The Hub
845 posts
a collective sideblog for rp resources. the blog is the central hub for all of the muses & blogs written/run by Monroe, as well as a collection of various roleplay related resources. on here, you will find not only all of my RP resources (psds, themes, the like), but also my main dashboard linking all of my blogs. the munroe effect. all force generated towards one central area.. this includes my main active blogs, my meme archive, my personal, & also my 1x1/low activity blogs as well. important if the blog is not listed on the main navigation page, it is not one of mine. I do not have backup blogs to any of my active blogs, nor would I message anyone from one.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
mangohub · 1 year ago
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hi friends, long time no see. I'm finally back from Orlando & somewhat recovered 😂 when I tell you even just the idea of having to go back to work is killing me-- but I'm here! going to be digging into my blogs, if a little slowly, because I am fucking wiped & have a few things still going on in the background that are stealing my attention from being wholly online.
that being said, I'm still circling around with people I started plotting with pre-trip & my goal is to rain down all those starters I owe now that I'm in a place to do it 😏 best way to find me in between is going to be discord, so see you there!
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mangohub · 1 year ago
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hi friends! I lost a lot of time yesterday because I opened, had a break, then turned around & had to close at work so by the time I got home I was too drained all around to be of much use. I'm going to be sliding onto both blogs today to get stuff done so hit me up on discord for plotting & lets get the ball rolling 😏
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mangohub · 1 year ago
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Hi friends, I entirely forgot to take my meds this morning so today's been one hell of an adventure. I'm finally digging into things & getting my shit together -- also finally finishing the last two episodes I've been procrastinating on for Stranger Things.
Going to be throwing up a few plotting calls, checking my interest tracker, & reaching out to people on the multi for plotting accordingly, so if you want to jump the queue, interest tracker is here & discord is obiwanmonroebi.
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mangohub · 1 year ago
y'all see nothing
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mangohub · 1 year ago
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hi friends! I spent this morning fairly overstimulated with a bunch of offline stuff going on, so I'm going to be crunching through drafts & then hiding on discord for the rest of the night. I've decided to archive a bunch of unplotted stuff because I haven't gotten any feedback & have put myself out there for plotting quite a bit lately. hitting me up on discord for plotting would help immensely since I'm still really struggling to maintain muse on the multi. some of it's stress, a lot of it is needing a jumpstart, so that's where we're at.
discord :: obiwanmonroebi
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mangohub · 2 years ago
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good morning, sweet beans. yesterday was @masterwcrk & a lot of ff14, so today means @affcgato! I'm going to be doodling along through my draft box & seeing what I can get done. I have to pass out early tonight because tomorrow's an early day, but until then, find me on discord friends.
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mangohub · 2 years ago
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I'm cheating because I started this post before noon so good morning, nerds. I'm here! I survived yesterday so apparently keeping myself on an actual schedule may just have to be a thing because otherwise I put shit off. who knew the very thing I did for years would still work after all this time. shocking, I tell you.
I still have an errand I have to run but after that I'll be back & online - going to try & get through the same level of stuff for the multi I got through on Clary the other day, so the best place to find me is going to be on discord.
if we do not currently have significant threads or plotting on @affcgato, give this post a like, yeet down some info on my plotting guide, & I will come to you.
discord: obiwanmonroebi
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mangohub · 2 years ago
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hi friends, going to be crunching through a few drafts on here tonight since I won't be able to be around a whole lot tomorrow - I work all day then have an event I have to make an appearance at, then tomorrow night is reserved for actually getting in either some gaming or reading depending on who's around & what's popping off.
so that being said, come hit me up on discord for some plotting - the redhead is loud as fuck lately, & I'm actually getting most of her verses on her carrd in full so there's lots of sandboxes to play in. just let me know who you are!
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mangohub · 2 years ago
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hello glitterbombs. I dropped a big update about the multi a little while back & this is me yeeting it over here because it will apply on this blog too.
in summary, I just went through & soft blocked a bunch of inactive blogs & cleaned up my following a bit so that I can gauge who's active & around to write.
I'm also going to be going through my threads (once thread tracker is back up) & weeding out things.
if we want to continue them, that's great! I just need to hear from you, otherwise I'll consider some of those things wound down to make space for new stuff just because I've been gone for a small ice age.
right now I'm working through my drafts so that I can track new threads (again, when the site is back up, rip) & then I'll be tackling asks. slide into my discord & lets do some plotting while I work.
