حالة من الملل
مللت البشر
واسلوب حياتي
مللت التواصل والمعرفة مللت الانتظار مللت الوجود مللت من كل شيء
لا اريد التجديد ولا اريد التميز ولا اريد اي شيء
فقط هدوء وحرية وحرية وحرية وحرية .
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ومبدئي السامي هو الحرية، تلك القيمة التي تسري في عروقي كما يسري النبض في قلب الحياة.
كأنني لم أُخلق لأُحاط بقيود، كأنني لم أُولد إلا لأحلّق، بلا أصفاد ولا أسوار. في عينيّ أفق لا ينتهي، وفي صدري ريحٌ لا تهدأ، أرفض الانحناء تحت ثقل أي قيد، وأجعل من كل يوم فرصةً لأثبت أن ولادتي لم تكن نقطة بداية، بل انفجارًا للوجود الحرّ الذي لا يخضع إلا لنفسه.
هكذا أعيش، وهكذا سأظل، طليقًا كالفكرة، صلبًا كالإرادة، وأبديًا كالحلم.
- منار رام
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It's actually funny how humans decided "fuck living in caves with all these creepy crawlies", got out of caves, built houses that have all the nice parts of a cave without any of the yucky parts, and then all the little bugs and spiders and other creepy crawly creatures that used to also live in caves thought "sweet, new and improved caves" and moved right back in with us.
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بعد ما انكسرت مجاذيفي بالمحاولة
جايين الان يعطوني اياها مجاناً
ومتوقعين مني القبول بكل صدر رحب .
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yes communication is important, but being in a situation where you constantly have to over-communicate every single thing in order to get listened and tended to is draining and kills romance. a huge part of intimacy and connection is feeling seen and understood by the other person – them being attuned to your needs, feelings, desires, and knowing who you are as a person on a deeper level, is a sign of love. being with someone who is thoughtless and inconsiderate and constantly has to have everything spelled out to them, will leave you feeling invisible and unloved. yes people aren’t mind readers and its good to talk about stuff but someone who just doesn’t think of you or understand basic things that would make you happy, isn’t a good partner.
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Being grateful is one of the most powerful habits you can incorporate into your daily life. By counting your blessings, and being aware of all good, you'll begin to train your mind to look for the good in everything around you. You'll be less judgemental towards others. More open minded, and accepting. You'll radiate a natural glow from within. You'll attract more peace, and abundance. You'll start to feel better about your life.
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