marccbolann · 5 days
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quick doodle for marcs birthday <33
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marccbolann · 17 days
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47 years ago today Marc Bolan died, I thought I’d draw a picture of him that I loved but never thought I’d be able to draw properly before
here’s some Marcables and the purple wips + some pictures I took when I visited the Marc Shrine yesterday (with a letter from friends who couldn’t visit him easily themselves)
boogie and bop ‘til you drop and keep a little Marc in your hearts 🦢
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marccbolann · 20 days
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Rai <3 I hope it looks like him bc atp i cannot tell his shirts from like ch 289
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marccbolann · 24 days
follow up from the last ask I got - Mickey Finn jumping up on his conga drums and stressing out Steve Currie because it’s his job apparently
also the link to the full concert video!
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marccbolann · 24 days
hello!! what are your favorite marc bolan / mickey finn fun facts? ^_^
thanks for the ask!! here’s a few silly ones that first came to mind:
-Marc once climbed on top of a stationary helicopter and asked to be spun around on the blades (they let him for some reason)
-Marc got sued by his wife who left him and immediately bragged about how he was gay and good in bed literally right outside the court to the first interviewer who talked to him
-When Mickey was first hired Marc would openly brag to anyone who would listen about how he “always wanted a man with a beard” and when Mickey shaved his beard Marc did not talk to him for 3 full days
-Not much of a fun fact but I can’t stop thinking of the imagery of Mickey leaping up on his conga drums with a tambourine during a live show because Marc’s microphone stand was broken and he took the opportunity to be a distraction
-Mickey is the only member of the original T.Rex foursome that didn’t (openly) call Marc a little freak when he first joined
-Marc getting a black eye, broken rib and busted nose after getting beaten up and immediately doing a fucking photoshoot to show how hot he was all roughed-up
-Marc hired Mickey before even asking if he knew how to play any instruments because he thought he was pretty
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marccbolann · 1 month
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marccbolann · 2 months
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marccbolann · 2 months
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marccbolann · 4 months
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happy birthday to the dearest mickey finn! i love this sad little guy so much
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marccbolann · 5 months
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Marc Bolan late 1976.
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marccbolann · 5 months
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This is apparently a clipping from either NME or Melody Maker, a sketch of Ray Davies by none other than Roger Daltrey of The Who.  Interesting choice of “A Dedicated ~~~FLOWER~~~ of Fashion” as the caption …
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marccbolann · 5 months
is there any information on who was behind Marc in the Celebrate Summer cover? some people say it’s mickey finn but i’m so curious to know who was actually behind him 😭
Hello there!!!
I originally had to look up what picture you were referring to but I assume it’s this particular photoshoot:
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I’m afraid after a god damn HOUR of searching for literally any word of this photoshoot (photographer, models, etc) I could find no word on the man behind him
(other than one pinterester going “that’s me behind him lol”)
Although I can provide what little info I did find on my search! I hope it brings you some entertainment from this <3
• In a copy of Music Week Europe’s Leading Music Newspaper - August 20th, 1977:
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( ^ pages 25 and 32)
• Marc’s Record Mirror Column briefly touches on the mention of the Celebrate Summer single (a lovely little article though!)
• Record Mirror’s Poll Results listing Celebrate Summer as no.4 Best Single/Album Sleeve
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• Lastly I noticed the Celebrate Summer 7” single cover shares a very similar outfit with the back cover of Solid Gold T.Rex - although not featuring our dear mystery man and Marc is wearing an extra shirt - it could very well be the same photoshoot/photographer for all I know
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If anyone does know any more about the mystery man in said photoshoot please feel free to contribute! I’ve never been the best at research but thank you so much for the ask! <3
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marccbolann · 5 months
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marccbolann · 5 months
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'Spark-ling Russ Writes To You': A collection of writings from Russell Mael's weekly column in Mirabelle magazine, 1974, pt. 1 (pt. 2)
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marccbolann · 5 months
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some screenshots i took from the sparks brothers
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marccbolann · 5 months
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marccbolann · 5 months
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