malice-sayuki · 5 years
canon: they died
fanfic: fUCK YOU
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malice-sayuki · 5 years
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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malice-sayuki · 5 years
those posts criticizing common writing patterns in fanfiction are so fucking harmful and they ruined me
so like yknow what??? People tell you to avoid “smirk” and “chuckle” as descriptors because no one does those things (???) but then when I need to use those words I have a ten minute crisis about how I’m a shitty writer. So heres my unwarranted writing advice: If you want your characters to smirk and chuckle fucking let them and don’t let anyone tell you that no one smirks or chuckles because I do both on a daily basis whenever I tell a shitty pun, bye 
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malice-sayuki · 5 years
I feel attacked...
my aesthetic is students at the library who have all their study materials out but are blatantly Not Studying
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malice-sayuki · 5 years
I think perhaps some younger people (and older ones who are, well, assholes) need to learn or be reminded of fanfic etiquette. Who am I to teach anyone? No one, really. I’m just angry and disappointed about some of the things I’ve seen in my own fandom in recent times, so here we are. 
1. You don’t have the right to police (correctly tagged) content on AO3, or anywhere else the publishes fanfic for adult audiences. The world does not revolve around you; fanfic is not curated to your tastes alone. You get to do that by being selective in what you choose to read. You think incest/ABO/d-s or whatever is problematic? Fine. Don’t click on those sorts of stories. You don’t like a character being written as a sub/aggressive/ooc? Cool. Complaining on your blog about such things without naming a fic or a writer? Go ahead. But don’t flame a fic or an author because a story doesn’t suit your preferences. I shouldn’t have to explain why. Just don’t. There are a number of kinks I have no interest in. Certain characterisations of my fave annoy me too. So I do something radical about it: if I see a fic that I know I won’t enjoy, I don’t read it. Easy, right?
2. No one has the right to police ship tags either. If there is another pairing you don’t like tagged in a fic with your otp, scroll past it. There is no such thing as tag purity.
3. Authors do not ask for, nor do they deserve, non-constructive criticism of their work. I’m not talking about pointing out a typo, or politely asking about something that isn’t clear, or identifying a potential contradiction. In fact, I’m willing to bet that those of you who are guilty of this know full well what I’m talking about: comments that are little more than hateful diatribes targeting the subject matter and/or the author’s writing in general. To the people who do this - you know it’s wrong. You know you’re hurting people. Take a hard look at yourself and question why you feel the need to do that to someone. Does it make you feel better about yourself?
4. Shaming women for their kinks and for the pairings they write is part of the longstanding misogynistic oppression of women as sexual beings. Women have been vilified and abused by men for thousands of years in order to control our sexuality. It still happens today. @seleya​, @misshoneywheeler​ and others have written about this in the past, and far more eloquently than I can. But look. If you’re not comfortable with straight women writing slash, again, that’s fine - you’re allowed to feel that way. Just remember: the vast (VAST) majority of fanfic is written by women. Women writing slash is the origin story of the explosion of fanfic. Women created AO3. And on AO3, here are the current stats on stories by category:*
m/m: 2625740 
f/m: 1294662
gen: 997437
f/f: 439794 
multi: 250614
other: 145140
So those of you trolling slash authors or writing tagged rants about women being sick for writing m/m, sit down and stfu. Women - and especially female slash writers - made this sandbox you’re shitting in. There wouldn’t be a space to play in if it weren’t for them.
tl;dr: fanfic authors write for free (well, most do - published authors like Shakespeare clearly profited). They write for their enjoyment and ours. By flaming and shaming an author you’re attempting to censor them. You don’t write to Stephen King telling him to take all of his books off the shelves and never write again because you don’t like the horror genre, unless you’re batshit crazy. You don’t burn books because they offend your sensibilities, unless you’re a fascist. So don’t do it to fanfic authors. Simple as that.
*These numbers aren’t exact, because some stories are tagged with more than one category, and others aren’t tagged at all. Still, the difference is fairly stark.
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malice-sayuki · 5 years
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malice-sayuki · 5 years
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malice-sayuki · 5 years
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That’s his fave nap spot I bet.
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malice-sayuki · 5 years
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“A baby fox showed up to say hi at my grandmother’s house“
Taken from r/aww
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malice-sayuki · 5 years
Mum:hey -
Me, returning from a walk in the woods after still being unsuccesfull in getting abducted by the fair folk: I don’t wanna talk right now
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malice-sayuki · 5 years
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post-work babysitting session due unexpected quirk accident ✨
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malice-sayuki · 5 years
Look i dont wanna sound like a Fandom Mom or whatever but what do you think women over 25 or so are supposed to do? Do u really think theyre supposed to drop all their interests and just talk about taxes and marriage or whatever? It seems like 25+ year old fanboys do not receive this kind of “ooh cringe” reaction either. There are guys in their 40s with comic book collections and shit and people might think theyre a nerd at worst, not a freak who shouldnt be trusted
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malice-sayuki · 5 years
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Aaand I tag Momma @phaytesworld ♡
Tag Game :D
Tagged by @officerjennie for this tag game (their post is here)
The rules are:
go to this website and design yourself https://picrew.me/image_maker/9889and then tag 4 people.
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Close enough to my True Disaster Form. Can you see my eyebags from there? No? They didn’t have an eyebag option, so that oddly-placed blush was the closest I could get ^^”
I’m tagging: @historicfailure @artbythedarkside @raendown @crystallized-shadow
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malice-sayuki · 5 years
Reblog the writers’ fortune cookie for luck!
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malice-sayuki · 5 years
Happened once: my little brother (4years younger than me) took a night train. He was standing near the door with another chill dude and a younger looking girl. Few stops later a group of drunken guys got up and started eyeing the girl. She looked seriously uncomfortable. My brother and the chill dude looked at each other and took the girl between them and guarded her until she got off.
I am so proud...
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malice-sayuki · 5 years
Bruce Wayne watched both of his parents die.
Tony Stark has heart problems and anxiety.
Peter Parker saw his uncle being murdered.
Steve Rogers lost his best friend.
Bruce Banner attempted suicide.
If they can save the world, you can get through this day.
Never stop fighting.
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malice-sayuki · 5 years
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