malfaiiths-blog · 5 years
“were you talking to me?” she tried not to sound so hostile but it was a force of habit.
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he looked down and sneered at the girl, ❝ WHY in merlin’s name would i be talking to YOU . ❞ 
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malfaiiths-blog · 5 years
。・ * ✧  ❛  have  you  ever  read  this  one  ?  ❜  severus  inquired  ,  carefully  plucking  a  slightly  worn  book  from  a  higher  shelf  .  it  was  the  first  thing  he’d  said  for  a  while  ,  the  two  of  them  quietly  looking  around  the  library  .  ❛  i  read  it  third  year  when  i  was  ahead  in  potions  .  you  might  like  it  ,  ❜    he  held  the  book  out  to  lucius  ,  his  brow  raised  slightly  as  he  waited  for  him  to  take  it  .  ❛  though  ,  i’m  not  really  sure  if  you  have  any  interest  in  alchemy  …  but  it’s  a  great  read  ,  nonetheless  .  ❜      //  (  @malfaiiths  )
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lucius peered over his shoulder towards the book the other was holding , reading the title before simply turning to face the other .  ❝ i do find alchemy rather interesting , thank you , severus , ❞ he stated , a gentle hand taking the book from him . he looked over it once more , before flipping through it .  ❝ i must say , i’m rather impressed that you read this in third year , ❞ lucius complimented the other , noting the small text and a bit of the wording on each page .  ❝ then again , when have your abilities not impressed me ? ❞ he closed the book, holding it at his side before asking , ❝ and what have you found for you to read ? anything ? ❞
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malfaiiths-blog · 5 years
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❝ WHETHER you’re incompetent at picking a book from a shelf is beyond me ,  but i would very much appreciate it if you’d move. ❞ he stops,  noticing the book in the other’s hands. ❝ actually, no need.  care to lend me the book you have? ❞
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malfaiiths-blog · 5 years
@rcklcss: lucius && alecto
LUCIUS felt himself sinking into the chair and into shame . he pouted –– yes, pouted –– he was THAT miserable . he looked back in pensive on the morning that had unfolded before him .
FIRST AND FOREMOST , the prefect’s bathroom was in use , leaving him to shower in the REGULAR bathroom like a filthy commoner .  ( having to share a bathroom AT ALL was far out of his comfort zone in the first place, after spending his whole life growing up with his very own bathroom fit for a KING . ) THEN , as he entered the bathroom, he had slipped on a first year’s bar of soap , landing on his behind .  it was EMBARRASSING to say the least .  
NOW , with his sore posterior in one of the common room’s many chairs , he leaned into the hand of his arm leaning on the chair’s , sighing and shutting his eyes . it was only a moment before he felt another presence in the room , unsure if it was approaching him or not , but he was to assume the former . 
❝ WHAT IS IT you want , then ? ❞  he hissed at the figure , before opening his eyes to see a miss carrow nearby .  ❝ ah , alecto , good to see you . ❞  he muttered , before shutting his eyes again in memory of his unfortunate fall .  ❝ i know of a first year who needs a bit of punishment , and you’re just the woman to help me achieve those ends . are you interested ? ❞  he didn’t know the first year’s name , but he would certain he would recognize the face and voice that had circled over him after the incident , stating ❛ i’m so sorry ! ❜ over and over again.
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malfaiiths-blog · 5 years
     alecto cressida carrow was anything but a quitter, and his blond, slicked-back hair was too damn tempting for her to ignore the obvious opportunity she was faced with. you’d have to be truly oblivious to not realize lucius malfoy did not want to be bothered - but alecto hardly counted as an inconvenience as far as she was concerned. dragging our a chair close to where he sat, the brunette swung on leg to either side as she rested her arms on the back of the chair. had she been at all occupied with manners and proper form, she would have noticed how unbecoming for a lady her display was, but she had more important things to worry about. with a mocking grin adorning her curving lips, alecto retorted, “you looked all too lonely by yourself, and i just would not have it.”
