mamamanifestor · 3 months
the luckiest
**Subliminals Always Work for Me**
- Experience the full transformative power of subliminal messages without any resistance or doubts
- Witness your desired changes manifest rapidly and effortlessly through the potency of subliminal programming
- Develop unwavering faith in the effectiveness of subliminals to reprogram your subconscious mind
**I Fully Believe in the Law of Attraction**
- Cultivate an unshakable trust in the universal principle of drawing in what you focus on
- Harness the creative power of your mind to magnetize your deepest desires and dreams
- Consistently align your thoughts, feelings, and actions with the law of attraction for maximum results
**The Universe is Always Working in My Favour**
- Rest assured that the benevolent forces of the cosmos are orchestrating events for your highest good
- Surrender to the divine flow, knowing that everything is unfolding perfectly according to your true purpose
- Maintain a positive, grateful mindset as you witness synchronicities and serendipitous occurrences
**All of the Following Affirmations are Sinking into My Subconscious Mind**
- Effortlessly imprint these empowering affirmations into the deepest levels of your subconscious
- Allow your subconscious mind to fully absorb and integrate the transformative beliefs and energies
- Observe how these affirming thoughts automatically guide your behaviors, choices, and manifestations
**Everything Always Works Out for Me**
- Develop an unwavering trust that all situations, challenges, and obstacles will be resolved harmoniously
- Maintain a positive, solutions-focused mindset, knowing that the universe has your back
- Experience a profound sense of calm and confidence, even in the face of uncertainty
**I Have Extreme Luck**
- Activate an unshakable conviction that you possess an extraordinary, almost supernatural degree of good fortune
- Magnetize incredibly lucky breaks, synchronicities, and serendipitous opportunities
- Cultivate a mindset of abundant possibilities, where you expect the best possible outcomes
**I Am Such a Lucky and Prosperous Individual**
- Embody a profound self-perception of being blessed, fortunate, and flourishing in all areas of life
- Radiate an aura of abundance, success, and prosperity that attracts even more of the same
- Feel deeply fulfilled, satisfied, and appreciative of the wealth and abundance in your life
**I Am the Luckiest Person Ever**
- Firmly establish yourself as the single most fortunate individual, surpassing even the luckiest of people
- Exude an infectious, magnetic energy that magnetizes astonishing strokes of good luck your way
- Delight in the extraordinary, almost supernatural degree of fortune that consistently manifests for you
**Being Lucky is Part of Who I Am**
- Integrate the core belief that being exceedingly lucky is an integral, defining aspect of your identity
- Allow this empowering self-perception to inform and guide all of your thoughts, choices, and actions
- Emanate an unshakable confidence in your inherent lucky nature that others naturally resonate with
**Everything Always Works in My Favour**
- Trust that the universe is orchestrating events, circumstances, and outcomes to align with your highest good
- Maintain a positive, expectant mindset, knowing that even apparent setbacks will ultimately benefit you
- Witness how seemingly challenging situations transform into magnificent blessings and opportunities
**The Universe Loves Me So Much**
- Feel the profound, unconditional love and support of the divine source that permeates your entire being
- Deeply internalize the unwavering truth that you are cherished, favoured, and blessed by the cosmos
- Allow this sense of divine love to infuse every area of your life with abundance, grace, and miracles
**I Am So Blessed**
- Cultivate a profound, heartfelt gratitude for the myriad blessings, gifts, and manifestations in your life
- Radiate an energy of appreciation that magnetizes even greater blessings, abundance, and good fortune
- Embrace the understanding that you are truly and deeply blessed, beyond measure
**I Am So Favorited by the Universe**
- Embody the unshakable belief that you hold a special, favored status in the eyes of the divine
- Expect miraculous synchronicities, serendipitous opportunities, and profound manifestations
- Exude an aura of divine favour that captivates and inspires all who encounter you
**I Am So Prosperous**
- Cultivate a tangible, visceral experience of abundance, wealth, and prosperity in all areas of your life
- Embody the energetic vibration of being flourishing, thriving, and successful beyond your wildest dreams
- Effortlessly attract and magnetize incredible financial opportunities, windfalls, and prosperity
**I Always Get Everything I Desire, Unless It Isn't Good for Me in the Long Run**
- Trust that you will attain your deepest wishes and goals, unless they are not truly aligned with your highest good
- Develop the wisdom to discern between your authentic desires and those that may not serve your long-term wellbeing
