manojmme-blog · 5 years
Python Training in Vijayawada
Python is a high-level programming language for general purpose programming. It is the perfect language for someone trying to learn computer programming for the first time. Guido van Rossum created Python programming in 1991. Python is an open source programming language. Many applications like web, games, software development, Object Databases, Network Programming, Mobile applications and many more can build using python programming. Python programming supports both structured and object-oriented programming.
Python Training Course – Objective
Python programming language training main objective for the student is to develop primary programming skills up to the higher end to solve the different programming logic. A student can able to write a different type of logic at the end of the sessions. After learning python programming language course, the student can able to build web applications, database access and data analysis. Few applications which make using python programming are YouTube, Dropbox, Google, Quora, Instagram, BitTorrent, Spotify, Reddit, Yahoo Maps, Hipmunk, Pinterest, NASA, Bitbucket. After completing the python training, a student can able to attend any MNC Company interview and can solve the technical rounds both theoretically and practically. A student can able to build web pages and host in cloud servers which can be accessible by anyone in the world.
Why Python Training is required?
Python has topped the charts in recent years when compared to programming languages like C, C++ and Java are widely being used by the programmers these days. Nowadays everything is related to data; the future is entirely on data so for manipulating or processing the information we need to upgrade our skills. Python is the best programming language for processing the data in various stages. Python programming has a unique feature of integrating with any programming language. You can design a project frontend with PHP and integrate backend with python. Advanced technologies like NLP, AI, and Machine Learning are built using python. Education at CodeGnan will assure you, the ability to code application by the end of the Python training.
Advantages of Python Programming
Python’s syntax is simple to learn, so both non-programmers and programmers can right away start programming in it Python is developed under an OSI-approved open source license, which makes it easier to use and distribute, including commercial purposes. It provides large libraries that include fields like string operations, web service tools, operating system interfaces etc. Python has built-in list and dictionary data structures which can be used to construct fast runtime data structures. Syntax for python is easy to learn, hence programmers and even non-programmers can start programming right away.
Why CodeGnan to be chosen to learn Python in Vijayawada?
We as a team of real-time industrial experience with a lot of knowledge in developing applications in python programming (7+ years) will ensure that we will deliver our best in Python Training in Vijayawada, and we believe that no one matches us in this context.
Course Syllabus
Part 1 Introduction to Python. Who is using Python today? Installation and setting up environment. Basic syntax. Built in data types.
Part 2 Basic operators. Decision making. Loops. Numbers. Strings. Lists.
Part 3 Tuples. Sets. Dictionary. Date and Time. Functions. Modules.
Part 4 Packages. Sending Email. WhatsApp Message. Facebook Message. Files. Exceptions.
Part 5 Classes. Regular Expressions. Database Access. Networking. Building Microservices. Working with git.
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manojmme-blog · 5 years
Machine Learning Course
Machine Learning is a set of algorithms that help the machines, that is the computers, devices, and every bit of technology that uses Artificial Intelligence to ‘learn’ from their own experiences with varying amount of human intervention. Some Machine Learning algorithms need humans to modify their codes regularly while others can modify the algorithms themselves. Machine Learning training can enable a person to code such algorithms which would be able to process large data and use the result to modify itself, make future predictions, mimic human behavior, and many such activities. Every year millions of dollars are spent on developing new algorithms for Machine Learning in order to help companies increase their efficiency and productivity. Having a Machine Learning certification would help software engineers to tap into this market.
Using Machine Learning in Numerous Industries
At Codegnan, we provide one of the best Machine Learning training in Vijayawada. Machine Learning is truly transforming numerous industries by revolutionizing the processes of manufacturing and production, sales and purchases, marketing, communication, cybersecurity, and basically every aspect of an organization. A Machine Learning training course allows you to understand the important roles that the data scientist and Machine Learning engineer play in today’s data-savvy environment. Let’s look at all the various industries that you will be able to get into after taking a Machine Learning course:
Healthcare: Healthcare industry is one of the most profitable industries around the world. Here every new innovation can earn you hundreds of millions of dollars. By and by healthcare industry is adopting more IoT and other connected devices. With a Machine Learning certification, you will be able to code Machine Learning algorithms to track the patients’ health, collect data, analyze it, and predict future health trends. It helps the devices to alert the healthcare providers in case the patients’ health shows signs of deteriorating.
Manufacturing: Machine Learning training institutes like us also teach you to use Machine Learning algorithms to ease the process of manufacturing, increase efficiency and productivity, and reduce the need for human labor. This can be achieved by training the algorithm to carry out the manufacturing processes, find flaws in them and to modify the process based on the limitations.
