Book Review
The below book is one I received as an advanced reader copy. It is available February 14, 2023. With any book I recommend please check all trigger warnings before reading. Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ On a flight to New York at the end of her first book tour, up-and-coming writer Agnes Oliver meets Jack Verity, the handsome filmmaker and ex-husband of Geia Stone, a famous actress turned wellness…
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Local Living History
Our local GI museum put on a living history day this past weekend. It was small but well done and well attended. The museum itself is PACKED with history of our military throughout the ages and is always a fun place to look around for an afternoon. It is free to enjoy but they do take donations that are used for improvements around the museum. I love taking my son to events such as this so he…
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Where Do You Blog?
I am always curious to see other people’s workspaces. It’s almost like an inside look at that person’s mind and how they tick. It’s fascinating to me the difference between people and how they need a workspace to flow so they can function. This is my workspace. I know it’s a bit crazy and messy but welcome to my creative space. I love working back here. It is set in a corner of the house and is…
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I Love This Book Quote
The French Kiss by Lauren Landish When I read this in the above referenced book I was struck by it. It was love at first read. The truth of what was written is perfectly stated in these simple words. Life is meant to be experienced and explored. You should never stop learning, reading, thinking, questioning, pushing yourself or adventuring. I look forward to seeing what is the next new thing…
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Just Your Daily Reminder
I am in love with this saying!!! 2022 has been nothing but lemons for us. It seemed like every time we turned around there was another lemon headed our way. So from here on out this is my plan. I’m going to look that bitch life dead in the eyes and eat the lemons whole.
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Not Always What It Seems
Not Always What It Seems
Have you ever been scrolling through your social media feeds and come across someone making the claim that they make 6 figures in their pajamas or they are at the head of a 7 figure company while working from home? I see them more and more on TikTok than anywhere else lately. While I know it is utter bullshit I have to wonder about the younger people that see this. Do they call bullshit too, or…
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Regrets Only by Kieran Scott
Regrets Only by Kieran Scott
Five stars all the way for this one. The main character is a perfect mix of ballsy and smart assed. You will seriously enjoy her if you like a more outspoken main character. She definitely does not hide in the shadows in this book. This one is out in January 2023 and it definitely needs to make its way to your TBR pile.
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October Photo Challenge
Have y’all ever seen these photo challenges on Instagram? The creator gives you prompts for everyday of the month then it’s up to the individual what they choose to take a picture of. I have decided to do that for October this year. Day one: you currently Come find me on Instagram to join in! Link to Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CjLWv3nOowN/?igshid=ZjA0NjI3M2I= Tomorrow’s prompt…
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How Do You Find Peace In The Noise?
I don’t know about y’all but I am burnt the fuck out. It’s a deep tired and it is so heavy. Yet, I don’t want to give up. I want to keep moving forward and find the good. I want to find the quiet, peaceful place I know is there. I find mine in the act of photography. When I pick up my camera the world goes silent for a while. It’s a centering and a brief pause. For the time period I am working…
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Under The Stars
I love looking at the night sky. It is something that has always fascinated me. In high school I was able to take astronomy class. We would go out to the local national park and star watch for a few hours. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget. As I got older I was still fascinated by the night sky but never had the chance in college to take any more astronomy classes. I have…
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Homesick For A Life I Want
Have you ever been homesick for a dream? I have. I am. Know this, I like my life right now. I love my people. My husband and my son are the foundation that give me the ability to dream bigger. I just want something different than what my life looks like right now. It’s kinda taboo to say that now a days. To actively say I like my life but I want more. I feel like if one person said it then more…
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Would you ever live off grid?
Would you ever live off grid?
I would love to try an off grid lifestyle someday. For one thing I am not a big fan of people so the ability to get away would be amazing for my mental health. For a second, the idea of making less of an impact speaks to something deep in my soul. I would have to make it a weekend getaway spot for a while to learn all the different systems involved in off grid living fully. Have a learning…
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Jumping Off A Cliff
I jumped off a cliff yesterday. Okay it was a metaphorical cliff, but still a cliff to me. I started a new podcast yesterday. This one deals with women in the outdoors world and my views on it. There I will tell stories, give my opinion, get others opinions and just generally chat on life. It’s a new type of podcast for me and I am a bit scared on how it will be received. I am doing it anyway.…
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Girl With Gun
We are back with more comments from Instagram. This time it is from a video that a well known woman that grew up on TV and in the hunting industry posted. She had just gotten this firearm and was at her private range trying it out. Why was this comment necessary? Oh wait, it wasn’t. Also why is neighbors capitalized? No one has ever asked for your two cents which is probably why you constantly…
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What have been some of your favorite sunrises? Mine have always been in the hunting blind. I am scared of heights so I am always on the ground when I hunt. I have been set up in just a camp chair or in a ground blind. Being low like this offers a different view of the sunrise. The woods before sunrise is a different kind of dark. It is a deep black that seems to move around you. However if you…
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What Is The Spice Of Life For You?
What Is The Spice Of Life For You?
What makes life interesting for you? For me it would have to be Facebook right now. I know what you are thinking. Facebook is dead, its for old people, there is nothing good on there. Yet there is gold in my Facebook world. I run a closed group on Facebook dedicated to a town in AR. We have family there and friends. The city constantly has problems with the sewer system and the town leaders…
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Finding The Joy When You Want To Cry
Both of my grandmothers had Alzheimer’s. I was younger when my Grandmother Cathy was diagnosed and later had to be put into a nursing home. I was insulated more from it with school and sports. I remember her more as she was before the disease and less after. My Grandmommy Zellner was different. She lived right next door to my parents my whole life. When my Grandfather passed she kept right on…
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