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mangohub · 2 years ago
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big update incoming!
hi friends, I know I've been largely absent & working on things behind the scenes while throwing some small things on the dash. I've been dealing with a lot of stress, & honestly some stuff made writing really stressful for me for a while there. I think some of the new updates are going to help with that.
first off, I'm going to be purging threads. if we have things you want to continue, that's great! (even if I haven't yet replied & you're waiting on me) - my tracker is here, & I have a lot of things that are untracked in drafts so the best way for us to continue things will be to chat on discord & plot things out. if I don't hear from partners by Tuesday night, I'll consider those threads good to wind down & we can start fully fresh or with intact dynamics - whatever you prefer! I just want to make room for new fun shit.
I'm going to be dissolving all current exclusives. if you want to stay on that list, lets chat. I don't want to hear "if you want!" -- that will get an automatic no even if I desperately do 😂 I need to hear from you guys so I know who's interested in my yeeting my muses most heavily at them.
my carrd & plotting guide have been updated to be most current. peruse away!
I'm going to be hiding on discord, so hit me up.
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mangohub · 2 years ago
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Note: Since my old masterlist is getting notes again (and I'm hosting @tbb-appreciation-week this year), I thought it's a good time to release a new version with a lot more resources. If any of you know another site or thing that it's missing from the list, let me know and I'll include it!! [Altho, I'm getting this close 🤏 to the hyperlinks limit on this thing 😆]
Note 2: To avoid tagging the 3 people from whom I got multiple resources repeatedly, I've placed 1-3 asterisks between square brackets after the links, depending on the OP. I give the respective credit to them in a legend at the end of the post.
Interactive Galaxy Map by Henry Bernberg
Map of the Galaxy
List of planets and moons [Wikipedia /needs expanding]
Planet Name Generator 1 [SciFi Ideas]
Planetary System Generator [Donjon]
Tatooine Location References [*]
Various locations Cross-Sections (Jedi Temple, Palp's office, Tipoca City & more) [**]
Republic - Separatist - Hutt space during the Clone Wars
Hyperspace Travel Times (to calculate how much time would take to go from point A to point B within the GFFA)
Standard Calendar and Holidays [including month names!]
Galactic Standard Calendar [wookiepedia // including week day names]
Date converter according to SWTOR [Google sheet]
Dated Star Wars Chronological Order (Movies + live-action shows + animation)
TCW Chronological Timeline by @mauvrix
Estimated date for: shared by @spectres-fulcrum
Partisans' attack on Onderon
Siege of Lasan
Star Wars Name Generator 1 [Donjon]
Star Wars OC flow chart by @thefoodwiththedood
Star Wars Name Generator 2 [FantasyNames]
Star Wars Name Generator 3 [FantasyNames]
MetaHuman [Unreal Engine]
The character creator
Droid Name Generator
Star Wars Randomizer by @aureutr
Character Picrew [Twi-leks, Zabraks, Torgutas and Nautolans] @/megaramikaeli
Taking a Closer Look at the Jedi Order in Star Wars Canon [Meta/Reference Guide] [**]
Jedi Order Structure Flowchart by @rileys-nest
Mandalorian Armor design by MandoCreator
Keepers of the Way (Mandalorian Lore) [*]
Complete List Of Named Clone Troopers shared by @propheticfire (Organized by Unit)
Clone Creator [MandoCreator]
Clone Picrew
Star Wars Character Templates by SmacksArt [the ULTIMATE battery of template for any human/humanoid original character in any era. From troopers to droids, from Jedi to Sith, from KOTOR to the sequel Trilogy. 100% RECOMMENDED]
Basic Guide to Clone Trooper Armour by @odekiisu
GAR structure summary by @intermundia
The Clone Wars Republic Military Hierarchy Flowcharts [***]
Clone Trooper Lore [*] [Ranks, Culture, Training, Organization, etc.]
Clones and Kamino [*]
The Bad Batch Characters Concept Art shared by @shadowthestoryteller
Star Wars Character Age Comparison Chart by @the-yearning-astronaut
Tusken Raiders lore by @snarwor
Materials (fabrics, leathers, silks, plastics, construction, metal composites, etc.)
