malfcyisms-blog · 6 years
Practically staggering out of Knockturn Alley, Rodolphus could feel himself breathing heavily as his whole body shuddered. People had to learn to not touch or make assumptions. That was how you were murdered. Having said that, he could have been partly to blame but everything had happened so quickly to fully grasp the situation. His face was damp with red that was dripping onto his suit. He gave one more look over his shoulder at the body that lay on the floor.
Rodolphus felt a lump forming in his throat as he looked away as swiftly as he looked back. He shouldn’t seem so suspicious. His eyes scanned the area, hoping that nobody was around. He needed to keep this quiet; fighting like a bloody pack animal was not dignified enough. Even as he thought that, he felt something against his foot. A heavy sigh left his lips as he realised that it was his wand. Rodolphus quickly scoped it up as he heard footsteps echo across cobbles. He turned, fitting his wand into his pockets, a look of calm edging over his features. Nobody needs to know, he thought, I was merely defending myself.
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    “foolish... foolish boy.” lucius mumbled as he noticed the other putting his wand into his pocket, eyes narrowed as he approached the other, one hand deep into his trench coat and the other holding his cane. “what did you do? you’re not that slick.. and it’s not too dark around here... do tell.”
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malfcyisms-blog · 6 years
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malfcyisms-blog · 6 years
With her hands shoved deep down into the pockets of her knee-length black coat, the raven haired beauty was leaning against the wall as she was observing her surroundings. The night had barely fallen yet the streets of London were completely empty, void of any presence except of hers and perhaps, of some rat or two. Lightly chuckling to herself, she knew it was only the beginning.“My, my, look what the cat dragged in,” she spoke as her eyes had fallen on the other.
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    “waiting around for me, windsor?” lucius smirked, his cane moving from assisting him walk to resting it against his shoulder, almost like he was clinging to a baseball bat. he certainly hadn’t expected to bump into someone and had pictured him just apparating home to his wife.. but now that he had noticed lia? he felt more inclined to just linger around. “wow, another person waiting to catch a glimpse of lucius malfoy.. that’s cute.”
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malfcyisms-blog · 6 years
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malfcyisms-blog · 6 years
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malfcyisms-blog · 6 years
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       darker shades of the surrounding nature leeched to the lines of his form, casting shadows across lucius’ painfully naive position. antonin didn’t think there was a pressing need for lucius to be worried about his future, however it probably would have been in his best interest not to expose himself so readily to a potential attack. sparing the other a quick hex to the abdomen, antonin instead chose to give the other’s cane a slight kick to further announce his presence. ‘   or what, lucius? do you really think it wise to threaten ME at a time like THIS? i never took you for a fool, but now i’m reconsidering.   ’
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   “you think i give a damn about pissing you off? because i don’t, antonin.” it didn’t matter how friendly they were at times, lucius wasn’t afraid to step on toes. especially someone like antonin who he didn’t care on annoying. “the last thing i feel around you is fear. i’ll threaten you all day if you want to go down that route.” he muttered, the cane swinging out to whack him after the initial kick. “the only person you’re fooling with your big boy attitude, is yourself.”
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malfcyisms-blog · 6 years
‘ someone didn’t sleep well last night? is my dear cissy tiring you that much?’ bellatrix shook her head at her own words as she finally took the place on a blanket near him- she was just towering over him to see if he is alive which he amusingly was. ‘ and i think i always piss you off, you’re just a little afraid to say it maybe? yeah, that’s the right word i’d use for sure.’
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   “she always keeps me on my toes, bella.” his eyes still rolled though. he was sure the entire black family knew how soft and teddy bear like he was around narcissa. he may have been incredibly dominant everywhere else, except for with his wife. “afraid? nah. i’d tell you to your face.” lucius reached over to grab at the ends of her blanket, tugging it towards him so they were closer. “just like this... you always piss me off.” however he was smiling, knowing deep down that wasn’t the case. he looked at her more like a partner in crime than anything.
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malfcyisms-blog · 6 years
Taking a deep breath, she smiled as she felt powerful next to her husband. She always did and she loved it. The way people looked at them, it always amused her. Looking at him with loving eyes, she smiled. “That sounds like a deal. And you can try and win me one of those teddy bears. Now that would be adorable, don’t you think?” she asked and kissed his cheek. At the question, she hummed. “Maybe we should talk to someone about it so I can tell them what I am going through and all that jazz”
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    “how about i just bribe the person with money to get a teddy bear?” he wasn’t doubting his skills at all. he knew if he was able to perfectly cast a spell and have it land, that he could easily throw a stupid ball at a target, but of course he wanted the easy way out. despite his comment, he was smiling, as genuine as it always was around narcissa. “i can owl the healer and get her to come over sometime this week then. i’ll sort it out.”
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malfcyisms-blog · 6 years
“ you. “ evan replied with a smirk, a grown reflex to the brooding bloke. he hasn’t seen malfoy in so long that his presence was actually turning to be a delight — which was a nightmare, he realized. “ did you miss my pretty face around, malfoy? i’m sure you did. “
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    “it’s the last thing i feel for you.” sort of a lie. he missed the back and forth between him and evan, but he wasn’t going to admit that. never. not even over his dead body. despite his words, his eyes did open and he moved over slightly, clearing offering for evan to sit down next to him. “i can keep it civil for about five minutes. how’re things?”
