malcolmgraves · 3 years
Jack ignored the glare he received from Graves, as well as the muttered insult. Was this intentional? No, not really. At least, not on Jack’s part. Slaw fought here on occasion, and Graves just happened to land on The King’s Court looking for work. Maybe it was fate or karma; the will of the Bearded Lady or even some sadistic demon that tonight’s combatants had ample reason to hate each other. Either way, it made for a more entertaining show.
“Now then, you all know the rules. No weapons, no poison, no magic. You got a bone to pick? Pick it with the other guy! Fighters, to the middle!” The crowd roared again, and Jack raised his hand while looking at both combatants. “Let tonight’s event… Begin!” Jack brought his arm down in a vertical slice, signaling that all remaining boundaries had been cut.
Slaw grinned and took up his fighting stance. He swayed back and forth, almost mockingly, his arms up in a position that would make it hard to aim for his face. Much as he wanted to beat down Graves here and now, Slaw knew well enough that his build was better for fighting defensively, forcing his opponents to attack first and break their own guard.
Graves was more determined now that he was up against someone who had it out for him, and especially when that someone used to run with that bastard on the sea.
He would come to the center rolling his shoulders and slightly bouncing both to calm nerves and get excited, almost like taking and upper and a downer. His stance was pitiful as well, unbalanced and arms at chest level. Malcolm knew very well in this ‘fair’ fight there would be ample opportunity for his shit to get rocked and he much preferred his usual setting where he could use surroundings to his advantage, or even be fortunate enough for the other to have their guard not quite up yet for a sucker punch or two. 
His eyes met Slaw’s and he spit to the side. Jack’s hand swung down. Go time.
Graves thought he might be able to catch the other off guard still, immediately rushing at the other with a jab, jab, body, hook, body, jab, bearing teeth and yelling trying to break their defense, exerting too much energy for the start of the match. Though if it worked, it might be shorter than he expected.
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malcolmgraves · 3 years
Malcolm would follow Jack towards the center before turning on heel to his own nook after noticing the megaphone. He flipped his shawl over his het and tossed it aside, along with his belt and a few other miscellaneous things he carried on his person. He’d never fought shirtless before, at least, not intentionally. In fact, his clothes protected him from scarring he might have received in those scraps, knowing all too well that in real fights it wasn’t just punches and kicks, but grapples, scratches, and any object one could find to inflict pain on the other. Maybe tonight he gets to add to the other scars he’s earned.
Now unbuttoning his shirt and listening to the accolades Jack would give him, smirking a tad. The boo’s and woo’s erupted and Graves would twirl his shirt in the air, and giving a not-so-kind gesture with his finger to the crowd, finishing his crowd arousal by chucking his shirt into a random audience members face. He wasn’t here to be a crowd pleaser.
Graves would stretch, as much as his neglected body would allow, grunting and wincing a small amount after relaxing the muscles, not paying too much attention to the other announcement, until he heard, ‘Gangplank’s crew.’ His head cocked and an eyebrow raised to a level on his forehead he’d not thought possible, wondering if he’d just been set up. He should’ve known.
“Son-of-a...” he sighed, then gave a sneer to Jack.
He shook his head, anger now setting in. Graves was a big guy, but this guy was totally out of his weight class. Didn’t seem fair, though the outlaw never fought fair. This was either good or bad karma and he wasn’t sure which.
He thanked the gods and universe quietly that he did not have to give up a stogie, closing the case and fitting it back into his pocket. Taking a large puff, he then turned to look at his escorts.
“Sweet mother of Naga-hoo-ha!” Graves would exaggerate his surprise at the creatures that came to escort him, fumbling over the leviathan god’s name, “Oh sweet sea creatures I forgot about those fuckin’ things.”
After that he wouldn’t fuss much on the way out. All he could do now was wait. Drink, smoke, and wait. And so he did until his belly was full and his pockets ran dry. Now he definitely needed the money.
… … …
The crowd was rowdy as could be, shouting with crumpled dollars in their hands as the two in the ring clobbered one another. Graves was weaving his way through the people on his way to Jack. He took short looks at the fights in the ring, scoping the competition and what was allowed. Malcolm could fight but not like a professional, opting in for kicks to shins, knees to groins, heads to noses, that kind of stuff.