Materials in Star Wars by marvel_dc_heart_throbs
Star Wars Fashion [*]
Leisure, Art, Musical Instruments, Ethnography [*]
Political and Criminal Organizations in the GFFA [**]
Financial reference about credits by @thecoffeelorian
List of TCW Opening Quotes
Transcripts of all the TCW episodes shared by @book-of-baba-fett
Star Wars Crawl Creator [not exactly writing-related, but just for fun]
Canon Medical Lore [*]
Real World reference for Field organizational structure for corpsman (medics) [*]
Kaliida Shoals Medical Center (Republic Haven-class medical station) shared by @clonewarsarchives
GAR Battalion Aid Station [*]
GAR Clone Medic Q/A [*]
More combat medicine, shipboard medicine, veteran issues, and military culture [*]
Ship Generator 3D
Ship Name Generator
All Terrain Tactical Enforcer (AT-TE) shared by @stairset
Republic Vessels Reference [*]
Low Altitude Assault Transport/Infantry (LAAT/i) [*]
List of GAR Flagships in the Clone Wars by @meandmyechoes
Layout of the Havoc Marauder
Dimensions of various ships from the Clone Wars [**]
Star Wars Menu Generator
In-Universe Alcoholic beverages
Canon Cocktails (recipes) [*]
Another In-Universe Drinks list shared by @systemic-dreams
Teas in Star Wars by marvel_dc_heart_throbs
Foodstuff [*]
Canon Star Wars Holiday Recipes [*]
Trask Chowder Recipe (from The Mandalorian) [*]
Languages of the Galaxy [*]
Script of different languages in the GFFA by @lucif-hare-blog
In-Universe phrases and slang [Google sheet]
List of phrases and slang [wookiepedia]
List of equivalents to real-world objects [wookiepidia]
Talk Like a Clone Trooper shared by @archeo-starwars
Aurebesh Translator []
Learning Aurebesh Tools [] Reading - Writing.
Mando'a Database []
Mando'a Transcripticon [MandoCreator] (Create your own text in the Mando'a script.)
@project-shereshoy (Blog that collects and posts sources for Mando'a from all over the internet.)
Mando’a Categorized Spreadsheet
Learning Mando'a Tools [MandoCreator] Reading - Writing.
Setting Thesaurus Entry: Spaceport [Writers helping writers]
Fan-created Conlangs
@dai-bendu-conlang (Jedi Culture Explored) (This blog is the home of the Dai Bendu Conlang, invented by the Archive of Our Own Users aroacejoot, @ghostwriterofthemachine, and loosingletters for the Jedi Order in Star Wars.)
Lasana Lexicon by Anath_Tsurugi (fandom lexicon of the Lasat Language)
The amazing @fox-trot, who not only makes astonishing art and write an amazing fic, she also responds to medical questions and gives all kinds of references for writing medic characters. Check her #medicposting tag and you'll find tons of information. Also check #star wars reference and her art tag while you're at it.
@writebetterstarwars, which seems to be inactive, but there are a bunch of references there.
@howtofightwrite The place to find out how to write a good fight scene.
@scriptmedic no longer active, but it has a great deal of useful information.
@scripttorture for your whump needs. Major trigger warning for all its content.
@sw-anthrobiology A blog dedicated to collecting headcanons about the biology and cultures of Star Wars species.
@archeo-starwars In-universe sources on culture and history.
@clonewarsarchives Resources & Concept Art Blog for The Clone Wars animated series.
Wookiepedia If you don't find something in here, it's probably because it doesn't exist, neither as a canon nor legends reference.
Star Wars Databank: The official Star Wars website's reference guide. All canon.
WRITING IN GENERAL (For those who don't want to die like Stormtroopers)
SlickWrite: Completely free; online. Checks grammar, punctuation, flow, and writing style according to different settings (including fiction writing).
ProWritingAid: [RECOMMENDED] One of the most thorough online proofreader I've ever used. Although when using a free account gives extremely thorough feedback, with +20 different in-depth reports, for only the first 500 words. However, you can earn a premium account license (for a year or for life) if you get 10 or 20 new users signing up for free; (if you wouldn't mind doing so using the link above and help me earn mine, please). The settings allow you to check your writing according to your needs, from general to formal to creative. It has a bonus that you can check depending on the genre you're writing. For example, in creative, you can choose romance or sci-fiction (there are 14 sub-genre in total). And just like google docs, you can share a document, and people can view, comment or edit it too.
LanguageTool: [RECOMMENDED] Another excellent proofreader. It also has a word limit in free accounts, but if you use the add-on for Google Docs, it counts each page as a new document, so hitting the word limit is nearly impossible. It helps you to rewrite a sentence (3 a day), even if it doesn't raise any flags; it's very useful for when your sentence is grammatically correct, but it doesn't feel quite right.
Grammarly, Hemingway Editor: No so great, but they do the basic job.
[*] Shared by @fox-trot [**] Shared by @gffa [***] Shared by @cacodaemonia.
