mannersmakethzine · 13 hours
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One week remains | contributor applications!
Hello again! With one week of applications remaining, we are still looking for artists and writers to participate in this zine.
This zine is friendly to those with no prior experience, so please don’t hesitate to sign up! If you are interested but are hesitant, feel free to contact us through pm or send an AMA.
If you’re an artist, apply here!
If you’re a writer, apply here!
If you have any other questions, feel free to send them our way!
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mannersmakethzine · 21 days
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Manners Maketh | Contributor sign-ups
Manners Maketh is a Kingsman Fanzine with the goal to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of Kingsman: The Secret Service. We're looking for writers and artists! No prior experience with zines is needed! Since the zine will likely be digital, we're hoping to be able to let as many people as possible participate, so please don't hesitate when it comes to applying.
Thank you for the support!
Artists can apply here!
Writers can apply here!
We're also looking for mods, so feel free to check out this post if you're interested in that.
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mannersmakethzine · 21 days
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Manners Maketh | Moderator applications
We are organising a zine to the 10 year anniversary of Kingsman: The Secret Service. For this, we will be seeking the following moderator positions: writing moderator, art moderator & formatting moderator. You do not need any prior experience, though it is a plus if you do have it.
Thank you for the support!
Moderator applications are open now and you can apply here!
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to message us.
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mannersmakethzine · 22 days
Thank you! and an update
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I wanted to thank everyone that has filled out the interest check and/or shared the Tumblr post for the Manners Maketh zine! Based on those who have filled out the google form, we have made a few decisions and we would like to update everyone before applications open tomorrow!
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Many of you have shown interest in contributing, and we want to thank all of you for that. Despite interest itself not being a lot at the moment, a large number of you want to contribute and that’s great to hear!
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Here’s a highlight of the most often mentioned characters, who to no one’s surprise, are: Eggsy, Harry, and Merlin.
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Many of you have shown interest in this being a charity zine! Here’s some of the charities that have been mentioned by those who have filled out the google form. We will be looking into each one and make a decision together with the contributors. Sadly, we cannot support each one, so please go check them out on your own as well!
The fact remains, though, that not everyone is able to afford donating to a charity, especially with the current state of the world and economy. So we’re looking into if we can make the (digital) zine itself free of charge, but still have a few extras (think digital merchandise) for those who are able to donate.
Because it is somewhat unclear how many people are actually interested in a physical zine, there will be a check-in later along the way to see whether those who know of the project would like one and if it’s viable to do so. Especially with it (now) being a charity zine.
Thank you for reading and all the support we’ve received so far!
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