110 posts
Digital art + performance . ╍●‿●╍ . www. maraoscarcassiani . eu ....moc previus website was illegally acquired by a corp , we therefore have to temporaly creating post here, while the new is under construction:) ... MOC aka Mara Oscar Cassiani is a wifi based artist working in the realm of performance, choreography, digital media and clubbing. Their research is centered on the creation of a contemporary visual iconography, in which new languages and rituals stem from the world of the internet, memes, trans queer avatars, underground subcultures and from the brutal capitalism imagery. The relationship they maintain with their audience, in an expanded dimension - both live and mediated - is explored through those visual imaginaries, open space set ups and live streaming made up for stimulating the awareness of the discontinuity between visions, reality and the conscience of the user . A global snapshot, a “visual fast food” between kitsch, raw rituality and apocalypse.
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maracassiani · 8 days ago
soon > February 3 , h 20;
where : live-streaming on YouTube ,
YT channel : myownoscar
duration : variable length
(˚ˎ 。7
Stay Cute UWU
I Am Dancing in a Room, La Fauna 2k25
(online performance and mixed media installation)
'I never expected all these cats'
In 2014, when T.B.L., the creator of the World Wide Web, was asked what they didn't foresee about the internet, they simply said: "kittens”. Kittens and cuteness were considered the unexpected, in a world created for data e information, cuteness and kittens are now ubiquitous online beings. A gigantic primal universal language.
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Cuteness, known as Kawaii in Japanese, extends beyond mere aesthetics; it embodies deeper meanings such as kindness, emotional depth, and vulnerability but also the heritage of a kawaii rebellion to society standards and stereotypes, born in the 70s and nowaday transcended in the e-girls online presence . In a society fixated on strength and tangible outcomes, where imperfections are often shunned, emotions are mistakenly viewed as weaknesses and errors. However, embracing cuteness serves as a weapon for self-acceptance, challenging stereotypes and artificial displays of strength. It's a reminder that it's perfectly acceptable to express one's emotions openly, cause It’s ok to cry . The human body becomes more than just a vessel for perfection and strength; it becomes a ritual field, a canvas, for feelings and emotion and their symbolic enactment .
“ Stay Cute _ UWU “ is the new chapter of the y2k20 series “La Fauna, I Am Dancing in a Room” ; a work about the eternal diffusion of gestures and micro choreography in the era of social algorithms. As millions of bedrooms are uploaded online every day, inside them millions of users perform the same gestures. The online gesture is now a choreography that never ends, a performative expression of a mutual borderless language. The gesture wanders by mimesis from one room to another, often without any or just minimal variation apart from its new habitat: the body of the performer and the room that hosts it. Part of the various habitats regarding La Fauna 2k20, including ROSES, the first habitat presented at RomaEuropa DigitalLive 2020, I Am Dancing in a Room, pursues the contemporary life of online micro choreography, in which the gesture and sets of gestures unite millions of users and their habitats. In the same way we could see a sequence of gestures repeated for days following a single ritual hashtag, thus observing a perennial creative state of the user and the person, repossessed by the gesture and the movement.
The movement thus enters an expanded state of existence, crossing space, time and cultural boundaries, inscribed in the virtual walls of the entire connected planet, projecting us wherever there may be a connected user and his webcam. I Am Dancing In A Room, brings together on the same monitor, a series of performers and friends of the artist, who perform a choreography for webcam. Accompanying this visual flow are aquatic alien landscapes, floating stickers, avatars, memes and motivational statuses, as if virtual worlds could blossom and exist as online life forms.
“Nel passaggio tra un utente e l’altro, come in un macrorganismo i linguaggi e i data diventano eterni remix di una stessa informazione, un continuo spazio temporale di abduction (rapimento alieno) e riti dello user. Allo stesso modo potremmo ballare all’infinito sullo stesso loop per giorni inseguendo una track di rito su Tik Tok.”
credits performance:
main title : Stay Cute UWU
complete title: Stay Cute UWU , I Am Dancing in a Room , La Fauna 2k25
by : Mara Oscar Cassiani, web performance mixed media , ( web, year 2025 );
performing act: Melissa Brutti, Mara Oscar Cassiani, Erika Ciccone, Viola Conti, Cate Gnoli, Franziska Von Guten.
3D art, choreography, streaming : MOC, Mara Oscar Cassiani.
duration: 15/30 mins , variable length.
credits installation:
works titles: Stay Cute UWU + La Fauna 2k25, ( web, year 2020-2025);
by: Mara Oscar Cassiani;
performance video memory + mixed media installation;
glass sticker art : La Fauna, a story of Arizona Tea, Selfcare Habitats and cutenessy ( png art , web 2020, 2025).
