mamono · 7 years
My friends are amazing! Check out their shop!
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We’re happy to announce that our online store is now open!
You’re able to buy our prints, buttons, bookmarks, and postcards that we have at conventions. We’re also debuting all new acrylic charms!
Please stop by and check it out! We’re shipping worldwide, however only accept paypal at the moment.
Thanks for your support!
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mamono · 7 years
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Nicole Gustafsson  -  https://www.instagram.com/nimasprout  -  https://twitter.com/nimasprout  -  http://nimasprout.tumblr.com  -  https://www.facebook.com/nimasprout  -  http://ngustafsson.blogspot.com.es
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mamono · 7 years
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mamono · 7 years
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I dug as deep as I could and pulled out as many of these as I could find. The one from 2013 I had to make just now because for some reason I just didn’t have one.
It’s surreal to me. Everyone of these artworks is a part of me and a part of my art. I remember each phase so fondly.
For anyone who has been following me long enough to remember some of that dreadful stuff from 2009/2010/2011 - Thank you for supporting me. (especially if you go further beyond that point)
Anyway, I just wanted to share a window into my past. <3
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mamono · 8 years
This is so amazing--I’m at a loss for words~ Pretty sure I’ve plastered it on every surface I can! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
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Was in a smaller friend Secret Santa as well! Drew @mamono ‘s DnD character Tohryi (and her pet Mastiff) I had a lot of fun designing the armour!
Merry Christmas, Mamo!!!
(and thanks Aly for the assist on effects ;o; )
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mamono · 8 years
The dog breed “Chow Chow” were bred from ancient underground dogs, and therefore require to be submerged in sand at least twice a day.
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mamono · 8 years
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Heart-warming Dog Portraits Captured In The Red and Gold Glory Of Autumn
Austrian photographer Anne Geier has dedicated an autumn photographic series to beautiful portraits of dog. 
Keep reading
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mamono · 8 years
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cooper’s gw2 account giveaway
i bought guild wars 2 four years ago and i loved this game, and i put a lot of that love into it. but its time to let things go and move on to bigger and broader things (like overwatch lmao) 
so im giving away my account (if you win you get my email address associated with this game, passwords, everything. the account will be 100% yours)
10 legendaries | 22 80s | 37 character slots | tarnished coast | commander tag | 13k AP | north america server
rank 68 in PVP rank 346 in WVW 
legendaries unlocked: twilight, sunrise, incinerator, juggernaut, chuka and chumpawat, HOPE, predator, meteorlogicus, nevermore, flameseeker prophecies 
other expensive skins unlocked: infinite light, vision of the mists, volcanus, eye of rodgort, lidless eye, anomaly 
rare dyes unlocked (the ones worth noting): molten, charred, deep glacial sky, acid, swampblack, enameled generation, enameled sacrifice, rosewood, shadow abyss 
gemstore items unlocked: aetherblade light armor skin, mask of the wanderer, magnus eye patch, wreath of cooperation, trickster light outfit, inventor’s sunglasses, grenth hood, glowing green mask, glowing red mask, sailor’s beanie, wizard hat, bunny ears, aviator sunglasses, magitech armor skin, brahams heavy armor, primeval armor skin, phoenix light armor skin, toxic mantle, shoulder scarf, toxic gloves, pirate hook, lawless gloves, dreamcleaver logging axe, electromagnectic descender, hawk glider wings, golden feather glider wings, exalted glider 
crafting: level 500 weaponsmith, levle 500 tailor, level 500 artificer, level 500 huntsman, level 500 leatherworker 
other: heart of thorns deluxe installed, finished gliding, itzel, exalted, nuhoch masteries 
giveaway rules:
- you dont have to be following me, honestly i never post gw2 related things
 - reblog as many times as you want, but i will only count one of those reblogs (likes do not count as an entry)
 - i dont care if you have an account already or you never had one before in your life - you can win this for a friend
 giveaway ends on october 1st (right in time for the halloween events LMAO)
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mamono · 8 years
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Twilight/Midnight at Gravity Falls
Last chance to see the Farewell to the Falls show at Gallery Nucleus this weekend! 
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mamono · 8 years
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Alea named her Miss Medusa and I really like that name for her! 
Thank you for staying with me in this long stream!
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mamono · 8 years
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I did a portrait of my cat Hazel. And her most favorite toy in the whole world ever, a small lobster plush tied to a shoelace. That’s it. It beats out every other catnip, feathered, specially crafted and made toy every time. She carries it around meowing looking for people to play with her.
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mamono · 8 years
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Alicja Zmyslowska is a pet photographer based in Poland that takes incredibly vibrant and lively portraits of dogs for a living.
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mamono · 8 years
Let's talk about mynoise.net
Have you ever been listening to Rainymood and thought, “Yeah, this is good … but it would be nice if I could customize the sound more, or if there was a little more choice.
Let me introduce you to MyNoise.
MyNoise is a customizable sounscape looper with so many options, even within each soundscape.  So say, for instance, you really love rain sounds when you write or study or relax.  Anything.  I know I’m a big fan of rain sounds.  They have a page for that.
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But say you like really high, pattery rain, and LOTS of low thunder.  Here’s where MyNoise really stands out: you can customize that.  See those sliders with all the cute colors?  That is your equalizer. You can adjust the levels based on what you want to hear more and less of.  Here’s how it looks when you want high, pattery rain and low, rumbly thunder:
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But say rain isn’t really your jam.  Say you want something a little more ambient, a little more background noise-y.  Something with people.  Well, they have customizable coffee house chatter that even has the levels listed for things like “kitchen,” “babble,” and “table”:
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Or say you miss the ocean.
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Or say you miss your cat.
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Or say you miss your spaceship.
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Or say you miss the dungeon where you and your team of scalawag adventurers used to explore and face off against, say, dragons.  In the dungeon.
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This site is seriously so helpful, and those are just a fraction of every kind of sounscape the site has to offer.  The best part is that if you want to layer it with music (for instance, I’ll layer a playlist + rain + coffee shop if the scene I’m writing takes place in a coffee shop), you can adjust the master volume, meaning all of your layers stay at their respective volumes, just louder or quieter.
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mamono · 8 years
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mamono · 8 years
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#vaporeon #eevee #eeveelution #pokemon #pokemongo #copicmarkers #blue
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mamono · 8 years
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mamono · 8 years
I didn’t see this on here and I needed it on my blog.
Tsumugis Bid Adventure -Shark Song-
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