mareh-blog · 5 years
Strange, but familiar
Well, I figured that I pop in on tumblr to maybe get back into blogging... as if anyone really reads these things anyway. Life has changed so much since coming back into some area of self-reflection. I am able to work my dream job that fulfills me high school dream, which was to be a part of the cure for cancer. I fight cancer as my day job, and I am proud of the work that I do. Perhaps not for the company itself, but I show up because I want to. I get to make a difference, sure getting paid is nice, but it’s the gratification that I get from helping others. I don’t have to meet them to want to help them, just as I don’t have to know anyone to want to help them. Yikes, my co-dependence is showing.
Anyhow, I think that blogging is essentially easier for me to do since journaling and my hands can’t really withstand writing as much as I want to say. I guess this is the medium. Will it ever amount to anything? Probably not, but it’s a way for me to fully express myself through words and or any images that I can relate to. Perhaps I should post to reddit... or just here is fine. I don’t know. But this is another start to a road that hopefully leads to a better version of myself. I will accept that things can exist out of my control. I will forgive myself for the harm I have caused myself and others. I will love myself for my past, in the present and in the future. I will grow. I will change. Everyday will present new challenges, but I will always get back up. Some days it might be difficult, but i will always rise to the occasion. 
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mareh-blog · 5 years
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If you’re an introvert, follow us @introvertunites​
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mareh-blog · 8 years
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mareh-blog · 8 years
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Are you an introvert? Follow @introvertunites​.
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mareh-blog · 8 years
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mareh-blog · 8 years
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mareh-blog · 8 years
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Spring time car drives
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mareh-blog · 8 years
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mareh-blog · 8 years
seeing your friend after being apart for a long time
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mareh-blog · 8 years
My relationship with my siblings
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mareh-blog · 8 years
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mareh-blog · 8 years
The beauty of living and being from the Bay Area is that you're surrounded by diversity. Everyday. 24/7. It's a beautiful thing to see and experience other cultures other than your own. Society and media are always highlighting the negative things, not to say that they’re fully incorrect, but it automatically puts a negative filter on other cultures. They skew the perception of the other cultures, when in fact all cultures have “bad” qualities. People forget that. People also forget that in every culture there are celebrations. Every culture finds a way to come together to enjoy each other. That’s what I love seeing most. No media company captures the unadulterated happiness of different cultures because they’re too busy covering stories on mass shootings or other disasters. I want to see media covering more love. Love of different cultures. Love of different people. Love is all the same as humans are made of the same star dust. The Bay Area is a mecca for diversity, but most of the media stories we get are poverty in SF, gang violence in Oakland, or a fatal accident. America needs to wake up and realize how selfish we have been. How racist we have been. How closed off from really loving each other. There’s a huge divide because of politics with the election coming up, but can you push through the hate and support love and peace? Like... for a day? See the difference it will make in yourself to choose to love instead of hate. America is my home. The Bay Area is my home. But all this negative shit is taking away from it. Ugh I have too many feelings about the state of America and this is just a speck of dust of how I feel... I just want everyone to love each other and stop appropriating other cultures. If it’s not your culture then you shouldn’t really speak on what it’s ever been like to be them. It’s not your job to input your perception on any historical issue or turn it into something other than it is. It’s your job to listen, understand, and appreciate it. If people did that, I believe America would be a little happier as a whole. K I’m done ranting.
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mareh-blog · 8 years
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mareh-blog · 8 years
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mareh-blog · 8 years
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Sup hotties
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mareh-blog · 8 years
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mareh-blog · 8 years
when i realize i misread a situation and was being petty for no reason
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