"That's just because I kissed her," she shook her head, thinking of the first kiss in the bathroom at the 'prom' and then the kiss Barney had made them exchange with his evil plan. And oh, she was going to hate that woman so much, the one that Barney would actually marry, because deep down she knew that she had only chose Kevin because his answer had been more reassuring in a time when she was desperate... and then the pregnancy scare happened. "Yes, I'll give them to the director, it will keep SHIELD clean if something happens. But nothing will, because I know you won't say a word of this around and because I'm good at keeping the two lives separated... when I don't get shot," she added with a cringe, touching the side of her head where she was keeping the ice-bag before. Of course there was no need to pretend, Barney already knew. "I always did. I would never let anything happen to you. But hey, it's not all darkness and danger, it's also really cool to be working with super heroes and be their boss! Eh, almost all the super heroes, you do not want to have anything to do with Stark... Actually maybe you would."
some more scotch. A lot more.”
She had the feeling that if they kept talking like that she wasn’t going to get shot sooner than she thought. She stood up quickly and went to take the scotch for him. “Are you kidding, Barney? Why do you think I’m still alive? It’s really hard to bring down the one who has so much to come back to,” Robin replied, forcing herself to say the truth, because it was unfair of her to open up with everyone except Barney, especially when they were talking about her potential death. She put the bottle on the table, leaving him free reign. “You’ll be dating a chick too. Someone really hot, really good at laser tag… I’ll hate her,” she chuckled, leaning to take her glass. “And Lily will have a crush on her. There is no way you won’t beat Ted there. And this is unrelated to my job. No matter what happens, you’re the one who is marrying next, then Ted.”
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She had the feeling that if they kept talking like that she wasn't going to get shot sooner than she thought. She stood up quickly and went to take the scotch for him. "Are you kidding, Barney? Why do you think I'm still alive? It's really hard to bring down the one who has so much to come back to," Robin replied, forcing herself to say the truth, because it was unfair of her to open up with everyone except Barney, especially when they were talking about her potential death. She put the bottle on the table, leaving him free reign. "You'll be dating a chick too. Someone really hot, really good at laser tag... I'll hate her," she chuckled, leaning to take her glass. "And Lily will have a crush on her. There is no way you won't beat Ted there. And this is unrelated to my job. No matter what happens, you're the one who is marrying next, then Ted." 
Robin chuckled. As if she could even think of having a relationship with one the Avengers, which would have been one of the most destructive and dangerous relationships together, when she was still so attached to him. “There are things that are worth dying for,” she said firmly. But then she looked away. “You’d be okay. Marshall and Lily have Marvin, you and Ted will have already found someone to marry… In the last months we barely talked, me and you, didn’t we? And yet you were the person I was seeing the most. Ted was still getting over the…” she stopped talking: did Barney knew that Ted had told her he loved her? “Anyway, I can’t promise you that I won’t die. I can just promise that I’ll try not to. And I know you guys will be okay no matter what.” Because she needed them more than they needed her.
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Robin chuckled. As if she could even think of having a relationship with one the Avengers, which would have been one of the most destructive and dangerous relationships together, when she was still so attached to him.  "There are things that are worth dying for," she said firmly. But then she looked away. "You'd be okay. Marshall and Lily have Marvin, you and Ted will have already found someone to marry... In the last months we barely talked, me and you, didn't we? And yet you were the person I was seeing the most. Ted was still getting over the..." she stopped talking: did Barney knew that Ted had told her he loved her? "Anyway, I can't promise you that I won't die. I can just promise that I'll try not to. And I know you guys will be okay no matter what." Because she needed them more than they needed her. 
She sat back next to him, noticing how much nervous he was looking. Just for his own entertainment, and okay, it was also the truth, she offered a: “I might have a tiny girl-crush on her, like Lily has on me. But me and the Black Widow never did anything, sorry to break it to you. She is awesome, though. And no, I haven’t slept with them… I might kill Stark one of these days, and we opened a hole to a parallel universe to give a look and apparently that Robin is married with Cap and has children, but that’s never gonna happen here. Barney, do you want something else, like water, instead of the scotch? I know that it’s a lot to take in.” Robin put a hand on his arm, like she always did when he got hurt in one of his stunts. 
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She sat back next to him, noticing how much nervous he was looking. Just for his own entertainment, and okay, it was also the truth, she offered a: "I might have a tiny girl-crush on her, like Lily has on me. But me and the Black Widow never did anything, sorry to break it to you. She is awesome, though. And no, I haven't slept with them... I might kill Stark one of these days, and we opened a hole to a parallel universe to give a look and apparently that Robin is married with Cap and has children, but that's never gonna happen here. Barney, do you want something else, like water, instead of the scotch? I know that it's a lot to take in." Robin put a hand on his arm, like she always did when he got hurt in one of his stunts. 
“… That jackass. Maria Hill, Barney. That’s my identity there, how my co-workers know me. You know how secret agents in movies have a fake name and all that in their civilian life? For me is the contrary, I have a code name at the job.” She sighed, “Give me a second.”  Robin went straight to her room, grabbing the papers that she kept hidden in her wardrobe - because you never knew when Bucky was going to mess things up again - and a pen; she came back and put it on the table, in front of Barney. “You have to sign up this. It will keep us both out of trouble. Bureaucracy. And I’m the vice-director of the ‘government military thing’ as you said. The Avengers work for us.”  
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Reblog if you are an INDEPENDENT roleplayer
And you will be added to the List. 