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perhaps he should have thought it fortunate that the person who had joined him was at least bearable . he looked over her form , sprawled on the chair in such an impolite manner , and gave something of a chuckle, before putting down his book and leaning towards her . ❝ well i apologize for snapping at you , i would not have done so if i knew who was gracing my presence, ❞ he teased , adding on , ❝ a lady like yourself deserves the utmost respect. ❞ she truly did , in his opinion . she was one of the sacred twenty-eight , after all , and he would be caught having a bad hair day before being caught disrespecting one of britain’s most pure families . ❝ i must say , i do like being alone , of course , i’m sure i will have an even lovelier time with the likes of you in my presence . ❞ he gave something of a smile on lips that were so used to smirking and sneering that it felt unnatural . 
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malfaiiths-blog · 5 years
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            ☀ —— ⊰ being seen at the library was more of a social thing than actually using it for studying thing for Tiberius. being seen there with his cautiously constructed serious face to always felt like part of his façade for him. for a productive session of studies, being truly alone without any kinds of distractions was his method of choice and one his current location just couldn’t provide him it. exhibit a.: the familiar mop of blond hair sitting alone right in front of him. it was almost impossible to contain his urge to simply bother the Malfoy just for the sake of it. had he been asked about it, Tiberius would simply answer without skipping a beat that he was only doing what was polite of him, greeting an old friend. ❝ — not at all. ❜ Tiberius responded with the brightest smile he could manage to mimic, even if a more genuine reflection of what he was feeling was a sly grin. ❝ — how have you been, Malfoy? we barely spoke last time I saw you.  ❜
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lucius raised a brow at the polite manner of the other , before looking him over , unsure if tiberius had caught on to his hostility . of course , lucius reckoned he perhaps should not have been so hostile , especially considering who he was talking to –– another man of good status . the blond pushed his grimoire away from him just a bit , and sat back in his chair , crossing his arms. he greeted the other with an, ❝ ah , tiberius . of course you don’t mind interrupting my studies . ❞ he couldn’t help but be a bit petty , even if it was in his best interest to be polite to the other . ❝ to what do i owe the pleasure of this visit ? ❞ he decided to say in attempt to be as kind as possible .
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malfaiiths-blog · 5 years
What goes on behind these doors I’ll keep mine and you keep yours We all have our secrets
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malfaiiths-blog · 5 years
with one of his many hand-me-down grimoires resting on the table before him, one he was entirely focused on for the time being, lucius unknowingly sat at what seemed to have been the last tables that was practically empty, and would have been entirely unoccupied if it weren’t for him. that was good –– he liked being able to sit and read alone, without the bustle and chatting of the great hall, nor the distractions of the slytherin common room at this time of day. his drowning out of the world around him, though, was broken as soon as he heard a chair scraping against the floor far too close by, when he looked up to see exactly who it was that interrupted his focus.
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“do you mind?” he asked aloud, glaring at the other that joined him.
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malfaiiths-blog · 5 years
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knowing you’ll never have to work a day in your life, feeling most comfortable in a dim room surrounded by grimoires, slicked back hair with hair ribbons, a flawless smirk, an even more perfect sneer, a dark secret and a darker future. ┊ if you’re looking for LUCIUS MALFOY, you’ll probably find HIM in the SLYTHERIN dorm with the rest of the SEVENTH years. they’re the TWENTY year old PUREBLOOD who looks kind of like AUSTIN BUTLER. they seem CALM, CLEVER, and RESOURCEFUL to me, but apparently they’re also EGOTISTIC, ARROGANT and VINDICTIVE. maybe that’s why their patronus is FOX. 
hey gang!! i’m sam and i use she/her pronouns. my timezone is est! if you want to plot or just chat or anything feel free to hit me up on discord !! anyways lucius is my babey and im very excited to join and to play him !!
full name: Lucius Abraxas Malfoy birthday: November 14 sexuality:  Heterosexual? hahahahh.... idk gender/pronouns: cis male, he/him age: 20 house: Slytherin year: Seventh wand: His personal, childhood wand is hawthorn, 13 inches, with a unicorn tail hair. His family’s heirloom wand is 128inches, Elm, dragon heartstring, and he inherited it from his father on his 17th birthday. boggart: His father yelling at him, disappointed in him. patronus: Fox
best friend - so like lucius needs a bestie. he just does. they kinda have to be a pureblood bc lucius is a fantastic racist. also slytherin would be preferable but not necessary, ravenclaw would also work.
