marcjavierdi-blog · 5 years
P3 proposal
For my two vinyls i was thinking of making a design that is similar to the tattoo on my arm. Each vinyl would be a silhouette of a hand reaching out towards one another and there would be a string that extends from the pointer fingers of each hand. 
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marcjavierdi-blog · 5 years
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marcjavierdi-blog · 5 years
P3 Brainstorm
Just some primary thoughts on what I am thinking about for the vinyl designs for the bridge. I want to stay away from text and typography because I don’t think I will be able to come up with something that will look good on both sides of the glass, or if I did I don’t think I would be satisfied with it. I am mainly thinking about some silhouettes because we are limited to only one color, and I was playing with the idea of how different lighting situations could interact with the design such as casting a shadow on the bridge or the area beneath it. As for the actual subject I am not really sure what to do yet as it will be a community piece and I would like my design to be fairly cohesive with the ones around it. I definitely want my two designs to reference or interact with one another, but I am waiting for the input of my peers before settling on a solid idea.
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marcjavierdi-blog · 5 years
Animation Reflection
Based off the critique there was a lot of things that I could have improved on when making this animation. First of all I was kind of lazy with the cropping of my background and I didn’t even really notice it until it was projected on the screen but I should go back and fix that. Also Christine pointed out how jankey my walk cycle was so I could go back and add extra frames to make it smoother. I could also give the balloons some more movement just to make it more dynamic, and I could change the typeface into a style that fits with the animation a bit better.
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marcjavierdi-blog · 5 years
When thinking about this project I honestly got overwhelmed multiple times and I struggled on landing on a concept that I liked for the idea of decay.  I thought of doing with the decay of time, or the human body, and even self-worth but I just couldn't think of an idea for a short animation because I felt like every idea I had would be enough to dive into a much longer story. Eventually while listening to some music I thought of the decay of an unrequited love. I was thinking of how sometimes you develop feelings for someone but they don't feel the same way so you have to get over them. This piece explores the idea of someone going back and forth on their feels until eventually deciding that its time to let go. I drew heavy visual inspiration from Banksy's recent Valentine's Day mural and the imagery of the slingshot. I also drew some inspiration from the old "loves me loves me not' game where you pick the petals off of daisies to learn how someone feels about you. During the process of making the actual animation it took me a while to figure out how to actually use Photoshop to build an animation from the ground up because I had problems using the brush tool with a mouse. In order to circumvent this problem I made the background, as well as all of the character models and objects in Illustrate and imported them into Photoshop after I drew them all up.
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marcjavierdi-blog · 5 years
Female artist Chanel Miller shares how she used art in the process of recovering from the worst experience of her life. Through animation she shares her story and inspires other survivors to support each other, speak up about and stand up to those who hurt them.
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marcjavierdi-blog · 5 years
Decay brainstorm
Some more thoughts on the idea of decay and how I could portray it through animation. One thing that came up as I thought of decay was the idea of tooth decay and the visual imagery of a rotten tooth. I’m thinking of having the subject be something that is experiencing something similar to tooth decay, i.e. slowly yellowing and deteriorating as it falls apart overtime. Maybe something made of wood, ivory, or marble start out a really clean white and slowly rot into a yellow or brown husk.
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marcjavierdi-blog · 5 years
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marcjavierdi-blog · 5 years
Decay Brainstorm
When I’m thinking of decay I usually go straight to biological processes, such as the deterioration of organs. I think of decay not only in the sense of a rotting body that is dead and decomposing, but also in the sense of how we as people are decaying everyday that we live, and some people’s habits are directly contributing to their physiological decay. Something that I am thinking about as concept is how smokers and even vapers constantly inhale substances that harm their bodies causing decay and blackening their lungs. Another thing I think about when deliberating the concept of decay is the decay of nonliving objects. Through factors such as weather and heavy use everyday objects are decaying all the time and maybe there is a concept that looks at the decay of the inanimate and how that affects us the people who use these objects
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marcjavierdi-blog · 5 years
Crit Reflection
I left the critique a bit more encouraged than I thought I would. I thought that I was going to go in and present then have my project roasted but people seemed to think it was alright. If I had to do some further iterations of this project I would probably take some of my classmates advice about only having the top part of the broken bottle as some people where confused about the bottom half, and I kind of agree that it seems out of place, but that's mostly because I think some of the scanned images were forced. Another idea I was playing with that I might pursue is having each shard of broken glass have a different photo of myself reflected.
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marcjavierdi-blog · 5 years
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This work titled 'Punk Pop' was created on a 8inx10in canvas on Photoshop with a 1/4in border for the "Beyond the Selfie" project. The idea of this work was to create an image that depicts myself in a more raw and unidealized way than the typical photos that people like to present as who they are on social media and the internet. When it came down to finding objects that I could use in a representational way to portray myself I found myself attracted to the idea of old soda pop bottles. It has become a recent hobby of mine to collect these old bottles because I am fond of their overall aesthetics, however it I found that they could also be used as part of an apt metaphor of my mental state and how I deal with my problems. Usually when there is something bothering me I try to either handle it myself, or ignore it hoping that it will go away. What I never do though is sharing my problems with others, I wouldn't want to put my burdens onto anyone else, so to avoid doing so I bottle up my emotions. When things get really bad and this metaphorical bottle gets too full I explode. I let the problems take control of me as everything around me shatters and my life falls apart. To portray this in the image I scanned in a shattered piece of glass as well as multiple glass shards. There is also a lock and chain around the bottle to further drive home the point of how I lock away my feelings, but also as a nod to how I chose to accessorize. The glass bottle is broken and the background is shattered as multiple pieces of me are sent flying through out the image. In one of the shards there is a black eye to symbolize how I beat myself up of the little things, and the others shards flying around just show that I am fragmented and that there are different aspects of myself that are sometimes hard to fit together.
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marcjavierdi-blog · 5 years
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marcjavierdi-blog · 5 years
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marcjavierdi-blog · 5 years
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marcjavierdi-blog · 5 years
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marcjavierdi-blog · 5 years
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marcjavierdi-blog · 5 years
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