mar-ciia28 · 2 months
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144 notes · View notes
mar-ciia28 · 2 months
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284 notes · View notes
mar-ciia28 · 2 months
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Cuando me siento en tus brazos se me olvida todo, voy a ser la encargada de cuidarte siempre... 🖤
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mar-ciia28 · 2 months
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No te asombres si un día nuevamente te hago mío... 🖤
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mar-ciia28 · 2 months
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Sigues siendo mío... 🖤
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mar-ciia28 · 2 months
Amor é quando os sonhos de uma mulher se tornam os desejos de um homem.
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135 notes · View notes
mar-ciia28 · 2 months
Me perder nas curvas do teu corpo já virou rotina em mim...
E quer saber mais?
Quero continuar perdido todos os dias da minha vida.
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93 notes · View notes
mar-ciia28 · 2 months
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When you can read the eyes of Sin
in the innocent. they take you
where the skin wants to be touched,
caressed, licked and be fucked.
𝕳𝖚𝖒𝖇𝖑𝖊 *
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mar-ciia28 · 2 months
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The best gift
You can give yourself
is your smile, respect, love,
It keeps you honest, confident,
successful and courageous.
Remember that!
𝕳𝖚𝖒𝖇𝖑𝖊 *
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mar-ciia28 · 2 months
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Just having me in your thoughts is enough.. I know what I can provoke and between the sheets, a hungry beast I am.., you can imagine the rest.
𝓝𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐫..
𝕳𝖚𝖒𝖇𝖑𝖊 *
26 notes · View notes
mar-ciia28 · 2 months
Justo cuando pensé que conocía todo, conocí su mirada y me bastó... no quise saber más, quise ser ignorante… Qué sorpresa la mía... cuando conocí sus labios....
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59 notes · View notes
mar-ciia28 · 2 months
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109 notes · View notes
mar-ciia28 · 2 months
*I live in my own world, on my own wave, with my own weather..🖤🤍
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mar-ciia28 · 2 months
If you follow your path, the whole Universe comes to your aid...🖤🤍
Paulo Coelho
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mar-ciia28 · 2 months
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Have a nice day today 🩶💋
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mar-ciia28 · 2 months
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When life gives you à hundred reasons to cry,
show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile 🩶
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mar-ciia28 · 2 months
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Hay almas que tienen azules luceros, mañanas marchitas entre hojas del tiempo y castos rincones que guardan un viejo rumor de nostalgias y sueños.♡
Garcia Lorca
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