Stock Market: One of the extensive parts in Machine Learning training is writing algorithms that can collect a large amount of data from various sources, analyze it to understand the relationship between them and their past trends in order to predict the future trends. This can be used to predict the stock market trends by using Machine Learning and thus as a way to make profitable trades.
Cybersecurity: Every day there are millions of new cyber attacks carried out on people all around the world which leads to huge losses of protected data as well as money globally. Cyber attacks on organizations and their employees can lead to devastating consequences and disrupt their working for a significant amount of time. This is why cyber attacks have been recognized as one of the most harmful threats worldwide. The worst part about cyber attacks is that the attackers keep on developing their codes which is why traditional methods of cybersecurity are not enough. Machine Learning algorithms can be used to store information of the past codes of cyber attacks, detect the patterns in them, and use them to detect any future malicious code with as much as 2% to 10% variation in coding. Thus, Machine Learning can drastically change the cybersecurity industry.
E-Commerce: The Machine Learning course also includes learning how to use Machine Learning to help an eCommerce business. The algorithms can be designed to collect all the data and analyze it to ascertain the shopping patterns and product preferences of the consumers. With the help of this analysis, it can further understand the psychology of people while shopping and use it to improve their shopping experience, conversion rates, and recommend relevant products to the users. It also helps in the targeted advertisement. Many Others: After taking Machine Learning training course from us you will be able to use your knowledge of Machine Learning for a plethora of other purposes as well. For example, creating virtual personal assistants, social media services, predicting trends for various purposes such as while commuting, video surveillance, developing virtual customer support, refining search engine results, and much more.
Why CodeGnan to be chosen to learn Machine Learning training in Vijayawada?
Codegnan provides over 60 hours of the best course in machine learning training in Vijayawada. This course is further divided into several parts to ensure that you have the proper understanding of each of the part before proceeding to the next level. Being one of the premier Machine Learning training institutes we provide you with the opportunity to work on real-life case studies with the leading Machine Learning engineers and scientists as a hands-on approach for teaching. By the end of the course, you would be able to write supervised and unsupervised algorithms to carry out various tasks and to modify themselves based on the available data.
Course Syllabus
Part 1 Introduction to Python. Who is using Python today? Installation and setting up environment. Basic syntax. Built in data types.
Part 2 Basic Operators. Decision making. Loops. Numbers. Strings. Lists.
Part 3 Tuples. Sets. Dictionary. Functions. Modules.
Part 4 Packages. Files. Exceptions. Classes. Regular Expressions.
Part 5 Database Access. Networking. Sending Email. Building Microservices. Working with git.
Part 6 Numpy. Multi-dimensional array. Files with arrays. Linear Algebra. Array Manipulation. Structured and record arrays.
Part 7 Pandas. Series. Data Frames. Reading and Writing Data in Text Format.
Part 8 Interacting with web APIs. Interacting with Databases. Handling missing data. Combining and merging datasets.
Part 9 Matplotlib. Plotting and visualizing data. Data aggregation. Time series. Time zones. Sickit learn.
Part 10 Introduction to Machine Learning How do machines learn Types of machine learning Supervised learning Unsupervised learning Reinforcement learning
Applications of machine learning
Part 11 Selecting a model Training a model Classification Regression Clustering Performance of a model
Part 12 What is a feature Feature construction Feature extraction Feature selection
Part 13 Supervised learning classification. Bayes Theorem Naïve Bayes Classifier K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) Decision Tree. Random Forest Model Support Vector Machines
Part 14 Supervised learning regression. Simple linear regression. Multiple linear regression. Problems in regression analysis. Polynomial regression model. Logistic Regression.
Part 15 Unsupervised vs Supervised learning. Applications of Unsupervised Learning Clustering
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manojmme-blog · 5 years
Java Training Course
Sun Microsystems developed Java programming language and is released in 1995 as a core component of Sun Microsystems’ Java platform. Java SE 8 is the latest edition till date. By the advancement of Java and its vast popularity, various configurations were built to accommodate different kinds of platforms. The brand-new J2 versions are now named as Java EE, Java SE, and Java ME. Java is proved to be Write Once, Run Anywhere.
