maoustudyblr · 4 years
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@th8e’s archive
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maoustudyblr · 4 years
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[ 10-05-2020 | 14:03 ]
I now thoroughly regret making my Shakespeare essay my final essay of the semester (and of my entire undergrad degree), please remind me to never take a Shakespeare module ever again :)
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maoustudyblr · 4 years
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in the past, i had to prepare for several exams by self-studying for long hours at home, so over the years i’ve learned the best ways to adapt to this situation, which i now present in this little infographic. i hope it can ease some of the pressure! 💜
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maoustudyblr · 4 years
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maoustudyblr · 4 years
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Early morning anatomy study session at the sunlit library. So far I really enjoy the respiration module :-)
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maoustudyblr · 4 years
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Had to do this sixfanarts thing going around! I asked people to suggest some characters through my instagram stories and picked a few of my faves ~  
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maoustudyblr · 4 years
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Interesting reads related to coronavirus:
Doctor Shows Why You Shouldn’t Wear Gloves to Store
FDA Approves 15 Minute Coronavirus Test
Man With Coronavirus Tells Eye Opening Story of What He’s Been Through
Fit and Healthy Man Hit by Coronavirus Sends Important Message to the World
20,000 Chinese Tourists Stuck at Packed Attraction After It Reopens
The Absolute Weirdest Activities People Have Done While in Lockdown
North Korea Claims It Has No Cases of Coronavirus
Netflix Party Extension Lets You Chat and Watch With Friends During Coronavirus Lockdown
The U.S. Now Has the Most Confirmed Coronavirus Cases in the World
Woman With Cancer Says She’s Been Hit With $34,927 Bill for Coronavirus Treatment
Dad Creates Special Suit to Protect Baby Against Coronavirus
10 Million Americans Lost Their Jobs in Two Weeks Because of Coronavirus
Lambs Spotted Playing on Children’s Roundabout During Lockdown
Lady Gaga Raises $35 Million for the World Health Organization
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maoustudyblr · 4 years
How to live your *BEST* life during quarantine : achieve your goals from the comfort of your home!
So.. Schools are closed, everything is basically down and you’re up to at least 2 weeks of quarantine. You’ve bought your toilet paper, made your pasta stock (no penne lisce of course, who tf eats them anyway?!), completed 30 levels of CandyCrush and now you may be wondering… What the hell will I do during this whole time??
Well… I got you covered. I’ll just make a couple of articles on how to help YOU to make the best of this homestay! side note : this may be the first and the last time that you can save the world from your couch, so be happy about it : we’re living a historical moment!).
First things first : MAKE A LIST. If you don’t stop one moment and think of everything you need to do, you’ll end up doing basically nothing, and this is why SUMMARIZING what you need to do can help you have a clearer vision : What are your top priorities (school work, job/college applications, deadlines, thesis, etc.)? What are your other priorities (exercising, cleaning the house, doing your laundry, washing your hands, feeding the cat…)?
Now that you’ve listed your work/home obligations you have 2 choices : either you have so much workload that you’ll basically only do this (and this quarantine will rather look like an exam session => I’ll write a 2nd article on how to study efficiently at home) OR you have still plenty of free time !
Which leads to asking yourself what are the things you’ve always wanted to do/improve/try but never had the motivation/time to? The examples are infinite : finish a book, start a blog, declutter, meditate more, journaling, etc..
Once you’ve made your list, you can PLAN your days. It doesn’t need to be super serious like a study plan but just knowing what you’ll be up to each day will make you less anxious and the time will pass faster.
Last thing : don’t forget to CHILL ! As I said, it’s the first time you won’t feel guilty about staying at home! So keep some time apart to watch your favorite TV show, enjoy precious moments with your family, sleep, and take care of yourself.
So tell me.. What would you like to do during this quarantine? Do you have any goals?
I’ll come back very soon for more details !! In the meantime, please STAY SAFE, wash your hands and AVOID close contact!!
