mariasheikh-blog1 · 7 years
Critical Creative Reflection:
1. How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? 
For my final media project, I developed a magazine which comprises of a front cover, a content page and a double-spread. The genre I chose is fashion. There are certain characteristics expected from a fashion magazine and hence, I have tried to conclude all of them in mine, from pictures to fonts, to accesories, I tried to reflect the genre of my magazine through each and every single component and convention. Starting with the name of my magazine.
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I tried to be as creative with it as I could be. "Etalage" means to display ones talents and that's exactly what I was doing when I made my magazine. I tried to display as many talents of mine as I could have had and therefore, the name of the magazine is very special for me. It even compliments and represents the ideology of fashion altogether as it should. Once I was done with the name and picture selection, I began with the assembling of my product. It required me to think outside the box because I wanted my magazine to be unique and to reflect my talents at its best. Not only did I try to conclude all the codes and conventions in my magazine, but I also tried to create a link between them so that my viewers consider my product as a journey and become curious about it. Starting with the cover of my magazine, I began by taking multiple inspirations and I then created somethjing original out of the inspirations. I tried to fill it as much as I could, but I filled it in a way that wouldn't make it look too crowded, nor too emptry. I selected a color pallet and stuck to it throughout the entire magazine and concluded every code and convention that I could. I experimented with the fonts and the color scheme and ended up with a product that I was personally really pleased with. The fonts of my magazine are very friendly, eye-catching and inviting, as are my cover lines.
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Each font is different; in term of color and style but none of them look out of place as every convention is interlinked and is complimenting one another, furthermore, everything seems to be standing out and making a statement as it should in a fahion magazine.
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I have used the same color pallete throughout my product and I've tried to play around and convert every convention and cresate something new out of it.
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mariasheikh-blog1 · 7 years
Final double-Spread:
Moving towards my final double spread, I again started off by setting the size of my page.
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I placed the rulers and opened my main image and brought it on it and  then sized it, using “CTRL” + “T”, holding shift throughout.
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I then brought on all the text and started experimenting with fonts and different tools, but I wasn’t pleased with the way my magazine looked so far and so I continued experimenting.
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I added a puff and a strip to my double spread too, used the same colour scheme in order to keep my cover, content and double spread linked. I tried multiple fonts here and finally liked one that I liked.
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after I had added the puff and the strip, my double spread still looked really plain and I hence decided to add more description here. When I first added this text, all of this looked out of place, but then I played with the colour pallet and the tools and was finally able to create something I would want to buy and something that would attract me.
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I ended my double spread by aligning everything properly. I changed the font of my text, brought more pictures with the help of the “Move” tool and added stuff that would stand out, like the strip and the colours. This was relatively easier to make and didn’t require me to do a lot of work, but it still ended up looking good and I don’t think there’s anything more left for me to do.
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mariasheikh-blog1 · 7 years
Final content page:
I had successfully made a cover page which I was pleased with and I thought that since I was done with the main thing, the content and double-spread would be relatively easier to make, but boy was I wrong? It’s not the procedure that seemed hard now (Got a hang of the tools) but choosing the right color pallet that would compliment the cover of my magazine and the placement of the codes and the conventions was rather more difficult than I had anticipated especially because I wanted to create something unique and with meaning. 
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So I again started by setting the size of my page to 8.5 and 10.5 inches. (The same as the size of magazine cover.
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This time I began with the masthead and decided to set it’s size and font first. 
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I didn't want a grid of pictures as I didn't want my content page to look typical. I did a lot of research and was finally able to come up with an idea that required me to use only one picture, that too in an artistic way. So I used to the move tool to bring the picture that I had chosen on my content page.
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I sized my picture using “CTRL+T” and “Shift”.
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I tried out different ways to set the captions of my content page, I experimented and experimented till I got the perfect results. I now had to add the description and was thinking of interesting ways to do that, So I took the shape tool, made a small and thing rectangle and decreased it’s opacity. I duplicated the shape and brought it all the way down. This idea created suspicion and curiosity as to what was inside the magazine and I was really pleased with the way my content page was turning out so far as it was everything I wanted it to be. However, I still had a long way to go to so I didn’t raise my hopes too high.
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I filled in the rectangles with the contents and it ended up looking better than I had expected it to. I then added a puff and a strip using the shape tool, I made a rectangle and a circle. 