——- ITA ———
"Non mi sarei mai aspettato tutti questi gatti"
Nel 2014, quando a T.B.L., il creatore del World Wide Web, è stato chiesto cosa non avesse previsto di Internet, ha semplicemente risposto: "gattini". Gattini e tenerezza erano considerati l'inaspettato, in un mondo creato per i dati e le informazioni, la tenerezza e i gattini sono ora esseri online onnipresenti. Un gigantesco linguaggio universale primordiale.
La tenerezza cuteness , nota come Kawaii in giapponese, si estende oltre la mera estetica; incarna significati più profondi come gentilezza, profondità emotiva e vulnerabilità, ma anche l'eredità di una ribellione kawaii agli standard e agli stereotipi della società, nata negli anni '70 e oggi trascesa nella presenza online delle e-girl. In una società fissata sulla forza e sui risultati tangibili, dove le imperfezioni sono spesso evitate, le emozioni vengono erroneamente viste come debolezze ed errori. Tuttavia, abbracciare la tenerezza serve come arma per l'autoaccettazione, sfidando gli stereotipi e le dimostrazioni artificiali di forza. È un promemoria che è perfettamente accettabile esprimere le proprie emozioni apertamente, perché è ok piangere. Il corpo umano diventa più di un semplice contenitore di perfezione e forza; diventa un campo rituale, una tela, per sentimenti ed emozioni e la loro rappresentazione simbolica.
"Stay Cute _ UWU" è il nuovo capitolo della serie y2k20 "La Fauna, I Am Dancing in a Room"; un'opera sull'eterna diffusione di gesti e micro coreografie nell'era degli algoritmi sociali. Mentre milioni di camere da letto vengono caricate online ogni giorno, al loro interno milioni di utenti eseguono gli stessi gesti. Il gesto online è ora una coreografia che non finisce mai, un'espressione performativa di un linguaggio reciproco senza confini. Il gesto vaga per mimesi da una stanza all'altra, spesso senza alcuna o solo una minima variazione a parte il suo nuovo habitat: il corpo dell'esecutore e la stanza che lo ospita. Parte dei vari habitat riguardanti La Fauna 2k20, tra cui ROSES, il primo habitat presentato a RomaEuropa DigitalLive 2020, I Am Dancing in a Room, insegue la vita contemporanea della micro coreografia online, in cui il gesto e gli insiemi di gesti uniscono milioni di utenti e i loro habitat. Allo stesso modo potremmo vedere una sequenza di gesti ripetuti per giorni seguendo un singolo hashtag rituale, osservando così uno stato creativo perenne dell'utente e della persona, riappropriati dal gesto e dal movimento.
Il movimento entra così in uno stato di esistenza espanso, attraversando confini spaziali, temporali e culturali, inscritto nelle pareti virtuali dell'intero pianeta connesso, proiettandoci ovunque ci siano un utente connesso e la sua webcam. I Am Dancing In A Room, riunisce sullo stesso monitor, una serie di performer e amici dell'artista, che eseguono una coreografia per webcam. Ad accompagnare questo flusso visivo ci sono paesaggi alieni acquatici, adesivi galleggianti, avatar, meme e stati motivazionali, come se i mondi virtuali potessero fiorire ed esistere come forme di vita online.
“Nel passaggio tra un utente e l’altro, come in un macrorganismo i linguaggi e i dati diventano eterni remix di una stessa informazione, un continuo spazio temporale di rapimento (rapimento alieno) e riti dello user. Allo stesso modo potremmo ballare all’infinito sullo stesso loop per giorni seguendo una traccia di rito su Tik Tok.”
titolo principale: Stay Cute UWU
titolo completo: Stay Cute UWU, I Am Dancing in a Room, La Fauna 2k25
a cura di: Mara Oscar Cassiani, web performance mixed media, (web, anno 2025);
interpreti: Melissa Brutti, Mara Oscar Cassiani, Erika Ciccone, Viola Conti, Cate Gnoli, Franziska Von Guten.
Arte 3D, coreografia, streaming: MOC, Mara Oscar Cassiani.
durata: 15/30 min, lunghezza variabile.
titoli opere: Stay Cute UWU + La Fauna 2k25, ( web, anno 2020-2025);
di: Mara Oscar Cassiani;
performance video memory + installazione mixed media;
glass sticker art: La Fauna, una storia di Arizona Tea, Selfcare Habitats e cutenessy ( png art , web 2020, 2025).