“Hope I’m not late.” He was and he knew that, “Who’s the unlucky bastard whose keel needs haulin’?”
The night was finally upon them, and the crowd that had gathered was nothing to scoff at. jack chuckled to himself as he knew there were plenty of people in these stands hoping to see Malcolm Graves beat senseless, or worse. For Jack’s part, he was hoping for the opposite. Nothing like a good upset to keep the crowd coming back for more.
“Confident. I like that. As for your opponent, just stick around and find out. Oh, and I trust you don’t mind goin’ bare-chested. Gotta make sure you’re not hidin’ anything that’ll give you an edge, ey?” Jack gave another toothy grin before he made his way to the center of the ship, megaphone in hand. “Ladies, gentleman, and scum of the sea alike! Welcome aboard The King’s Court! We have a special match for you tonight: two of Bilgewater’s most infamous names going head-to-head under the light of the full moon!”
The crowd roared again, and Jack waited a moment before announcing the first combatant. “In this corner, a man who flirts with death more than any lady! He’s survived prison, sea monsters, and even the wrath of Gangplank himself! I give you: Malcom Graves!” Jack turned his attention toward the outlaw, making it obvious that was his cue to climb in the ring. Graves would be met with a mix of cheers and boos, but the latter was definitely more prominent.
Jack raised a hand for silence, then turned his head. “And in the other corner, as fate would have it: a man all-too-eager for revenge!  Once a lowly grunt in Gangplank’s crew, he’s made himself a name as the Butcher of the Jagged Hooks! Give it up for Slaw Manlek!” As Jack spoke, a rotund man with serpent tattoos climbed into the other corner of the ring, snarling at Graves.
“Gonna enjoy beatin’ you senseless, Graves. This one’s for the cap’n.”
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malcolmgraves · 3 years
Ah, another successful bargain. Of course, Jack would keep an eye on Graves, knowing full-well the marksman’s reputation. Frankly, a part of him still doubted that this wasn’t some kind of trick. Could be that card mage was spying on them with his magic or some such… But for now, Jack would keep his reservations tucked away and go along with the deal until or unless signs of funny business emerged.
Jack shook the other man’s hand firmly, but declined the smoke. “I’ll pass. Takes a special kind for me to get my fix.” Specifically, a kind designed just for Jack so that his teeth didn’t just bite through the cigar. “First match is this comin’ full moon, three nights from now. Try not to be late, unless ya wanna get the crowd extra riled up.”
With that, Jack stood up from his throne, cane in hand, and tapped it to the floor twice. Two smaller shark-like creatures emerged from the shadow. “See the good man out.” Graves probably didn’t need an escort off the ship, but it was common courtesy.. It was also insurance that Graves didn’t try to swipe anything on his way out.
He thanked the gods and universe quietly that he did not have to give up a stogie, closing the case and fitting it back into his pocket. Taking a large puff, he then turned to look at his escorts.
“Sweet mother of Naga-hoo-ha!” Graves would exaggerate his surprise at the creatures that came to escort him, fumbling over the leviathan god’s name, “Oh sweet sea creatures I forgot about those fuckin’ things.”
After that he wouldn’t fuss much on the way out. All he could do now was wait. Drink, smoke, and wait. And so he did until his belly was full and his pockets ran dry. Now he definitely needed the money.
... ... ...
The crowd was rowdy as could be, shouting with crumpled dollars in their hands as the two in the ring clobbered one another. Graves was weaving his way through the people on his way to Jack. He took short looks at the fights in the ring, scoping the competition and what was allowed. Malcolm could fight but not like a professional, opting in for kicks to shins, knees to groins, heads to noses, that kind of stuff.
“Hope I’m not late.” He was and he knew that, “Who’s the unlucky bastard whose keel needs haulin’?”
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malcolmgraves · 3 years
Jack seemed surprised by the question, at least enough to raise an eyebrow. Not alarmed, just surprised. He hadn’t expected Graves to be smart enough to ask questions like that, since it was commonly known that a certain card mage was typically said to be the brains of the operation. Still, it was a fair inquiry, and Jack was more than happy to answer.
