marguerite-writes · 6 years
Don’t Miss Me
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14311236/chapters/33020403
“Liam!” Ophelia called out, running down through the halls looking for her boyfriend. Mentally cursing Eleanor for telling him about Jasper.
She herself had been furious when the Princess had told her in confidence that the original reason for the bodyguard joining the royal household was to steal a priceless jewel. However, both women knew all to well that Liam’s temper had been getting the better of him since his father was killed. Especially when it came to people hurting his family.
Ophelia could only hope she got to Liam before he did something to Jasper he would regret. He may be a dick sometimes, but he was also one of the few people they could trust right now in finding out who murdered King Simon.
It was times like this she was glad she refused to get off the plane when Liam had tried to abandon her in New York. He had meant well, not wanting for her to give up her dreams of dancing to be with him. But.. Her dreams had changed. She couldn’t say when they had. Perhaps it was in Monaco, or at the masquerade ball, but somewhere along way when Ophelia thought about what she wanted more than anything, it was to be with Liam.
And so she stayed. Her dad wasn’t too happy with her decision, but he accepted it eventually. Considering that they had bigger fish to fry than a disapproving father, the couple was thankful.
Ophelia heard Liam yelling down the hall and picked up her pace. Rounding the corner to see him pinning Jasper to the ground. They were both yelling.
“Liam stop! Listen to me!” Jasper pleaded as Ophelia ran to try and pull Liam away.
“Let go of him Liam!” Ophelia said as she tried to no avail to pry his hands off Jasper, but the Prince maintained his deathgrip.
“Liam! I know who killed your father!”
Jasper had put the video on loop.
She wanted to look away. Every part of her was screaming at her to just look away. She had seen the picture Jasper had printed off, but Ophelia had to see it for herself. She had watched the video multiple times now. She knew the truth.
Her father was a murderer.
The man who had sat on park bench and cried about his dead wife, had killed her boyfriend’s father, the King of England. Had most likely paid Boone to kill Prince Robert. Her father was a monster.
Somewhere far away or just behind her, Ophelia could hear Liam screaming and crying at Jasper to let them out, but she couldn’t move. She thought back to the night The King was attacked, how after Liam left her father played that video of that reporter’s taunt.
”What would your mother think of you now Ophelia?”
”What would your mother think of you now Ophelia?”
”What would your mother think of you now Ophelia?”
After Ophelia declared that her mother would be proud that she found someone she loved, she had gone to sleep. The next time she had seen her dad was in the safe room in the tunnels. He had been the picture of calm and professional. How had she not suspected him sooner? How had <em>anyone</em> not suspect him sooner?
Ted Pryce. The man whose wife died because of he had been protecting The King. It was the strongest motive out there. He knew the route King Simon would take on his walks. He knew where the security cameras would be. He was the only one that could have done it.
Ophelia wanted to cry, but she couldn’t. She just stood there. She just watched as the only parent she had left kill King Simon over and over and over…
She and Liam got ready that morning in a daze.
She knew there was a very good chance that after today she would never see her father again. Though, in her heart, she knew that the father she knew was lost to her already.
Ophelia hadn’t been back to the clock tower since she’d seen the video. At least not while her father had been there. She had made sure that she was never alone with him. She vaguely wondered if he’d noticed. It didn’t matter now though.
Today they were going to reveal the video to a stadium filled with people who loved King Simon. The likelihood of him getting out unscathed was next to none.
The entire limo ride was silent. Every time her dad tried to make small talk with them Liam would grit his teeth and and clench her hand tighter.
“You know, don’t you?” He said to her as they walked behind Liam several feet to the center of the field. There was no doubt in father and daughter’s minds what he was referring to.
“Yes.” Ophelia said without looking at him.
“Don’t” She interrupts sharply, turning towards him. “There’s nothing you can say that will change anything.” And with that she turns away as Liam begins his speech. As it draws to close, Ophelia watches the big screen with bated breath.
Please work, please work, please work.
A familiar floral arrangement appears she feels relieved and crushed at the same time, but then the image changes.
The audience gasps in horror and then erupts in rage.
As the first few people jump onto the field her dad runs up a grabs Liam and then herself and starts rushing them to the car. More and more people begin to run after them. It’s like everyone in England is coming for them.
No. Coming for her dad.
They reach the car and he pushes her in first with Liam right behind her.
“Get in!” Liam says. He looks at him and shakes his head before turning to her.
“Ophelia.” He says gently. “Don’t miss me.” With that, he slams the door and the car takes off. She quickly angles herself to look out the back window to see him just as he’s engulfed by the crowd.
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