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maoustudyblr · 4 years
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hello!! as an online college student, i’ve been lucky enough to already have some experience with online schooling, so i’m here to offer all my advice for the students of quarantined schools! due to the covid-19 outbreak, it’s been very difficult for many who’ve had to switch to online school. however, there are many way to make it simpler and faster, and i’m here to give my best tips!!
firstly, make a list. whether you’re more comfortable with a physical to-do list or a virtual calendar to schedule things out (i’ve used google calendar almost my whole life but i just got the app elisi and it’s beautiful, minimalist, and easy to use! available on pretty much every device). planning out your work is the most efficient way to get it done.
don’t try to do everything at once. while it’s best to get things done soon, space out your work efficiently so you don’t feel overwhelmed!
create a simple, comfortable study space. it doesn’t have to be a perfectly organized desk or gorgeous setup at the kitchen table; i do all of my college work from my bed with a comfy throw blanket and fairy lights up. the most important thing is that you are in the right position to do work, you are comfortable, and that you are able to keep everything you need close to you.
work in chunks. to best knock out your work, take it an hour at a time with 10 to 15 minute breaks in between. make some tea, get a snack, stay energized.
drink lots of water. you are not immune to the coronavirus. it’s also easier to stay energized and focused when you’re hydrated.
MOST IMPORTANTLY: COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR INSTRUCTORS. at first i was very timid to communicate back and forth with my professors when something was wrong but i have learned that it is the most important thing to have good communication. if you don’t understand a concept, have trouble with the online system, or just need general help in your academics, sending them an email is the best way to solve the problem.
reward yourself!! once you’ve finished an assignment, give yourself a little treat (maybe a half hour of minecraft or your favorite snack to munch on!!)–it’s the best way to encourage your mind to work harder.
don’t work too late. you’re off from school. unless it’s the night of the due date, don’t push yourself until it’s done. the morning is just a sleep away.
these are some good playlists for background music.
another important tip! communicate with your classmates in case you don’t understand something. everybody learns differently and some pick up info different than others. 
make fancy notes!! get fancy with your stationery!! you have plenty of time now and can go bonkers with your beautiful notes.
continue to check your temperature and monitor symptoms. your school has closed for a reason. your safety and health are important.
retain a relatively normal sleep schedule, similar to the one you have when you normally go to school. slipping out of your regular sleep cycle can and will kick your ass when it’s time to go back.
lastly, eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. take a nap when you’re tired. remember to go to the bathroom and keep your water filled. take care of yourself.
if i think of anything else to add, i will!! just wanted to bring forth my advice in hopes that it benefits anybody who is at home b/c of quarantine or school cancellation :)
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maoustudyblr · 4 years
Quarantine tips for students
🎒 Treat it like you’re actually going to classes.
Take a shower. Get dressed. Don’t just roll out of bed into Zoom. It’ll put you in the correct mindset to get some work done.
☀️ Use this time as a chance to operate based on your natural energy cycles.
Work when you’re most productive. Rest when you aren’t. (Unless you have non-recorded, scheduled classes/meetings.)
⏰ Create a routine.
You’ll get used to doing the things you do and you won’t need as much motivation to get them done each time.
🎯 Set daily goals
You’ll have an idea of where you’re headed and how much you have to do for the day.
🏡 Establish boundaries by creating a separate space for doing work.
Keep coming to this space when you have to do work and don’t allow any distractions there - this will train your brain to focus.
☎️ Stay in touch with people.
Avoid feeling isolated by calling your friends, spending time with your family, roommates, etc. Social support can help reduce stress.
🎨 Keep your spirits up by spending time on your hobbies, exercising, doing something creative etc.
Coloring, doing yoga, and playing music/singing/listening to music have been shown to improve mental health.
📚 Exercise your brain
by learning a new skill you’ve always wanted to learn, reading a book on your TBR, listening to podcasts, etc.
🌿 Spend some time every day in nature,
whether it’s going out into your backyard or balcony or just opening a window.
😷 Take care of yourself by getting enough sleep, eating properly, etc.
This will make you better equipped to fight diseases, and you’ll feel better in general.
