed. Usually, like today, she would walk into something or stub her toe, and silently curse the shop owner for letting it be so cramped in there. She’d then think about how close the two were, which then turned into thinking about her mother, and soon enough she was fully distracted as she absent mindedly put away mugs and saucers. 
It was this distraction that caused Marietta to jump when she heard the sound of jingle bells coming from the door. She cursed under her breath almost instantly, clutching her chest before turning around to greet the intruder. She’d been working there for what felt like forever, now, when was she going to stop forgetting to lock the door before she did her closing routine? “Sorry, dear. A few minutes earlier and I could’ve gotten you something to go, but I’m afraid we’ve closed up for the day.”
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mariettaedge · 4 years
When she realized who it was stepping inside the shop, Marietta’s hand dropped from her chest and her customer service smile turned into a wide grin. “That’s how I would greet anyone walking in at this time of day, am I supposed to be giving you special treatment, Mr. Boot?”
Although she liked to tease him, she was always glad to see Terry. She was appreciative to see any friendly face amidst the chaos, but Terry had a way of bringing her a great deal of comfort. She assumed he was here because he worried about her, but as she’d told him before, Madam Puddifoot’s wasn’t really a target, at least not for the time being. It’s why she was still working, after all.
Marietta was very glad to still have a routine after the wild recent events. When the Ministry released information about the closings and curfew, she’d desperately hoped that she would be able to still get to work. The curfew already would be affecting her social life, especially mixing everyone’s different schedules. She knew she’d go mad at home all day while Cho was playing Quidditch and Terry was saving lives.
“Well, aren’t you a gentleman? I’m pretty much done, but I could mess up a few tables for you to clean if that’ll make you feel useful.” She laughed as she poked fun at him again, but she stepped out from behind the counter and opened her arms out for a hug. “It’s good to see you. I’m surprised you’re not still working at this hour, busy man. How are you?”
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Marietta humming to herself as she cast cleaning charms was interupted when she stubbed her toe against one of the tables. She’d told Madam Puddifoot that they could likely benefit from a little expanding, Merlin knew the woman could afford it, but she had gotten a laugh in return. “Marietta, darling, the clutter makes it feel like home! That’s what the kids like about this place.” She couldn’t argue with that, at least not until she had more arguments in her back pocket. 
Closing time often coincided with Marietta’s personal overthinking time. The topics running around her mind changed depending on the going on’s of her life at the given moment, but there was a general pattern that seemed to be followed. Usually, like today, she would walk into something or stub her toe, and silently curse the shop owner for letting it be so cramped in there. She’d then think about how close the two were, which then turned into thinking about her mother, and soon enough she was fully distracted as she absent mindedly put away mugs and saucers. 
It was this distraction that caused Marietta to jump when she heard the sound of jingle bells coming from the door. She cursed under her breath almost instantly, clutching her chest before turning around to greet the intruder. She’d been working there for what felt like forever, now, when was she going to stop forgetting to lock the door before she did her closing routine? “Sorry, dear. A few minutes earlier and I could’ve gotten you something to go, but I’m afraid we’ve closed up for the day.”
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If it wasn’t for Marietta, Terry would never step into Madam Puddifoot’s. It was a general consensus among many that it was much too frilly and extravagant and Terry had to agree with those sentiments. Back at Hogwarts during Hogsmeade weekends, he’d never even stepped inside mostly due to the fact that he never had a date to take. If there was anywhere that made Terry remember his crippling single-ness it was this tea shop. 
“Is that how you’re going to greet me?” Terry asked, a smile on his face as he closed the door behind him. He dodged the table closet to the door to reach Marietta and greet her. “I’ve come to pick you up once you’re done. I can help you close up if you need.”
With his long workdays and Marietta’s closing shifts, they didn’t get to see each other much, and Terry tried his best to make some time in his schedule for her. It was harder now with the new restrictions but he was glad that Marietta was able to keep her job through the closings. If he was being honest he was really here check in on her to make sure she got home safe tonight. Seeing all the people flooding St. Mungo’s was starting to make him worry about everyone.
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mariettaedge · 4 years
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Marietta Edgecombe, a moodboard
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mariettaedge · 4 years
Marietta humming to herself as she cast cleaning charms was interupted when she stubbed her toe against one of the tables. She’d told Madam Puddifoot that they could likely benefit from a little expanding, Merlin knew the woman could afford it, but she had gotten a laugh in return. “Marietta, darling, the clutter makes it feel like home! That’s what the kids like about this place.” She couldn’t argue with that, at least not until she had more arguments in her back pocket. 
Closing time often coincided with Marietta’s personal overthinking time. The topics running around her mind changed depending on the going on’s of her life at the given moment, but there was a general pattern that seemed to be followed. Usually, like today, she would walk into something or stub her toe, and silently curse the shop owner for letting it be so cramped in there. She’d then think about how close the two were, which then turned into thinking about her mother, and soon enough she was fully distracted as she absent mindedly put away mugs and saucers. 
It was this distraction that caused Marietta to jump when she heard the sound of jingle bells coming from the door. She cursed under her breath almost instantly, clutching her chest before turning around to greet the intruder. She’d been working there for what felt like forever, now, when was she going to stop forgetting to lock the door before she did her closing routine? “Sorry, dear. A few minutes earlier and I could’ve gotten you something to go, but I’m afraid we’ve closed up for the day.”
