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356 Spreads In 365 Days Tarot Reading Challenge: Day 4 (March 6, 2020) - Embrace Your Creative Process Spread
On this day, painter, poet, architect, and sculptor Michaelangelo was born on this day in 1475. Considered one of the greatest artists to have ever lived, his volume of work and influence on the development of Western art remain voluminous. His best-known works include sculptures of David, the Pieta, and sublime frescos in the Sistine Chapel.
Working creatively, you can invoke the spirit of Michaelangelo the same way you might invoke a god for a magical ritual. Utilising his genius for inspiration, this spread sheds light on your creative process.
Card 1:
What helps me accept my creative gifts?
Eight of Pentacles Upright
The rewards that you might receive from pursuing your passions and developing your talents might give you motivation, and a sense of freedom. Develop a good work ethic, pay attention to the details, and set the bar high. You already have the tools. Maybe if you use them, you will achieve success.
Card 2:
How do I dedicate a specific amount of time to it?
Ten Of Swords Reversed
It is possible that an approaching end, or change, like leaving a relationship, quitting a job, losing touch with a relative, or a friend, or a social organizational, will present epiphanies, and make you feel sure of yourself, and what you want. It might not be within your control, but maybe it’s best to accept the change, move forward, and preoccupy your thoughts and efforts on new prospects or pursuits. After all, this may also free you up, and give you the opportunity to make time for developing your talents, or passions.
Card 3:
Do I have the space to work in?
Queen Of Swords Reversed
It is possible that there is someone in your life who tries to appear to be a good person, but actually does or says mean things to spite you at the same time. They may try to make things difficult for you, and continue to look for reasons to do so. Maybe they say hurtful things to make you feel bad, or cut off your resources to make life hard for you. It might be best not to let this overwhelm you with frustration, and anxiety. Instead, rely on your intellect, and capacity for reason to find a way to pool the resources you need to secure a creative space on your own for developing your talents, and passions. Prioritize your own well being. Don’t mind the things that others say or do to keep you down.
Card 4:
Should I work in the same place each day?
The Sun Upright
If you must, it might be a good idea to choose a space that gives you a sense of joy, success, rejuvenation, happyness, optimism, safety, and freedom where you can redefine yourself, and grow as an artist, or where your talents can develop. In other words, a sanctuary. Maybe this is just what you need to catapult your career in the arts.
Card 5:
Can I recognize and utilise creative spurts?
Death Upright
If you’re on a roll, and inspiration keeps pouring out of you, maybe you’re in the right place. Although, the moment you feel like you’re in a rut, maybe it's time to make some changes, like a new scenery etc. New experiences might arouse inspiration when you feel like it has run out.
Card 6:
Is there a muse lingering near me?
Five of Wands Reversed
Maybe your muse cannot be trusted because this person is not what they seem. They may not speak truthfully, and they may betray you. They may lure you in with cunning, and deception and maybe you can’t be blamed. It is also possible that a third person is trying to poison the mind of your muse against you. Although sooner or later the truth will reveal itself to you probably through someone else if the culprit doesn’t fess up.
Card 7:
What am I capable of?
The Emperor Upright
Although you may have potential, you lack discipline and structure, and you let yourself become overwhelmed by your emotions. Maybe this is a call to gather the focus and determination to give yourself a routine, and better manage your time and emotions. This might do wonders for your output.
Card 8:
What helps me let go of the end result?
Knight of Cups Reversed
There is always a possibility that you will not get the result you want. Expectations set us up for disappointment. If you’ve persisted in a project long enough, but feel like you still haven't gotten it right,
it’s ok to start a new project. Although might not be wrong to appreciate a project for its own beauty, even if it isn’t what you intended it to be.
