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mandasyan-blog · 6 years
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mandasyan-blog · 6 years
Just finished reading Tokyo Ghoul again and… yep, still think Tou/ken is not only bad ship but rushed to the point im convinced Ishida hates it. Like… 125 was laughably bad, then they dont have a single convo between then and the ring scene. Then again not a single convo and Touka is now pregnant. Then the next time they talk they get married. Not to mention there was stuff like this that is so easy to miss the first time u read it:
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Like?? “That moment when its just the two of them, surrounded by the scent of coffee roast. Inconsiderate words will take away one’s life faster than the precolating dark brown liquid.”
Like????? Not to mention literally the last time they converse before this scene, Kaneki was worried Touka was gonna beat him up again.
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And Touka reveals she is only trying to stop him from running off somewhere…. and Kaneki has obviously never considered sex with Touka since he has to talk himself into it. And then 125 is actually such a bad sex scene that I’m convinced Ishida both has 0 interest in heterosexual sex and left most of the art up to his assistants.
And then bam immediately after we get this scene:
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Which made me soo uncomfortable since it so soon followed this scene narratively;
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“It’s because you’re completely empty inside that if we don’t tie you down with a chain you’ll go off and die”
And it has to happen like this (sex, chain, baby, marriage in the span of 6 chapters) because simply knowing Touka wants him to live and “see you soon” has never been enough for Kaneki, he went and happily died anyway.
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But Touka narratively just did not matter because:
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Hide was always there to be Kaneki’s stopping point and the reason he wished to live on. And he is, here. Kaneki thinks up thoughts of Hide to convince himself to survive. Why didn’t he think up the scene where Touka says “See you later” just before this scene? And then think about how bad dying would be if he never got to see Touka again.
Oh yeah, because narratively Touka just doesnt matter to Kaneki at this point in time. Not enough to live for her.
She has to slide in exactly when he is thinking of how much he misses Hide. She has to give him a chain to “tie him down or else he’ll go off and die.” Given, I dont necessarily think she planned the pregnancy aspect but that still didnt stop her from using it again:
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And she forces Kaneki into a situation where now he has so much on the line and it all revolves around having to return back to her.
And I’m convinced this is the intended interpretation because all of this happens (+their ghoul marriage) in 6 chapters. Ishida completely rushes us through their relationship like he has barely any interest in showing us what they’re like together romantically except showing us all their lies and reminding us that yeah Touka still isn’t considerate enough of Kaneki not to get mad and hurt him occassionally. But then they get married and Touka is absolutely his reason to keep fighting:
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Yomo and Tsukki’s awkwardness here will never not crack me up. But Kaneki repeats this mantra to himself over and over of “I must live to protect Touka.” He’s gone from “I must die in style and give my life for someone else like Hide” (except knowing this isn’t realistic and having his subconcious conjure a realistic Hide to save him) to the arguably more obsessed mantra of “toukatoukatoukatouka.”
Then Kaneki is so focused on this impossible and selfish future (as Rize makes him realise). And mental Rize makes him realize how terrible he has been, both as a leader and a person, so its sound to say that Kaneki knew he was slipping all along and clinging to what he could.
And… I find it really interesting that the moment Kaneki can no longer rely on mental-Hide to do the right thing, the real Hide comes back into the picture and just does what he should have been trying to do all along. Kaneki supposedly wanted to bring humans and ghouls together without killing humans, but then immediately snaps under the pressure and slaughters a room for a orphan half-ghouls and ruins Tokyo because “I have to live and protect toukatoukatoukatoukatouka.”
But Hide is back now and Kaneki is frightened to see him because thats how much losing Hide impacted Kaneki. Remember that the moment Kaneki got his memories back he had two goals:
1. Fix his mistakes regarding Hinami
2. Die like Hide
Kaneki was regretful and suicidal. And Touka had absolutely no power to stop him (i.e. he wasn’t inlove with Touka when he got his memories back, canon since part 1 my ass). Touka managed to replace him with sex and a relationship, but that only resulted in the far worse outcome of Kaneki ruining an entire city. And as I said before, Hide is again the saving grace and manages to save the shitty situation by bringing humans and ghouls together.
So the question in my mind is why is Ishida rushing and demonizing (or dragonizing, I guess) tou/kens “love” and still having Hide clean up Kaneki’s messes along the way? I’m very curious to see how quickly Hide can steal back the spotlight in Kaneki’s mind, especially with everyone else like Amon praising him so much.
Tie this in with the fact that we still havent seen Touka berserk properly over her own trauma and the theory that Suzuya is destined to kill Touka… and I think Hide’s return signifies the start of Touka’s descent to madness as she has to deal with losing Kaneki’s fixation and possibly having him now choose Tokyo over her.
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mandasyan-blog · 6 years
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Hello @arvendell and anons. I put the orders together and I just made an art, because your requests are similar, I hope they do not mind. Love you all ❤😘
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mandasyan-blog · 6 years
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mandasyan-blog · 6 years
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i’m 100% sure touka will be an amazing mom <3
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mandasyan-blog · 6 years
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your lips are my weakness.
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mandasyan-blog · 6 years
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I drew a lot of touken, give me potatoes
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mandasyan-blog · 6 years
death note
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