margaretkiiim · 2 years
daily tumblr: tuesday 11/15/22
I slept at 4am and woke up at 10am. Six hours of sleep is a lot for me these days, so I am really glad. Then I went to Starbucks and got an iced caramel macchiato, and it really kept me awake for the rest of the day. Maybe I should keep drinking caffeine to keep myself awake except I don’t want to get addicted to coffee. Then I went to bplate for lunch and I ate a little too much. After, I went to kerckhoff to meet with a friend and went back to my dorm for enrollment. I was so sad that I couldn’t get physics but I got psych and chem. However I don’t know what to take for my second pass so I am stressed about that. For dinner I went to bplate again. I went to get ice cream at Van Leeuwen and it was one of the best ice creams I’ve ever tasted. I think it’s my new favorite ice cream shop. I am planning on staying up till 4am today. I am worried about jumping into the pool. I hope I don’t get sick and none of my friends get sick.
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margaretkiiim · 2 years
daily tumblr: Thursday 11/10/22
Today I woke up at 8:00am and went to my LS23L lab from 9:00am to 11:30am. Afterwards, I went to Blu Jam cafe with a close friend of mine to eat brunch. We got a breakfast quesadilla and a crunchy french toast, and they were both delicious. I am still super full from how much I ate. Then I went to Kerckhoff and tried to get some work done. However, the wifi was horrible so I got nothing done. Then I walked to the UCLA school of dentistry to meet up with a friend, and we went to westwood together. Later, I have to go to Ronald Reagan for a four hour shift and I am not looking forward to it. I would rate my day a 8/10 because I spent quality time with my friends.
Timestamp: 3:46
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margaretkiiim · 2 years
healthcare career different from mine
A pre-health career path that I am not currently pursuing is a physician assistant or PA. Physician assistants are highly skilled healthcare professionals who are trained to provide patient evaluation and health care services.
The education and training path to becoming a dermatologist starts with obtaining an undergraduate degree from an accredited four year university. However, some PA programs are open to those with only a high school degree or some college credit. Then, students need to graduate from an ARC-PA accredited entry level PA program. Many PA programs require prior healthcare experience with hands-on patient care which can be obtained through a variety of experiences ranging from a medical assistant, emergency medical technician, or certified nursing assistant. Most PA programs, which include both clinical rotations of above 2,000 hours and classroom instructions in classes such as anatomy and behavioral science, are about 27 months long and award masters degrees upon completion.
After graduating from an accredited PA program, students are eligible to take the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam (PANCE) to become a certified PA. Before one can officially begin practicing, they must obtain a license from the state that they want to work in. To maintain the national certification, one must complete 100 hours of continuing medical education (CME) credits every two years.
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margaretkiiim · 2 years
list of ten things I want
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margaretkiiim · 2 years
weekly self care: Wednesday 11/9/22
I took care of my mental health by studying so that I don’t feel guilty for not being productive.
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margaretkiiim · 2 years
daily tumblr: tuesday 11/8/22
Today I woke up at 8 and started studying right away. I studied for about three hours and then I went down to rende to get a chicken taco salad. The guacamole and chips were delicious. Then, I came back to my dorm and studied for a little more before going to the Olympic canopy to study more with a friend who is also taking math 32a. We studied from 2:30pm to 6:30pm. I picked up food from the Drey and went back to my dorm to rest a little. Then I did two hours of physical training, and I thought I was going to pass out. I realized I need to work out more. One of my goals this year is to become more fit, so I will start going to the gym more. Now I’m doing more work with Edmond. I need all the luck in the world for my math midterm tomorrow. I hope I do well😭. I’d rate my day a 7/10 because I was pretty productive and my big bought me boba! <3
Timestamp: 11:41pm
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margaretkiiim · 2 years
daily tumblr: monday 11/7/22
I woke up at 8 and tried to get work done but I ended up getting out of bed at 8:30 and starting work at 9. I studied at hedrick from 10-2. I got a salad from the study, and I put roasted beets in for the first time but I will not be getting it again. The artichokes were super good, so I would like more artichoke in my salad next time. Then I went to my math office hours from 2-3 and did some work at Ackerman. It was raining so much today, so my socks and scrubs got soaked. But I am so thankful that my friend lent me an umbrella. Then I did work again. I am so so so so so stressed for my math midterm. I really have to do well. I feel like I studied a lot but I also do not think I studied enough. Today was a 5/10.
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margaretkiiim · 2 years
daily tumblr: Thursday 11/3/22
Yesterday I slept at 3am, and I woke up at 8am to go to my lab which starts at 9am. I almost could not wake up because I was so tired but I forced myself to get out of bed. I didn’t eat anything before lab, so I was starving during the whole three hour lab. As soon as lab ended at 11:50, I went to Ackerman. I met up with my roommate, and we both got hot udons which was really good in the cold weather. At 1:00pm, I went to my math discussion and I did work at Kerckhoff for 2 hours. Then I went back to my dorm and took a nap. I usually do not like taking naps, but I’ve been taking some naps these days because I’ve been very tired. I would rate my day a 6/10. I am tired but I have a lot of work to do. My goal is to finish studying up to unit 14.6 at 3am and then go to sleep.
