manipulateism-blog · 9 years
           It would be nice to live in a kind world.                                         Without any FEAR.                               ♔ ♔ ♔                                         Without any TROUBLES.                                         Without HURTING ANYBODY                                         Without EVER BEING HURT
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manipulateism-blog · 9 years
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manipulateism-blog · 9 years
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Again? My mama woke me up with the TV being extremely loud then putting her head in my room saying how sorry she was for me. I just want to sleep. Save me from this cruel world of my parents
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manipulateism-blog · 9 years
#I guess u like me hot#;))))))))))))))
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manipulateism-blog · 9 years
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My mum couldn't put my bed together even tho I asked her if I should do it "no, no, no." Then blamed me for buying a bed that was so hard to put together. I T WAS YOUR I D E A
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manipulateism-blog · 9 years
The Killers - Miss Atomic Bomb
Miss Atomic Bomb Making out we’ve got the radio on You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone
Racing shadows in the moonlight And taking chances on a hot night And for a second there we won Yeah we were innocent and young
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manipulateism-blog · 9 years
Imagine person A of your OTP trying to secretly kiss person B’s cheek while they’re asleep but B shifts and A accidentally kisses their mouth and pulls back flustered and looks down at a wide eyed B who pulls them back for a real kiss.
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manipulateism-blog · 9 years
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Idk what I find more amusing, the vine or the fact that Shakira approves of it
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manipulateism-blog · 9 years
heather, leshawna, bridgette, courtney and duncan
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I’m laughing over Duncan being added @lauren you started this sin.
Been There Done That:: Courtney, bitch is probably the sanity of the team.
Currently Doing That:: Bridgette, she’s probably the one who gets the last say. Mostly because she is forgotten by everyone else. 
It Happened Once In A Dream:: Leshawna, I can imagine her being all ghettolike;; “GURLL, I DID THIS ONES I CAN DO IT.” Ends up fucking up. 
If I Had To Pick A Dude:: Duncan, cause bro’s before these hoes my boii.
Eagle Two:: Heather cause someone needs to keep a close eye of this bastard.
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manipulateism-blog · 9 years
character building question: if your character is Eagle One, who is
Been There Done That
Currently Doing That
It Happened Once In A Dream
If I Had To Pick A Dude
Eagle Two
send me 5 partners/characters and i’ll say what they are to my muse
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manipulateism-blog · 9 years
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                                   Highly Selective && Indie La Muerte.                                                           RULES | DEATH
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manipulateism-blog · 9 years
"Bromigo, you know I love you but....you hella gay tho."
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im literally going to throw you in another volcano.
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manipulateism-blog · 9 years
I just wished we all lived in the same country in the same town && knew how to be social, so all the tdi roleplayers could actually cosplay && do a parody of this song. Like jesus
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manipulateism-blog · 9 years
lcthargia replied to your post: iT’S Munday && I finally got m...
Ya cute
I can finally see how beautiful I am with my glasses. BOO YEH THO
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manipulateism-blog · 9 years
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iT'S Munday && I finally got my glasses today, fuck HD vesion again && i'm happy. I also went shopping && got some new make up aka eyeliner && some baby lips. WHAT ELSE DID I get I got UNICORN WATER CUP. I honestly wished it said unicorn tears but meh, annnd a TV so I can bring play station 4 upstairs.
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manipulateism-blog · 9 years
He’s never been an outstanding student, always lazing in the back of the classroom while the professor tries their best to hold the attention of almost fifty twelve-year old children. Sure, he’ll do a spell or make a potion when prompted, but it’s doesn’t turn out as nicely as it should. Charms class, however, is a different story; Alejandro makes it different. ALEJANDRO turns it into some kind  of game, and he lets himself be dragged in like the weak-willed, competitive sucker he is. Duncan hates him…and the rest of the Slytherin house, too.
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“You kidding? I’d rather be down in Slughorn’s class right now. The Huffle-dorks say he’s making a potion that lets you breathe fire.”  He’d even tried to sneak into the dungeons to see for himself, but  one of the portraits at the entrance had started yelling at him and  he’d sulked over to the Charms room instead.
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      ❛I see, SOUNDS extremely interesting.❜ Of course the rich little       shit had to make sure he sounded like he was interested with       the topic's when in reality, he couldn't careless what this damn       'hero' thought.
      The cunning child just smiled at his classmate.  ❛Charms can be       just as fun, bromigo! You've just gotta get into the right mood, come,       come! You may sit next to me if you please.❜ Personal space wasn't       a problem for Alejandro, as the child placed his arm around the other       child’s shoulder TRYING to drag him into the room. He had some       couple of years B E F O R E he could break out of the gentleman       act TOWARDS everyone. 
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manipulateism-blog · 9 years
“Why is he shirtless I don’t get it…”
“There is no reason to be embarrassed mi amor.”
Okay so Alejandro and heather may have had a way too heated argument last night.
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