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I then adjusted the colours of my conventions and moved on to filling up the spaces. 
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Since my magazine is a fashion magazine, I wanted to add things that would make it look like one too so I decided to add different pieces of jewelry to make my magazine look more femin-ish.
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mariasheikh-blog1 · 7 years
Final magazine cover:
It seems like just yesterday when I started working on the preliminary task. At the beginning, the finish line seemed so far away, but here we are now. I couldn’t be more thrilled or any happier to present my work to you guys. After all the hard work, I was finally able to create something I was pleased with. Here is the final cover of my magazine. I used the software “Adobe Photoshop CS3”. I used this software because I got really familiar with it after making my preliminary magazine cover. At the beginning, I did have trouble understanding how to use this software, but as I proceeded, with time, I got pretty good at it.  
Okay, so the first step for creating anything on Photoshop is to decide the size of your page. I set the size of my page to 8.5 and 10.5 because it just seemed like the perfect size to go with.
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The next step can be of your choice, I decided to first bring my main cover image on my page because it would help give me a better perspective of what fonts to choose and which color pallet to go with. However, this isn’t as easy as it sounds. You first use the “move tool” to bring the image on the page, but note this, the image doesn’t appear on the page in the size you want it to. To adjust the image, you have to press ”CTRL + T”. This will create a box like thing around your image, a boundary perhaps. Now, you adjust the image by extending or reducing the size from the corners. However, throughout the process of adjustment, you have to press “shift”, otherwise the image will just get distorted. When I first attempted this during my preliminary task, I kept on making blunders but with the right amount of practice, this turned out to be a piece of cake for me.
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After, adjusting the image onto my page, I proceeded to the masthead of my magazine cover. The font of your masthead is one of the most important conventions, as after the main cover image, the next thing any person sees is the masthead. Therefore, the color and font of the masthead should be impeccable and most importantly, it should compliment the main image. I spent quite some time in search for the perfect font and I finally found one which I was pleased with. I tried on a lot of colors before I was able to decide the color for my font. I wanted my masthead to glow, I wanted it to be vibrant and give a neon like effect. I tried black, red, yellow and a dozen other colors, but none of them really turned out the way I wanted them to. I randomly changed the color of my font to white and TING TING TINGGGG, I found the perfect match! =D
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After deciding the font and color of my mast head came the bringing of the image over the masthead. This required the use of the “lasso tool” (MY WORST ENEMY). This tool gave me a pretty hard time at the beginning, but like I said, practice makes everything perfect. This tool helps you cut your image and bring it over the masthead. I used the magnetic lasso tool for the cutting of my image.
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After having reached this stage, something didn’t seem right. I couldn’t figure out what it was so I started applying different things until I found the blur tool. The background of my image seemed too bright to me and I thought that the cover lines wouldn’t pop up on something that vibrant so therefore, I used the blur tool to blur the background of my main image.
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At the beginning, when I took this subject, we were made aware of all the codes and conventions used in a magazine and I wanted to use as many as I could, so I decided to start with a puff. I clicked on the “rectangle tool” and chose the “Ellipse tool” to draw a circle like shape for my puff. Again, I wanted the puff to be vibrant and this was the point where I had to decide the color palette for my magazine. I gave this A LOT of thought as I wanted this to be perfect.  I tried on different colors like red, orange, black, pink etc. I tried all the colors I could think of, nothing seemed to be perfect. I asked myself what I wanted and that was to have something that would pop out and therefore, I finally decided to go with yellow, white and black. I finally decided my color palette and was excited to play around with different tones and see how my ideas were implemented. I chose a bright yellow color for my puff and I used black to write inside it because, what better combination is there than black and yellow?
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Next, I proceeded with my cover lines. I decided to stick to my color palette and decided to play with the fonts. I experimented with a lot of fonts and was finally able to come up with the perfect fonts. Everything seemed to be falling in place after the fonts and color palette was decided. Everything seemed flawless and just kept looking forward to the end so I could just see how this all turned out.
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I added a strip on the top of my magazine because I wanted to use as many conventions as I could to make my magazine look flawless.I used the rectangle tool and I made a rectangle using it. Then I pressed “CTRL + T” and rotated it to bring it into position.