“All my fighters get a thirty percent cut. How much that comes down to depends on how much the audience bets.” Jack leaned back, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. “In your case, I’d say twenty to thirty grand.” It was a guess; could be more, could be less. It all depended on both the audience’s opinions of Graves as well as his performance in the ring. Jack leaned in again, reaching out his hand to Graves. “So, whaddya say? We have a deal?”
Despite what people would say about Malcolm, he was good with money. Optically it wouldn’t appear so, with all the gambling, whoring, and outrageous bar tabs he kept, but he knew where it was all going and how much he would have for this and that. He also knew when money was good: and this sounded like good money. Hard to earn and easy to spend. Just the way he liked it.
A smile crept up the corners of his mouth and his eyes squinted mischievously as he took Jack’s hand firmly and giving it a stern shake on top of it all. “Well I’d say I like that very much. You got yourself a deal, partner.”
He took his hand back and reached for the cigar case inside his shirt pocket, taking the dull silver case out and flipping it open to reveal two large stogies, a few matches, and a cigar cutter. Expertly he would cut and light one for himself, savoring puff after puff to keep a nice and even burn, letting the smoke flow gently from his mouth and curl up his face until it disappeared before getting to his eyes. He kept the case open, sort of as an invitation for Jack to ask but also keeping it closer to his chest since it was his last one and the wallet was a little dry to replenish on his favorite brand, hoping he wouldn’t ask after all.
“So when do I start?”
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malcolmgraves · 3 years
SC // @malcolmgraves​
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a salt-water laced groan bubbles within his throat. for the effort he had put in to find this man for the depths, of course he would manage to get interrupted. another’s head spared by tedious hero—faking onlookers tended to ruin plans that NEEDED to be done. stare at the one who came in between —— gun larger than his head && smoke curling above his stature, bilgewater was crawling with opportunists.
                                 ❛  ❛   i was in the middle of somethin’.   ❜  ❜
It had been a more casual day for Graves in Bilgewater. Old debts were paid off, new debts were gained, and he had gold to spend for relaxation these next few days. Oh how to spend them? With a drink, a whore, and a fight? The order didn’t matter to him, so long as he came out the other side with his whistle, willy, and knuckles wet, he’d be satisfied.
The hustle and bustle of the docks was at its usual, the traffic of merchants, dock hands, and tourists alike all trying to get to their destinations and with some luck they’d get there with all their coins too. Malcolm never worried about pickpockets, proudly brandishing his own weapon upon his shoulder for all to see. It was a conversation starter and deterrent. He also wore his signature smile that hugged onto a cigar, his first of the morning. Now he knew which vice he would seek after first: a drink.
Now knowing what to do with himself today, he pivoted towards the direction of one of his favorite bars on the lower levels. One with the strongest drinks and the meanest of people, a crowd he knew all too well. He loved to get plastered below and work his way to the finer and cleaner bars topside, usually being too drunk to be admitted or, if they somehow decided to let him in for a drink, kicked out before he finished his first drink. Things never work out the way Graves would plan.
“Watch it--” He yelled after bumping into someone, assuming it to be a pickpocket but cut himself short seeing who he had run into. After looking down it didn’t look like an ordinary someone. Shorter man, sea creature accessories, total creep but not unlike some people around these parts. He quickly changed his attitude from hostile to friendly, giving the other a raise of the eyebrows and returning that cigar wielding grin to his face after puffing a hefty amount of smoke in the air. 
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“Well slow down there, buttercup. What’s got you in such a rush?”
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malcolmgraves · 3 years
An Extremely Self-Indulgent Meme
Physical prompts based around some of my favorite tropes / physical actions in threads. Send this   + reverse   to change which muse does which action.
