mangareactor · 4 years
A Lazy Guy Woke Up As A Girl One Morning
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As the title says, the manga is about a teenage boy who woke up a girl one morning, and the comedic antics that follow for him and his roommate. Written by Kobayashi Kina, this one had been recommended to me by quite a few friends so I’m looking forward to reading this.
The chapters are bite sized, so imma be able to do multiple chapters than one-per-post. So this will be fun.
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Oooh! It’s semi-colored! I’m fine with the classic, usual way that manga is colored and shaded, but I can not lie; I love when they’re colored like this. 
And it’s in the perspective of Hayasaka rather than the one who turned into a girl? I had thought it’d be the other way around, but you know what? I like it better like this.
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Oh. Oh no. 
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(S)he just doesn’t give a damn. Doesn’t care what he is so long as she can sleep, and honestly that is such a mood. I’m loving her/him so much and it’s only been three pages. 
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Call us all out why dontcha?
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Yes, your senpai is adorable, we can all agree. But as for the rest? It’s a little too late for you, Hayasaka, it’s too late.
If the two get together, then would this technically be a shōnen-ai manga, or is this still heterosexual?
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I need answers, manga, I need to know what this would fall under.
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I know you’re super lazy and couldn’t give a damn about anything, but, could you at least care about your own safety? Just a little? Yasuda, you’re worrying me here when you say that.
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I’ll give Yasuda credit where credit is due, he/she isn’t letting this stop em from going to class, even if class is a major pain.
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Nothing to really say. I just absolutely love Hayasaka’s face in this panel. 
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It’s only chapter 2 and I love this boy. He’s doing his best to look out for Yasuda, even though he doens’t have to and it’s clear that Yasuda doesn’t really care either way. Hayasaka, you’re a precious boy and I love you.
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Honestly, his sister is cool, letting her brothers friends borrow her uniform cause they’re in a bit of a bind. And even more respect for my boy here for being quick to try and keep Yasuda from getting naked in front of him.
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It’s too late. Yasuda is too cute, you’re already catching feelings. But I’m proud of you, you’re not taking advantage of the situation. 
Though what the hell? Yasuda had one hell of a deep voice. 
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I wouldn’t have expected that. But hey, if this gets an anime, we know who to voice Yasuda when he’s a boy.
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Just... everything about this page.
She’s adorable, just admit it, Hayasaka, Yasuda is super cute.
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You do you, my man, if you wanna wear a skirt, you wear a skirt!
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Hayasaka, why are you trying to get rid of Yasuda so quickly???
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Well, Yasuda has a point. Packing is a pain, and if you turn back into a boy then you’d have to pack up again to move back to the boy’s dorm. It’s really unnecessary. 
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Stealing panties just takes too much effort. 
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Alright, guys, here is the thing, I always find it adorable in manga’s when this sort of thing happens, when the guy starts combing/brushing the girls hair. I don’t know why, I just find it cute.
Other than that, Hayasaka, I know you want Yasuda to be a boy again, but you’re giving him reasons to stay a girl.
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A friendly reminder that Yasuda is the older one of the two. But also, love that Hayasaka is still trying so hard when he really doesn’t need to.
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Uh, I think you’ll have to try really, really hard to sell that one, but hey, A for effort?
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There are more characters than just Hayasaka and Yasuda?
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I legit was starting to think that we wouldn’t really see anyone else, that this would be one of those manga’s that only ever show two characters with the exception of nameless background characters. Huh. 
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It’s just the contrast of these two characters. Yasuda doesn’t care at all, Hayasaka cares too much, and I love it. Like these panels, Yasuda doesn’t care about trying to pretend or find some way to sugar coat it. Just goes out and says that he woke up a girl while Hayasaka is internally screaming beside him.
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I did not expect him to be this kind of character, and I love it. He’s a weeb! 
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Another great face from Hayasaka.
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Such an innocent bean, doesn’t know what genderswap is. Sugimura is a man of taste, however. Genderswap is such a fun trope!
 when it’s not used for fetish fuel that is.
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Oooh, Hayasaka you don’t look to happy with Sugimura taking your place of helping. 
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That’s... That’s not how you handle this. 
Hide the problem until it goes away? That’s just asking for it to blow up in your face and become a worse problem? 
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Can I get one of those? Where can I get one of those? I want one so bad.
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Hey! My boy has a name and it is Hayasaka! Don’t delegate best boy to just be known as Yasuda’s roommate!
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Boy went from 0 to 100 real fast. 
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He suddenly looks like hes about to turn into this mega villain because Yasuda is playing the role of a proper genderswapped character.