Timestamp 10:13pm
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margaretkiiim · 2 years
daily tumblr: Wednesday 11/2/22
Last night I slept at 3am and I woke up at 9am, so I got a total of 6 hours of sleep. Then I took a shower and ate the blueberry muffin that Katie brought from Chicago. The muffin was one of the best muffins I’ve had. I would love to try it fresh next time! For lunch, I went to bplate with my roommate. The spinach quesadilla and the artichoke flatbread were delicious. From 2-2:45, I had a discussion for my GE. Afterwards, I headed towards the mathematical sciences building to attend my math professor’s office hour. At 4:30, I met up with a friend and went to Kreation in Westwood. I got an açaí smoothie, and the thick consistency is exactly what I look for in a smoothie. I will definitely be going there again! I am planning on studying for four more hours before going to sleep because I need to do really well on my next midterm! I would rate my day a 8/10. I had good food and had a lot of meaningful conversations.
Timestamp 10:11pm
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margaretkiiim · 2 years
weekly vlog
why I’m thankful for my pbros
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margaretkiiim · 2 years
Weekly self care check: Wednesday 11/2/22
I have been making sure to eat a lot. I have been carrying around granola bars to re-energize myself.
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margaretkiiim · 2 years
Pre health career
A pre-health career path that I am not currently pursuing is dermatology. Dermatologists are doctors who specialize in diagnosing and treating skin disorders and diseases.
The education and training path to becoming a dermatologist takes an average of twelve years or longer. It begins by obtaining a bachelor’s degree from a four year university. Then, students are required to take the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) in order to get accepted to and ultimately graduate from a four year medical school. Following four years of medical school, students are required to complete one to two years of residency as an intern in general surgery or internal medicine followed by three years of clinical residency in the specialized field of dermatology. Even after completing residency, dermatologists can complete a one to two year fellowship in order to specialize in a specific field such as cosmetic surgery or immunodermatology. After completing all of medical school and the residency process, dermatologists are then eligible to take the Dermatology Board Examination through the American Board of Dermatology (ABD) to become “board-certified”.
There are different specializations in dermatology including cosmetic dermatology which involves treating skin problems that affect appearance, dermatopathology which involves diagnosing skin diseases such as skin cancer by analyzing samples under a microscope, and mohs surgery which is a special field where special techniques are utilized to treat certain skin cancers.
Overall, although a career path in dermatology requires years of schooling and lots of funding for higher education, many practicing dermatologists say that it is very rewarding when they are able to help their patients regain a strong self esteem and be confident in their own skin.
Timestamp: 3:57pm
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margaretkiiim · 2 years
What am I most proud of?
Growing up, I was never pressured by my parents to get the best grades or the highest standardized test scores. Both my parents were always busy working, and after my baby brother was born when I was in middle school, they were even more preoccupied with taking care of him. It definitely was not that my parents did not care about me or my academic endeavors, but they taught me that what’s more important than the result or final grade is the pursuit of learning and growing as a person.
I am most proud of my self discipline and responsibility. I can proudly say that I was my own biggest motivator and cheerleader. I didn’t work hard because I wanted to please people or meet the expectations of others, but I did it because I wanted to make myself proud. I pushed myself to do my best in school, and my academic achievements reflected the time and dedication I put in.
Timestamp: 3:34
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margaretkiiim · 2 years
daily tumblr: tuesday 11/1/22
I haven’t updated my tumblr in a while :O
I slept at 3:30am, woke up at 5am, and then again at 8am. For lunch, I met up with cari and went to bplate. It was my first time seeing her in a really long time, so I was really happy to catch up with her because talking with her always makes me feel happy. Then I have class from 2-5 and prior commitments from 5-6:30. To be honest about my feelings, I don’t think I’ve ever felt this incompetent and overwhelmed. I feel like I’m falling behind in my classes but I have no time to catch up. Why is there only 24 hours in a day? It’s definitely not enough time to do all my work even though I’m barely sleeping. I would rate my day a 2/10 because the past few days have been very rough and it’s carrying over to today, and I feel like I’m being so negative so I feel bad for the people around me but I can’t bring myself to be happy right now.
Timestamp: 3:18pm
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margaretkiiim · 2 years
daily tumblr: thursday 10/27/22
I woke up at 9:30. I slept around 6 hours and 30 minutes. I ate a blueberry muffin and blueberries for breakfast at 9:45am. I studied chemistry for around two and a half hours until 12:30pm. Then for lunch, I ate food that my mom bought from Gelson’s. I ate a tuna sandwich and the sourdough bread was really good. I also ate pesto pasta salad, kale salad, and olive bow tie salad. Then I studied chemistry again for around four hours. I attended meetings through zoom. For dinner, I ate kbbq at home. I ate pork belly with salad, and it was really delicious but I am still full from dinner. Then I went back to studying for chem. I have a midterm tomorrow and I’m stressed. I would rate my day a 8/10.
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margaretkiiim · 2 years
Daily tumblr: 10/26/22
I woke up at 9:30am today. I got approximately 7 hours of sleep which is probably the most I’ve gotten in the past two weeks. For breakfast, I ate an almond croissant and a little bit of chocolate banana muffin at 9:45am. I studied for chemistry, and for lunch, I had egg rice which lots of side dishes at 1:00pm. Then I studied for chemistry again and also did work for my other classes. It is currently around 4:00pm and so far, I would rate my day a 8/10. I am still feeling overwhelmed due to having too much work, but I am feeling much better physically.
Timestamp: 4:38
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margaretkiiim · 2 years
vlog with big
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