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mangohub · 2 years ago
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good morning, cutie caps. pro tip 😂 if you ever feel like you have a lot of followers not interacting with you, maybe check to make sure a massive chunk of them aren't archived or inactive because uuuuh yesterday I soft blocked well over 500 inactive, archived, ghosted blogs.
I also went through & followed anyone I could find that I hadn't already seen from you following me on a new blog, or seeing you on the dash but I know I didn't get everyone. it was a process but my dash feels a little healthier after the pruning.
if your blog was a hub for sideblogs & you got caught in the crossfire, lmk - there was a point where I was so exhausted I didn't check as thoroughly.
today I'm going to be finishing up a handful of things on my carrd before I launch the new one (it's been a whole ass work in progress & labor of love but it looks much cleaner), then I'm going to start writing up some verses & getting the newest muses situated so come throw down some plotting with me now that I'm in a headspace to make it happen 😎
discord: obiwanmonroebi
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mangohub · 2 years ago
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good morning, glitterbeans! I hope everyone is doing well. I dropped a note about what's going on on my end yesterday but I'll copy the important parts that pertain to this blog ( @affcgato ) below so you don't have to click through a million things to find it.
I'm going to be hanging out over there today, throwing down some drafts before a doctor's appt so I'll be around & ready to plot! I'm actively trying to dredge myself back into writing & it's working -- apparently starting was the hardest hurdle who knew. find me on discord, & lets throw down some plots.
from yesterday:
going forward, my blogs are going to be even more plotting intensive while I regain all of my footing. additionally, I've noted on the front page of my carrd what muses are high activity, & what faces are new! there's a few surprises there so definitely go poking.
I still won't be back at my actual house until later in the week, so until then plotting on discord is easiest:
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mangohub · 2 years ago
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hello friends. I know I haven't seemed super active lately -- a lot of it is behind the scenes stuff while I try & dredge up some semblance of muse but in truth I think I gravely underestimated how hard this promotion was going to skyrocket my anxiety, stress, & depression.
I've largely been on discord & getting my minor hits of dopamine through binging shows, but the will to live is slowly coming back now that I've re-organized a huge chunk of things, removed some significant sources of stress, & also added some fun & funky new faces (whose banners you'll see sometime next week unless @houseofsol murders me)
the big things: I've been coordinating with my old store manager to get myself moved back to my primary store full time & I'll know more about that after tomorrow. I'm also doing full time classes towards a personal certification to permanently yeet myself out of retail, & that's taking a shitton of time & energy too 😂
going forward, my blogs are going to be even more plotting intensive while I regain all of my footing. additionally, I've noted on the front page of my carrd what muses are high activity, & what faces are new! there's a few surprises there so definitely go poking.
I still won't be back at my actual house until later in the week, so until then plotting on discord is easiest:
come let me love you.
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mangohub · 2 years ago
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hello friends, despite what my long unanticipated hiatus would imply, I'm not dead, just exhausted. there's been a lot of things going on behind the scenes & I finally decided to give myself a break to chase things that actually give me dopamine before attempting drafts, plotting, or even the coursework I picked up for work-related things. it was a nice break -- I crunched through a little bit of my netflix backlog, slid out to visit @starsinshadows, & even got through a few books that had been on my list for ages.
I think now I'm in a much better place to be here so I'm going to tentatively start putting out feelers for plots on both blogs -- which brings me to a change I'm going to be making for my sanity. I'm now going to be moving to plotting based - while I may still wing asks as icebreakers, there's going to be an emphasis on actually cultivating plots & dynamics moving forward for all muses.
if this is not your cup of tea, I understand - it's mine, & that's what I'd prefer to serve at my table - at least until I find more stable footing back here ♡. that being said, I'm sliding onto @affcgato & will also be on discord -- find me there, friends!
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mangohub · 2 years ago
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hello stardusts, I hope everyone is doing well! I'm over on Clary . @masterwcrk today, as usual, but first I'm making some icons & status banners as part of some blog housekeeping. I'll be lurking on discord, so come plot with me while I work -- it'll help me get the braincell working again, & might even inspire me to pop over onto the multi when I'm done with my girl.
discord: obiwanmonroebi
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mangohub · 2 years ago
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hello my loves, I hope everyone's doing well -- sorry I've been a bit of a ghost! I'm perpetually exhausted & making bad choices with staying up entirely too late know damn well I have to be awake at 3:30am for work, but I'm here for a little bit! specifically, I'm over on Clary's blog doing some drafts so come let me love you.
I'm going to be reblogging a few things in terms of helpful blog links & plotting calls to keep the juices flowing. find me on @masterwcrk or discord, friends!
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