ex - girlfriend - ok so like idk why but i feel the need to give lucius an ex for angst reasons i guess. or maybe they still get along and things are just weird IDK LOL. anyways. have to be a pureblood. could be any house I GUESS.
rival - i need someone who lucius just .... NEEDS TO BE BETTER THAN. this boy needs some competition. is it friendly competition, or do they hate each other’s guts? let’s find out.
With slicked blonde hair, grey eyes, pale skin, chiseled cheekbones, and a prominent jaw, it's hard to mistake Lucius for anything other than a Malfoy. 
His hair goes through different styles of long, short, tied back, slicked back, as long as it never looks unruly. 
He stands at six feet tall, with a bit more leg than torso, and up straight is how he usually stands, with perfect posture that has been instilled in him since childhood. 
Though not one to show much of himself off, he does stay somewhat toned from the quidditch he plays, both at home with childhood friends and in school –– though what he pays more attention to is the creases on his eyes, from spending much more time reading.
Lucius dresses rather sharply, as he thinks anyone with his kind of funds should. 
When not in his school robes, he wears the finest linen shirts, dress pants, and dress shoes. However, due to his prefect duties, as well as a large schedule of N.E.W.T. level classes, he is more often than not in his school robes. 
He also often keeps his wand out at his side, rather than in his pocket, in order to show it off –– this is similar to how he typically wears a ring with his family’s emblem on it on his right ring finger.
There is much to say about Lucius’ egotism. There’s few who are more selfish and more proud of themselves than he is, but if you ask him, he has every reason to be. He is of the highest class, he is dedicated, he works hard, he is a top-student with some of if not the highest marks in school, and he is heir to a very important family –– he has every reason to be as egotistic as he is, as well as proud of who he is and what he has done. 
He is also very dedicated to maintaining who he is and maintaining his place as rightful heir, therefore dedicated to school, and to his family and his other responsibilities. 
The boy is also calm, dependable, and good at showing little emotion or animation. He can keep himself from letting his temper get the best of him for the most part, as well as hiding his true emotions, even if doing so may lead to being deceptive; perhaps especially if doing so results in being deceptive. 
He also has great ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties. There is not much that can get in his way that can truly interfere with his plans.
Lucius was born in the Malfoy Manor in Wiltshire, England on November 14, 1959. As the first and only son to Abraxas Malfoy, he became the heir to one of, if not the most influential and respected families in the wizarding world. 
His education began at a young age, with his parents carefully teaching him all that he needed to know before he would eventually become a student at Hogwarts. 
These lessons included languages, broom-riding, arithmetic, and etiquette.  
He also spent much time being around children, reading books, and engaging in other activities all carefully selected by Abraxas to ensure the raising of a proper heir. 
Soon enough, his education continued at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the same place his own father went. 
As a student, he carried on his family legacy by being housed with Slytherin, where numerous like-minded young idealists would also be found.
None to his nor his family’s surprise, Lucius proved to be a rather skilled wizard and a strong student. Abraxas and Pheobe were proud of the consistently high marks he had been receiving, and he was happy to have achieved what was expected of him. 
Thanks to his hard work, he was made a prefect in his fifth year, which showed the efforts he put into appearing a model student in the eyes of his teachers.
Over this past summer, Lucius has noticed a few shady figures frequenting his house and speaking to his father more and more often, and has overheard conversations of dark subject.  He would have been a fool not to suspect the upcoming war for blood purity, but he did not know that he would be so closely tied to it. 
After questioning his father, the truth of what was coming up had been unveiled to him, as well as an expectation from his father that Lucius himself enlist for the cause and become part of the Dark Lord’s inner circle. 
Now, as he is entering his seventh and final year at Hogwarts, it is truly the only place he can feel safe, as he makes the decision of what he must do next for his life.
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