malfoyed · 3 years
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˗ ˏ ˋ ( charles melton, 22, cis man, he/him ) — is that LUCIUS MALFOY i just saw in the courtyard? i hear they’re a SLYTHERIN, returning for their SEVENTH school year, but something more juicy is them being CHARMING & AMBITIOUS as well as POMPOUS & POWER-HUNGRY. if you want some more details on them, i guess i could tell you that they’re PUREBLOOD, and from the rumors i heard, they’re currently allying with THE DEATH EATERS. personally, i think they remind of: expensive designer suits worn with extravagance, spending sleepless nights reading until the dawn breaks, gifts of jewelry handed out like candy, always craving more. but that might be just me. — ( red, they/them, 25, gmt, none ) ˎˊ ˗  
howdy everyone! i’m red, and this is my garbage man, lucius malfoy! extremely excited to be here and rp with you all.
lucius abraxas malfoy is the only child of abraxas malfoy and his first wife, cordelia. theirs was a love match, surprisingly, and for that reason, his father could never forgive that cordelia died giving birth to their son. mostly due to the family reputation and politics, abraxas eventually remarried, giving lucius two younger half sisters. 
despite all that, he was raised to be incredibly proud of the malfoy name. his family was considered almost royal in the pureblood societies, and he cared little for what those outside of them thought. in fact, he cares very little for anyone in general who can’t help him with either his social or academic aspirations. 
his father was never necessarily cruel, but abraxas wasn’t exactly kind either. lucius was always pushed to be the best in things that mattered, and sometimes even in things that didn’t. witch weekly’s most eligible bachelor, frequent placements on the daily prophet’s best dressed list, known for giving the best (and most expensive gifts) whenever one of his friends’ birthdays came up; lucius wanted to be seen as a leader in society. he could charm anyone, but also drag them down without mercy.
being skipped over for head boy was a particularly painful point for lucius. he’d always expected it to be him, the one who had an excellent reputation with students (the purebloods and occasional halfbloods, that was), perfect grades (even if he had to blackmail the occasional teacher), and had done his duty as prefect incredibly well (with maybe some hypocrisy here or there). though he kept himself stern and silent in public (never let them see you sweat, one of abraxas’ most important lessons), he raged in private. eventually, his rage turned to haughtiness, and lucius will never waste an opportunity to ridicule the head student positions.
though they were ideas put in his head by abraxas, lucius has always had the same goals in mind once he graduates. he wanted to become a powerful force in the ministry of magic, the job didn’t matter, find a betrothed of equal social standing who would be perfect on his arm, though if he could make that a match for love, even better, and he wanted to be feared the same way his father was.
the death eaters were not necessarily an ideological choice for lucius. he always believed being pureblood was superior, but he is not the type to dirty his hands for that purpose. the dark lord offers power, though. and lucius has always been very interested in power.
random headcanons:
VERY bisexual. openly too, despite his father’s dislike for it. this is one of the few things lucius doesn’t care much about. he knows his duties to the family as the only son and heir, but why is he forbidden to have fun?
speaking of fun, lucius is kind of a bully, but in a selfish way? if he’s bored or annoyed, he’ll go harass someone “below his station” for amusement. 
massive daddy and mommy issues (yeah he’s that bitch)
secretly started smoking muggle cigarettes (and certain other substances) last year, will likely threaten you if he’s caught with them
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