tw for implied violence in some
❰❰ PIN ❱❱ sender pins receiver during a fight/training
❰❰ HURT ❱❱ sender is hurt protecting receiver
❰❰ CARRY ❱❱ sender carries receiver bridal style
❰❰ LIFT ❱❱ sender carries receiver over their shoulder
❰❰ MEDIC ❱❱ sender bandages receiver’s wounds
❰❰ SUPPORT ❱❱ sender comforts receiver after a loss / traumatic event
❰❰ THREAT ❱❱ sender holds a weapon up to receiver as a threat
❰❰ SAVE ❱❱ sender saves receiver’s life
❰❰ CRY ❱❱ sender cries in front of receiver
❰❰ DANCE ❱❱ sender invites receiver to slow dance
❰❰ HAND KISS ❱❱ sender kisses receiver on the hand or wrist
❰❰ CHEEK KISS ❱❱ sender kisses receiver on the cheek
❰❰ HEAD KISS ❱❱ sender kisses receiver on the forehead
❰❰ EMBRACE ❱❱ sender embraces receiver
❰❰ HANDS ❱❱ sender’s fingers graze the receiver’s fingers
❰❰ CUDDLE ❱❱ our muses cuddle
❰❰ BED ❱❱ our muses share a bed
❰❰ BRUSH ❱❱ sender plays with / brushes receiver’s hair
❰❰ GAZE ❱❱ our muses make extended eye contact
❰❰ ALMOST ❱❱ our muses almost kiss but don’t or are interrupted before they do
❰❰ ARGUE ❱❱ sender ends an argument with receiver with a kiss
❰❰ ARM ❱❱ sender puts their arm around receiver
❰❰ PULL ❱❱ sender pulls receiver close to them
❰❰ BACK ❱❱ sender touches receiver on the back
❰❰ SHOULDER ❱❱ sender touches receiver on the shoulder
❰❰ LEAN ❱❱ sender leans against receiver
❰❰ CARESS ❱❱ sender caresses the receiver’s cheek
❰❰ HAIR ❱❱ sender pushes receiver’s hair away from their face
❰❰ TILT ❱❱ sender tilts the receiver’s chin with their hand
❰❰ CHIN ❱❱ sender tilts the receiver’s chin with their weapon
❰❰ LEG ❱❱ sender’s leg touches the receiver’s leg under the table
❰❰ FOOD ❱❱ sender feeds the receiver
❰❰ WALL ❱❱ sender pushes the receiver against a wall
❰❰ FREE ❱❱ sender frees the receiver from restraints
❰❰ TACKLE ❱❱ sender hugs the receiver so hard they almost fall over / do fall over
❰❰ DYING ❱❱ sender finds the receiver near death
❰❰ PANIC ❱❱ sender comforts the receiver as they have a panic attack or get overstimulated
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malcolmgraves · 3 years
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malcolmgraves · 3 years
Frankly, even Jack knew it was probably a dumb question to ask. Of course the outlaw had been if a few scraps before, even if they were just bar fights. No, the real reason for asking such a question was to see HOW Graves responded. Confidently? Hesitantly? The massive double-barreled shotgun made it obvious what Graves’ weapon of choice was, but even the best marksmen had to learn that a gun was only reliable so long as you still had bullets to shoot. Well, they’d see how well Graves understood that lesson soon enough.
“Glad to hear it. As it so happens, one of my fighters went out of commission last week, and I’ve been hard-pressed to find a good replacement.” Indeed, while Jack ran a fairly powerful criminal empire, he was still most well known for the boxing matches held aboard his ship. “Now, I’m not askin’ ya to take it up as a career, but I imagine people would pay good money to see a man like you in the ring, Graves. You’d get your fair cut of the action, of course… Providin’ ya live through a couple matches.”
Jack leaned forward a little, resting his arm over one knee. “So, whaddya say? Interested?”
Graves wasn’t a stranger to fighting whether it be a random tussle he’d probably started or it was arranged with loads of money on the line. Malcolm was a betting man: to a fault. But something about this opportunity seemed quite dangerous. He wasn’t scared, at least he wouldn’t call it that, more so hesitant. He never fought clean, no one did in Bilgewater. No honor among thieves they say. 
“Well how much does it pay?” he asked as if the amount was any caveat. He was desperate for gold and Serpents, and really didn’t want to wait for Fate to come back to get another job. Always a competition between them. Then he recalled a fight club he’d been a part of when he was inside The Locker back in Zaun and for a short while after that. The two guys that ran it were slimier than hell. At least one of them was, the other seemed to be along for the ride and loved to fight. He’d made decent coin then, he expected about the same this time around too. “I’ve been paid to fight before. I ain’t trained but I can get the job done, S’long as its a fair share.”