“nell’ambito di UNA, DOPPIA, COLLETTIVA. L’identità al tempo del Metaverso a cura di Federica Patti e Claudio Musso ;
presso CUBO - Museo d’impresa del Gruppo Unipol”
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maracassiani · 5 months ago
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a skatepark in a summer sunset
Performed for Pesaro Capitale della Cultura 2024 , Italy
June , 2024.
with the locals crews of skaters , bmx , breakers. Skate: Luca Crestani , Elmehdi Contaki, Candy Coast crew , Cimi Bimbi crew. Break: Eka Strictly Underground, Easy Lee , Stella Bgirl. BmX: El Gasamiento Crew, Vitali + pumptrack boys di Pesaro. Dance : Be Water Crew (Viola Conti, Joy Gnoli, MOC, Laura, Maja ).
idea and choreo by MOC, Mara Oscar Cassiani
supported by AMAT , Pescheria Arti Visive Pesaro , Pesaro Capitale della Cultura , skatepark Pesaro .
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maracassiani · 2 years ago
THE SKY WAS PINK , moc 2016
Re Appropriation of the public space .
live action , cars installation , open workshop of dance of 6 days @ the Basket court, by Mara Oscar Cassiani.
Performing in the park , out from art spaces as ecological political form of sharing .
made for Santarcangelo Festival 2016
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maracassiani · 2 years ago
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SPIRIT crew , Italy 2017 ;
gabber folklore for fluid performers .
The crew before performing @ Santarcangelofestival 2017.
opera Mara Oscar Cassiani
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maracassiani · 2 years ago
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Be Water my friends x New Ghent , ending with the kids from the neighborhood , New Ghent 2022 .
Performing in the periphery as form of open source culture. MOC 2022
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maracassiani · 2 years ago
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SPIRIT, performance 2017 , MOC , Italy.
Gabber Folklore for fluid performers .
performed for SantarcangeloFestival .
Pic frame Mara Oscar
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maracassiani · 2 years ago
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NUOVO HABITAT x Torpignattara , Rome 2022.
Sisterhood ritual for fem and fluids . Picture from the free open practice in a peripheral neighborhood of Rome , cura Erinni , opera by MOC
This frame of Nuovo Habitat was part of a serie of practices in the peripheral areas ; decentralizing culture out from the art spaces as a aim .
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maracassiani · 2 years ago
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NUOVO HABITAT , detail of the installation , MOC, Rome 2022 . Sisterhood tees and tik tok performative video .
within the group show Beyond Binaries , cura Erinni , exibit at AlbumArte Roma,
supported by Vitamina G art founds
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maracassiani · 2 years ago
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L’Ettronica è Donna, TECHNO MENADI chapter hosting a description of the fluid avatars and ritual within my work SPIRIT in an essay written by Dani Falchi aka Ketty Crady .
So glad to be part of this tech feminist art book .
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maracassiani · 2 years ago
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“I am dancing in a room” quoted in Memestetica, a book by Valentina Tanni .
So honored to be part of such an incredible book 🔥
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maracassiani · 2 years ago
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NUOVO HABITAT , mara oscar cassiani 2021;
Careof, Milano 2021.
performative action+ installation for women identified folks.
pic of the installation by Celine Volonteiro.
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maracassiani · 2 years ago
“I am dancing in a room ,
La Fauna” ,frame from the live streaming for Romaeuropa Festival Digitalive 2021; Internet Solitude and live streaming performance.
by moc_ maraoscarcassiani
Pics sequence by Franziska Von Guten edited by MOC
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maracassiani · 2 years ago
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The installation of “Ed3n & The Perfect Life” , MOC 2015/2016 ,
open and visible at Centrale Fies as part of their performative art collection.
curated by Barbara Boninsegna, Denis Isaia
December 11th 2022 - February 23rd 2023
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maracassiani · 2 years ago
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Stay with me live , 20 MINS, chill stream , from I am dancing in a room > La Fauna , online performance November 2021
In the picture :a selfie within the performance by Eric Tsai, who was live from the night of Taipei .
I am dancing in a room was part of Residenze Digitali and supported by Romaeuropa Festival, Digitalive
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maracassiani · 2 years ago
NUOVO HABITAT x Torpignattara, feminist open practice beyond binaries for genderfluid and fem peers in the periphery of Rome. videogames avatars and body training .Rome 2022
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maracassiani · 2 years ago
NUOVO HABITAT x Torpignattara, feminist open practice beyond binaries for genderfluid and fem peers in the periphery of Rome. videogames avatars and body training .Rome 2022
opera MOC , cura Erinni Ass. Cult. Roma , within the show Beyond Binaries
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maracassiani · 3 years ago
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Nuovo Habitat, Torpignatta, Rome 2022
A trans feminist practice about avatars and relationships with fem body stereotypes,
free open workshop directed by Mara Oscar Cassiani cura Erinni within the show Beyond Binaries .
portrait with the all crew 🖤
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