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Now came the font for the main cover line and well, I wanted my cover lines to pop so imagine what I would want for my MAIN COVER LINE to look like! I decided to play around with the tools until I could find the perfect font and edit it perfectly.
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The magazine seemed compete to me, but there was something that just seemed missing and I kept thinking what it could be and I finally realized BARCODEEEEE! The barcode was the final thing I needed for my magazine. I took one from the internet, opened the image and moved it to my magazine, again using the move tool and then adjusting it with CTRL, T and shift.
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mariasheikh-blog1 · 7 years
We all see the results for the shoots that take place, but we don’t always see what goes on behind them. We don’t know how much effort it takes to come up with the perfect shoot. While shooting for the cover of my magazine, I experienced everything and even though it was somewhat of a hassle, it was all worth it. Since, it was my first proper shoot, I didn’t focus a lot on my bts. I didn’t realize how important the bts are. However, like I said before, I get to experience and learn something new every day and my mistakes just keep making my work better. 
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This is of when my model was getting her make-up done. However, since it was a fashion magazine, she needed more detail and accessories. 
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This if from the second shoot. It can be seen that my model is more dressed here. She has a lot of accessories on and she looks more appropriately dressed in order to be on the cover of a fashion magazine. 
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Since the genre of my magazine is fashion, my model had to look impeccable.
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mariasheikh-blog1 · 7 years
Accepted pictures:
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This is the picture I’ll be using on the front cover of my magazine. I feel like everything about this picture compliments it. The expressions, the pose, the clothes and everything just seem to be on point. Furthermore, I’ll be enhancing the picture by using photoshop CS3.
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This is my favorite picture, however I can’t use this on the cover of my magazine as I didn’t leave any room for the mast-head. I really like this picture and just could not reject it so I have decided to use this on the content page of my magazine. 
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The model is confident and is giving off a diva like look and I’m thinking of using this on my double-spread as in my opinion, it will really compliment the cover story.
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This is a candid shot and therefore, I’ll be using this too on the double-spread of my magazine. 
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mariasheikh-blog1 · 7 years
Rejected pictures:
I narrowed down my work to a few pictures I could work with, but then due to some errors I had to reject a few of them. These are the ones I rejected followed by the reasons why.
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This is one of the pictures from my test shoot and I had to reject this because some part of the models hand got cut. 
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I personally liked this shot, but it isn’t something I could use for the cover of my magazine so therefore, I had to reject this one too.
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mariasheikh-blog1 · 7 years
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This is a picture from my test shoot and one which I rejected. Can’t wait to show you guys the end result and the final picture for my cover! =D stay tuned xx
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mariasheikh-blog1 · 7 years
Creative critical reflection:
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mariasheikh-blog1 · 7 years
Production logs:
Experience:  Okay so today was my first official day of shoot and it was one hell of an experience! I won’t say that it was really hard, but it wasn’t a piece of cake either. I was satisfied with the outcome and I learnt a lot. After taking the pictures, I observed them and discovered all the points I lacked in. I won’t say that the shoot went amazing and that I was extremely happy with the outcome, but since it was my first proper shoot ever, I’d say, for that, I was pleased with my work and I learned a lot about photography and what things I should apply in order to get a good picture. 
Process: The process was rather easy as I simply tried to re-create one of the inspirational pictures from my post earlier. However, it did not turn out the way I expected it would as the resources I needed weren’t available. Using the inspiration, I was still able to come up with a good idea for my picture. It was somewhat of a long process as I had to do the make-up, the hair, the costume and the lighting too. These are the essential components that HAVE to be put in consideration in order to take a perfect shot.
Strengths and weaknesses: Since this was my first shoot, my shoot had some drawbacks to it too. They were really obvious weaknesses which taught me a lot about photography and showed me how little things could improve the output of my pictures. The first weakness was that I cut some major parts via detail while taking the picture. Another major weakness was that the costume/accessories, were not compatible with the genre. However, the shoot did have some strengths too, I think that the lighting was on point, the 3 points lighting strategy was used properly and lastly, the frame was set properly.  
This was rather easy as I had went through the entire picture taking process and therefore, I got a chance to improve in the things I lacked and the ones I messed up.
The shoot was a success and I am very pleased with the outcome, can’t wait to start working on my magazine!
