manachosen-blog · 6 years
rises from the dead
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manachosen-blog · 6 years
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“I don’t know if you can hear me,
Or if you’re even there.
I don’t know if you would listen
To a half-elves’ prayer.
Yes I know I’m just an outcast,
I shouldn’t speak to you.
Still I see your face and wonder
Were you once an outcast, too?”
Calmly, almost in a march, Mithos walked towards the hill where he heard the singing. Half-asleep from a nap and bleary-eyed, he thought he’d heard his sister singing.
It had only turned out to be his sister’s soon-to-be vessel. Volt’s Vengence, those two were more similar with every interaction. “That’s a really old song. How do you know it?”
She greets him with a sunlight smile, though she startles first at the sound of his VOICE, having thought herself to be far enough away from the others not to draw their eyes -- or ears.  Sheepish, she ducks her head shyly and laughs. 
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“ Mm, I’ve heard it in my dreams before -- but I read it in a book, a really long time ago.  I know I did, I just ... can’t remember where.  It’s a hymn so I figure I must have picked it up from the church. “  Her smile dims to a gentle thing, away from the blazing sunny thing she’d shown first.  Dampened by her embarrassment.  “ Sorry ... I didn’t think anyone would hear me out here ... your voice is really pretty ... “ 
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manachosen-blog · 6 years
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“  I ask for nothing,    I can get by,    But I know so many    Less lucky than I --    Please help my people,    The poor and downtrod,    I thought we all were    The children of God “ 
( Voice of Angelsong drifts down the hills where she rests in song && comfort, trailing off to hum beneath her breath. ) 
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manachosen-blog · 6 years
Works been kicking my ass and i’ve been devoting my time to my high priority blogs.  I’ll be around more in the next couple of days <3 
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manachosen-blog · 6 years
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           i need to get interactions on here 
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manachosen-blog · 6 years
Kisses his cheek!!
She smelled of daisies, smelled of daisies, She drives me crazy, wanna hold her, wanna kiss her.Gonna hold you, gonna kiss you in my armsGonna take you away from harm(x)
Lloyd Irving loves her, he knows. For as long as he can remember the essence of it, she’s always been in the back of his mind - flaxen hair swaying and somewhere along the line his heart-beat flutters in tune with her smile .
 Normally he’d color furiously, and Lloyd does, but this time there’s something more concrete now. Feelings of love and protection, adoration and devotion, admiration and fealty - all belong to her; out in the open verdant fields of Iselia. A village no longer needing to tarnish itself by sacrificing her like one would a willing, brave, lamb - and let no one think her mild and weak. 
She kisses him and the world dims and her light drives him senseless; dizzy, drowning, happy-drowning, happy-dizziness, happy-love. A single touch sets him afire.
Lloyd loves her, he thinks again and again and again!, half breathless with it;  some kind of sweet fragrance in his nose, drowning out the faintest of sensations, her voice the softest and strongest of sounds. 
Lloyd would anything for her, he thinks, break himself down to the marrow to keep her warm; whole, hale and smiling as she is now, blooming resplendent in the universe so lovingly crafted by his hands, her guidance, their companions all in perfect unity.
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Lips brush, fingers lace softly around her fingers in a tender gesture; lashes ghosting against her brow as his own mouth gently plant their ardor over her brow, the faintest tips of her eyelids. 
“Colette.” A quiet murmur, tender, reverently, smiling wide and dazedly, face flushed and fair eyes a glimmer. Voice thick and heady with love. 
“Colette - “ He says again, and its right on his tongue, pure and good and all things of sanctity. Something holy in their love. Utter and right.
She’s everything, he thinks. He may be the sun but to him she is the abundant earth and the towering heavens, and he merely flutters in her glorious orbit. I love you, he thinks, smiling against skin as his lips press a tender kiss to  the corner of her pink mouth.
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you -  
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manachosen-blog · 6 years
worldsuniter replied to your post:    wh - where are all these personal blogs coming...
u gotta pow hammer them
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     -- well, if you say so ! 
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manachosen-blog · 6 years
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   wh - where are all these personal blogs coming from !  WHY !!
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manachosen-blog · 6 years
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        Like for a colette in your inbox! 
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manachosen-blog · 6 years
Sorry for the absence! I took a short couple days break, I’ll be back tonight or tomorrow :)
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manachosen-blog · 6 years
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“You are absolutely right, Colette!.. Though you have to wonder about how they survive when we go through the Triet Desert. They somehow retain their form in that extreme heat right? So perhaps we can make some kind of.. odd warm treat with them too?”
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“ Now I’m kind of worried about what they must put in these things to make them so resilient! “ 
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manachosen-blog · 6 years
otsukaleia replied to your post:
“It’s the gelatin that gives it that texture. You’d have to break it down to it’s core components to really be able to experiment.”
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“ Oohh, I see, you’re wanting to give other foods the abilities that gels have!  I don’t see why that wouldn’t be possible -- after all, I think they really just sell them as gels because of how easy they are to mass produce, and convinent to carry around ... do you think that’s why Mikleo’s treats are so good for you? “ 
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manachosen-blog · 6 years
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    ... “ You probably could only make good cold treats with them anyway, as they’re gelatinous and might be weird hot ... they don’t keep the same consistency, so there’s hardly a point in using them in something you’re going to eat hot. “ 
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manachosen-blog · 6 years
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For shits and giggles, here was the runner up for her team, ft. colette doesn’t need this goddamn powerhouse of legendaries, even if they do suit her.
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manachosen-blog · 6 years
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this site was used to put together her team!   Ft. I tried to tell Colette no to all these fucking dog pokemon but she wasn’t having it.  So all of her team is ???? just dog pokemon except for???? sylveon.  Who loves her unconditionally and was ???? probably given to her as a very young eevee, from Lloyd.  
Colette doesn’t have a type .  her type are just dogs.
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manachosen-blog · 6 years
This .... is actually the hardest time I’ve had making a pokemon team so far...
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manachosen-blog · 6 years
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