- Witness how the universe conspires to provide you with the perfect outcomes, even if they differ from your initial wishes
**I Only Attract the People Who Will Improve My Life and Happiness**
- Magnetize genuine, supportive relationships and connections that elevate, inspire, and contribute to your growth
- Effortlessly release any draining, toxic, or disharmonious individuals from your life experience
- Surround yourself with a vibrant community of like-minded, uplifting people who enhance your joy and fulfillment
**I Only Attract Good Things**
- Trust that the universe will only ever bring you experiences, circumstances, and manifestations that are truly for your benefit
- Maintain an unwavering expectation of positivity, abundance, and blessings in every area of your life
- Witness how you naturally and easily magnetize the highest good, with no room for negativity or unwanted experiences
**I Am the Luckiest Person in Any Room**
- Embody an unshakable conviction that you are the single most fortunate individual, no matter who else is present
- Radiate an aura of extraordinary luck, prosperity, and good fortune that captivates and inspires those around you
- Consistently experience being the recipient of the most remarkable strokes of serendipity and divine favour
**I Will Always Win Prizes, No Matter How Many People or How Many Times in a Row**
- Cultivate an absolute certainty that you will emerge victorious in any competition, contest, or random drawing
- Magnetize an endless stream of prizes, winnings, and lucky breaks that defy all odds and expectations
- Relish in the thrill of consistently defying the laws of probability and chance in your favour
**I Am Always Attracting Abundant Things**
- Establish a steady, unwavering flow of abundance, prosperity, and wealth in all aspects of your life
- Witness how you effortlessly and consistently magnetize an endless supply of resources, opportunities, and blessings
- Feel a profound sense of abundance, sufficiency, and overflow permeating your entire experience
**Every Aspect of My Life is Always Improving, No Matter What**
- Trust that all areas of your life, without exception, are continually evolving and upgrading for the better
- Maintain a positive, solution-focused mindset, even in the face of challenges or temporary setbacks
- Delight in the consistent, tangible improvements you observe unfolding across your health, relationships, finances, and more
**I Am Left with the Best Possible Outcome in Every Situation**
- Develop an absolute faith that the universe will provide you with the most harmonious, beneficial conclusion to any situation
- Relinquish the need to control or force specific outcomes, and instead surrender to the divine plan unfolding
- Experience a profound sense of peace and trust, knowing that you will always be left in the most optimal circumstances
**Me and All of My Loved Ones are Incredibly Lucky and Abundant**
- Magnetize unparalleled luck, prosperity, and abundance not just for yourself, but for your entire circle of loved ones
- Witness your family, friends, and community all flourishing in synchronicity with your own good fortune
- Revel in the beautiful, interconnected web of blessings, miracles, and divine favour that permeates your entire world
**The Universe is Obsessed with Bringing Me Abundance**
- Feel the unwavering, unconditional love and support of the cosmos as it consistently pours forth abundance in your direction
- Trust that the universe is utterly captivated by you and your highest good, causing it to relentlessly manifest your desires
- Bask in the knowledge that you are the universe's primary focus, and it will stop at nothing to shower you with blessings
**I Naturally Attract Wealth, Prosperity, and Good Opportunities**
- Embody the innate ability to effortlessly magnetize
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mamamanifestor · 3 months
Don't speak negatively about yourself,even as a joke.your body doesn't know the difference. Words are energy and cast spells. That's why it's called spelling.change the way you speak about yourself and you can change your life.what you're not changing, you're also choosing.
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mamamanifestor · 4 months
Me? I'm a girl's girl. You need a lipgloss? I got you. You need a pad or a hairbrush? I got you. You want to eat smth. but you have no money with you? I'll buy you what you want. You're feeling insecure? I'll hype you up. You have boy problems? I'll listen to you and comfort you. You're scared to wear something? I'l wear it with you. You feel embarrassed? I'll embarrass myself even more. You need some advice? I'll meet up with you and talk to you for hours. You're crying? I'll wipe away your tears, buy you snacks, listen to you and I'll be there for you as long as you need me to. I'll go on mom mode for y'all. I love my girlies so much. They're all so beautiful, bless their heartsᥫ᭡.
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