What deck I used for this reading: The Ostara Tarot
Where I Took the spread from: 365 Days of Tarot Spreads by Sasha Graham
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Single card reading for myself using The Ostara Tarot on 06/03/2020. Ten Of Cups Upright You’re probably feeling very content in your relationships, especially in your romantic life. The love of family in all senses of the word, from lovers and children, to friends and business partners may be strongly felt. You may be feeling a sense of harmony and satisfaction, and an acknowledgement of your position in the home and all other places. #tarotsofinstagram #tarotcommunity #tarotphilippines #singlecardreading #ostaratarot https://www.instagram.com/p/B9YpwVBH-sE/?igshid=1l25i12tf334f
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365 Spreads in 365 Days Challenge: Day 3 (March 5, 2020) -
The Justice Card Spread
Superhero teams in Japanese pop culture usually come in groups of 5, like the characters found in Japanese animated TV shows such as Voltes V, Voltron, and Gundam Wing. These teams worked together to pilot giant robots that fought malevolent forces to protect innocents and uphold justice. So today, I am going to do a reading using The Justice Card Spread.
This spread examines the symbols found in the Justice Card to draw personal insights.
Card 1:
Double-edged sword: How can I see clearly?
Ten Of Swords Reversed
You might expect an ending or a change whether in love, your career, or social life. Maybe the end of a relationship with a romantic partner, or leaving your job, or losing touch with a relative or friend, and you may feel like any of those bonds are impossible to reconcile with, because things got too ugly. Your anxiety could possibly increase because of even more troubles that will follow caused by past conflicts. Maybe it's wise to just live and let die.
Card 2:
The Scales: Are my actions balanced?
Queen of Pentacles Upright
Maybe you play the role of benefactor and mentor to another or, it is also possible that you already have or might anticipate help through the arrival of someone who will be generous, and share what material resources they can spare with you, as well as a confidant, and a counselor, giving you advice laced with wisdom and experience.
Card 3:
Hanging Veil: What is Hidden?
The Fool Upright
Although your fun loving nature, innocence, and idealism gives you the courage to risk exploring the unknown, or uncertain, it also implies your naivete, or lack of experience. You’re still at the beginning of your journey, and there's a lot more to learn and experience. Use your freedom, and independence to drop old habits, or to step outside of your comfort zone. However, be careful not to rush into things, because danger might be waiting ahead. Look before you leap.
Card 4:
The Crown: What authority do I possess?
Two Of Pentacles Reversed
A relationship, either romantic, social, family, or professional, may be rocky because there are secrets, or betrayal involved, and you may feel like you can’t trust someone who you usually can turn to. Maybe it is best to wait, and communicate to figure out what the problem is. If you’re having second thoughts, keep it to yourself for now, and follow your instincts. The ball is in your court.
Card 5:
Can I recognize and utilize creative spurts?
King of Wands Reversed
You may have a tendency to be one tracked, or fixate on a feeling or an idea you are currently absorbed in. Sometimes you might ignore the suggestions, or advice of others about a project you are working on, or a personal issue. Another possibility is that you may feel constrained, because of the presence of an overbearing, and rigid authority figure who is bitter, and a bigot. It is also possible that your own feelings of resentment, or egotism are limiting you.
Card 6:
Foot pointing out: How can I move in the right direction?
The Chariot Upright
When you find your purpose, you will be able to move forward, and gain knowledge, and experience to use your instincts, and harness the will to stay
the course, as you continue to progress, which will make you feel triumphant. Although, take care not to let your ego bloat, because there may still be struggles that lie ahead. You may expect a rapid sequence of events, and success will appear to be within reach.Maybe you will have opportunities to leave behind what is familiar, and step into something new, like a new job, moving to a new place, ending or growing closer in a relationship, or getting better in a creative or business endeavor. All you need to see these through is drive, focus, and determination, while maintaining balance. This might give you the opportunity to get a sense of control, and bridge gaps.
When you reach the top, be grateful, and appreciate what you have achieved.
Card 7:
Lack of blindfold: What do I see?
