marcus-lynn · 10 years
Marcus was in heaven right now. He couldn't believe that after all this time he had found his happiness again, the one person he wanted to be with. As they traveled to the bed Marcus pushed Caden so he could lay down against the pillows. He hovered over his body and tangled his hands against his blonde hair. "I told you, you couldn't be the reason why I should stay... but I love you Caden. Too much to ever let you go again" he whispered and pressed their lips together kissing him so softly and passionate at the same time.
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marcus-lynn · 10 years
text to; Marcus
Marcus: What can I say? I'm freaky like that.
Marcus: Don't you wish I could suck you off right now?
Jackson: You actually rlly are.
Jackson: Don't do this or I'll wank without you here k.
Marcus: learned from you.
Marcus: god that sounds sexy.
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marcus-lynn · 10 years
text to; Marcus
Marcus: Remember I gave you one when we had dinner with my parents?
Marcus: Miss me?
Jackson: Heck yeah, like that was freakin' nerve wrecking, yet really fucking hot.
Jackson: Maybe.
Marcus: What can I say? I'm freaky like that.
Marcus: Don't you wish I could suck you off right now?
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marcus-lynn · 10 years
text to; Marcus
Marcus: My handjobs are the best.
Marcus: yeah since we kissed raven boy.
Jackson: like i dont know that :P
Jackson: yes, and thats been a while.
Marcus: Remember I gave you one when we had dinner with my parents?
Marcus: Miss me?
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marcus-lynn · 10 years
text to; Marcus
Marcus: Well that was random. Horny tonight Jack?
Jackson: yup and yup.
Jackson: plus havent talked to you in a while.
Marcus: My handjobs are the best.
Marcus: yeah since we kissed raven boy.
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marcus-lynn · 10 years
Tumblr media
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marcus-lynn · 10 years
Marcus felt like this was a dream, that he was going to wake up anytime soon and he was going to lose Caden again. It scared him but his gorgeous skater boy was right in front of him. "God I love when you say that. I love you, Caden. Always have." He grinned and trembled when he felt his fingertips. His hazel eyes meeting with those orbs of his. "I can do that, I just want to hold you baby. Know that you're all mine." He whispered and pulled off Caden's shirt slowly, at the view of his pale chest he gasped at how beautiful he was. Slowly he ran his large hands against his chest "my beautiful" he commented and pressed his lips against his neck, kissing there so softly.
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marcus-lynn · 10 years
text to; Marcus
Jackson: give me a handjob x
Marcus: Well that was random. Horny tonight Jack?
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marcus-lynn · 10 years
Marcus leaned closer into him even if that was possible. He leaned his head against his chest and kept his embrace around his waist. Caden was the one he knew it, deep inside him he knew it all along. "Our love has always been crazy. You weren't suppose to happen, I wasn't suppose to fall for you. But you are my other half. The one who has my heart." He said and kissed him back. He just kissed him for a few more seconds before pulling away "bed Caden... shoes and shirt off please." He said innocently.
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marcus-lynn · 10 years
Marcus still felt this was surreal, he wondered if he was dreaming but at the feeling of his lips he knew he had found his home again. So gently he pressed their foreheads together, he loved him. He knew he had never stopped he was the one that got away and here he was again. A tear forming at the edge of his eye he gulped, his thumbs rubbing against his waist. "I'm scared Caden, I'm not going to lie. But you have always been the one. Nobody, nobody has made me feek completely happy. I just... I love you." The tear rollled down his face.
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marcus-lynn · 10 years
Marcus was there standing holding on to the other's hand, so gently yet he managed to link them together afraid he would vanish. He knew in two months he would have to go back but not tonight he didn't want to think about that. When their lips met he didn't need a lie to realize what Caden had missed the most. Instead Marcus wrapped his arms around his waist and kissed him deeper, it was as amazing as always except this time Marcus could feel the other's lip ring on him. He pressed himself closer onto Caden, until Cade's back was pressed against the door. "I missed you...."
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marcus-lynn · 10 years
Marcus was in shock to be honest that Caden had called. He really thought Caden had forgotten about him, that ue didn't care one bit anymore but here they both were missing each other. Marcus sat up as soon as he heard him enter the room, those eyes. Caden's eyes were always his kryptonite. Marcus was only on his sweat pants, that's how he always slept. Seeing him just stand there he ran his hand trough his hair and got up. Slowly he made himself in front of Caden, he locked eyes even though it was dark and his hands reached for his. "Tell me a lie Cade..." he whispered.
Why did he want him so badly? Why couldn’t he just forget. Why would he ask himself this everyday? He wished he didn’t but he did. And god, it was killing him. Seeing Marcus the other day made him realized that after all, he wasn’t moved on at all. That he needed him although he didn’t want to. He...
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marcus-lynn · 10 years
Call || Marcus
Marcus: *whispers* come over please?
Caden: *bites his lip* Be there in 5.
Marcus: Hurry babe. *hangs up*
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marcus-lynn · 10 years
Call || Marcus
Marcus: *bites his lip* What don you miss the most?
Caden: I miss everything. I-I wish I could just hold you in my arms right now. *sighs softly* I know I shouldn't say this, but I do.
Marcus: *whispers* come over please?
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marcus-lynn · 10 years
Call || Marcus
Marcus: *laughs with a husky voice* I miss you too if that's what you're saying.
Caden: *smiles to himself* Yeah, pretty much what I was trying to say.
Marcus: *bites his lip* What don you miss the most?
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marcus-lynn · 10 years
Call || Marcus
Marcus: *was sleeping but sees who it is and picks up* H..hey.
Caden: *waits a few seconds* H-hi, um... How are you? I'm sorry to bother you, but I-I was wondering *pauses* No actually I wasn't wondering anything... *continues in a low tone* I just wanted to hear your voice.
Marcus: *laughs with a husky voice* I miss you too if that's what you're saying.
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marcus-lynn · 10 years
Call || Marcus
Caden: *dials, waits for him to pick up*
Marcus: *was sleeping but sees who it is and picks up* H..hey.
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