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maoustudyblr · 4 years
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Energy Management
A human-based organization method
click on images for better resolution; images also available here (link to google drive)
Other posts that may be of interest:
Getting stuff done: How to deal with a lack of motivation
Flexible time-blocking: A more breathable way to get things done
The ABCDE Method
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maoustudyblr · 4 years
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“we’ve all got both light and dark inside us. what matters is the part we choose to act on.” - sirius black
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maoustudyblr · 4 years
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I know it’s February already.. but here’s my January spread! Hehe 😉
💌IG: meowtxx
We will be doing a giveaway for our 1k followers! Will be giving away some cute stickers/memo pad/washi tape... Do follow us on IG & stay tune for our giveaway post! 😇❤️
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maoustudyblr · 4 years
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maoustudyblr · 4 years
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15 interesting articles to read today: 
2019 Problems That Simply Didn’t Exist in 1989
People Share All The Ways They Actively Fight Depression
Fifty Small Ways That You Can Help Save the Planet
Terrible Social Etiquette Mistakes You’re Probably Making Without Knowing It
Just Two Hours of Nature Time a Week Could Have a Huge Impact on Your Health, Says New Study
NASA Scientists Reveal How They’ll Send People Back to the Moon in 2024
Clever Hacks for Getting Out of Paying Every Kind of Fee
This Viral Thread of the Most Questionable Things People Own Will Have You Gasping
People Reveal the One Thing That Made Them Break up With Their Partners
Women Who Are Childless and Unmarried Are the Happiest People of All According to Expert
What Teen Summer Looked Like in the ’50s and ’60s Compared to Today
Divorce Lawyers Reveal the Most Outrageous Reasons They’ve Seen Couples Split
The Weird Science Behind the Reason so Many Couples Look Alike
The Bible Said the World Was Going to End a Year Ago Today
29 Crazy Facts About What Happens to the Human Body During Fasting
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maoustudyblr · 5 years
Redefining My Bullet Journal System
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The bullet journal is probably something you’re no stranger to. It’s been circulating around the internet for a while, and it’s one of the main subjects of studyblr posts. However, when I started college last semester, I found that I no longer relied on my bullet journal to organize my tasks and structure my responsibilities anymore. Instead, I tried out a bunch of productivity/task-organization apps: Taskade, Actions by Moleskine, Any.do, Todoist, Wunderlist. None of them seemed to have what I needed, so I decided to give the bullet journal method another try.
The first thing I reflected on was why I stopped in the first place. At first I thought it was because the method itself allowed for a lot of freedom and I’d get confused as to what things to include and how to structure everything. But then I realized that it was in fact because I had previously been bullet journaling for other people instead of myself. Since I had what one could call an ‘artsy bullet journal’, I tended to focus more on the artistic aspect so that it would get more likes and reblogs after I posted it, when I should have been focusing on how it can organize my life. I realized that the bullet journal is a tool; the focus should be on life itself, not the bullet journal, but you can use the bullet journal to add value to your life.
At the beginning of the year, I deconstructed my organizational needs and attempted to apply that to my bullet journal method. I stopped looking at other people’s bullet journals and started thinking about my own needs and preferences. I thought about how I would best organize my time so that I could accomplish all of the things I want to accomplish in the different aspects of my life.
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The fact that I only have 2 main supplies allows me to bullet journal anywhere, anytime.
The Structure
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The Practice
Simply having the tool to organize your life isn’t enough - you should also have a practice, a habit, for using it.
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Going Forward
One thing I’d like to work on is future logging. As of now, I think in terms of months, since the my main commitment at the moment is my education, and monthly planning has worked out for me. But I think if I’d like to tackle on larger projects - e.g. my YouTube channel that I just started - I’d need to do a lot more future logging.
Another useful thing I want to try out is to summarize my journal entries in the form of notes. Recently I’ve been audio journaling (15-20 minutes of me talking to myself), and it’s been pretty effective. However, I have no way of ‘skimming’ the entries like I would a written journal entry. Summarizing them would help me retain main ideas of each entry and remember the things I said that are or could potentially be important and useful.
Final Thoughts
If you don’t think your bullet journal is adding value to or improving productivity and organization in your life, I think you should reconsider the way you’re approaching the system. I found a method that works for me; yours might be different. While it can be beneficial to draw inspiration from other people, do whatever helps you the most, not what other people tell you you should be doing. After coming up with an appropriate structure, make sure you maintain the practice.  
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maoustudyblr · 5 years
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A tired little pup with relatable feelings. 🐶 If you like this little pup, you might enjoy this month’s pin club design that will be revealed this weekend! ✨
2020 Calendar | Loading Penguin Hugs | Webtoon 
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