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mariasheikh-blog1 · 7 years
Planning: equipment
The equipment that I’ll be needing for the production of my magazine is the canon 700D (To take the pictures) and my laptop for the making of my magazine on Adobe Photoshop CS3
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mariasheikh-blog1 · 7 years
Planning: Model
I always thought that it would be really easy to find the perfect model and take her perfect shot, but who knew it would be this hard? O.o
There were so many beautiful faces around me and I thought that I could easily find a perfect model, but I was so wrong about this. Even though I was surrounded by gorgeous faces, I couldn’t get them to pose the way I wanted them to. I couldn’t get them to convey the viewers the story that I wanted to. 
After a lot of search, I finally found a picture perfect girl who I have decided to take as my model. Not only is she photogenic, but she understood what I wanted to portray to my viewers and gave me exactly what i wanted.
This was not at all easy, but it was definitely worth it!
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Who’s that girl? Can’t wait to reveal my model to you guys!!!
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mariasheikh-blog1 · 7 years
Planning: Location
As you guys know that I will be doing a close-up shot for the cover of my fashion magazine, I won’t really be needing a proper location as the main emphasis will be on the models features and her body language.
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I basically want to re-create something like this and for that, I will only be needing a plain background and a place with good lighting which I can find possibly anywhere so for that, I won’t be restricting my shoot to one particular location and I also won’t be restricting the shot of my magazine cover to close-up. I may even go for a mid-shot if the picture looks better that way. I have decided to go with a red-brick wall for the background and I’ll be taking my pictures, super early, in day light as there is no better lighting than that at day time.
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mariasheikh-blog1 · 7 years
Planning: Budget
Since my magazine is a fashion magazine, I will therefore definitely be needing a model. I’ll also need accessories and styling for my model which will hence, add up to my cost. I won’t be buying new clothes or jewelry as I can easily style my model using my own stuff. However, for her hair and makeup, I will be needing someone professional (As the main emphasis on my cover is going to be on the models face) which could add up to the cost of my budget. 
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mariasheikh-blog1 · 7 years
Planning: Software
The software I’ll be using for editing the main cover photo of my magazine is adobe photoshop CS3. Since In fashion, every little detail counts and for that Adobe Photoshop is perfect for my magazine cover as I will be able to highlight every minor detail and create the image just as I want it. 
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mariasheikh-blog1 · 7 years
Mise en scene is a french term which refers to the arrangement of scenery, props, setting, lighting, space, etc. 
Setting and props: I will take the photograph of my magazine somewhere outdoor and for the props, since the genre of my magazine is fashion, I’ll be needing clothes, accessories, etc. I’ve decided to take a close-up shot for the cover of my magazine and for that, I’ll only be needing a plain background. I’ll also be needing accessories as the genre of my magazine is fashion.
Positioning and lighting: The positioning and the lighting are two extremely important aspects as the quality of your photograph depends on this and therefore, I will take the shot outdoors, in sunlight and I will be white-balancing accordingly. 
Make-up and styling: I will definitely require a model and therefore, make up and styling will be needed. I have decided to re-create a close-up shot and for that, the make-up of my model will have to be flawless. A friend of mine does really good make-up and styling and therefore, she’ll be doing the make up of my model.
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mariasheikh-blog1 · 7 years
Photography inspiration and references:
The first thing on the cover of the magazine that catches the eyes of the readers immediately is the main image. It therefore, carries grave importance and needs to be impeccable in order for it to persuade the reader to buy the magazine and read further.
the importance of the main image is such that if the image is “just okay” then the reader may not even give it a second look and will hence, move to some other magazine. In order for me to snap the best picture for my magazine cover and keep the interest of my readers maintained, I did some research on inspirational photography and came across a lot which I could re-create. 
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This is a close-up shot and is high-key. Even though this picture is in black and white, I love how her features and everything is yet so bold. This image itself portrays a lot and creates suspicion for the viewers. 
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This is a similar shot , however I love the expressions and the body language of the model in this shot. I love how she’s so confident and is owning up to her outfit.
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Here again, even though the image is in black and white, everything about the model is so bold, everything is standing out.
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This is one of my absolute favorite shots. I love everything about this picture, the make-up, the confidence of the model, her pose, the detail the hat is adding. A really beautiful shot overall. 
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