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malfcyisms-blog · 6 years
Studying him, she then sighed as she kissed him back. She loved how protective he was over her, it showed just how much he truly did love her. Which always made her giddy and also a bit shy. She knew that she must have annoyed everyone around her with her constant gushing over her husband. Nodding, she then linked their arms together. “Truth be told, it would have been best if we packed our own food with us” she teased. Thinking for a moment, she then cringed. “No meat, thank you. Lately I cannot keep meat inside for too long. So maybe salad or some fish”
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    this was always when he felt unstoppable -- his lady on one arm and his cane firmly in his other hand, clearly prepared to whack someone over the head if it was needed. “well, we can eat something light, go sit somewhere and then go home within the next few hours if you’d prefer that?” anything to keep her happy. it was fairly obvious now that he’d go to the end of the earth for narcissa and not hesitate once. “oh? do you not feel well at all?” it was worrying, though he was hoping it was nothing that a potion or two couldn’t help. 
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malfcyisms-blog · 6 years
Looking at him, she instantly felt safe the second he wrapped his arms around her. Placing one of her hands on his cheek, she sighed. “I have yes. But I do wake up during the night because I worry about you, my love” she said softly and frowned. She could see that he was nervous and on edge for some reason. She hated that, she hated how everything seemed to be tense. And lately she have felt rather sick which caused her to not sleep all that well. “You look so tired. I hate seeing you like this” she rested her forehead against his shoulder and sighed. “Some food would be nice”
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   “i’m fine.. i promise.” he smiled, placing a quick kiss against her lips in hopes that it would distract her. he didn’t care how many protective enchantments they had around malfoy manor, he wanted to be an extra pair of eyes and wanted to be checking everything as best as he could. his wife was in the house, he was going to make sure she was as safe as possible. “well, let’s get you something to eat then.. even if i’m not sure how much i trust half of these people.” lucius whispered his last few words, reaching his arm out for her so they could walk. “salad? pizza? a burger?” he named off quickly, trying to think of the things he past. “fish?”
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malfcyisms-blog · 6 years
Crossing her arms over her chest, she tried her best to ignore him. But once he had caught up with her and was now walking infront of her, it was impossible to look away. “I have been looking everywhere for you” she muttered and tried to change the topic. “I know. But for some reason it just got to me. I’m just tired, I’m sorry” she added and stopped walking, chewing on her bottom lip. “I know you would never do anything mean towards me” Narcissa nodded and then finally looked at her husband, flashing him a small smile. “Have you still not slept anything?” she tilted her head to the side as she studied him.
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    his hands slipped around her body then once he realised she wasn’t all that mad at him, closing the space between them with a small smile. “have you not been sleeping?” he certainly hadn’t because of everything going on. most nights he’d spend the hours narcissa was sleeping to walk around the manor, making sure everything was secure and no one was around. he was always on his toes. “i napped earlier, i’m fine.” that was a lie, but he was playing it off as much as he could. “well, what do you wanna do? do you want to grab something to eat?”
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malfcyisms-blog · 6 years
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desdemona stops right by his feet, arms folded and looking entirely unimpressed. if a tad bored too. “your wife is looking for you. so quit the skulking maybe and go get her?” she can tell he’s irritated, should probably leave him alone but… she’s always loved poking a sleeping bear. so she scuffs her foot against his. “cheer up. carnivals in town.”
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    he didn’t know it was possible to roll his eyes when they were firmly shut, but once he recognised mona’s voice, his foot quickly kicked out to kick hers back. “she’ll find me.” lucius muttered, waving a hand. “and you sound just like you’re skulking as much as me. has that boyfriend of yours fucked you over yet?” he muttered, the only thing he was able to attack her with was that asshole. “leave me alone, mona.”
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malfcyisms-blog · 6 years
She had been wandering around, trying to find anything to do and trying to find her husband. And when she finally did, a beaming smile formed on her lips. Walking up to where he was laying, her eyes widened when she heard his tone and the way he spoke to her. She knew he didn’t mean it, he didn’t even see who he was speaking to. But due to all the stress she had been under as of late and how hard she’s been trying to find the time to try and get a baby, Narcissa’s emotions have been all over the place. So she stomped with her foot and turned around, walking away.
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    had it been any other person, he wouldn’t have even cared, but as he opened one eye and noticed his wife stomping away, he let out a frustrated exhale. “oh.. for fucks sake.” lucius grumbled, forcing himself up from the ground as he began jogging after her. he hadn’t noticed it was her, but he was just super sleep deprived and she should have known that. “hun?” he called out, already hating this public display. it wasn’t a lucius thing to do. picking up his pace, he quickly moved in front of her, walking backwards now. “baby, i didn’t know it was you. i promise.”
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malfcyisms-blog · 6 years
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     he had been lounging on a blanket, eyes closed, one hand still clinging to his cane in case he had to make a sudden movement and snap for his wand. he was beyond tired, more tired than usual and it didn’t take very long to hush those around him and to make them all shut up --- there were some perks to being feared at least. lucius’ jaw clenched slightly as he sensed and noticed a shadow covering the sun landing on him, not bothering to sit up. “what do you want?” a quick pause. “piss me off, please, i dare you.”
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malfcyisms-blog · 6 years
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malfcyisms-blog · 6 years
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