Six Of Swords Reversed
It is possible that you missed out on an opportunity. You may feel like the walls are closing in on you, and that you’re floating in oblivion. You probably also feel wrestles, and have too much on your mind. Although, rest assured, as long as you make an effort, things will take a good turn.
Card 8:
Yellow and gold colors: What action do I take?
Six of Pentacles Reversed
Either you, or someone in your life might be demonstrating meanness of spirit, and withholding material support. There may be failure to deliver on promises that have been made. Maybe it’s best to wait until what has been offered is realized in full before you accept it, or to settle what you owe all at once, instead of staggering it on several occasions through an extended period of time.
The deck I used for this reading:
The Ostara Tarot
Where I took this spread from:
365 Tarot Spreads by Sasha Graham
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Single card reading for myself using The Ostara Tarot on 05/03/2020.
Page of Wands Reversed
Things might not always be what they seem. Thoughts or feelings might not always be easily expressed.
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365 Spreads in 365 Days Challenge: Day 2, March 4, 2020 - Envy Spread.
Today is the day Emilio Estefan was born. Emilio Estefan and his wife Gloria Estefan were part of the band Mottola, which revolutionised the Latin music industry when they released the song Conga. Gloria Estefan’s musical career was catapulted to insurmountable success after the release of her solo album Into The Light. Many marriages have failed due when one partner surpasses the other citing insecurity, intimidation, and jealousy. So it is commendable that to this day Emilio Estefan, and Gloria Estefan remained married and happy. So it’s only fitting that the spread I’m going to be using today will explore the emotion of jealousy, and how we can liberate ourselves from it just like Emilio Estefan and Gloria Estefan did.
This spread is made for the times when you feel jealousy. It evaluates what gives rise to this response in you, which will allow you to discover things about yourself, and how you can free yourself from it.
1. What is the situation triggering jealousy?
Ten of Pentacles Reversed
You may be experiencing tension with family coming from a position of dependence. On the other hand, you may be feeling frustrated either with a romantic relationship that is built on social standing rather than emotional connection, or perhaps a generation gap that prevents you and other younger members of your family or friends from seeing eye to eye with the older ones. In other words there is a disparity of values and resources between you and other family members or friends.
2. Why am I jealous over this?
Eight of Swords Reversed
You may be feeling sad, frustrated, hopeless, and angry with yourself, and take it out on other people without meaning to, because you let yourself be overwhelmed by highly tense, and stressful circumstances, and let it get the better of you. Maybe you feel as if your partner is physically, or emotionally absent, and that your relationship is strained, hindered, or a one way street. Think about what is dragging you down, acknowledge your mistakes, and find a constructive response to the problem.
3. What am I trying to keep?
Page of Swords Reversed
Either you are using deception to bring somebody else down, or someone in your life is trying to influence other people's perception of you by convoluting the facts, spreading rumours, and telling lies about you for their own amusement. In other words, either you mistreated, and depicted someone else's character with bias, or someone you know is altering the truth, and tainting the way other people see you.
4. Why do I feel threatened?
King of Cups Upright
You are sensitive, polight, sociable, and rely on your intuition when making decitions. Because you are in touch with your emotions you can empathise with others, however you also have a tendency to mask your own feelings, which makes it difficult for other people to read you, and it makes them feel uneasy around you. Maybe it would be wise to work on managing your emotions, and trust that things will work out.
5. What false belief have I created?
You may be feeling stressed, or on edge most of the time, which is expressed in fears about the future, worrying about yourself or others, unpleasant dreams, lack of sleep, and pessimistic thoughts that appear to come out of nowhere. You probably overthink in idle moments. In other words, maybe you are giving yourself unnecessary anxiety by assuming the worst.
6. How can I build my self confidence?
Judgement Reversed
You might be inadvertently postponing the chance to resolve an issue because you're probably afraid of change, and confronting, or acknowledging, or accepting the past. This may be causing you to experience feelings of guilt, which leads you to withdraw and become unaware of the people, and events that are taking place presently, and let's opportunities slip away. Maybe it's wise to make peace with the past, and be more invested in your mental, emotional, and physical well being.