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We still on for that date?
of course I am! sorry if I disappeared, I had a little trouble with my sister, civilian stuff, and had to fly to her!
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"... That jackass. Maria Hill, Barney. That's my identity there, how my co-workers know me. You know how secret agents in movies have a fake name and all that in their civilian life? For me is the contrary, I have a code name at the job." She sighed, "Give me a second."  Robin went straight to her room, grabbing the papers that she kept hidden in her wardrobe - because you never knew when Bucky was going to mess things up again - and a pen; she came back and put it on the table, in front of Barney. "You have to sign up this. It will keep us both out of trouble. Bureaucracy. And I'm the vice-director of the 'government military thing' as you said. The Avengers work for us."  
He kno-SON OF A BITCH!” she threw the glass to the wall, growling in her hands a second later. “Barnes! Son of a bitch!” she repeated. “I’ll murder him this time, I swear. I don’t care if he’s getting married, I’ll murder him. I’ll do it. For real.” She stood up, hissing in pain because of the quick movement that killed her back. “I’ll kill him,” she repeated more calmly, “I spent years keeping you guys… Oh, I’ll kill him. How many names did he make? I mean, did he tell you my name? The name of where I work? I have to know what exactly I have to make you sign up. Of course you were acting weird, the bastard probably freaked you out!” And of all the people, it had to be Barney. The only one that she had no idea how he was going to react. 
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"That is so nice..." She shook her head, "I've heard, or read, someone say 'greet Death like an old friend' and that's exactly what you make people do. It's more like 'you're dead, now greet Harry' which is awesome." She looked down, playing with her empty plate. "And... sorry for using that word," she had noticed him wincing, "I thought it would be like talking about work somehow, like: 'what do you do when you're not drawing buildings? I hang out with the dudes and also help at the hospital', or something like that. I really didn't meant anything bad with it, I chose the first word I could come up with. Should I say... accompany people on the other side?" 
“Don’t ma’am me,” she reprimanded him. “Just call me Robin. And fine,” she shrugged. “But I’m Canadian, you know, I’m not going to get drunk so easily.” Which was always her excuse for everything, “What do you do when you’re not… reaping?” 
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the normal length? What question is that? How long is yours?  
Creepy much?
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robin/maria how long is your nose hair
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Oh, shut up, you know you distracted me with that low blow... about SHIELD. Don't say it, I heard myself and regretted my words. 
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“ “Barney… Really?” 
*She shoots to a kid that was about to shoot at him* HE’S MINE, KIDDO.
I was just trying to avoid shooting you on the back while hitting you at the same time, you ungrateful one quarter Canadian, next time I won’t be so nice. 
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" "Barney... Really?" 
*She shoots to a kid that was about to shoot at him* HE'S MINE, KIDDO.
I was just trying to avoid shooting you on the back while hitting you at the same time, you ungrateful one quarter Canadian, next time I won't be so nice. 
*because she’s as mature as he is, instead of shooting at him when she can, she throws at his back one of the gun left down by a kid* 
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"What a year..." 
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"He kno-SON OF A BITCH!" she threw the glass to the wall, growling in her hands a second later. "Barnes! Son of a bitch!" she repeated. "I'll murder him this time, I swear. I don't care if he's getting married, I'll murder him. I'll do it. For real." She stood up, hissing in pain because of the quick movement that killed her back. "I'll kill him," she repeated more calmly, "I spent years keeping you guys... Oh, I'll kill him. How many names did he make? I mean, did he tell you my name? The name of where I work? I have to know what exactly I have to make you sign up. Of course you were acting weird, the bastard probably freaked you out!" And of all the people, it had to be Barney. The only one that she had no idea how he was going to react.  
She thought about the bowties for a second, because it was much easier. “I… No bowtie,” she said first, but she could feel that she was paling and she drink her scotch in one go. First down. “You met a cool guy,” she repeated slowly, then shook her head, going back to his last sentence. “I don’t understand. How else would I have hurt my head?” The cool guy. She knew that the cool guy was the key. She had to put her glass down because her hand had started shacking, and shifted back in the couch, slipping both her hands in her pockets. 
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She thought about the bowties for a second, because it was much easier. "I... No bowtie," she said first, but she could feel that she was paling and she drink her scotch in one go. First down. "You met a cool guy," she repeated slowly, then shook her head, going back to his last sentence. "I don't understand. How else would I have hurt my head?" The cool guy. She knew that the cool guy was the key. She had to put her glass down because her hand had started shacking, and shifted back in the couch, slipping both her hands in her pockets. 
He was using his serious voice now: that was not okay. She filled two glasses and brought the bottle with her, knowing she was going to need it. She sat next to him, putting everything on the little table. “Okay, ask,” she said, in what she hoped was a reassuring tone, putting the ice-bag down. 
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He was using his serious voice now: that was not okay. She filled two glasses and brought the bottle with her, knowing she was going to need it. She sat next to him, putting everything on the little table. "Okay, ask," she said, in what she hoped was a reassuring tone, putting the ice-bag down. 
She eyed him suspiciously: wasn’t he in a good mood that night. But it was Barney, and she hadn’t seen him alone in a long while, like she hadn’t seen Ted who was always busy with Victoria and Lily and Marshall who were taking care of Marvin. She was craving company from her real friends. “Of course you can. Scotch? Or something else…?” she asked, closing the door behind him. Her gun was in her purse, there was only a normal shirt in her couch, the one she was wearing when the bank-rubber had decided to show up, and bandages and everything else were in her bedroom. She hoped she wasn’t missing anything. 
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