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mariettaedge · 4 years
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                                     MARIETTA EDGECOMBE
AGE: 21 LINEAGE: Halfblood OCCUPATION:  Works at Madam Puddifoot’s tea shop in Hogsmeade ALLIANCE: Civilian FACE CLAIM: Natalia Dyer
( intro )
“ You’ve always been obedient, something that your mother always prided you on. But instead of pinching your cheeks or a pat on the head, your friends began to see it as a weakness. You remember things in your fifth year but Kingsley had applied a memory charm to you to forget a handful of memories. After that, your friends seemed distant and you struggled to even remember the pain you caused. Your true friends stayed and still were loyal to you but you couldn’t help but notice a rift. Walking on broken glass is nothing new to you and now with a clash of rebellious groups fighting, you find it hard to be silent.  ”
( connections )
⚔ Cho Chang: close friends;  Cho was Marietta’s longest relationship. They had been friends since their first days at Hogwarts, and nothing ever managed to tear them apart. She was immensely grateful for Cho’s constant presence in her life and would forever be there to support her in return, no matter what.
⚔ Anthony Goldstein: suspicious of;  Something about Anthony just didn’t feel… right. He had been amongst the group of students who had been mean to her after the incident in fifth year, and although she knew she shouldn’t resent him for things that happened when they were kids, but to this day he remained cold to her, and she couldn’t help but be suspicious of him.
⚔ Marcus Flint: loathes;  Marietta couldn’t stand anyone who thought they were better just because of their lineage or privilege, but the way Marcus carried himself gave her a particular sour taste in her mouth. She didn’t trust him, and she didn’t like hearing anything about him.
⚔ Terry Boot: good friends;  While Cho was her oldest friend, Terry was a new addition to the short list of people she could trust. They had been friendly in school, but were closer friends now, and she appreciated his kind words and pleasant company.
⚔ Harry Potter: Harry Potter: Marietta had no idea what Harry Potter thought of her, and that was probably her own fault. She had spent the last few years avoiding him like the plague, feeling guilty about what she had done and scared about what he would say to her if their paths directly crossed.
the role of marietta edgecombe is currently closed and is played by chelsey-lynn 
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mariettaedge · 4 years
Who is Marietta Edgecombe?
Marietta never knew what to believe. During her youth, she had always chosen to trust her parents almost blindly, though that had cost her more than once. Although she had turned in Dumbledore’s Army during their time at Hogwarts, when she realized that Voldemort was in fact back, she began to doubt her mother’s unwavering loyalty to the Ministry. She had stayed in Hogwarts during the Battle and fought against the Death Eaters, and that had been as involved as she had been with the war. Now, she heard of rumours of the New Order and the new… Whatever it was, that the Death Eaters now called themselves, and she didn’t want to believe that chaos was back, but remembered what had happened last time she didn’t believe. At the end of the day, she knew she would do what she could to help the Light side, if they would have her.
+Kind: Marietta would be the first one to admit that, as a teenager, she had not been a joy to be around. As she grew up and matured, she made a point to be as kind as she could to those around her as much as possible.
-Unsure of herself: Maybe it had something to do with her past mistakes, or maybe it had something to do with her family life, but Marietta had deep insecurities that, although she tried to hide them, couldn’t help but surfacing in the worst of moments.
+Articulate: Although Marietta was often unsure of herself, she seemed to have mastered a quality way with words, and easily expressed herself in front of others, even if she might doubt herself afterwards.
-Defensive: Even when she knows she is wrong, Marietta’s first instinct is always to defend her side, as she is easily offended and threatened and wants to avoid being perceived as stupid or bad.
+Independent: Marietta had a fairly good childhood. There was always food on the table, and her parents could afford to get her toys and pretty clothes. She knew she had lived a privileged life, but now, as she cut ties with her family financially, she prided herself on being self suficient. 
-Bad judge of character: Her years of blindly trusting the people who held any form of authority in her life made Marietta a bad judge of character. She never could tell if someone was good or bad, if they were being honest or if they were playing a joke on her.
Madame Edgecombe
Marietta grew up in a strict household. She had always been closer to her father, and he never went against her mother’s wishes, which meant neither did she. Marietta had to get most things approved by her mother, from when she was a child until she was an older teenager. Her clothes, her friends, her classes, sometimes even what she ate. Although this pained her, Marietta never really put up a fight, scared of how her mother got when she raised her voice and was angry. When she confessed about D.A. to Umbridge, she felt almost instantly guilty about it, but it was at her mother’s request and she knew what was best, and the consequences of not doing what her mother wanted seemed to outweigh the consequences of betraying her friends... But when the news started showing that Harry Potter and Dumbledore had in fact been right is when Marietta started being more… open about her wishes with her mother. She spoke out at the dinner table, they argued, her mother screamed and screamed. As soon as she could, she left the house, and her current relationship with her mother was difficult, as she did not approve of anything Marietta did, and she resented her mother for a lot of things. She avoided going back home if her mother was there, as most of their interactions ended in fights.
Simple pleasures
Marietta, half wanting to spite her mother, half wanting to be different than her peers, had rejected countless Ministry employment offers over the recent years. She had been a stellar Hogwarts student, and her mother being a Ministry employee with connections surely helped. She instead chose to move into a small flat and work odd jobs and at a little shop in Hogsmeade. She remembered her mother telling her, as a child, that she would do great things and live luxuriously one day. She much preferred her quaint life and her simple pleasures.
Past mistakes
Marietta often looked into the mirror at her acne scars, trying to remember all the details of her fifth year. To this day, she feels torn about the whole ordeal. Immense guilt floods her, but also a feeling of sadness and frustration, especially the older she got. She was just a kid, and she was trying to do what she thought was right, and she was so scared of Professor Umbridge and her mother… She couldn’t quite recall all the faces or all the things they did, and she tried desperately to remember if they were doing serious things or bad things, but they were all just kids, and she spent the rest of her Hogwarts career being shamed for things she didn’t remember. She sometimes wished she could go back, start over, and avoid the group all together, but maybe then she wouldn’t have realized how bad her mother really was, forcing her to betray her friends for a fake professional relationship with an awful women.
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