mamuac · 2 years
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             “Whatever he told ya, th’ answer is still no.”
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mamuac · 2 years
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turn week 2022 | significant event | the execution of major john andre
“It will be but a momentary pang.”
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mamuac · 2 years
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mamuac · 2 years
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JJ Feild as Major John Andre in Turn: Washington`s Spies s3e02
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mamuac · 2 years
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Heyo! Like for a starter! Multimuses please put the muse you’d like! C: 
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mamuac · 2 years
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JJ Field as Henry Tilney in Northanger Abbey.
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mamuac · 2 years
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anyway here's wonderwall-
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mamuac · 2 years
“Constant travel is a good way to avoid hosting,” Ben offered, a wry smile tipping the corner of his mouth. “That way, you’ll always be a guest, and you’ll never have to endure the same frig pig twice.”
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Despite his act, he genuinely was curious about Paris and other countries he’d read about in passing. Reading was the quickest and easiest way to explore, but nothing ever quite compared to actually partaking. Prior to the war, Ben hadn’t done much travel beyond going to and from school in between New Haven and Setauket, yet he was hardly taking in the sights and enjoying his exploration at present. His focus wouldn’t allow it – not when at any turn, a singular tree would remind him of Hale’s hanging, or the once familiar and pleasant scent of the ocean would bring to mind Samuel’s last moments, tart and sickly onboard the docked, unmoving Jersey.
When André returned his handshake, Ben mirrored the other man’s smile, though it was hollow. It was disconcerting, he thought – in another lifetime, he and this man could have been friends. But now, he only sought empty relationships for the sake of deception and gain – for victory and power…freedom. 
“Dabbling is an honorable hobby,” Ben allowed. “I won’t damage your ears with my own singing voice, so I look forward to you taking on the brunt of that task. Ah…not saying you will be assaulting everyone’s ear drums, of course.” His smile turned good-natured. “I don’t play any instruments, but I have an interest in music. Do you compose at all, Major? The violin, in particular, is such a beautifully melancholy instrument. I imagine you have an endless supply of muse.”
The war certainly saw to that.
Swirling his glass of port, Ben followed André’s gaze out toward the front of the estate, then hummed in agreement. “More intriguing than Mrs. Havenshire’s bunions?” he quipped. “If she hasn’t accosted you with that story yet, I imagine you’ll soon fall prey. But truly, I look forward to it – your playing, not her bunions. The visual alone was enough to keep me from enjoying the hors d'oeuvres.”
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“That it is indeed,” the man addressed on avoiding the smallest inkling of the idea on hosting an event, continuing to listen to him as a smile formed on his features. Even though his usual dialogue was filled with the war, it was still nice for pleasant conversation. 
“I am sure it is not that bad,” he remarked on the man’s singing voice. Then again, he just met them man and didn’t know the truth. “And I do compose occasionally, yes. Recently, my attention has been on preparing for the officer production of The Taming of the Shrew. I have not even had the chance to work on any art as of late.” 
He then paused, a laugh following. The man kept his smile prominent on his features. “I dabble in a lot of different things, you might say.” His eyes then looked to others that were continuing to come into the party, seeing if he could recognize any of the faces. If anyone was of particular note, he was going to make it a point to speak to them later on in the party. For now, he was content in the conversation he was in. 
Another laugh left him at the mention of Mrs. Havenshire’s bunions. “I am certain I will hear of it in due time,” he spoke, continuing his previous laugh. He nodded at the mention of his playing. “We could head in if you like, continue our conversation where I can find a good drink.” 
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mamuac · 2 years
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        “I suppose you simply forgot what I said about making an appointment, Mister Frye-”
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mamuac · 2 years
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Heyo! Like for a starter! Multimuses please put the muse you’d like! C: 
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mamuac · 2 years
Muse List
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate
Pearl Attaway
Evie Frye
Crawford Starrick (by request.) 
Assassin’s Creed III
Haytham Kenway (Star Wars AU only.)
Reginald Birch
Turn Washington’s Spies / ACIII Verse
Maj. John André
Assassin’s Creed Rogue
Liam O'Brien
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mamuac · 2 years
I plan on making a fresh start next week! I'm just now starting to feel human again from being sick after my trip.
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mamuac · 2 years
Hello all! I apologize for my inactivity. I will be on vacation from 12/9/22 ---》 12/15/2022. It may take me a bit to respond to any messages. However, once I return I will get to anything I owe ❤❤
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mamuac · 2 years
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Mod: No Top Hats No Hoods
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mamuac · 2 years
I cannot believe I’m rewatching True Blood but here we are.
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mamuac · 2 years
Tarleton smiled at him, “ Well you missed the mob outside, you missed all of the other generals getting very mad at me, you missed.. uhm… I don’t think there’s anything else. I think I covered it all. ”
Major André had a look of surprise considering he was only in a meeting for about an hour. “What ever for?” he asked, curiosity being one of his numerous attributes. He was not sure which one he would get an answer for.  
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mamuac · 2 years
“Could have fooled me,” Ben remarked, tipping his glass in the direction of the partygoers. “From observation alone, I sensed quite a bit of bottom-kissing from these fawning sycophants – all for your benefit, of course.” He shrugged. “I never envy a host. It can be difficult wondering who is friend or foe, and most especially in these trying times.”
André spoke of the actual host – yet another man whose acquaintance he could make? – and perking up slightly, he added, “I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure of meeting the host as of yet. Instead, I’ve been making my rounds and harassing the locals – yourself included now, regrettably. If it eases your mind at all, you’re the very first who hasn’t made me want to pack my ears with sand.”
Deep down, Ben knew he should probably ease up on his snide barbs, but this persona of his had done well back when he was a student, and it presently served himself well since it gave him the pleasure of making digs at these preening, pompous ratbags.
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André, however, truly wasn’t bad company – not at all – which only added insult to injury. Ben never allowed himself to view the enemy as human; that only made it all the harder to do what was necessary. And in war, the painful choices often were the most necessary.
“Does that mean you’ve been to Paris then?” Ben asked. “I, myself, have only been to our mother country, but perhaps someday I, too, can roam those streets and gain an appreciation for Parisian fashion.” He allowed a smirk to tip the corner of his mouth. “Or at least, appreciate it beyond seeing it worn so well on the fairer sex, of course.” The agreement about them being “off-key” was seen as a challenge. “Do you sing, sir? Perhaps if you lead the ‘musical charge,’ it won’t be nearly so tone-deaf.”
André properly introduced himself then and Ben extended a hand, attempting chumminess as they shook. “A pleasure, Major,” he greeted. “My name is John Bolton, a banker from Connecticut. I’m in town doing business.” He waved a hand. “But then, who here isn’t? I’m afraid that economics never rest.”
A small laugh escaped him regarding his exquisite commentary of the other party-goers. Truthfully, he wholeheartedly agreed with is assessment of those around them. “I do not envy the task of the host either. That being said, I do play host quite often - more often than I would like, but I digress.” 
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Finally there was at least someone else to give him a pleasant conversation. The others that had passed him by were just simply greeting as the standard. “I have been to Paris once a long time ago,” he subtly interjects. Granted it was not the experience the other probably believes he had, but he would allow him to think differently without any correction. 
The officer chuckled, shaking his hand with a respectable nod. “Pleasure to meet you, John - and I dabble with music,” he answered on the subject of singing. “However, I highly prefer playing the violin or the flute. If I had to choose between singing or those, of course,” he smiled, a subtle laugh following his words. 
His eyes turn toward the front of the estate, looking on as more people continue to arrive. “It should be an intriguing evening I believe. I do intend on playing later, if time permits me so, of course.” 
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