Java Training Course – Objective
This hands-on Java training course presents a thorough introduction to object-oriented programming in Java for experienced C and C++ programmers. The fundamental concepts of Java syntax are taught in the context regarding applying OOP methods in order to gain reusability, flexibility, and dependability. Stress is placed on the characteristics of Java that promote complex data types, inheritance, and polymorphism. Pupils will study to implement the method of data abstraction including class design. Functional aspects of Java includes performance, execution, trial, and security concerns are emphasized. Extensive hands-on activities are blended completely to strengthen knowledge and elaborate real competency.
Why Java training is required?
A superset of C and C++, Java is an object-oriented programming language cum platform and incorporates all the features offered by C and C++ and much more. Started its journey as a successor to C++, gradually, it has evolved as the ultimate choice for developing different versatile kind of applications like stand-alone, GUI-based, web, database, and mobile applications.
Advantages of Java Programming Language Java is easy to learn. Java is designed to be easy use and hence easy to code, execute and debug. It also helps learn other programming languages quickly.
Java is Object-Oriented. This gives us the benefit to create modular programs and reusable modules. Java platform independent with its source and also binary levels. It can run the same program on different systems due to its ability to move from one system to other which is crucial for web applications. Job Proscpects with Java Programming Language Java is widely used to make applications for different platforms as it is a platform independent language.
Android Apps: The Android operating system is written in Java which makes it much easier for the developers. Blueray: A user can also seamlessly build interactive applications for Blue-Ray Disk Association. Server Applications: Some of the popular system applications like Gmail, Eclipse which we use daily are built on Java. Popular Desktop Applications: Java is used to develop popular desktop apps such as Gmail, Eclipse, Netbeans etc. Scientific applications:NASA Wind which is a prominent development project uses Java. According to quora.com
Why CodeGnan to be chosen to learn Java Programming in Vijayawada?
We as a team of real time subject experts with lot of Java training experience(19 + years) will ensure that we will deliver our best in  Java training in Vijayawada, and we believe that no one matches us in this context.
Course Syllabus
Part 1 Introduction to Java Language. Genesis of Java and OOP features. Java Environment Setup. Part 2 Working with Classes and Objects, class an Abstract Data type. Inheritance -types of inheritance -access controls -rules and regulations of inheritance using “super”, “abstract” and “final” Interfaces – multiple inheritance with interfaces, interface benefits, interfaces vs abstract classes. Part 3 Packages- packaging classes. Exception handling, need to handle exceptions, Java’s exception class hierarchy. GUI Applications using Java,awt. Multi Threading Part 4 Java Library Packages. Generic Programming. Collection Framework. New features in Java 8.
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manojmme-blog · 5 years
Data Analysis with Python
his program delivers you from the basics of Python to exploring several kinds of data. You will discover how to adjust data for analysis and make simplistic statistical critiques, produce important data visualizations, foretell expected drifts from data.
Why Data Analysis with Python training is required?
Python is a trendy tool concerning data analysis. In recent years, many libraries have approached capability, deducting users to take advantage of the excellence, versatility, and production of Python outwardly losing the functionality those records have expanded over the years.
Advantages of Data Analysis with Python Data Analysis libraries will encourage you to study and practice Pandas, Scipy and Numpy libraries to operate with an example dataset. We will include pandas, an open-source library, including how to use it to store, manage, interpret, and conceive datasets. Then we will continue to a different open-source library, sci-kit learn and will practice some of its machine learning algorithms to create forward models and make predictions.
Why CodeGnan to be chosen to learn Data Analysis with Python training in Vijayawada?
We as a team of real-time industrial experience with a lot of knowledge in developing Data Analysis using python programming (7+ years) will ensure that we will deliver our best in Data Analysis with Python Training in Vijayawada, and we believe that no one matches us in this context.
Course Syllabus
Z Part 1 Introduction to Python. Who is using Python today? Installation and setting up environment. Basic syntax. Built in data types. Z Part 2 Basic Operators. Decision making. Loops. Numbers. Strings. Lists. Z Part 3 Tuples. Sets. Dictionary. Functions. Modules. Z Part 4 Packages. Files. Exceptions. Classes. Regular Expressions. Z Part 5 Database Access. Networking. Sending Email. Building Microservices. Working with git. Z Part 6 Numpy. Multi-dimensional array. Files with arrays. Linear Algebra. Array Manipulation. Structured and record arrays. Z Part 7 Pandas. Series. Data Frames. Reading and Writing Data in Text Format. Z Part 8 Interacting with web APIs. Interacting with Databases. Handling missing data. Combining and merging datasets. Z Part 9 Matplotlib. Plotting and visualizing data. Data aggregation. Time series. Time zones. Sickit learn.
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