7. How can I avoid comparing myself to others?
Nine of Pentacles Reversed
Your domestic life might be under threat. Mismanaged resources, or a hesitation to settle debts, or disagreements may make you feel insecure, or hopeless, or trapped. Maybe it's wise to look for alternative solutions, and adapt a more sensible, or practical approach to the problem to heal, and to protect your home.
8. How Can I Learn To Trust?
Four of Pentacles Upright
You may have gone through hard times, and worked too hard for too long, but it will all pay off, and you will feel satisfied, and enjoy the rewards. The pressure will let up. You will have your respite, and a chance to relax, and take care of yourself. Know that you will have everything you need. Although, be careful not to be consumed by material possessions.
Tarot deck I used: The Ostara Tarot
Where the spread was taken from:
365 Days of Tarot Spreads by Sasha Graham
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Single card reading for myself using The Ostara Tarot on 04/03/2020.
The Fool Upright
It’s a new day. Leave the past behind, and let go of old habits, or familiar routines. Take a leap of faith, explore the unfamiliar, and have some fun. There’s so much more to learn, and experience. However, don’t be hasty. Take due consideration of the possible dangers that lie ahead.
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365 Tarot Spreads In 365 Days Challenge
March 3, 2020 (Day 1)
Today, is World Wildlife Day. So I'm doing a reading for myself that asks questions inspired by nature to reveal personal insights. I took this spread from the book 365 Days of Tarot by Sasha Graham.
Secrets of the Forest Spread
1. What can the forest teach me?
Eight Of Pentacles Reversed
You might be second guessing your capabilities or your ambitions, but perhaps you've just been caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. You might also want to be careful not to be driven by the material profits of a draining or toxic project or career.
2. What secrets lie in the heart of the forest?
Page of Cups
You are a sociable, intuitive spirit who enjoys good company and the best things in life. Other people perceive you as sensitive and artistic: you are the archetypal creative dreamer - the psychic child. You may anticipate good news about your relationships and children. You may feel reassured, especially after a spell of emotional insecurity.
3. How do I connect with my wild side?
Seven Of Swords
You may rely on your keen perception to outwit someone who may be weaving deception to take you down. Be careful not to be overwhelmed by anxiety, your intellect may be your best ally. It may be wise to keep what you value safe and close.
4. How can I encourage metamorphosis?
The obstacle you are currently facing might have left you feeling a sense of oppression, humiliation, or even being bullied, and it may only cause you to burn out. Perhaps it's a fight you can't win. Sometimes it's hard to do, but it's probably wise to walk away. Alternatively, you may be caught in a conflict without grounds, rather a show of power or ego to mask vulnerability, falling short, or fear. See things for what they are, and keep looking ahead.
5.What is blossoming in my life?
Four Of Pentacles Reversed
You might be struggling, because you may lack self confidence. For instance, you may think that material wealth is not accessible to you, or that you are not worthy of attaining it, which sends other people a negative impression of you, and causes you to miss out on the chances that you've been given. You may also be caught in some form of challenging family dynamics or politics, apart from a lack of proficiency in managing material resources.
6. What is passing away?
Four of Wands Reversed
You may be feeling held back from getting what you want or attaining happiness by narrow thoughts and ideas that make you feel unacknowledged. As other people around you continue to do well and receive compliments, you feel left out, which could be caused by either your own inflexibility, or other people's unwillingness to adapt. Regardless, carefully evaluate your own, as well as other people's values, then you may make changes as needed.
7.What lies in the pools of my subconscious?
Two of Swords Reversed
You may anticipate deception either being used by you or your partner whether in a business or a romantic relationship, or by someone outside your partnership, to manipulate the truth for their own interests. It may be wise to take the things other people say with a grain of salt, gather the facts yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Step out of the cloud of misdirection, and identify the real issue.
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