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And today Sugimura’s hopes and dreams were crushed. Sorry, my friend, you’ll just have to hope someone else you know get’s turned into a girl and acts the way you want them to about it. Yasuda just doesn’t give a damn so long as he can sleep.
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The first few chapters of this manga, and I have a lot of feelings about this. Lots of positive feelings.
The art? I love. I love when they’re colored like this, and I adore the art style and the designs for Hayasaka and Yasuda (Both his girl and boy version). Just, 10 out of 10 for the art.
The story is pretty simple. It’s a comedic story of a guy who gets turned into a girl and doesn’t care, while his roommate cares too much. It’s easy to follow, and it does’t try to pile on exposition upon exposition on the readers. It’s one of those mangas I think you could start reading at any chapter and have a pretty good idea of what’s going on. 
I personally find the humor and comedy style to be great. It’s not trying too hard at the jokes, and while it does seem the pattern is Something Happens -> Yasuda doesn’t care -> Hayasaka Cares A Lot, and it might get repetitive in the future if things are given a good shake here and there, but for now it fits the style perfectly.
Honestly I am loving this manga, can’t wait to see more of Hayasaka. I’d give it a solid 10/10. Can’t wait to read more. 
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mangareactor · 4 years
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Vampeerz, My Peer Vampires, a simple love story between a school girl and a vampire by Shou Higashiyama. Comedic, violent, full of cute girls, what more could one want?  
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And right off the bat this vampire manga starts with death; the scene is set at 14-year-old Ichika’s grandmothers funeral. Well, at least she had the sensibility to get out of this manga before it undoubtedly got weird.
It’s a yuri-vampire manga listed as a comedy, we all know this is going to get weird.
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And after relatives are hounding our dear Ichika for her love-life (Or lack thereof), dead granny memories come in for the save to remind her the importance of listening to her heart.
Listen to our dead Grandma, everyone, you need to listen to your heart in matters of love.
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And after finding our CoverGirl lurking in the backyard during the funeral reception like an uninvited creep, the two meet for the first time with cherry blossoms and shining stars.
Not the reaction most would have finding a stranger in their yard, but hey, you do you, Ichika.
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Not even nine pages in and our girl is already catching the feels. Well, she is fairly cute so you can be forgiven.
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But Ichika your grandma already told you what to do in this situation; follow your heart. Who cares if you just met her not even five minutes ago.
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Don’t worry Ichika, totally normal for girls to up and disappear in the blink of an eye. Don’t think to much on it, you’ll be able to do it soon too if you eat all your veggies.
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Oh hey, our first censor! Not even done with the first chapter, too! 
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Aria, I know you’re very old and all, but even you should know personal privacy is an important thing. 
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Ichika right now is probably just one big fat
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Not enough to keep her from going along with the stranger in her home who has supernatural powers. But Aria is cute, so she gets a pass.
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Best way to hide an important key is to lock it up and hide the other key. Genius.
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He’s not a cute girl, so he doesn’t get a free pass for breaking into Ichika’s home and lurking about like a creep like Aria does.
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Ichika, we know you’ve got a thing for cute girls, but now is not the time to be fawning. 
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And it is for these last few pages that I want to see animated. I don’t know, guys, just the way she beat his ass with a broom has me cackling. I mean, RIP Mr. Burglar, but damn, Ichika, I agree; Aria was very cool.
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I’d almost forgotten this was a Vampire manga. They have to throw that bite and blood sucking in at some point. What better way then to have Aria bite our girl out of the blue.  
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Ichika.... Ichika... you barely know her, and right after she kick some guy’s ass she bites you, and you’re in love? 
I am very concerned for you.
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For a first chapter, it is great. Vampeerz introduces us to our primary two characters and let’s us see what kind of people they are right away; Ichika is a useless lesbian in the making and Aria is a vampire with a penchant for violence who doesn’t abide by social norms of not breaking into peoples homes. 
Story-wise there isn’t much to say. At this point there is no plot to speak of, other than Aria is looking for something and Ichika is helping her for reasons never given. 
Comedy-wise it’s not a masterpiece but it is good. The burglar scene was my favorite, and I found it amusing how Ichika just went along with all of it. 
Art-wise I’ve nothing of real note to say, it’s good, a solid 8.5/10. I really enjoy the way the shading is done to add more depth. I love how the characters actually look like they could be their ages, since we’re all familiar with anime/manga making kids look like adults and expecting us to believe they’re middle schoolers. I think this manga does very good at making the girls look like they’re young teens.
Though Ichika currently feels like a very passive character so far, which I do look forward to seeing if that changes, if she becomes a more active player in the story rather than a reactive character
Overall? 8/10, it’s off to a good start and I look forward to reading more.
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