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malcolmgraves · 3 years
door .
𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃  &  𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐅𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 - door .   hold  a  door  open  for  my  muse .
"Thank you, kindly." He nodded as if to tip his metaphorical cap to her, sending a big, charming, smile her way as well after scanning her goods. Mighty fine he thought, Mighty fine indeed.
Now on the inside of the establishment he took another moment to scope her out, noticing that she was most likely on her way out he might a small gesture towards the bar.
"You ain't leavin' are you? Let me buy you a drink for your generosity." He wiggled his eyebrows at the other as persuasively and attractively as two thick, gruff, caterpillar looking eyebrows could.
( @imithea )
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malcolmgraves · 3 years
Jack leaned back in his chair, a similar grin spreading on his own face… But with the rows of sharp teeth and bits of meat still visible, one could assume he’d been eating something else recently. “Ah, Bounty Board’s lookin’ a bit bare is it? Heard about that. The new sheriff’s been busy lately, so I hear.” Lariette Rose… A troublesome figure for sure, but also beneficial in her own ways.
“Well, if you’re lookin’ for work, you’ve come to the right place… But I’ll warn ya now, the kind of work I offer might not be what you’re used to.” Certainly, he doubted that Malcolm Graves was the sort to go fishing or scraping barnacles off the ship’s hull, even if he was desperate for money. That said, looking over the man’s physique, one idea definitely came to mind.
“Ever been in a fistfight, Graves?”
He lifted a finger near his mouth, tempted to gesture that the other had food in their teeth but he quickly disregarded the idea, awkwardly opting to scratch his own beard instead. It totally wasn’t obvious at all.
Thankfully his beard stroking would come in handy as he would now look to ponder the topics at hand, shaking his head at the mention of that damned bitch of a sheriff, then shaking his head in a different manner at the idea of work he probably wasn’t used to. He’d done a lot of odd jobs under the sun, no doubt it could be something he had done at least. Maybe not used to doing for sure, but the likelihood of a job being offered being similar to what his resume of work looked like, chances were pretty high.
Unless it was a desk job. That would be a hell no.
Then that last question hit his ear drums and tickled him. A quick huff, much like a laugh but also like a scoff produced itself. Then two more as his hand took one final stroke of his bristles before falling down by his side and his head shaking once more in another fashion.
“Is that even a question?” Of course it was a question, he just couldn’t believe he would be asked something so damned foolish. Did this guy only know him from  the posters? Surely he would know a man of Graves stature was a rough and tumble type. A true ruffian and strong arm. As burly as he was, Graves that it was obvious that assumption would be the first thing made about him. It almost made him laugh, especially considering the bar fight he started just the night previous. His head now cocked and tilted back, “I’ve been in a few scraps.” 
It was a statement that almost sounded like a question. Stating a fact while also curious to where he was going with his question.
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malcolmgraves · 3 years
Lips had pulled back into a sneer, the kingpin slowly getting back to keeping his cool as Graves threatened him. Eyes were rather wide, but he spoke through the uncomfortable pain that was being sent his way. “Kill me and you get nothing but bad times coming your way.” He hissed. “Including not getting paid at all. You think killing the man who writes all the checks is the ideal way to get anything? Don’t be an idiot.”
Hands moved upwards in a defensive measure and Silco gave a huff in response. “Let me down and we can discuss this in means that might get through that thick skull of yours–like said paycheck.”
The fire in his soul and the rage in his eyes dissipated gradually and shifted into a slight smile, which veiled a face of dissatisfaction and unbridled fury. He chuckled, almost embarrassed, almost, and softened his grip, then made gentle pats and swipes of his almost ex-employer’s clothes.
“Now you’re talking my language, partner. That’s all I wanted. I can be reasonable.” His arm was now over the shoulders of the other and shook him a little, as if to nonverbally communicate they were all clear of the violence while also subtly reminding them that he could and would take him down given the opportunity, whether he walked out alive or not.
Graves would guide him back to his seat, wiping it off for him further playing up his current kiss-ass attitude. He returned to the other side of the desk now, almost like a reset of time.  A do-over. At least that is what Malcolm would hope for now.
“I’d like my money, please.” A shit eating grin plastered upon his face. What a douche.
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malcolmgraves · 3 years
I put some replies in my queue for tomorra. Feel free to hit me up for plots, asks, or whatever the hell you want. I’m pretty chill and open.
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malcolmgraves · 3 years
𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃  &  𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐅𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄    (a  series  of  nonverbal  prompts .   mature  themes  present ,   ‘ my ’  muse  belongs  to  the  one who  posted  the  meme  -  send   “ + REVERSE ”   to  reverse  the  prompts .)
→     𝐈 .    GENERAL
❛   hush .   raise  a  finger  in  a  gesture  to  silence  my  muse . ❛   sit .   gesture  for  my  muse  to  sit  down . ❛   door .   hold  a  door  open  for  my  muse . ❛   tap .   tap  my  muse  on  the  shoulder  to  garner  their  attention . ❛   hunger .   give  my  muse  something  to  eat  /  drink . ❛   cook .   present  my  muse  with  home - cooked  food . ❛   brush .   work  a  brush  /  comb  through  my  muse’s  hair . ❛   read .   silently  read  a  book  alongside  my  muse . ❛   hand .   hold  out  a  hand  for  my  muse  to  take . ❛   dressed .   help  my  muse  put  on  an  article  of  clothing . ❛   note .   give  my  muse  a  note  saying :   [ content ] . ❛   amplify .   turn  up  the  music  in  the  car .
→     𝐈𝐈 .    ANGST
❛   patch .   help  my  muse  patch  up  a  wound . ❛   night terrors .   hold  my  muse  after  they  wake  up  from  a  nightmare . ❛   company .   silently  sit  with  my  muse  to  comfort  them. ❛   hospital .   my  muse  is  told  that  yours  is  in  the  hospital . ❛   revelation .   show  my  muse  evidence  of  a  lie  they  told . ❛   indulge .   find  my  muse  drinking  to  cope . ❛   downfall .   find  my  muse  collapsed  on  the  ground . ❛   console .   comfort  my  muse  as  they  cry . ❛   nurse .   give  my  muse  company  in  the  hospital .
❛   wink .   wink  at  my  muse .  ❛   wrap .   wrap  an  arm  around  my  muse’s  [ shoulders  /  waist ] . ❛   caress .   gently  caress  my  muse’s  face . ❛   tousle .   mess  playfully  with  my  muse’s  hair . ❛   chest .   place  your  head  on  my  muse’s  chest .    ❛   comb .   comb  fingers  through  my  muse’s  hair . ❛   grasp .   run  to  my  muse  &  jump  into  their  arms . ❛   lean .   lean  on  my  muse’s  shoulder . ❛   tender .   kiss  my  muse  on  the  [ forehead  /  cheek  /  nose ] . ❛   abrupt .   kiss  my  muse  out  of  the  blue . ❛   chaste .   chastely  kiss  my  muse . ❛   good morning .   kiss  my  muse  the  morning  after . ❛   volumes .   gaze  at  my  muse  in  a  way  that  silently  says  ‘i love you’ .
→     𝐈𝐈𝐈 .    VIOLENT
❛   strike .   [ slap / punch ]  my muse in the face . ❛   gun .   wield  a  gun  at  my  muse . ❛   twist .   twist  my  muse’s  arm  behind  their  back . ❛   throttle .   aggressively  wrap  your  hands  around  my  muse’s  throat . ❛   parch .   burn  my  muse  with  a  hot  object . ❛   take down .   forcefully  bring  my  muse  to  the  ground . ❛   gouge .   wield  a  sharp  object  at  my  muse . ❛  shunt .   shove  my  muse  backwards . ❛  stickup .   yell  at  my  muse  to  put  their  hands  in  the  air. ❛  shoot .   [ fatally  /  non-fatally ]   shoot  my  muse . ❛  stab .   stab  my  muse with a  [ knife / other object ].
→     𝐈𝐕 .    NSFW
❛   surprise .   send  an  unexpected  nsfw  image  to  my  muse . ❛   pin .   push  my  muse  against  a  [ wall,  table,  other ] . ❛   go down .   go  down  on  my  muse . ❛   choke .   intimately  wrap  your  hands  around  my  muse’s  throat . ❛   belt loops .   pull  my  muse  closer  by  their  belt loops . ❛   skinny dipping .   go  skinny  dipping  with  my  muse . ❛   rip .   tear  a  piece  of  clothing  from  my  muse’s  body . ❛   mark .   leave  a  mark  on  my  muse’s  body  [ specify where ] .
19K notes · View notes
malcolmgraves · 3 years
A lack of understanding or communication led to this strange reaction, he assumed or hoped. More likely like everyone he has met from Bilgewater graves was drunk or just stupid. He dismissively waved his hand. "No Tobias Fate the Card Magician does not join me today and I had no knowledge of you being cut, in fact I barely know much about you two's history besides there being some sort of fall out."
"Information in Zaun is widespread but you two had not piqued my interest enough to warrant more digging until recently."
“AND I’D KICK HIS ASS TOO!” he hollered out, as if Tobias was even in an earshot to hear the threat. He hiccuped as well and started to feel off balance. The jello legs only lasted for a moment, then he regained his composure, or as much as any drunkard could have.
“Not interestin’ am I?” he misunderstood yet another sentence. Whether is was inebriation or his own stupidity was hard to tell. 
Not piqued interest? That felt like an insult. He and Fate broke into the unbreakable vault in Piltover! If that didn’t pique interest what would? He wanted to yell that but what came out was, “I was in Piltover... a bank... I was in it! How’s that?”
He laughed. Then he laughed more. Then he laughed even harder, except now he was just laughing because he was laughing. The range of emotions that he was experiencing most likely meant he wouldn’t remember any of this the next day... Hopefully
(Contd. from.)
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malcolmgraves · 3 years
The outlaw shook his head while laughing all charming-like with that signature shit eating grin he was also well known for, resting the twin barrels on his shoulder.
“And you definitely ain’t what I expected you’d look like.” He held back the urge to tell him how he really felt about that mug of his, “Mighty fine ship you got here. Reminds me of the one I first worked on.”
Flattery at its best, a la Malcolm. Or so he thought. 
“I came lookin’ for some work. Job market is dry. Need some gold. You know how that is.”
Jack the Winner was used to getting visitors. Pirates, thieves, smugglers, all sorts really. He may not rule Bilgewater like Sarah Fortune did nowadays, but Jack knew how to get things done, for a price. Oh yes, he was used to getting all sorts, but the man stepping into his little ‘throne room’ this evening was one of the last people Jack ever expected to see standing before him. “Well well, Malcolm Graves. Your wanted posters don’t do ya justice.” He leaned forward slightly. “So, what brings ya to me this lovely evening, eh?”
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malcolmgraves · 3 years
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Daily Bust Day 23 - Ahri
I tried holding my pencil differently while drawing this, and…  it didn’t work out.  It might have if I drew it bigger, though.
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malcolmgraves · 3 years
He'd been watching from afar in a way he would defend as 'not creepy' but it most certainly was that. Much of his charm he'd assume he had was what he could piece together or imagine that he said to a bar maiden or prostitute and claimed that was the reason he got any and not that he never spent his silver serpents wisely. She had been sitting there for a while now, he wasn't sure how long, but long enough that he or anyone could assume the worst had happened: Stood up.
He tried his best to saunter over to the table, appearing more like a new born doe finally getting a hold of this walking thing but still struggling to make it look effortless. He pretended that he was going to walk past the table but hooked the chair opposite to her at the last moment, whipping around and plopping down.
"Well hello Miss Lad--" He was stunned by her looks but not in the way you would as if you were mesmerized but if you were surprised. This bitch She was a robot. "Ee." he finished the word awkwardly and coughed on. "My bad, I sat down wrong." He readjusted his position to make the lie seem real.
How would he get himself out of this one? He wasn't one to feel ashamed for his actions but right now was definitely top five on the list for embarrassing moments for him.
"So they ain't comin'?" He asked just to be polite and keep the ruse up for a minute longer but also to take some time to check her out. Damn did she really have the curvature of a woman. Who knows what kind of things go on in Piltover? Maybe he'd get to find out.
( @amechanicalgirl )
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